74 research outputs found


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    Human face recognition is an important area in the field of biometrics. It has been an active area of research for several decades, but still remains a challenging problem because of the complexity of the human face. In this thesis we describe fully automatic solutions that can locate faces and then perform identification and verification. We present a solution for face localisation using eye locations. We derive an efficient representation for the decision hyperplane of linear and nonlinear Support Vector Machines (SVMs). For this we introduce the novel concept of ρ\rho and η\eta prototypes. The standard formulation for the decision hyperplane is reformulated and expressed in terms of the two prototypes. Different kernels are treated separately to achieve further classification efficiency and to facilitate its adaptation to operate with the fast Fourier transform to achieve fast eye detection. Using the eye locations, we extract and normalise the face for size and in-plane rotations. Our method produces a more efficient representation of the SVM decision hyperplane than the well-known reduced set methods. As a result, our eye detection subsystem is faster and more accurate. The use of fractals and fractal image coding for object recognition has been proposed and used by others. Fractal codes have been used as features for recognition, but we need to take into account the distance between codes, and to ensure the continuity of the parameters of the code. We use a method based on fractal image coding for recognition, which we call the Fractal Neighbour Distance (FND). The FND relies on the Euclidean metric and the uniqueness of the attractor of a fractal code. An advantage of using the FND over fractal codes as features is that we do not have to worry about the uniqueness of, and distance between, codes. We only require the uniqueness of the attractor, which is already an implied property of a properly generated fractal code. Similar methods to the FND have been proposed by others, but what distinguishes our work from the rest is that we investigate the FND in greater detail and use our findings to improve the recognition rate. Our investigations reveal that the FND has some inherent invariance to translation, scale, rotation and changes to illumination. These invariances are image dependent and are affected by fractal encoding parameters. The parameters that have the greatest effect on recognition accuracy are the contrast scaling factor, luminance shift factor and the type of range block partitioning. The contrast scaling factor affect the convergence and eventual convergence rate of a fractal decoding process. We propose a novel method of controlling the convergence rate by altering the contrast scaling factor in a controlled manner, which has not been possible before. This helped us improve the recognition rate because under certain conditions better results are achievable from using a slower rate of convergence. We also investigate the effects of varying the luminance shift factor, and examine three different types of range block partitioning schemes. They are Quad-tree, HV and uniform partitioning. We performed experiments using various face datasets, and the results show that our method indeed performs better than many accepted methods such as eigenfaces. The experiments also show that the FND based classifier increases the separation between classes. The standard FND is further improved by incorporating the use of localised weights. A local search algorithm is introduced to find a best matching local feature using this locally weighted FND. The scores from a set of these locally weighted FND operations are then combined to obtain a global score, which is used as a measure of the similarity between two face images. Each local FND operation possesses the distortion invariant properties described above. Combined with the search procedure, the method has the potential to be invariant to a larger class of non-linear distortions. We also present a set of locally weighted FNDs that concentrate around the upper part of the face encompassing the eyes and nose. This design was motivated by the fact that the region around the eyes has more information for discrimination. Better performance is achieved by using different sets of weights for identification and verification. For facial verification, performance is further improved by using normalised scores and client specific thresholding. In this case, our results are competitive with current state-of-the-art methods, and in some cases outperform all those to which they were compared. For facial identification, under some conditions the weighted FND performs better than the standard FND. However, the weighted FND still has its short comings when some datasets are used, where its performance is not much better than the standard FND. To alleviate this problem we introduce a voting scheme that operates with normalised versions of the weighted FND. Although there are no improvements at lower matching ranks using this method, there are significant improvements for larger matching ranks. Our methods offer advantages over some well-accepted approaches such as eigenfaces, neural networks and those that use statistical learning theory. Some of the advantages are: new faces can be enrolled without re-training involving the whole database; faces can be removed from the database without the need for re-training; there are inherent invariances to face distortions; it is relatively simple to implement; and it is not model-based so there are no model parameters that need to be tweaked

    Linear Regression and Unsupervised Learning For Tracking and Embodied Robot Control.

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    Computer vision problems, such as tracking and robot navigation, tend to be solved using models of the objects of interest to the problem. These models are often either hard-coded, or learned in a supervised manner. In either case, an engineer is required to identify the visual information that is important to the task, which is both time consuming and problematic. Issues with these engineered systems relate to the ungrounded nature of the knowledge imparted by the engineer, where the systems have no meaning attached to the representations. This leads to systems that are brittle and are prone to failure when expected to act in environments not envisaged by the engineer. The work presented in this thesis removes the need for hard-coded or engineered models of either visual information representations or behaviour. This is achieved by developing novel approaches for learning from example, in both input (percept) and output (action) spaces. This approach leads to the development of novel feature tracking algorithms, and methods for robot control. Applying this approach to feature tracking, unsupervised learning is employed, in real time, to build appearance models of the target that represent the input space structure, and this structure is exploited to partition banks of computationally efficient, linear regression based target displacement estimators. This thesis presents the first application of regression based methods to the problem of simultaneously modeling and tracking a target object. The computationally efficient Linear Predictor (LP) tracker is investigated, along with methods for combining and weighting flocks of LP’s. The tracking algorithms developed operate with accuracy comparable to other state of the art online approaches and with a significant gain in computational efficiency. This is achieved as a result of two specific contributions. First, novel online approaches for the unsupervised learning of modes of target appearance that identify aspects of the target are introduced. Second, a general tracking framework is developed within which the identified aspects of the target are adaptively associated to subsets of a bank of LP trackers. This results in the partitioning of LP’s and the online creation of aspect specific LP flocks that facilitate tracking through significant appearance changes. Applying the approach to the percept action domain, unsupervised learning is employed to discover the structure of the action space, and this structure is used in the formation of meaningful perceptual categories, and to facilitate the use of localised input-output (percept-action) mappings. This approach provides a realisation of an embodied and embedded agent that organises its perceptual space and hence its cognitive process based on interactions with its environment. Central to the proposed approach is the technique of clustering an input-output exemplar set, based on output similarity, and using the resultant input exemplar groupings to characterise a perceptual category. All input exemplars that are coupled to a certain class of outputs form a category - the category of a given affordance, action or function. In this sense the formed perceptual categories have meaning and are grounded in the embodiment of the agent. The approach is shown to identify the relative importance of perceptual features and is able to solve percept-action tasks, defined only by demonstration, in previously unseen situations. Within this percept-action learning framework, two alternative approaches are developed. The first approach employs hierarchical output space clustering of point-to-point mappings, to achieve search efficiency and input and output space generalisation as well as a mechanism for identifying the important variance and invariance in the input space. The exemplar hierarchy provides, in a single structure, a mechanism for classifying previously unseen inputs and generating appropriate outputs. The second approach to a percept-action learning framework integrates the regression mappings used in the feature tracking domain, with the action space clustering and imitation learning techniques developed in the percept-action domain. These components are utilised within a novel percept-action data mining methodology, that is able to discover the visual entities that are important to a specific problem, and to map from these entities onto the action space. Applied to the robot control task, this approach allows for real-time generation of continuous action signals, without the use of any supervision or definition of representations or rules of behaviour

    PrologPF: Parallel Logic and Functions on the Delphi Machine

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    PrologPF is a parallelising compiler targeting a distributed system of general purpose workstations connected by a relatively low performance network. The source language extends standard Prolog with the integration of higher-order functions. The execution of a compiled PrologPF program proceeds in a similar manner to standard Prolog, but uses oracles in one of two modes. An oracle represents the sequence of clauses used to reach a given point in the problem search tree, and the same PrologPF executable can be used to build oracles, or follow oracles previously generated. The parallelisation strategy used by PrologPF proceeds in two phases, which this research shows can be interleaved. An initial phase searches the problem tree to a limited depth, recording the discovered incomplete paths. In the second phase these paths are allocated to the available processors in the network. Each processor follows its assigned paths and fully searches the referenced subtree, sending solutions back to a control processor. This research investigates the use of the technique with a one-time partitioning of the problem and no further scheduling communication, and with the recursive application of the partitioning technique to effect dynamic work reassignment. For a problem requiring all solutions to be found, execution completes when all the distributed processors have completed the search of their assigned subtrees. If one solution is required, the execution of all the path processors is terminated when the control processor receives the first solution. The presence of the extra-logical Prolog predicate cut in the user program conflicts with the use of oracles to represent valid open subtrees. PrologPF promotes the use of higher-order functional programming as an alternative to the use of cut. The combined language shows that functional support can be added as a consistent extension to standard Prolog

    Towards Next Generation Sequential and Parallel SAT Solvers

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    This thesis focuses on improving the SAT solving technology. The improvements focus on two major subjects: sequential SAT solving and parallel SAT solving. To better understand sequential SAT algorithms, the abstract reduction system Generic CDCL is introduced. With Generic CDCL, the soundness of solving techniques can be modeled. Next, the conflict driven clause learning algorithm is extended with the three techniques local look-ahead, local probing and all UIP learning that allow more global reasoning during search. These techniques improve the performance of the sequential SAT solver Riss. Then, the formula simplification techniques bounded variable addition, covered literal elimination and an advanced cardinality constraint extraction are introduced. By using these techniques, the reasoning of the overall SAT solving tool chain becomes stronger than plain resolution. When using these three techniques in the formula simplification tool Coprocessor before using Riss to solve a formula, the performance can be improved further. Due to the increasing number of cores in CPUs, the scalable parallel SAT solving approach iterative partitioning has been implemented in Pcasso for the multi-core architecture. Related work on parallel SAT solving has been studied to extract main ideas that can improve Pcasso. Besides parallel formula simplification with bounded variable elimination, the major extension is the extended clause sharing level based clause tagging, which builds the basis for conflict driven node killing. The latter allows to better identify unsatisfiable search space partitions. Another improvement is to combine scattering and look-ahead as a superior search space partitioning function. In combination with Coprocessor, the introduced extensions increase the performance of the parallel solver Pcasso. The implemented system turns out to be scalable for the multi-core architecture. Hence iterative partitioning is interesting for future parallel SAT solvers. The implemented solvers participated in international SAT competitions. In 2013 and 2014 Pcasso showed a good performance. Riss in combination with Copro- cessor won several first, second and third prices, including two Kurt-Gödel-Medals. Hence, the introduced algorithms improved modern SAT solving technology

    The art of BART: On flexibility of Bayesian forests

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    Considerable effort has been directed to developing asymptotically minimax procedures in problems of recovering functions and densities. These methods often rely on somewhat arbitrary and restrictive assumptions such as isotropy or spatial homogeneity. This work enhances theoretical understanding of Bayesian forests (including BART) under substantially relaxed smoothness assumptions. In particular, we provide a comprehensive study of asymptotic optimality and posterior contraction of Bayesian forests when the regression function has anisotropic smoothness that possibly varies over the function domain. We introduce a new class of sparse piecewise heterogeneous anisotropic H\"{o}lder functions and derive their minimax rate of estimation in high-dimensional scenarios under the L2L_2 loss. Next, we find that the default Bayesian CART prior, coupled with a subset selection prior for sparse estimation in high-dimensional scenarios, adapts to unknown heterogeneous smoothness and sparsity. These results show that Bayesian forests are uniquely suited for more general estimation problems which would render other default machine learning tools, such as Gaussian processes, suboptimal. Beyond nonparametric regression, we also show that Bayesian forests can be successfully applied to many other problems including density estimation and binary classification

    Bayesian nonparametric clusterings in relational and high-dimensional settings with applications in bioinformatics.

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    Recent advances in high throughput methodologies offer researchers the ability to understand complex systems via high dimensional and multi-relational data. One example is the realm of molecular biology where disparate data (such as gene sequence, gene expression, and interaction information) are available for various snapshots of biological systems. This type of high dimensional and multirelational data allows for unprecedented detailed analysis, but also presents challenges in accounting for all the variability. High dimensional data often has a multitude of underlying relationships, each represented by a separate clustering structure, where the number of structures is typically unknown a priori. To address the challenges faced by traditional clustering methods on high dimensional and multirelational data, we developed three feature selection and cross-clustering methods: 1) infinite relational model with feature selection (FIRM) which incorporates the rich information of multirelational data; 2) Bayesian Hierarchical Cross-Clustering (BHCC), a deterministic approximation to Cross Dirichlet Process mixture (CDPM) and to cross-clustering; and 3) randomized approximation (RBHCC), based on a truncated hierarchy. An extension of BHCC, Bayesian Congruence Measuring (BCM), is proposed to measure incongruence between genes and to identify sets of congruent loci with identical evolutionary histories. We adapt our BHCC algorithm to the inference of BCM, where the intended structure of each view (congruent loci) represents consistent evolutionary processes. We consider an application of FIRM on categorizing mRNA and microRNA. The model uses latent structures to encode the expression pattern and the gene ontology annotations. We also apply FIRM to recover the categories of ligands and proteins, and to predict unknown drug-target interactions, where latent categorization structure encodes drug-target interaction, chemical compound similarity, and amino acid sequence similarity. BHCC and RBHCC are shown to have improved predictive performance (both in terms of cluster membership and missing value prediction) compared to traditional clustering methods. Our results suggest that these novel approaches to integrating multi-relational information have a promising future in the biological sciences where incorporating data related to varying features is often regarded as a daunting task

    Conceptual modeling of multimedia databases

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    The gap between the semantic content of multimedia data and its underlying physical representation is one of the main problems in the modern multimedia research in general, and, in particular, in the field of multimedia database modeling. We believe that one of the principal reasons of this problem is the attempt to conceptually represent multimedia data in a way, which is similar to its low-level representation by applications dealing with encoding standards, feature-based multimedia analysis, etc. In our opinion, such conceptual representation of multimedia contributes to the semantic gap by separating the representation of multimedia information from the representation of the universe of discourse of an application, to which the multimedia information pertains. In this research work we address the problem of conceptual modeling of multimedia data in a way to deal with the above-mentioned limitations. First, we introduce two different paradigms of conceptual understanding of the essence of multimedia data, namely: multimedia as data and multimedia as metadata. The multimedia as data paradigm, which views multimedia data as the subject of modeling in its own right, is inherent to so-called multimedia-centric applications, where multimedia information itself represents the main part of the universe of discourse. The examples of such kind of applications are digital photo collections or digital movie archives. On the other hand, the multimedia as metadata paradigm, which is inherent to so-called multimedia-enhanced applications, views multimedia data as just another (optional) source of information about whatever universe of discourse that the application pertains to. An example of a multimedia-enhanced application is a human-resource database augmented with employee photos. Here the universe of discourse is the totality of company employees, while their photos simply represent an additional (possibly optional) kind of information describing the universe of discourse. The multimedia conceptual modeling approach that we present in this work allows addressing multimedia-centric applications, as well as, in particular, multimedia-enhanced applications. The model that we propose builds upon MADS (Modeling Application Data with Spatio-temporal features), which is a rich conceptual model defined in our laboratory, and which is, in particular, characterized by structural completeness, spatio-temporal modeling capabilities, and multirepresentation support. The proposed multimedia model is provided in the form of a new modeling dimension of MADS, whose orthogonality principle allows to integrate the new multimedia modeling dimension with already existing modeling features of MADS. The following multimedia modeling constructs are provided: multimedia datatypes, simple and complex representational constraints (relationships), a multimedia partitioning mechanism, and multimedia multirepresentation features. Following the description of our conceptual multimedia modeling approach based on MADS, we present the peculiarities of logical multimedia modeling and of conceptual-to-logical inter-layer transformations. We provide a set of mapping guidelines intended to help the schema designer in coming up with rich logical multimedia document representations of the application domain, which conform with the conceptual multimedia schema. The practical interest of our research is illustrated by a mock-up application, which has been developed to support the theoretical ideas described in this work. In particular, we show how the abstract conceptual set-based representations of multimedia data elements, as well as simple and complex multimedia representational relationships can be implemented using Oracle DBMS
