724 research outputs found

    Hybrid Honey Bees Mating Optimization Algorithm for Identifying the Near-Optimal Solution in Web Service Composition

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    This paper addresses the problem of optimality in semantic Web service composition by proposing a hybrid nature-inspired method for selecting the optimal or near-optimal solution in semantic Web Service Composition. The method hybridizes the Honey-Bees Mating Optimization algorithm with components inspired from genetic algorithms, reinforcement learning, and tabu search. To prove the necessity of hybridization, we have analyzed comparatively the experimental results provided by our hybrid selection algorithm versus the ones obtained with the classical Honey Bees Mating Optimization algorithm and with the genetic-inspired algorithm of Canfora et al

    Composing Distributed Data-intensive Web Services Using a Flexible Memetic Algorithm

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    Web Service Composition (WSC) is a particularly promising application of Web services, where multiple individual services with specific functionalities are composed to accomplish a more complex task, which must fulfil functional requirements and optimise Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, simultaneously. Additionally, large quantities of data, produced by technological advances, need to be exchanged between services. Data-intensive Web services, which manipulate and deal with those data, are of great interest to implement data-intensive processes, such as distributed Data-intensive Web Service Composition (DWSC). Researchers have proposed Evolutionary Computing (EC) fully-automated WSC techniques that meet all the above factors. Some of these works employed Memetic Algorithms (MAs) to enhance the performance of EC through increasing its exploitation ability of in searching neighbourhood area of a solution. However, those works are not efficient or effective. This paper proposes an MA-based approach to solving the problem of distributed DWSC in an effective and efficient manner. In particular, we develop an MA that hybridises EC with a flexible local search technique incorporating distance of services. An evaluation using benchmark datasets is carried out, comparing existing state-of-the-art methods. Results show that our proposed method has the highest quality and an acceptable execution time overall.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1901.0556

    Optimal QoS aware multiple paths web service composition using heuristic algorithms and data mining techniques

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    The goal of QoS-aware service composition is to generate optimal composite services that satisfy the QoS requirements defined by clients. However, when compositions contain more than one execution path (i.e., multiple path's compositions), it is difficult to generate a composite service that simultaneously optimizes all the execution paths involved in the composite service at the same time while meeting the QoS requirements. This issue brings us to the challenge of solving the QoS-aware service composition problem, so called an optimization problem. A further research challenge is the determination of the QoS characteristics that can be considered as selection criteria. In this thesis, a smart QoS-aware service composition approach is proposed. The aim is to solve the above-mentioned problems via an optimization mechanism based upon the combination between runtime path prediction method and heuristic algorithms. This mechanism is performed in two steps. First, the runtime path prediction method predicts, at runtime, and just before the actual composition, execution, the execution path that will potentially be executed. Second, both the constructive procedure (CP) and the complementary procedure (CCP) heuristic algorithms computed the optimization considering only the execution path that has been predicted by the runtime path prediction method for criteria selection, eight QoS characteristics are suggested after investigating related works on the area of web service and web service composition. Furthermore, prioritizing the selected QoS criteria is suggested in order to assist clients when choosing the right criteria. Experiments via WEKA tool and simulation prototype were conducted to evaluate the methods used. For the runtime path prediction method, the results showed that the path prediction method achieved promising prediction accuracy, and the number of paths involved in the prediction did not affect the accuracy. For the optimization mechanism, the evaluation was conducted by comparing the mechanism with relevant optimization techniques. The simulation results showed that the proposed optimization mechanism outperforms the relevant optimization techniques by (1) generating the highest overall QoS ratio solutions, (2) consuming the smallest computation time, and (3) producing the lowest percentage of constraints violated number

    Exploring the Selection of the Optimal Web Service Composition through Ant Colony Optimization

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    This paper presents an ant-inspired method for selecting the optimal or a near optimal solution in semantic Web service composition. The proposed method adapts and enhances the Ant Colony Optimization meta-heuristic and considers as selection criteria the QoS attributes of the services involved in the composition as well as the semantic similarity between them. To improve the performance of the proposed selection method a 1-OPT heuristic is defined which expands the search space in a controlled way so as to avoid the stagnation on local optimal solutions. The ant-inspired selection method has been evaluated on a set of scenarios having different complexities and comparatively analyzed with a cuckoo-inspired and a bee-inspired selection method

    05441 Abstracts Collection -- Managing and Mining Genome Information: Frontiers in Bioinformatics

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    From 30.10.05 to 04.11.05, the Dagstuhl Seminar 05441 ``Managing and Mining Genome Information: Frontiers in Bioinformatics\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Towards ‘Metaheuristics in the Large’

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    There is a pressing need for a higher-level architectural per- spective in metaheuristics research. This article proposes a purely functional collection of component signatures as a basis for the scalable and automatic construction of meta- heuristics. We claim that this is an important step for sci- entific progress because: i). It is increasingly accepted that newly-proposed meta- heuristics should be grounded in terms of well-defined frameworks and components. Standardized descrip- tions help to distinguish novelty from minor variation. ii). Greater reproducibility is needed, particularly to facil- itate comparison with the state-of-the-art. iii). Interoperable descriptions are a pre-requisite for a data model supporting large-scale knowledge discovery across frameworks and problems. A key obstacle is that metaheuristic components suffer from an intrinsic lack of modularity, so we present some design op- tions for dealing with this and use this to provide a roadmap for addressing the above issues.PreprintPeer reviewe

    Genetic Programming for QoS-Aware Data-Intensive Web Service Composition and Execution

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    Web service composition has become a promising technique to build powerful enterprise applications by making use of distributed services with different functions. In the age of big data, more and more web services are created to deal with a large amount of data, which are called data-intensive services. Due to the explosion in the volume of data, providing efficient approaches to composing data-intensive services will become more and more important in the field of service-oriented computing. Meanwhile, as numerous web services have been emerging to offer identical or similar functionality on the Internet, web service composition is usually performed with end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) properties which are adopted to describe the non-functional properties (e.g., response time, execution cost, reliability, etc.) of a web service. In addition, the executions of composite web services are typically coordinated by a centralized workflow engine. As a result, the centralized execution paradigm suffers from inefficient communication and a single point of failure. This is particularly problematic in the context of data-intensive processes. To that end, more decentralized and flexible execution paradigms are required for the execution of data-intensive applications. From a computational point of view, the problems of QoS-aware data-intensive web service composition and execution can be characterised as complex, large-scale, constrained and multi-objective optimization problems. Therefore, genetic programming (GP) based solutions are presented in this thesis to address the problems. A series of simulation experiments are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed approaches, and the empirical observations are also described in this thesis. Firstly, we propose a hybrid approach that integrates the local search procedure of tabu search into the global search process of GP to solving the problem of QoS-aware data-intensive web service composition. A mathematical model is developed for considering the mass data transmission across different component services in a data-intensive service composition. The experimental results show that our proposed approach can provide better performance than the standard GP approach and two traditional optimization methods. Next, a many-objective evolutionary approach is proposed for tackling the QoS-aware data-intensive service composition problem having more than three competing quality objectives. In this approach, the original search space of the problem is reduced before a recently developed many-objective optimization algorithm, NSGA-III, is adopted to solve the many-objective optimization problem. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, as well as its superiority than existing single-objective and multi-objective approaches. Finally, a GP-based approach to partitioning a composite data-intensive service for decentralized execution is put forth in this thesis. Similar to the first problem, a mathematical model is developed for estimating the communication overhead inside a partition and across the partitions. The data and control dependencies in the original composite web service can be properly preserved in the deployment topology generated by our approach. Compared with two existing heuristic algorithms, the proposed approach exhibits better scalability and it is more suitable for large-scale partitioning problems
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