1,390 research outputs found

    A Tale of two Smart Cities : Investigating the Echoes of New Public Management and Governance Discourses in Smart City Projects in Brazil

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    This study investigates the influence of discourses of New Public Management and e-Governance on the manner in which Information Technology (IT) has been conceived in recent smart city initiatives in Brazil. A critical discourse analysis is conducted as the methodological approach to investigate the role of IT in smart city discourses of two cities. The main result has shown that the role of technology within the two cases strongly reflects the discourses of New Public Management and e-governance, in which there is clearly a latent tension between top-down and bottom-up approaches to smart cities

    Smart City and Well-Being: Opinions by the Guest Editors

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    As with technology, the concept of the Smart City has evolved over time in line with digitisation processes and the changing needs of cities and their inhabitants. Indeed, it was in the early 1980s when discussions first arose regarding the role that information technology would play in the development of conventional urban activities [1–3]. Some thirty years later, in 2009, the concept of the Smart City was first defined when, in Rio de Janeiro, a plan came into effect that employed technological innovation and waste management to improve the quality of life in the city by minimizing wastage [4]. This is a true evolution in which the vision of the traditional city is superseded by a more modern urban reality creating an ideal, highly automated ecosystem in which Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) take on the role of the core infrastructure of a Smart City [5–7]. The technological and techno-centric revolution, currently dictated by the market, may, however, result in a decrease in inclusivity and at the same time an increase in the digital divide. Moreover, a Smart City that is too heavily based on technological solutions runs the risk of becoming disconnected from policies with a real impact on urban contexts [8]. The term ‘Smart City’ encapsulates a conception of urban reality that transcends technological boundaries and aims to raise the standards of sustainability, liveability and economic dynamism of the cities of the future [9,10]

    Challenges that affect smart city implementation in small and rural municipalities

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    Background: Small and rural municipalities have been struggling to address the issue of population and service delivery. In order to manage and address service delivery in rural areas. There is a need for new ways to improve the day-to-day operation of small and rural municipalities and the quality of life of their citizens, increase efficiency, manage resources and reduce municipality expenses. Objectives: This study aims to investigate the challenges that affect the implementation of a smart city in South African small and rural municipalities. Methods: A qualitative research methodology was employed to collect data through interviews from small and rural municipalities. The target population for this study was municipality personnel involved in decision making and those charged with smart city implementation responsibilities in South African small and rural municipalities. Results: The results of this study revealed that insufficient Internet connectivity and a lack of digital infrastructure, technology, budget, sustainable energy and skilled workforce are the challenges that affect smart city projects in South African small and rural municipalities. Conclusion: To execute and implement smart city projects successfully, South African small and rural municipalities should address the challenges before they start with their projects. Contribution: The findings of this study will significantly contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of smart cities, information systems and rural studies by exposing challenges that may affect small and rural municipalities when engaging in a smart city project

    Law in the present future : approaching the legal imaginary of smart cities with science (and) fiction

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    This doctoral research concerns smart cities, describing digital solutions and social issues related to their innovative technologies, adopted models, and major projects around the world. The many perspectives mentioned in it were identified by online tools used for the textual analysis of two databases that were built from relevant publications on the main subject by authors coming from media and academia. Expected legal elements emerged from the applied process, such as privacy, security, transparency, participation, accountability, and governance. A general review was produced on the information available about the public policies of Big Data in the two municipal cases of Rio de Janeiro and MontrĂ©al, and their regulation in the Brazilian and Canadian contexts. The combined approaches from science and literature were explored to reflect on the normative concerns represented by the global challenges and local risks brought by urban surveillance, climate change, and other neoliberal conditions. Cyberpunk Science Fiction reveals itself useful for engaging with the shared problems that need to be faced in the present time, all involving democracy. The results achieved reveal that this work was, in fact, about the complex network of practices and senses between (post)modern law and the imaginary of the future.Cette recherche doctorale centrĂ©e sur les villes intelligentes met en Ă©vidence les solutions numĂ©riques et les questionnements sociĂ©taux qui ont trait aux technologies innovantes, ainsi qu’aux principaux modĂšles et projets dĂ©veloppĂ©s autour d’elles Ă  travers le monde. Des perspectives multiples en lien avec ces dĂ©veloppements ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’outils en ligne qui ont permis l’analyse textuelle de deux bases de donnĂ©es comprenant des publications scientifiques et des Ă©crits mĂ©diatiques. De ce processus analytique ont Ă©mergĂ© des Ă©lĂ©ments juridiques relatifs aux questions de vie privĂ©e, de sĂ©curitĂ©, de transparence, de participation, d’imputabilitĂ© et de gouvernance. De plus, Ă  partir de ces informations a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e une revue des politiques publiques relatives aux mĂ©gadonnĂ©es dans les villes de Rio de Janeiro et de MontrĂ©al, ainsi que des rĂ©glementations nationales du Canada et du BrĂ©sil en lien avec ce sujet. Finalement, Ă  travers l’exploration d’écrits scientifiques et fictionnels de la littĂ©rature, les principaux enjeux normatifs soulevĂ©s localement et mondialement par la surveillance urbaine, les changements climatiques et les politiques nĂ©olibĂ©rales ont pu ĂȘtre mis Ă  jour. Le courant cyberpunk de la science-fiction s’est avĂ©rĂ© particuliĂšrement utile pour rĂ©vĂ©ler les principaux problĂšmes politiques, en lien avec la prĂ©servation de la dĂ©mocratie, auxquelles sont confrontĂ©es nos sociĂ©tĂ©s prĂ©sentement. Les rĂ©sultats de la recherche dĂ©montrent finalement la prĂ©sence d’un rĂ©seau de pratiques et de significations entre le droit (post)moderne et les reprĂ©sentations imaginaires du futur

    A inteligĂȘncia como inovação na gestĂŁo pĂșblica : uma anĂĄlise sob a perspectiva institucional

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    A atividade de inteligĂȘncia na gestĂŁo pĂșblica tem ganho importĂąncia cada vez mais crescente tanto no meio acadĂȘmico como organizacional. Apontada como uma inovação em governo, que envolve o uso de tecnologias para apoiar e aprimorar a tomada de decisĂŁo, bem como o auxiliar no planejamento das atividades pĂșblicas a partir do estabelecimento de estruturas formais processos, do envolvimento de servidores e gestores pĂșblico, e do engajamento social para a efetiva gestĂŁo de dados e informaçÔes do ambiente, ainda requer legitimidade no governo. Considerando a importĂąncia da temĂĄtica para a gestĂŁo pĂșblica e, consequentemente, para a sociedade, a presente tese busca investigar a relação entre dimensĂ”es de inteligĂȘncia e a institucionalização da atividade de inteligĂȘncia na gestĂŁo pĂșblica. Para o alcance do referido objetivo, a tese foi estruturada em trĂȘs artigos, com os seguintes objetivos: 1) Identificar as dimensĂ”es relacionadas Ă  atividade de inteligĂȘncia na gestĂŁo pĂșblica e validar com gestores pĂșblicos; 2) Analisar as dimensĂ”es da atividade de inteligĂȘncia na gestĂŁo pĂșblica sob a perspectiva Institucional e definir um Modelo TeĂłrico a partir da discussĂŁo teĂłrica sobre a possĂ­vel influĂȘncia das dimensĂ”es de inteligĂȘncia para a institucionalização da atividade na gestĂŁo pĂșblica; e, por fim, 3) Validar o modelo desenvolvido sobre os efeitos das dimensĂ”es de inteligĂȘncia para a institucionalização da atividade de inteligĂȘncia na gestĂŁo pĂșblica. Como principais resultados da tese, destacam-se: a contribuição com a consolidação conceitual sobre inteligĂȘncia na gestĂŁo pĂșblica, a partir do mapeamento e validação de dimensĂ”es de inteligĂȘncia junto Ă  gestĂŁo pĂșblica (Artigo 1); a anĂĄlise das dimensĂ”es de inteligĂȘncia sob a lente da Teoria Institucional que se apresenta como uma contribuição original, uma vez que estudos sobre a temĂĄtica apontam que as barreiras para a transição e estruturação de um governo inteligente parecem menos tecnolĂłgicas e mais institucionais (Artigo 2); a validação da importĂąncia de quatro construtos antecessores: estrutura organizacional, estrutura tecnolĂłgica, capital humano e o engajamento social, todos representando uma influĂȘncia positiva na institucionalização da atividade de inteligĂȘncia na gestĂŁo pĂșblica, com destaque ao capital humano que, configurou-se como o fator de maior impacto (Artigo 3). Diante dos resultados obtidos, a presente tese traz uma anĂĄlise inicial e, atĂ© entĂŁo nĂŁo explorada pela academia, sobre possĂ­veis estratĂ©gias de gestĂŁo para a institucionalização da atividade de inteligĂȘncia na gestĂŁo pĂșblica, visando contribuir para que a cada ano, os governos, nos mais diversos nĂ­veis de atuação, possam, efetivamente, gerenciar a grande quantidade de dados e informaçÔes produzidos para qualificar o desenvolvimento de polĂ­ticas pĂșblica, a tomada de decisĂŁo e, consequentemente, criar valor pĂșblico.The intelligence activity in public management has gained increasing importance both in academic and organizational environments. Pointed out as an innovation in government, which involves the use of technologies to support and improve decision-making, as well as assist in the planning of public activities from the establishment of formal structures, processes, the involvement of public servants and managers, and the social engagement for the effective management of environmental data and information, still requires legitimacy in government. Considering the importance of the theme for public management and, consequently, for society, this thesis seeks to investigate the relationship between intelligence dimensions and the institutionalization of intelligence activity in public management. To achieve this objective, the thesis was structured in three articles with the following objectives: 1) Identify the dimensions related to intelligence activity in public management and validate with public managers; 2) Analyze the dimensions of intelligence activity in public management from the Institutional perspective and define a Theoretical Model from the theoretical discussion on the possible influence of intelligence dimensions for the institutionalization of activity in public management and, finally, 3) Validate the model developed on the effects of intelligence dimensions for the institutionalization of intelligence activity in public management. As main results of the thesis, the following stand out: contribution to the conceptual consolidation of intelligence in public management, based on the mapping and validation of intelligence dimensions in public management (Paper 1); the analysis of the dimensions of intelligence under the lens of Institutional Theory presents itself as an original contribution, since studies on the subject point out that the barriers to the transition and structuring of an intelligent government seem less technological and more institutional (Paper 2); validation of the importance of four predecessor constructs: organizational structure, technological structure, human capital and social engagement, given the positive impact on the institutionalization of intelligence activity in public management, with emphasis on human capital, which was configured as the factor of greater impact (Paper 3). In view of the results presented, this thesis brings an initial analysis and, until then not explored by the academy, on possible management strategies for the institutionalization of the intelligence activity in public management, aiming to contribute so that each year, governments, in the most different levels of action, can effectively use the large amount of data and information produced and managed to qualify the development of public policies, decision-making and, consequently, create public value

    Mapping Change Logbook

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    The Mapping Change Logbook is an online mind-map of key findings and a selection of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources that enriched our research with concepts and experiments that engage the tool of critical mapping. In 4 STATIONS we have arranged 11 ENTRIES: short texts of +/- 1,600 words, written by our team, that base on inputs from the 2 workshops and our research. This booklet captures these entries. In addition, we plugged 60 DETOURS to the entries: short descriptions and links to relevant works that we highlight under 9 filters: map/image, mobilizer, workshop, scholarly, interview/podcast, field/prep note, music, video/ film, counterimaginary. The pages of these Detours in the web-logbook are only a windowsill that provides a synopsis (often a quote from descriptions by the respective authors on the sourced site) and the link to the work on the original server where it can be explored. Therefore, the Detours can only be viewed online, yet a list can be found as annex at the end of this booklet. To view the Mapping Change Logbook online visit: www.mapping-change.labor-k.org/overview

    Data justice and the right to the city

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