318 research outputs found

    Automating Mobile Device File Format Analysis

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    Forensic tools assist examiners in extracting evidence from application files from mobile devices. If the file format for the file of interest is known, this process is straightforward, otherwise it requires the examiner to manually reverse engineer the data structures resident in the file. This research presents the Automated Data Structure Slayer (ADSS), which automates the process to reverse engineer unknown file for- mats of Android applications. After statically parsing and preparing an application, ADSS dynamically runs it, injecting hooks at selected methods to uncover the data structures used to store and process data before writing to media. The resultant association between application semantics and bytes in a file reveal the structure and file format. ADSS has been successfully evaluated against Uber and Discord, both popular Android applications, and reveals the format used by the respective proprietary application files stored on the filesystem

    Convicted by memory: Automatically recovering spatial-temporal evidence from memory images

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    Memory forensics can reveal “up to the minute” evidence of a device’s usage, often without requiring a suspect’s password to unlock the device, and it is oblivious to any persistent storage encryption schemes, e.g., whole disk encryption. Prior to my work, researchers and investigators alike considered data-structure recovery the ultimate goal of memory image forensics. This, however, was far from sufficient, as investigators were still largely unable to understand the content of the recovered evidence, and hence efficiently locating and accurately analyzing such evidence locked in memory images remained an open research challenge. In this dissertation, I propose breaking from traditional data-recovery-oriented forensics, and instead I present a memory forensics framework which leverages program analysis to automatically recover spatial-temporal evidence from memory images by understanding the programs that generated it. This framework consists of four techniques, each of which builds upon the discoveries of the previous, that represent this new paradigm of program-analysis-driven memory forensics. First, I present DSCRETE, a technique which reuses a program’s own interpretation and rendering logic to recover and present in-memory data structure contents. Following that, VCR developed vendor-generic data structure identification for the recovery of in-memory photographic evidence produced by an Android device’s cameras. GUITAR then realized an app-independent technique which automatically reassembles and redraws an app’s GUI from the multitude of GUI data elements found in a smartphone’s memory image. Finally, different from any traditional memory forensics technique, RetroScope introduced the vision of spatial-temporal memory forensics by retargeting an Android app’s execution to recover sequences of previous GUI screens, in their original temporal order, from a memory image. This framework, and the new program analysis techniques which enable it, have introduced encryption-oblivious forensics capabilities far exceeding traditional data-structure recovery

    Enabling aggressive compiler optimization for the mobile environment

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    Aggressive code optimization on the mobile environment is a difficult endeavor. Billions of users rely on mobile devices for their daily computing tasks. Yet, they mostly run poorly optimized code, under-utilizing their already limited processing and energy resources. Existing optimization approaches, like iterative compilation, perform well in other domains but fall short on the mobile environment. They either rely on representative inputs that are hard to reconstruct, or expose users to slowdowns and crashes. An ideal solution must be able to perform an optimization search by repeatedly evaluating different optimization decisions on the same input. That input should be representative of actual user usage without requiring developers to artificially create it. Finally, users should never be exposed to slow or crashing evaluations, a quite common side-effect of iterative compilation. This thesis presents a novel approach with all above in mind, bringing aggressive code optimization to the mobile environment. With a transparent capture mechanism, real user inputs can be stored. This mechanism is infrequently invoked and remains unnoticeable from the users. A single capture is enough to enable offline, input-driven code optimization. It supports C functions as well as code regions of interactive Android applications. It allows controlling the timing and frequency of captures, it bails out on imminent high-impact runtime events, and excludes from captures some immutable data. A replay-based evaluation mechanism is able to repeatedly restore a captured input while changing the underlying code. For C programs, it employs compile and link-time strategies to consistently work despite code transformations. For Android apps, a novel mechanism was developed, able to replay using different code types. These are the original Android-compiled code, interpretation, and LLVM-generated code. Additionally, it works well even in the presence of memory-shuffling security mechanisms. Capture and replay is fused into an iterative compilation system that uses offline, replay-based evaluations. Initially, real inputs are captured online, without noticeably affecting the users. For C and interactive apps, captures required on average 2ms and 15ms respectively. Then, an optimization search is performed by repeatedly replaying the inputs using different code transformations. As this happens offline, any crashing or erroneous executions are not affecting the users. C programs became 29% faster using a random search, while interactive apps became 44% faster using a genetic algorithm and a novel Android backend based on LLVM. Finally, with crowd-sourcing, the offline evaluation effort was significantly accelerated. Specifically, for the user with the highest workload the search accelerated by 7 times

    Static Analysis for Extracting Permission Checks of a Large Scale Framework: The Challenges And Solutions for Analyzing Android

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    A common security architecture is based on the protection of certain resources by permission checks (used e.g., in Android and Blackberry). It has some limitations, for instance, when applications are granted more permissions than they actually need, which facilitates all kinds of malicious usage (e.g., through code injection). The analysis of permission-based framework requires a precise mapping between API methods of the framework and the permissions they require. In this paper, we show that naive static analysis fails miserably when applied with off-the-shelf components on the Android framework. We then present an advanced class-hierarchy and field-sensitive set of analyses to extract this mapping. Those static analyses are capable of analyzing the Android framework. They use novel domain specific optimizations dedicated to Android.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (2014). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1206.582

    JITANA: A modern hybrid program analysis framework for android platforms

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    Security vetting of Android apps is often performed under tight time constraints (e.g., a few minutes). As such, vetting activities must be performed “at speed”, when an app is submitted for distribution or a device is analyzed for malware. Existing static and dynamic program analysis approaches are not feasible for use in security analysis tools because they require a much longer time to operate than security analysts can afford. There are two factors that limit the performance and efficiency of current analysis approaches. First, existing approaches analyze only one app at a time. Finding security vulnerabilities in collaborative environments such as Android, however, requires collaborating apps to be analyzed simultaneously. Thus, existing approaches are not adequate when applied in this context. Second, existing static program analysis approaches tend to operate in a “closed world” fashion; therefore, they are not easily integrated with dynamic analysis processes to efficiently produce hybrid analysis results within a given time constraint. In this work, we introduce JITANA, an efficient and scalable hybrid program analysis framework for Android. JITANA has been designed from the ground up to be used as a building block to construct efficient and scalable program analysis techniques. JITANA also operates in an open world fashion, so malicious code detected as part of dynamic analysis can be quickly analyzed and the analysis results can be seamlessly integrated with the original static analysis results. To illustrate JITANA’s capability, we used it to analyze a large collection of apps simultaneously to identify potential collaborations among apps. We have also constructed several analysis techniques on top of JITANA and we use these to perform security vetting under four realistic scenarios. The results indicate that JITANA is scalable and robust; it can effectively and efficiently analyze complex apps including Facebook, PokĂ©mon Go, and Pandora that the state-of-the-art approach cannot handle. In addition, we constructed a visualization engine as a plugin for JITANA to provide real-time feedback on code coverage to help analysts assess their vetting efforts. Such feedback can lead analysts to hard to reach code segments that may need further analysis. Finally we illustrate the effectiveness of JITANA in detecting and analyzing dynamically loaded code. Supplementary material attached below

    Automated code extraction from packed android applications.

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    Software packing is a method employed by malicious applications to hide their original intent. Extracting the original intent of an application from its application bundle, whether to perform a security analysis on it, to search for security flaws(or bugs) or simply for educational purposes is a key requirement for the security community. With the fluidity provided by the Android app store coupled with a complete application-framework based environment for a malicious user to employ as an attack space, it is of great importance to examine Android applications and extract their intent. For basic applications, simple reverse engineering tools can be used to extract a semantic view of the application very close to the original source code of the application. However for applications, which have been deliberately packaged/packed in such a way that their original intent cannot be extracted by simply reverse-engineering them, we need a more intricate procedure to extract enough information to be able to reproduce the original intent of the application. These applications are packaged such that the actual code is hidden/encrypted and only during run-time is the actual code unpacked and executed. To unpack such applications, we present DroidUnpack, a tool based on dynamic program analysis, which is able to extract the original intent of the application, generically. DroidUnpack is designed by exploiting some fundamental features of the Android Runtime which cannot be mutated by a malicious user to unpack the application. We also attempts to alleviate tedious manual analysis required by a user to analyze different types of packed applications, by providing a generalized tool which is able to unpack android applications, regardless of the packing technique used

    Malware detection at runtime for resource-constrained mobile devices: data-driven approach

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    The number of smart and connected mobile devices is increasing, bringing enormous possibilities to users in various domains and transforming everything that we get in touch with into smart. Thus, we have smart watches, smart phones, smart homes, and finally even smart cities. Increased smartness of mobile devices means that they contain more valuable information about their users, more decision making capabilities, and more control over sometimes even life-critical systems. Although, on one side, all of these are necessary in order to enable mobile devices maintain their main purpose to help and support people, on the other, it opens new vulnerabilities. Namely, with increased number and volume of smart devices, also the interest of attackers to abuse them is rising, making their security one of the main challenges. The main mean that the attackers use in order to abuse mobile devices is malicious software, shortly called malware. One way to protect against malware is by using static analysis, that investigates the nature of software by analyzing its static features. However, this technique detects well only known malware and it is prone to obfuscation, which means that it is relatively easy to create a new malicious sample that would be able to pass the radar. Thus, alone, is not powerful enough to protect the users against increasing malicious attacks. The other way to cope with malware is through dynamic analysis, where the nature of the software is decided based on its behavior during its execution on a device. This is a promising solution, because while the code of the software can be easily changed to appear as new, the same cannot be done with ease with its behavior when being executed. However, in order to achieve high accuracy dynamic analysis usually requires computational resources that are beyond suitable for battery-operated mobile devices. This is further complicated if, in addition to detecting the presence of malware, we also want to understand which type of malware it is, in order to trigger suitable countermeasures. Finally, the decisions on potential infections have to happen early enough, to guarantee minimal exposure to the attacks. Fulfilling these requirements in a mobile, battery-operated environments is a challenging task, for which, to the best of our knowledge, a suitable solution is not yet proposed. In this thesis, we pave the way towards such a solution by proposing a dynamic malware detection system that is able to early detect malware that appears at runtime and that provides useful information to discriminate between diverse types of malware while taking into account limited resources of mobile devices. On a mobile device we monitor a set of the representative features for presence of malware and based on them we trigger an alarm if software infection is observed. When this happens, we analyze a set of previously stored information relevant for malware classification, in order to understand what type of malware is being executed. In order to make the detection efficient and suitable for resource-constrained environments of mobile devices, we minimize the set of observed system parameters to only the most informative ones for both detection and classification. Additionally, since sampling period of monitoring infrastructure is directly connected to the power consumption, we take it into account as an important parameter of the development of the detection system. In order to make detection effective, we use dynamic features related to memory, CPU, system calls and network as they reflect well the behavior of a system. Our experiments show that the monitoring with a sampling period of eight seconds gives a good trade-off between detection accuracy, detection time and consumed power. Using it and by monitoring a set of only seven dynamic features (six related to the behavior of memory and one of CPU), we are able to provide a detection solution that satisfies the initial requirements and to detect malware at runtime with F- measure of 0.85, within 85.52 seconds of its execution, and with consumed average power of 20mW. Apart from observed features containing enough information to discriminate between malicious and benign applications, our results show that they can also be used to discriminate between diverse behavior of malware, reflected in different malware families. Using small number of features we are able to identify the presence of the malicious records from the considered family with precision of up to 99.8%. In addition to the standalone use of the proposed detection solution, we have also used it in a hybrid scenario where the applications were first analyzed by a static method, and it was able to detect correctly all the malware previously undetected by static analysis with false positive rate of 3.81% and average detection time of 44.72s. The method, we have designed, tested and validated, has been applied on a smartphone running on Android Operating System. However, since in the design of this method efficient usage of available computational resources was one of our main criteria, we are confident that the method as such can be applied also on the other battery-operated mobile devices of Internet of Things, in order to provide an effective and efficient system able to counter the ever-increasing and ever-evolving number and a variety of malicious attacks

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn computer science, functional software testing is a method of ensuring that software gives expected output on specific inputs. Software testing is conducted to ensure desired levels of quality in light of uncertainty resulting from the complexity of software. Most of today's software is written by people and software development is a creative activity. However, due to the complexity of computer systems and software development processes, this activity leads to a mismatch between the expected software functionality and the implemented one. If not addressed in a timely and proper manner, this mismatch can cause serious consequences to users of the software, such as security and privacy breaches, financial loss, and adversarial human health issues. Because of manual effort, software testing is costly. Software testing that is performed without human intervention is automatic software testing and it is one way of addressing the issue. In this work, we build upon and extend several techniques for automatic software testing. The techniques do not require any guidance from the user. Goals that are achieved with the techniques are checking for yet unknown errors, automatically testing object-oriented software, and detecting malicious software. To meet these goals, we explored several techniques and related challenges: automatic test case generation, runtime verification, dynamic symbolic execution, and the type and size of test inputs for efficient detection of malicious software via machine learning. Our work targets software written in the Java programming language, though the techniques are general and applicable to other languages. We performed an extensive evaluation on freely available Java software projects, a flight collision avoidance system, and thousands of applications for the Android operating system. Evaluation results show to what extent dynamic symbolic execution is applicable in testing object-oriented software, they show correctness of the flight system on millions of automatically customized and generated test cases, and they show that simple and relatively small inputs in random testing can lead to effective malicious software detection
