219,296 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review of the Application and Empirical Investigation of Search-Based Test Case Generation

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    Otsingupõhine tarkvara testimine kasutab metaheuristilisi algoritme, et automatiseerida testide genereerimist. Selle töö eesmärgiks on osaliselt taasluua 2010. aastal kirjutatud Ali et al. artikkel, et uurida, kuidas on aastatel 2008-2015 kasutatud metaheuristilisi algoritme testide loomiseks. See töö analüüsib, kuidas on antud artiklid koostatud ning kuidas neis on algoritmide maksumust ja efektiivsust hinnatud. Kogutud tulemusi võrreldakse Ali et al. tulemustega.Search based software testing uses metaheuristic algorithms to automate the generation of test cases. This thesis partially replicates a literature study published in 2010 by Ali et al. to determine how studies published in 2008-2015 use metaheuristic algorithms to automate the generation of test cases. The thesis analyses how these studies were conducted and how the cost-effectiveness is assessed in these papers. The trends detected in the new publications are compared to those presented in Ali et al

    International conference on software engineering and knowledge engineering: Session chair

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    The Thirtieth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2018) will be held at the Hotel Pullman, San Francisco Bay, USA, from July 1 to July 3, 2018. SEKE2018 will also be dedicated in memory of Professor Lofti Zadeh, a great scholar, pioneer and leader in fuzzy sets theory and soft computing. The conference aims at bringing together experts in software engineering and knowledge engineering to discuss on relevant results in either software engineering or knowledge engineering or both. Special emphasis will be put on the transference of methods between both domains. The theme this year is soft computing in software engineering & knowledge engineering. Submission of papers and demos are both welcome

    Enablers and Impediments for Collaborative Research in Software Testing: An Empirical Exploration

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    When it comes to industrial organizations, current collaboration efforts in software engineering research are very often kept in-house, depriving these organizations off the skills necessary to build independent collaborative research. The current trend, towards empirical software engineering research, requires certain standards to be established which would guide these collaborative efforts in creating a strong partnership that promotes independent, evidence-based, software engineering research. This paper examines key enabling factors for an efficient and effective industry-academia collaboration in the software testing domain. A major finding of the research was that while technology is a strong enabler to better collaboration, it must be complemented with industrial openness to disclose research results and the use of a dedicated tooling platform. We use as an example an automated test generation approach that has been developed in the last two years collaboratively with Bombardier Transportation AB in Sweden