4,585 research outputs found

    Distributed Reasoning in a Peer-to-Peer Setting: Application to the Semantic Web

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    In a peer-to-peer inference system, each peer can reason locally but can also solicit some of its acquaintances, which are peers sharing part of its vocabulary. In this paper, we consider peer-to-peer inference systems in which the local theory of each peer is a set of propositional clauses defined upon a local vocabulary. An important characteristic of peer-to-peer inference systems is that the global theory (the union of all peer theories) is not known (as opposed to partition-based reasoning systems). The main contribution of this paper is to provide the first consequence finding algorithm in a peer-to-peer setting: DeCA. It is anytime and computes consequences gradually from the solicited peer to peers that are more and more distant. We exhibit a sufficient condition on the acquaintance graph of the peer-to-peer inference system for guaranteeing the completeness of this algorithm. Another important contribution is to apply this general distributed reasoning setting to the setting of the Semantic Web through the Somewhere semantic peer-to-peer data management system. The last contribution of this paper is to provide an experimental analysis of the scalability of the peer-to-peer infrastructure that we propose, on large networks of 1000 peers

    A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing

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    With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    Large-Scale Distributed Coalition Formation

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    The CyberCraft project is an effort to construct a large scale Distributed Multi-Agent System (DMAS) to provide autonomous Cyberspace defense and mission assurance for the DoD. It employs a small but flexible agent structure that is dynamically reconfigurable to accommodate new tasks and policies. This document describes research into developing protocols and algorithms to ensure continued mission execution in a system of one million or more agents, focusing on protocols for coalition formation and Command and Control. It begins by building large-scale routing algorithms for a Hierarchical Peer to Peer structured overlay network, called Resource-Clustered Chord (RC-Chord). RC-Chord introduces the ability to efficiently locate agents by resources that agents possess. Combined with a task model defined for CyberCraft, this technology feeds into an algorithm that constructs task coalitions in a large-scale DMAS. Experiments reveal the flexibility and effectiveness of these concepts for achieving maximum work throughput in a simulated CyberCraft environment

    Semantic Co-Browsing System Based on Contextual Synchronization on Peer-to-Peer Environment

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    In this paper, we focus on a personalized information retrieval system based on multi-agent platform. Especially, they are capable of sharing information between them, for supporting collaborations between people. Personalization module has to be exploited to be aware of the corresponding user's browsing contexts (e.g., purposes, intention, and goals) at the specific moment. We want to recommend as relevant information to the estimated user context as possible, by analyzing the interaction results (e.g., clickstreams or query results). Thereby, we propose a novel approach to self-organizing agent groups based on contextual synchronization. Synchronization is an important requirement for online collaborations among them. This synchronization method exploits contextual information extracted from a set of personal agents in the same group, for real-time information sharing. Through semantically tracking of the users' information searching behaviors, we model the temporal dynamics of personal and group context. More importantly, in a certain moment, the contextual outliers can be detected, so that the groups can be automatically organized again with the same context. The co-browsing system embedding our proposed method was shown 52.7 % and 11.5 % improvements of communication performance, compared to single browsing system and asynchronous collaborative browsing system, respectively

    Intelligent query processing in P2P networks: semantic issues and routing algorithms

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    P2P networks have become a commonly used way of disseminating content on the Internet. In this context, constructing efficient and distributed P2P routing algorithms for complex environments that include a huge number of distributed nodes with different computing and network capabilities is a major challenge. In the last years, query routing algorithms have evolved by taking into account different features (provenance, nodes' history, topic similarity, etc.). Such features are usually stored in auxiliary data structures (tables, matrices, etc.), which provide an extra knowledge engineering layer on top of the network, resulting in an added semantic value for specifying algorithms for efficient query routing. This article examines the main existing algorithms for query routing in unstructured P2P networks in which semantic aspects play a major role. A general comparative analysis is included, associated with a taxonomy of P2P networks based on their degree of decentralization and the different approaches adopted to exploit the available semantic aspects.Fil: Nicolini, Ana Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Lorenzetti, Carlos Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Maguitman, Ana Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Chesñevar, Carlos Iván. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación; Argentin

    Naming and discovery in networks : architecture and economics

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    In less than three decades, the Internet was transformed from a research network available to the academic community into an international communication infrastructure. Despite its tremendous success, there is a growing consensus in the research community that the Internet has architectural limitations that need to be addressed in a effort to design a future Internet. Among the main technical limitations are the lack of mobility support, and the lack of security and trust. The Internet, and particularly TCP/IP, identifies endpoints using a location/routing identifier, the IP address. Coupling the endpoint identifier to the location identifier hinders mobility and poorly identifies the actual endpoint. On the other hand, the lack of security has been attributed to limitations in both the network and the endpoint. Authentication for example is one of the main concerns in the architecture and is hard to implement partly due to lack of identity support. The general problem that this dissertation is concerned with is that of designing a future Internet. Towards this end, we focus on two specific sub-problems. The first problem is the lack of a framework for thinking about architectures and their design implications. It was obvious after surveying the literature that the majority of the architectural work remains idiosyncratic and descriptions of network architectures are mostly idiomatic. This has led to the overloading of architectural terms, and to the emergence of a large body of network architecture proposals with no clear understanding of their cross similarities, compatibility points, their unique properties, and architectural performance and soundness. On the other hand, the second problem concerns the limitations of traditional naming and discovery schemes in terms of service differentiation and economic incentives. One of the recurring themes in the community is the need to separate an entity\u27s identifier from its locator to enhance mobility and security. Separation of identifier and locator is a widely accepted design principle for a future Internet. Separation however requires a process to translate from the identifier to the locator when discovering a network path to some identified entity. We refer to this process as identifier-based discovery, or simply discovery, and we recognize two limitations that are inherent in the design of traditional discovery schemes. The first limitation is the homogeneity of the service where all entities are assumed to have the same discovery performance requirements. The second limitation is the inherent incentive mismatch as it relates to sharing the cost of discovery. This dissertation addresses both subproblems, the architectural framework as well as the naming and discovery limitations

    An Overview of Search Strategies in Distributed Environments

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    [EN] Distributed systems are populated by a large number of heterogeneous entities that join and leave the systems dynamically. These entities act as clients and providers and interact with each other in order to get a resource or to achieve a goal. To facilitate the collaboration between entities the system should provide mechanisms to manage the information about which entities or resources are available in the system at a certain moment, as well as how to locate them in an e cient way. However, this is not an easy task in open and dynamic environments where there are changes in the available resources and global information is not always available. In this paper, we present a comprehensive vision of search in distributed environments. This review does not only considers the approaches of the Peer-to-Peer area, but also the approaches from three more areas: Service-Oriented Environments, Multi-Agent Systems, and Complex Networks. In these areas, the search for resources, services, or entities plays a key role for the proper performance of the systems built on them. The aim of this analysis is to compare approaches from these areas taking into account the underlying system structure and the algorithms or strategies that participate in the search process.Work partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through grants TIN2009-13839-C03-01, CSD2007-0022 (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010), PROMETEO 2008/051, PAID-06-11-2048, and FPU grant AP-2008-00601 awarded to E. del Val.Del Val Noguera, E.; Rebollo Pedruelo, M.; Botti, V. (2013). An Overview of Search Strategies in Distributed Environments. Knowledge Engineering Review. 1-33. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0269888913000143S133Sigdel K. , Bertels K. , Pourebrahimi B. , Vassiliadis S. , Shuai L. 2005. A framework for adaptive matchmaking in distributed computing. In Proceedings of GRID Workshop.Prabhu S. 2007. 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    Ontology-based Search Algorithms over Large-Scale Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Peer-to-Peer(P2P) systems have emerged as a promising paradigm to structure large scale distributed systems. They provide a robust, scalable and decentralized way to share and publish data.The unstructured P2P systems have gained much popularity in recent years for their wide applicability and simplicity. However efficient resource discovery remains a fundamental challenge for unstructured P2P networks due to the lack of a network structure. To effectively harness the power of unstructured P2P systems, the challenges in distributed knowledge management and information search need to be overcome. Current attempts to solve the problems pertaining to knowledge management and search have focused on simple term based routing indices and keyword search queries. Many P2P resource discovery applications will require more complex query functionality, as users will publish semantically rich data and need efficiently content location algorithms that find target content at moderate cost. Therefore, effective knowledge and data management techniques and search tools for information retrieval are imperative and lasting. In my dissertation, I present a suite of protocols that assist in efficient content location and knowledge management in unstructured Peer-to-Peer overlays. The basis of these schemes is their ability to learn from past peer interactions and increasing their performance with time.My work aims to provide effective and bandwidth-efficient searching and data sharing in unstructured P2P environments. A suite of algorithms which provide peers in unstructured P2P overlays with the state necessary in order to efficiently locate, disseminate and replicate objects is presented. Also, Existing approaches to federated search are adapted and new methods are developed for semantic knowledge representation, resource selection, and knowledge evolution for efficient search in dynamic and distributed P2P network environments. Furthermore,autonomous and decentralized algorithms that reorganizes an unstructured network topology into a one with desired search-enhancing properties are proposed in a network evolution model to facilitate effective and efficient semantic search in dynamic environments

    Semantic-Based, Scalable, Decentralized and Dynamic Resource Discovery for Internet-Based Distributed System

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    Resource Discovery (RD) is a key issue in Internet-based distributed sytems such as grid. RD is about locating an appropriate resource/service type that matches the user's application requirements. This is very important, as resource reservation and task scheduling are based on it. Unfortunately, RD in grid is very challenging as resources and users are distributed, resources are heterogeneous in their platforms, status of the resources is dynamic (resources can join or leave the system without any prior notice) and most recently the introduction of a new type of grid called intergrid (grid of grids) with the use of multi middlewares. Such situation requires an RD system that has rich interoperability, scalability, decentralization and dynamism features. However, existing grid RD systems have difficulties to attain these features. Not only that, they lack the review and evaluation studies, which may highlight the gap in achieving the required features. Therefore, this work discusses the problem associated with intergrid RD from two perspectives. First, reviewing and classifying the current grid RD systems in such a way that may be useful for discussing and comparing them. Second, propose a novel RD framework that has the aforementioned required RD features. In the former, we mainly focus on the studies that aim to achieve interoperability in the first place, which are known as RD systems that use semantic information (semantic technology). In particular, we classify such systems based on their qualitative use of the semantic information. We evaluate the classified studies based on their degree of accomplishment of interoperability and the other RD requirements, and draw the future research direction of this field. Meanwhile in the latter, we name the new framework as semantic-based scalable decentralized dynamic RD. The framework further contains two main components which are service description, and service registration and discovery models. The earlier consists of a set of ontologies and services. Ontologies are used as a data model for service description, whereas the services are to accomplish the description process. The service registration is also based on ontology, where nodes of the service (service providers) are classified to some classes according to the ontology concepts, which means each class represents a concept in the ontology. Each class has a head, which is elected among its own class I nodes/members. Head plays the role of a registry in its class and communicates with I the other heads of the classes in a peer to peer manner during the discovery process. We further introduce two intelligent agents to automate the discovery process which are Request Agent (RA) and Description Agent (DA). Eaclj. node is supposed to have both agents. DA describes the service capabilities based on the ontology, and RA I carries the service requests based on the ontology as well. We design a service search I algorithm for the RA that starts the service look up from the class of request origin first, then to the other classes. We finally evaluate the performance of our framework ~ith extensive simulation experiments, the result of which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed system in satisfying the required RD features (interoperability, scalability, decentralization and dynamism). In short, our main contributions are outlined new key taxonomy for the semantic-based grid RD studies; an interoperable semantic description RD component model for intergrid services metadata representation; a semantic distributed registry architecture for indexing service metadata; and an agent-qased service search and selection algorithm. Vll
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