3,070 research outputs found

    Strategic Group Analysis of the Social Media Landscape for SMEs

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    Consumer use of Web 2.0 and social media is well documented. However, the use of such technologies by SMEs has received relatively little attention and the literature has focused on the major social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. In this paper the focus is on a different type of social media website, which is termed SME Social Media Platforms. These are websites designed specifically for SMEs to gain information, network with other SMEs and in some cases conduct online sales through an electronic marketplace. The landscape for SME social media platforms is mapped out using business model and strategic group theory. In total, 158 Social Media Platforms in the US and UK were analysed using a mixed method approach of online panel data and website content analysis. A taxonomy is proposed that is based on strategic groups and web 2.0 sophistication. The theoretical implications are described with respect to the analysis of social media systems and the use of strategic groups. Managerial implications are outlined for different stakeholders including the SME companies, the SME Social Media Platforms and banking and Government bodies wishing to sponsor such platforms

    Arquitectura de cooperación horizontal en desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles: procesos logísticos en el caso del sector textil

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    The present article describes the design and prototyping processes carried out to develop a mobile application using horizontal collaboration architecture for e-commerce. Said application is meant to be used by SMEs in the textile sector in order to facilitate transportation-related logistics by collecting information. Hence, costs are reduced for the end customer by delivering goods via a unified logistics provider.El presente artículo describe los procesos de diseño y creación de prototipos llevados a cabo para desarrollar una aplicación móvil utilizando la arquitectura de colaboración horizontal para el comercio electrónico. Dicha aplicación está destinada a ser utilizada por las PYME en el sector textil con el fin de facilitar la logística relacionada con el transporte mediante la recopilación de información. En consecuencia, los costos se reducen para el cliente final al entregar productos a través de un proveedor de logística unificado

    Assessing the success and evaluating the benefits of government-sponsored regional internet-trading platforms for small and medium enterprises: A Western Australian perspective

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    The Internet has been viewed as an opportunity for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to efficiently compete in the global arena with their larger counterparts by overcoming distance and size. However, research has shown that actual uptake of Internet e-commerce by SMEs has been lagging behind that of larger companies. Fearing a growing digital divide between large companies and SMEs, some governments have taken specific measures to encourage SME participation in ecommerce. One of the more direct government initiatives to hasten the progression of SMEs on the e-commerce adoption curve is the creation, sponsorship and management of regional Internet trading platforms for these enterprises. Such a move is predicated on the belief that these platforms will offer SMEs a low-cost introduction to participation in Internet trading platforms without the need for significant technology investments, allowing them to reap benefits like lower costs, improved customer service and new levels of innovation through knowledge-sharing

    Developing a Taxonomy for Digital Platforms – A Conceptual Approach

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    Disruptive companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon transform economic and business activity. Faced with their growing economic importance, digital platforms are increasingly adopting essential functions in business and daily life. Discussions of platforms are extended by decisive aspects accompanying this development. Established economic, social, and organization theory show limitations in understanding and describing digital platforms. Researchers need a sophisticated conceptualization of the complex manifold perspectives to fully understand the dynamics of digital platforms and lead the development of platforms in the proper direction. To enable comparability of research results and uniform theory building, this study analyzes existing literature and conceptually develops a comprehensive taxonomy for digital platforms based on multi-faceted approaches. Our taxonomy consists of technological, economic, and socio-cultural perspectives with sixteen dimensions and corresponding characteristics analyzed in detail, which helps scholars classify and articulate the full range of digital platform specifications

    Evaluating Platform Openness in Logistics based on a Taxonomic Analysis

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    Digital platforms are becoming increasingly important in logistics to enhance business models and ensure competitiveness. As new players enter from the B2C sector, the need to innovate is intensifying for traditional firms. To compensate disadvantages, such as missing platform knowledge or a late entrance, open strategies, e.g., shared governance or open source, can spur platform development and establishment. The resulting open platform ecosystems are a promising approach in entering the platform business for struggling firms. As first initiatives aim to promote open logistics ecosystems, our research objective is to evaluate the current state of openness regarding logistics platforms. We use a taxonomy to identify relevant design elements from a business model’s perspective. Building on the taxonomic analysis, we evaluate relevant openness dimensions to display the current state of openness in logistics platform ecosystems. We conclude by giving an outlook on future research avenues by providing potential research questions

    The effect of the valence of forgiveness to service recovery strategies and service outcomes in food delivery apps

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    The literature offers valuable insights into various aspects of service recovery and service outcomes. However, the available findings are limited relative to the size of the ever-expanding service economy. In particular, past studies have left more granular nuances of the association between service recovery strategies and service outcomes, such as the mediating role of forgiveness or the valence of forgiveness, under-explored. Recognising that an improved understanding of recovery from failures is crucial for sustaining positive customer–brand relationships in the service economy, the present study investigates the mediating effect of the valence of forgiveness (both exoneration and resentment) on the association between various service recovery strategies (apology, compensation and voice) and service outcomes (brand trust and negative word of mouth [NWOM]) in the context of food delivery apps (FDAs). We tested the proposed model by analysing data from 294 FDA users who had experienced FDA service failures and recovery efforts in the recent past. The findings suggest that recovery strategies are associated with exoneration, resentment and brand trust but not with NWOM. While exoneration mediates the association of these strategies with both brand trust and NWOM, resentment mediates only the association of these strategies with NWOM. Finally, the severity of previously experienced service failures and the speed of the service provider’s response moderates the association of the valence of forgiveness with brand trust and NWOM. By uncovering the key role of the valence of forgiveness in service recovery, our study offers significant theoretical and practical implications for stakeholders