54 research outputs found

    Real-time resource availability signaling in IP multimedia subsystem networks

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    IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) allows the use of unlicensed, non-dedicated and nondeterministic access networks for delivering IP multimedia services. Providing end-to-end Quality-of-Service (QoS) for resource demanding real-time services (e.g. real-time multimedia) over such networks is a challenging task due to varying resource availability of the network and the end-devicei during a single sessionii. A common solution to this problem is adapting service quality and type according to availability of system resources, which requires end-to-end monitoring and signaling of resource availability during a single session. This paper presents an extension of the IMS architecture for real-time resource availability monitoring and signaling. The novelty of the proposed extension is twofold. It takes into account uncontrolled access networks with no resource reservation on the one hand, and end devices on the other. Two system architecture components are introduced for monitoring and signaling of the real-time resource availability in both networks (e.g. bandwidth, buffer space), and end-devices (e.g. battery, CPU, memory, storage), namely a Resource Manager (RM) and a Resource Availability Server (RAS). Our solution does not require any modifications of the IMS architecture and can be implemented as a plug-in

    Multimedia streaming adaptation IMS-networks

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    Introduction Multimedia services such as video, gaming and music marked the close of the last century and have become inextricably linked with our lives in the current century. The success and popularity of these services was fuelled by the explosive expansion of the Internet and the furious penetration of broadband networks. In particular, the use of multimedia streaming services on portable devices has been popular whenever both the content and the perceived delivery quality have met the expectations of end users. This chapter of the book does not address content aspects of multimedia streaming services. Such matters are left to media gurus and other researchers. Rather, this chapter focuses on the delivery quality of multimedia streaming services. Particular attention is paid to quality adaptation techniques intended to improve end users' experience of such services. Our scope includes heterogeneous networks and devices. The solutions presented are applicable to the telecommunications industry

    Real-time resource availability signaling in IP multimedia subsystem networks

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    ABSTRACT IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS

    Service composition based on SIP peer-to-peer networks

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    Today the telecommunication market is faced with the situation that customers are requesting for new telecommunication services, especially value added services. The concept of Next Generation Networks (NGN) seems to be a solution for this, so this concept finds its way into the telecommunication area. These customer expectations have emerged in the context of NGN and the associated migration of the telecommunication networks from traditional circuit-switched towards packet-switched networks. One fundamental aspect of the NGN concept is to outsource the intelligence of services from the switching plane onto separated Service Delivery Platforms using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) to provide the required signalling functionality. Caused by this migration process towards NGN SIP has appeared as the major signalling protocol for IP (Internet Protocol) based NGN. This will lead in contrast to ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and IN (Intelligent Network) to significantly lower dependences among the network and services and enables to implement new services much easier and faster. In addition, further concepts from the IT (Information Technology) namely SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) have largely influenced the telecommunication sector forced by amalgamation of IT and telecommunications. The benefit of applying SOA in telecommunication services is the acceleration of service creation and delivery. Main features of the SOA are that services are reusable, discoverable combinable and independently accessible from any location. Integration of those features offers a broader flexibility and efficiency for varying demands on services. This thesis proposes a novel framework for service provisioning and composition in SIP-based peer-to-peer networks applying the principles of SOA. One key contribution of the framework is the approach to enable the provisioning and composition of services which is performed by applying SIP. Based on this, the framework provides a flexible and fast way to request the creation for composite services. Furthermore the framework enables to request and combine multimodal value-added services, which means that they are no longer limited regarding media types such as audio, video and text. The proposed framework has been validated by a prototype implementation

    PariPari-Voip: implementazione protocollo SDP

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    Relazione che tratta la costruzione e l'implementazione di una libreria SDP, a partire da una libreria pre-esistente, all'interno del modulo VoIP di una rete peer-to-pee

    Desarrollo de un servicio de televisiĂłn IP basado en SIP y tecnologĂ­as de entrega multicast

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    En la actualidad, el desarrollo continuo de Internet ha permitido la aparición en el mercado de una gran diversidad de servicios multimedia, disponibles para los usuarios a través de la red. Entre los principales catalizadores que han propiciado el éxito de estos servicios destacan: el acceso ubico que ofrece Internet, que posibilita el acceso a estos servicios prácticamente en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar; el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de acceso de banda ancha, que permiten la entrega de dichos servicios con ciertas garantías de calidad; y la aparición de nuevos equipos de comunicaciones y de terminales de usuario avanzados, que posibilitan la entrega y reproducción del contenido multimedia por parte del usuario. A modo de ejemplo, entre los servicios multimedia que actualmente cuentan con una gran aceptación por parte del mercado, podemos citar los servicios de voz sobre IP (VoIP), video-conferencia, vídeo bajo demanda (video on demand- VoD) o televisión IP (IPTV). En este contexto, el objetivo principal de este TFG es implementar un servicio de televisión IP, basado en las especificaciones del grupo de trabajo TISPAN [TIS] de ETSI. Dicho servicio soportará el acceso y distribución del vídeo correspondiente a un conjunto de canales de televisión a un número potencialmente elevado de usuarios. La implementación hará uso de protocolos estándares de Internet, que tradicionalmente han sido desarrollados por el IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). Entre los protocolos utilizados, el protocolo SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) soportará las funcionalidades de control necesarias para proporcionar acceso al usuario al conjunto de canales de televisión, mediante el establecimiento y terminación de sesiones multimedia.. Por otro lado, la entrega de la información del vídeo correspondiente a los distintos canales se basará en tecnologías de entrega multicast. Las operaciones de cambio de canal se implementarán mediante el protocolo IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol).Currently, the continuous development of the Internet has allowed the appearance on the market a wide range of multimedia services, available to users through the network. Among the main catalysts that have led to the success of these services include: the I locate Internet access, allowing access to these services virtually anytime and anywhere provided; the development of new technologies for broadband access, enabling the delivery of such services with certain quality assurance; and the emergence of new communications equipment and advanced user terminals that enable the delivery and playback of multimedia content by the user. For example, between multimedia services currently have a great acceptance by the market; we can cite the voice over IP (VoIP), video conferencing, video on demand (video on demand- VoD) and IPTV (IPTV). In this context, the main objective of the TFG is to implement an IP TV service, based on the specifications of the working group TISPAN ETSI. This service will support the access and distribution corresponding to a television set to a potentially large number of users video. The implementation will use standard Internet protocols, which have traditionally been developed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). Among the protocols used, SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) bear the necessary control functions to provide user access to all television channels, by establishing and terminating multimedia sessions .. On the other hand, delivering information corresponding to different video channels will be based on multicast delivery technologies. Forex trading channel is implemented by IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol).Ingeniería de Sistemas Audiovisuale

    Large scale interoperability in the context of Future Internet

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    La croissance de l Internet en tant que plateforme d approvisionnement à grande échelled approvisionnement de contenus multimédia a été une grande success story du 21e siécle.Toutefois, les applications multimédia, avec les charactéristiques spécifiques de leur trafic ainsique les les exigences des nouveaux services, posent un défi intéressant en termes de découverte,de mobilité et de gestion. En outre, le récent élan de l Internet des objets a rendu très nécessairela revitalisation de la recherche pour intégrer des sources hétérogènes d information à travers desréseaux divers. Dans cet objectif, les contributions de cette thèse essayent de trouver un équilibreentre l hétérogénéité et l interopérabilité, pour découvrir et intégrer les sources hétérogènesd information dans le contexte de l Internet du Futur.La découverte de sources d information sur différents réseaux requiert une compréhensionapprofondie de la façon dont l information est structurée et quelles méthodes spécifiques sontutilisés pour communiquer. Ce processus a été régulé à l aide de protocoles de découverte.Cependant, les protocoles s appuient sur différentes techniques et sont conçues en prenant encompte l infrastructure réseau sous-jacente, limitant ainsi leur capacité à franchir la limite d unréseau donné. Pour résoudre ce problème, le première contribution dans cette thèse tente detrouver une solution équilibrée permettant aux protocoles de découverte d interagir les uns avecles autres, tout en fournissant les moyens nécessaires pour franchir les frontières entre réseaux.Dans cet objectif, nous proposons ZigZag, un middleware pour réutiliser et étendre les protocolesde découverte courants, conçus pour des réseaux locaux, afin de découvrir des servicesdisponibles dans le large. Notre approche est basée sur la conversion de protocole permettant ladécouverte de service indépendamment de leur protocole de découverte sous-jacent. Toutefois,dans les réaux de grande échelle orientée consommateur, la quantité des messages de découvertepourrait rendre le réseau inutilisable. Pour parer à cette éventualité, ZigZag utilise le conceptd agrégation au cours du processus de découverte. Grâce à l agrégation, ZigZag est capabled intégrer plusieurs réponses de différentes sources supportant différents protocoles de découverte.En outre, la personnalisation du processus d agrégation afin de s aligner sur ses besoins,requiert une compréhension approfondie des fondamentaux de ZigZag. À cette fin, nous proposonsune seconde contribution: un langage flexible pour aider à définir les politiques d unemanière propre et efficace.The growth of the Internet as a large scale media provisioning platform has been a great successstory of the 21st century. However, multimedia applications, with their specific traffic characteristicsand novel service requirements, pose an interesting challenge in terms of discovery,mobility and management. Furthermore, the recent impetus to Internet of things has made it verynecessary, to revitalize research in order to integrate heterogeneous information sources acrossnetworks. Towards this objective, the contributions in this thesis, try to find a balance betweenheterogeneity and interoperability, to discovery and integrate heterogeneous information sourcesin the context of Future Internet.Discovering information sources across networks need a through understanding of how theinformation is structured and what specific methods they follow to communicate. This processhas been regulated with the help of discovery protocols. However, protocols rely on differenttechniques and are designed taking the underlying network infrastructure into account. Thus,limiting the capability of some protocols to cross network boundary. To address this issue, thefirst contribution in this thesis tries to find a balanced solution to enable discovery protocols tointeroperate with each other as well as provide the necessary means to cross network boundaries.Towards this objective, we propose ZigZag, a middleware to reuse and extend current discoveryprotocols, designed for local networks, to discover available services in the large. Our approachis based on protocol translation to enable service discovery irrespectively of their underlyingdiscovery protocol. Although, our approach provides a step forward towards interoperability inthe large. We needed to make sure that discovery messages do not create a bottleneck for thenetwork.In large scale consumer oriented network, service discovery messages could render the networkunusable. To counter this, ZigZag uses the concept of aggregation during the discoveryprocess. Using aggregation ZigZag is able to integrate several replies from different servicesources supporting different discovery protocols. However, to customize the aggregation processto suit once needs, requires a through understanding of ZigZag fundamentals. To this end, wepropose our second contribution, a flexible policy language that can help define policies in aclean and effective way. In addition, the policy language has some added advantages in terms ofdynamic management. It provides features like delegation, runtime time policy management andlogging. We tested our approach with the help of simulations, the results showed that ZigZag canboth reduce the number of messages that flow through the network, and provide value sensitiveinformation to the requesting entity.Although, ZigZag is designed to discover media services in the large. It can very well be usedin other domains like home automation and smart spaces. While, the flexible pluggable modulardesign of the policy language enables it to be used in other applications like for instance, e-mail.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Architecture à qualité de service pour systèmes satellites DVB-S/RCS dans un contexte NGN

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    L'objet de cette thèse est de doter les réseaux satellites d'accès géostationnaires d'une architecture de QoS compatible avec l'infrastructure NGN (Next Generation Network) qui entend réaliser la convergence des réseaux et services de communication existants et à venir. Dans une première étape, nous établissons un modèle de QoS NGN s'inspirant principalement de l'évolution des architectures de QoS dans les réseaux IP. Dans une deuxième étape, nous démontrons que les réseaux satellites ne disposent pas, en l'état actuel, d'une architecture de QoS suffisamment mature pour assurer un accès large bande aux futurs services IP multimédias. Afin d'y remédier, nous spécifions une architecture de QoS NGN unifiée assurant une étroite collaboration entre les mécanismes de QoS déployés à différents niveaux de communication (Application, Session, Réseau et MAC). Elle assure à la fois une différenciation de la QoS adaptée aux besoins des différentes classes d'applications au niveau IP tout en optimisant l'utilisation des ressources satellites via des mécanismes de bande passante à la demande au niveau MAC. Deux solutions applicatives assurant la corrélation dynamique entre les applications et les services réseaux différenciés sont également spécifiées et implémentées. Enfin un émulateur satellite de niveau réseau a été implémenté et nous a permis d'évaluer les garanties de QoS offertes par notre architecture et de valider leur conformité avec les besoins d'applications multimédias réelles. ABSTRACT : This thesis deals with the integration of geostationary access satellite networks in the NGN (Next Generation Network) infrastructure, a global QoS-enabled communication network based on IP. The first part depicts this multiservice ubiquitous infrastructure anchored on a clean separation between a transport/network domain and a service/application domain. Then a unified NGN control and management architecture, mainly inspired by the past and current IP QoS architectures, is proposed. In a second part, starting from this model and through a critical analysis of current DVB-S/RCS satellite systems, we demonstrate that satellite QoS architectures are not mature enough to support broadband access to future multimedia services and to integrate into the emerging NGN infrastructure. In order to cope with these issues, a NGNcompliant QoS architecture for DVB-S/RCS systems is defined. It relies on a cross-layer approach based on a tight interaction between QoS mechanisms available at different communication layers (Application, Session, Network and MAC). It aims at maximizing satellite capacity utilization at different granularity levels through a relevant configuration of DiffServ services using session/application signalling information and the use of optimized bandwidth on demand allocation schemes at the MAC layer. Application solutions (QoS Agent and QoS SIP Proxy) were developed while the satellite network with its associated QoS architecture was implemented through a network emulator. This latter enables us to evaluate the QoS guarantees provided by this architecture and to validate its appropriateness with real multimedia applications needs

    Architectures pour la mobilité et la qualité de service dans les systèmse satellites DVB-S2/RCS

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    Nos travaux de thèse ont pour objectif la conception, la mise en œuvre et l'évaluation d'architectures pour la mobilité et la qualité de service (QoS) dans des systèmes satellites DVB-S2/RCS. Ces systèmes peuvent constituer une solution alternative efficace aux réseaux terrestres dans des zones reculées à faible densité de population mais ils doivent pour cela offrir les mêmes services tout en tenant compte de leurs caractéristiques spécifiques, en particulier leur long délai de transmission qui peut s'avérer problématique dans le cadre d'applications multimédias interactives. Notre première contribution a donc été de développer une architecture de QoS adaptée à ce type d'applications, utilisant le modèle DiffServ et se basant essentiellement sur l'interaction entre l'architecture liée au protocole d'initiation de session SIP et différentes entités du système satellite. La QoS peut alors être configurée de façon précise au niveau des STs, par le biais de l'outil TC, en analysant les descripteurs de session SDP compris dans les messages SIP et en déduisant leurs caractéristiques (débit, gigue max, délai max, etc...) soit localement si elles sont connues, soit à partir d'un service Web que nous avons développé. Nous avons ensuite proposé et développé une solution de mobilité basée sur SIP, adaptée au système satellite ainsi qu'à la solution de QoS précédemment décrite. Les performances de cette solution ont alors été comparées, en termes de temps d'interruption et de consommation de ressources, avec celles obtenues par Mobile IPv6 et certaines de ses extensions, démontrant ainsi de réelles améliorations pour le cas des applications multimédias interactives. Enfin, notre dernière contribution a été de développer deux architectures couplant QoS et mobilité, une spécifiquement conçue pour les applications interactives et basée sur la combinaison de notre solution de mobilité SIP avec notre architecture de QoS SIP et une autre basée sur Mobile IPv6 ou FMIPv6 et sur l'interaction d'un QoS Agent mobile avec les entités de QoS du système satellite. Ces architectures ont été évaluées et comparées sur la plateforme d'émulation PLATINE développée dans le cadre du projet SATSIX.Our thesis work aims at the design, the implementation and the evaluation of architectures for mobility and quality of service (QoS) in DVB-S2/RCS satellite systems. These systems can be an effective alternative to terrestrial networks in remote and sparsely populated areas but, for that, they have to offer the same services while taking into account their specific characteristics, particularly their long transmission delay that can be problematic in the context of interactive multimedia applications. Our first contribution has been to develop a QoS architecture adapted to such applications, using the DiffServ model and relying heavily on the interaction between the architecture related to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and various entities of the satellite system. The QoS of satellite terminals (STs) can then be configured precisely, by using the TC tool and analyzing the SDP session descriptors included in the SIP messages and deducting their characteristics (throughput, jitter max, delay max, etc. ...) either locally, if they are known, or from a Web service that we have developed. We then proposed and developed a mobility solution based on SIP, adapted to the satellite system and to the QoS solution described above. The performances of this solution were compared in terms of handover time and resources consumption, with those obtained by Mobile IPv6 and some of its extensions, showing real improvements in the case of interactive multimedia applications. Finally, our last contribution was to develop two architectures combining QoS and mobility: the first one is specifically designed for interactive applications and based on the combination of our SIP-based mobility solution with our SIP QoS architecture and the another is based on Mobile IPv6 or FMIPv6 for the mobility part and on the interaction of a mobile QoS agent with QoS entities of the satellite system. These architectures have been evaluated and compared on the emulation platform PLATINE developed under the project SATSIX
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