51 research outputs found

    The Satisfiability Threshold of Random 3-SAT Is at Least 3.52

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    We prove that a random 3-SAT instance with clause-to-variable density less than 3.52 is satisfiable with high probability. The proof comes through an algorithm which selects (and sets) a variable depending on its degree and that of its complement

    A Continuous-Discontinuous Second-Order Transition in the Satisfiability of Random Horn-SAT Formulas

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    We compute the probability of satisfiability of a class of random Horn-SAT formulae, motivated by a connection with the nonemptiness problem of finite tree automata. In particular, when the maximum clause length is 3, this model displays a curve in its parameter space along which the probability of satisfiability is discontinuous, ending in a second-order phase transition where it becomes continuous. This is the first case in which a phase transition of this type has been rigorously established for a random constraint satisfaction problem

    Splitting pairs and the number of clusters generated by random pair incompatibilities

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    We consider a random fitness landscape on the space of haploid diallelic genotypes with n genetic loci, where each genotype is considered either inviable or viable depending on whether or not there are any incompatibilities among its allele pairs. We suppose that each allele pair in the set of all possible allele pairs on the n loci is independently incompatible with probability p=c/(2n). We examine the connectivity of the viable genotypes under single locus mutations and show that, for 0<c<1, the number of clusters of viable genotypes in this landscape converges weakly (in n) to N=2^{Psi} where Psi is Poisson distributed; while for c>1, there are no viable genotypes with probability converging to one. The genotype space is equivalent to the n-dimensional hypercube and the viable genotypes are solutions to a random 2-SAT problem, so the same result holds for the connectivity of solutions in the hypercube to a random 2-SAT problem.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Renyi entropies as a measure of the complexity of counting problems

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    Counting problems such as determining how many bit strings satisfy a given Boolean logic formula are notoriously hard. In many cases, even getting an approximate count is difficult. Here we propose that entanglement, a common concept in quantum information theory, may serve as a telltale of the difficulty of counting exactly or approximately. We quantify entanglement by using Renyi entropies S(q), which we define by bipartitioning the logic variables of a generic satisfiability problem. We conjecture that S(q\rightarrow 0) provides information about the difficulty of counting solutions exactly, while S(q>0) indicates the possibility of doing an efficient approximate counting. We test this conjecture by employing a matrix computing scheme to numerically solve #2SAT problems for a large number of uniformly distributed instances. We find that all Renyi entropies scale linearly with the number of variables in the case of the #2SAT problem; this is consistent with the fact that neither exact nor approximate efficient algorithms are known for this problem. However, for the negated (disjunctive) form of the problem, S(q\rightarrow 0) scales linearly while S(q>0) tends to zero when the number of variables is large. These results are consistent with the existence of fully polynomial-time randomized approximate algorithms for counting solutions of disjunctive normal forms and suggests that efficient algorithms for the conjunctive normal form may not exist.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Phase Transitions of the Typical Algorithmic Complexity of the Random Satisfiability Problem Studied with Linear Programming

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    Here we study the NP-complete KK-SAT problem. Although the worst-case complexity of NP-complete problems is conjectured to be exponential, there exist parametrized random ensembles of problems where solutions can typically be found in polynomial time for suitable ranges of the parameter. In fact, random KK-SAT, with α=M/N\alpha=M/N as control parameter, can be solved quickly for small enough values of α\alpha. It shows a phase transition between a satisfiable phase and an unsatisfiable phase. For branch and bound algorithms, which operate in the space of feasible Boolean configurations, the empirically hardest problems are located only close to this phase transition. Here we study KK-SAT (K=3,4K=3,4) and the related optimization problem MAX-SAT by a linear programming approach, which is widely used for practical problems and allows for polynomial run time. In contrast to branch and bound it operates outside the space of feasible configurations. On the other hand, finding a solution within polynomial time is not guaranteed. We investigated several variants like including artificial objective functions, so called cutting-plane approaches, and a mapping to the NP-complete vertex-cover problem. We observed several easy-hard transitions, from where the problems are typically solvable (in polynomial time) using the given algorithms, respectively, to where they are not solvable in polynomial time. For the related vertex-cover problem on random graphs these easy-hard transitions can be identified with structural properties of the graphs, like percolation transitions. For the present random KK-SAT problem we have investigated numerous structural properties also exhibiting clear transitions, but they appear not be correlated to the here observed easy-hard transitions. This renders the behaviour of random KK-SAT more complex than, e.g., the vertex-cover problem.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
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