18 research outputs found

    Dynamic Window-Constrained Scheduling for Real-Time Media Streaming

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    This paper describes an algorithm for scheduling packets in real-time multimedia data streams. Common to these classes of data streams are service constraints in terms of bandwidth and delay. However, it is typical for real-time multimedia streams to tolerate bounded delay variations and, in some cases, finite losses of packets. We have therefore developed a scheduling algorithm that assumes streams have window-constraints on groups of consecutive packet deadlines. A window-constraint defines the number of packet deadlines that can be missed in a window of deadlines for consecutive packets in a stream. Our algorithm, called Dynamic Window-Constrained Scheduling (DWCS), attempts to guarantee no more than x out of a window of y deadlines are missed for consecutive packets in real-time and multimedia streams. Using DWCS, the delay of service to real-time streams is bounded even when the scheduler is overloaded. Moreover, DWCS is capable of ensuring independent delay bounds on streams, while at the same time guaranteeing minimum bandwidth utilizations over tunable and finite windows of time. We show the conditions under which the total demand for link bandwidth by a set of real-time (i.e., window-constrained) streams can exceed 100% and still ensure all window-constraints are met. In fact, we show how it is possible to guarantee worst-case per-stream bandwidth and delay constraints while utilizing all available link capacity. Finally, we show how best-effort packets can be serviced with fast response time, in the presence of window-constrained traffic

    A dual-band priority assignment algorithm for dynamic QoS resource management

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    Future high-quality consumer electronics will contain a number of applications running in a highly dynamic environment, and their execution will need to be efficiently arbitrated by the underlying platform software. The multimedia applications that currently execute in such similar contexts face frequent run-time variations in their resource demands, originated by the greedy nature of the multimedia processing itself. Changes in resource demands are triggered by numerous reasons (e.g. a switch in the input media compression format). Such situations require real-time adaptation mechanisms to adjust the system operation to the new requirements, and this must be done seamlessly to satisfy the user experience. One solution for efficiently managing application execution is to apply quality of service resource management techniques, based on assigning and enforcing resource contracts to applications. Most resource management solutions provide temporal isolation by enforcing resource assignments and avoiding any resource overruns. However, this has a clear limitation over the cost-effective resource usage. This paper presents a simple priority assignment scheme based on uniform priority bands to allow that greedy multimedia tasks incur in safe overruns that increase resource usage and do not threaten the timely execution of non-overrunning tasks. Experimental results show that the proposed priority assignment scheme in combination with a resource accounting mechanism preserves timely multimedia execution and delivery, achieves a higher cost-effective processor usage, and guarantees the execution isolation of non-overrunning tasks

    Practical Schedulability Analysis for Generalized Sporadic Tasks in Distributed Real-Time Systems

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    Existing off-line schedulability analysis for real-time systems can only handle periodic or sporadic tasks with known minimum inter-arrival times. Modeling sporadic tasks with fixed minimum inter-arrival times is a poor approximation for systems in which tasks arrive in bursts, but have longer intervals between the bursts. In such cases, schedulability analysis based on the existing sporadic task model is pessimistic and seriously overestimates the task\u27s time demand. In this paper, we propose a generalized sporadic task model that characterizes arrival times more precisely than the traditional sporadic task model, and we develop a corresponding schedulability analysis that computes tighter bounds on worst-case response times. Experimental results show that when arrival time jitter increases, the new analysis more effectively guarantees schedulability of sporadic tasks

    AQuoSA - adaptive quality of service architecture

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    This paper presents an architecture for quality of service (QoS) control of time-sensitive applications in multi-programmed embedded systems. In such systems, tasks must receive appropriate timeliness guarantees from the operating system independently from one another; otherwise, the QoS experienced by the users may decrease. Moreover, fluctuations in time of the workloads make a static partitioning of the central processing unit (CPU) that is neither appropriate nor convenient, whereas an adaptive allocation based on an on-line monitoring of the application behaviour leads to an optimum design. By combining a resource reservation scheduler and a feedback-based mechanism, we allow applications to meet their QoS requirements with the minimum possible impact on CPU occupation. We implemented the framework in AQuoSA (Adaptive Quality of Service Architecture (AQuoSA). http://aquosa.sourceforge.net), a software architecture that runs on top of the Linux kernel. We provide extensive experimental validation of our results and offer an evaluation of the introduced overhead, which is perfectly sustainable in the class of addressed applications

    Optimal rate-based scheduling on multiprocessors

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    The PD2 Pfair/ERfair scheduling algorithm is the most efficient known algorithm for optimally scheduling periodic tasks on multiprocessors. In this paper, we prove that PD2 is also optimal for scheduling “rate-based” tasks whose processing steps may be highly jittered. The rate-based task model we consider generalizes the widely-studied sporadic task model

    Using hierarchical scheduling to support soft real-time applications in general-purpose operating systems

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    Journal ArticleThe CPU schedulers in general-purpose operating systems are designed to provide fast response time for interactive applications and high throughput for batch applications. The heuristics used to achieve these goals do not lend themselves to scheduling real-time applications, nor do they meet other scheduling requirements such as coordinating scheduling across several processors or machines, or enforcing isolation between applications, users, and administrative domains. Extending the scheduling subsystems of general-purpose operating systems in an ad hoc manner is time consuming and requires considerable expertise as well as source code to the operating system. Furthermore, once extended, the new scheduler may be as inflexible as the original. The thesis of this dissertation is that extending a general-purpose operating system with a general, heterogeneous scheduling hierarchy is feasible and useful. A hierarchy of schedulers generalizes the role of CPU schedulers by allowing them to schedule other schedulers in addition to scheduling threads. A general, heterogeneous scheduling hierarchy is one that allows arbitrary (or nearly arbitrary) scheduling algorithms throughout the hierarchy. In contrast, most of the previous work on hierarchical scheduling has imposed restrictions on the schedulers used in part or all of the hierarchy. This dissertation describes the Hierarchical Loadable Scheduler (HLS) architecture, which permits schedulers to be dynamically composed in the kernel of a general-purpose operating system. The most important characteristics of HLS, and the ones that distinguish it from previous work, are that it has demonstrated that a hierarchy of nearly arbitrary schedulers can be efficiently implemented in a general-purpose operating system, and that the behavior of a hierarchy of soft real-time schedulers can be reasoned about in order to provide guaranteed scheduling behavior to application threads. The flexibility afforded by HLS permits scheduling behavior to be tailored to meet complex requirements without encumbering users who have modest requirements with the performance and administrative costs of a complex scheduler. Contributions of this dissertation include the following. (1) The design, prototype implementation, and performance evaluation of HLS in Windows 2000. (2) A system of guarantees for scheduler composition that permits reasoning about the scheduling behavior of a hierarchy of soft real-time schedulers. Guarantees assure users that application requirements can be met throughout the lifetime of the application, and also provide application developers with a model of CPU allocation to which they can program. (3) The design, implementation, and evaluation of two augmented CPU reservation schedulers, which provide increase scheduling predictability when low-level operating system activity steals time from applications

    Tardiness bounds under global EDF scheduling on a multiprocessor

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    We consider the scheduling of a sporadic real-time task system on an identical multiprocessor. Though Pfair algorithms are theoretically optimal for such task systems, in practice, their runtime overheads can significantly reduce the amount of useful work that is accomplished. On the other hand, if all deadlines need to be met, then every known non-Pfair algorithm requires restrictions on total system utilization that can approach approximately 50% of the available processing capacity. This may be overkill for soft real-time systems, which can tolerate occasional or bounded deadline misses (i.e., bounded tardiness). In this paper we derive tardiness bounds under preemptive and non-preemptive global EDF when the total system utilization is not restricted, except that it not exceed the available processing capacity. Hence, processor utilization can be improved for soft real-time systems on multiprocessors. Our tardiness bounds depend on the total system utilization and per-task utilizations and execution costs — the lower these values, the lower the tardiness bounds. As a final remark, we note that global EDF may be superior to partitioned EDF for multiprocessor-based soft real-time systems in that the latter does not offer any scope to improve system utilization even if bounded tardiness can be tolerated

    Time-Aware Dynamic Binary Instrumentation

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    The complexity of modern software systems has been rapidly increasing. Program debugging and testing are essential to ensure the correctness of such systems. Program analysis is critical for understanding system’s behavior and analyzing performance. Many program analysis tools use instrumentation to extract required information at run time. Instrumentation naturally alters a program’s timing properties and causes perturbation to the program under analysis. Soft real-time systems must fulfill timing constraints. Missing deadlines in a soft real-time system causes performance degradation. Thus, time-sensitive systems require specialized program analysis tools. Time-aware instrumentation preserves the logical correctness of a program and respects its timing constraints. Current approaches for time-aware instrumentation rely on static source-code instrumentation techniques. While these approaches are sound and effective, the need for running worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis pre- and post-instrumentation reduces the applicability to only hard real-time systems where WCET analysis is common. They become impractical beyond microcontroller code for instrumenting large programs along with all their library dependencies. In this thesis, we introduce theory, method, and tools for time-aware dynamic instrumentation realized in DIME tool. DIME is a time-aware dynamic binary instrumentation framework that adds an adjustable bound on the timing overhead to the program under analysis. DIME also attempts to increase instrumentation coverage by ignoring redundant tracing information. We study parameter tuning of DIME to minimize runtime overhead and maximize instrumentation coverage. Finally, we propose a method and a tool to instrument software systems with quality of service (QoS) requirements. In this case, DIME collects QoS feedback from the system under analysis to respect user-defined performance constraints. As a tool for instrumenting soft real-time applications, DIME is practical, scalable, and supports multi-threaded applications. We present several case studies of DIME instrumenting large and complex applications such as web servers, media players, control applications, and database management systems. DIME limits the instrumentation overhead of dynamic instrumentation while achieving a high instrumentation coverage