8 research outputs found

    Assessing mobile mixed reality affordances as a comparative visualization pedagogy for design communication

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    Spatial visualisation skills and interpretation are critical in the design professions but are difficult for novice designers. There is growing evidence that mixed reality visualisation improves learner outcomes, but often these studies are focused on a single media representation and not on a comparison between media and the underpinning learning outcomes. Results from recent studies highlight the use of comparative visualisation pedagogy in design through learner reflective blogs and pilot studies with experts, but these studies are limited by expense and designs familiar to the learner. With increasing interest in mobile pedagogy, more assessment is required in understanding learner interpretation of comparative mobile mixed reality pedagogy. The aim of this study is to do this by evaluating insights from a first-year architectural design classroom through studying the impact and use of a range of mobile comparative visualisation technologies. Using a design-based research methodology and a usability framework for accessing comparative visualisation, this paper will study the complexities of spatial design in the built environment. Outcomes from the study highlight the positives of the approach but also the improvements required in the delivery of the visualisations to improve on the visibility and visual errors caused by the lack of mobile processing

    Resumen de revisiones sobre Realidad Aumentada en educación

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    La Realidad Aumentada (RA) está considerada como una de las tecnologías emergentes más prometedoras de la actualidad que está revolucionado los procesos educativos en todos los niveles de formación académica por su alto nivel de motivación e innovación. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar artículos de revisión sobre RA en educación para determinar cuáles son los grupos destinatarios, áreas de aplicación; metodologías, tipo de aplicaciones, tecnologías, software utilizados; ventajas, desventajas señaladas; y por último los trabajos futuros vislumbrados.Augmented Reality (AR) is considered one of the most promising emerging technologies today that is revolutionized educational processes at all academic levels due to its high level of motivation and innovation. The aim of this article is to analyze review articles on AR in education to determine the target groups and areas of application; methodologies, type of applications, technologies and software used; advantages and disadvantages; and finally the future works glimpsed.Facultad de Informátic

    Resumen de revisiones sobre Realidad Aumentada en educación

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    La Realidad Aumentada (RA) está considerada como una de las tecnologías emergentes más prometedoras de la actualidad que está revolucionado los procesos educativos en todos los niveles de formación académica por su alto nivel de motivación e innovación. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar artículos de revisión sobre RA en educación para determinar cuáles son los grupos destinatarios, áreas de aplicación; metodologías, tipo de aplicaciones, tecnologías, software utilizados; ventajas, desventajas señaladas; y por último los trabajos futuros vislumbrados.Augmented Reality (AR) is considered one of the most promising emerging technologies today that is revolutionized educational processes at all academic levels due to its high level of motivation and innovation. The aim of this article is to analyze review articles on AR in education to determine the target groups and areas of application; methodologies, type of applications, technologies and software used; advantages and disadvantages; and finally the future works glimpsed.Facultad de Informátic

    Resumen de revisiones sobre Realidad Aumentada en educación

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    La Realidad Aumentada (RA) está considerada como una de las tecnologías emergentes más prometedoras de la actualidad que está revolucionado los procesos educativos en todos los niveles de formación académica por su alto nivel de motivación e innovación. El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar artículos de revisión sobre RA en educación para determinar cuáles son los grupos destinatarios, áreas de aplicación; metodologías, tipo de aplicaciones, tecnologías, software utilizados; ventajas, desventajas señaladas; y por último los trabajos futuros vislumbrados.Augmented Reality (AR) is considered one of the most promising emerging technologies today that is revolutionized educational processes at all academic levels due to its high level of motivation and innovation. The aim of this article is to analyze review articles on AR in education to determine the target groups and areas of application; methodologies, type of applications, technologies and software used; advantages and disadvantages; and finally the future works glimpsed.Facultad de Informátic

    User experience evaluation and creativity stimulation with augmented reality mobile applications

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    While customer information and knowledge need transform in the context of globalization and technological change, it is important for organizations to efficiently meet new and changing needs and stimulate consumer creativity through the use of augmented reality mobile applications. In order to solve this kind of problem, it is important to evaluate mobile applications with respect to user experience. The purpose of this study is to evaluate alternative research methods for user experience assessment in augmented reality, to determine whether the selected user experience survey method is suitable for augmented reality mobile applications’ evaluation, and to identify features, which would improve augmented reality mobile applications in order to enhance users’ creativity and positive attitude. The article presents the analysis of theoretical aspects of evaluation of augmented reality mobile applications, the concept of the augmented reality, the augmented reality mobile application evaluation results and the recommendations for the user’s creativity stimulation. Research methods such as scientific literature analysis and user experience survey are used to achieve the purpose of the article. Santrauka Globalizacijos ir technologijų pokyčių kontekste kintant vartotojų informaciniams ir žinių poreikiams, organizacijoms svarbu efektyviai tenkinti naujus besikeičiančius poreikius ir skatinti vartotojų kūrybiškumą naudojant papildytosios realybės mobiliąsias programas. Siekiant išspręsti tokio pobūdžio problematiką, svarbu įvertinti papildytosios realybės mobiliąsias programas vartotojo patirties atžvilgiu. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama įvertinti alternatyvius vartotojo patirties tyrimo metodus papildytojoje realybėje, taip pat nustatyti, ar pasirinkti vartotojų patirties tyrimo metodai yra tinkami papildytosios realybės mobiliosioms programoms vertinti ir identifikuoti charakteristikas, kurios pagerintų papildytosios realybės mobiliąsias programas, siekiant padidinti vartotojų kūrybiškumą. Straipsnyje pateikiama papildytosios realybės mobiliųjų aplikacijų vertinimo teorinių aspektų analizė, papildytosios realybės koncepcija, pristatomi papildytosios realybės mobiliųjų aplikacijų vertinimo rezultatai ir vartotojo kūrybiškumo skatinimo rekomendacijos. Straipsnio tikslui pasiekti taikyti tokie tyrimo metodai, kaip mokslinės literatūros analizė ir vartotojo patirties tyrimas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: papildytoji realybė, vartotojo kūrybiškumo skatinimas, mobilioji programa, vartotojo patirties vertinimas

    Onsite Safety Education in Factories Using Augmented Reality with Text Mining-based Marker

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 산업공학과, 2018. 2. 박진우.불과 몇 년 전까지만 하더라도 일상생활에서 정보를 전달하는 방식은 그림과 사진을 포함한 문서 그리고 영상이 주를 이루었으며 이는 생명과도 직접적으로 연관되어 있는 기업의 공장 내 현장 안전교육에서도 여전히 사용되고 있다. 하지만 최근 3D영상에 대한 연구 및 수요가 급증하고, 3D영상을 넘어 실제 환경에 가상 사물이나 정보를 합성하여 정보 제공의 효율을 높이는 증강현실 기술과 같은 컴퓨터 그래픽 기술의 발전이 급속도로 진행되고있다. 본 논문은 문서나 영상과 같은 2차원 그래픽(2D)기반 도구를 안전교육의 수단으로 이용함으로써 생기는 한계점 및 문제점을 지적하고 이를 증강현실 기술 적용을 통해 개선함으로써 산업재해의 효과적 예방을 이루고자함을 목표로 삼았다. 이러한 목표에 따라 다양한 조사 및 참고문헌을 기반으로 최근 증강현실 기술 발전 수준을 반영한 산업현장 안전교육의 구축 및 이의 효과성을 설명하였다. 또한 최신의 증강현실 기술 기반 교육의 구현을 넘어, 본 논문에서는 증강현실 기반 교육의 3D 컨텐츠를 증강할 위치 인식 및 추적에 이용되는 인식 매개체 중 하나인 이미지 마커의 개선 또한 진행되었다. 이미지 마커의 개선 방법은 최근 많은 분야에서 이용되고 있는 텍스트마이닝 기법이 이용되었으며 개선된 마커는 본 연구의 목표인 산업현장 안전교육의 개선에 도움이 될 것이다.1. 서론 1 1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 1.2 연구의 내용 및 범위 3 1.3 논문의 구성 4 2. 산업재해 현황 및 연구의 목표 5 2.1 산업재해 현황 분석 5 2.1.1 산업별 산업재해 현황 분석 5 2.1.2 재해 유형별 산업재해 현황 분석 7 2.1.3 근무 경력에 따른 산업재해 현황 분석 9 2.2 연구의 목표 12 2.2.1 안전교육의 필요성 12 2.2.2 증강현실기술 적용의 필요성 15 2.2.3 텍스트마이닝기법 적용의 필요성 25 3. 증강현실과 텍스트마이닝 기반 마커를 이용한 산업현장 안전교육 제안 28 3.1 관련 연구 중심의 증강현실 기반 산업 현장 안전교육 제안 28 3.2 증강현실 기술을 적용한 산업현장 안전교육 설계 42 3.3 텍스트마이닝 기반 마커 설계 51 4. 구현 결과 및 예상 효과 57 4.1 증강현실 기반 안전교육 구현 결과 및 예상 효과 57 4.2 텍스트마이닝 기반 마커 구현 결과 및 예상 효과 62 5. 결론 및 추후 과제 65 5.1 결론 65 5.2 연구의 한계 및 추후 과제 67 참고문헌 69 Abstract 73Maste

    A Systematic Review of Usability Studies in Augmented Reality between 2005 and 2014

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    Augmented Reality (AR) interfaces have been studied extensively over the last few decades, with a growing number of user-based experiments. In this paper, we systematically review most AR papers published between 2005 and 2014 that include user studies. A total of 291 papers have been reviewed and classified based on their application areas. The primary contribution of the review is to present the broad landscape of user-based AR research, and to provide a high-level view of how that landscape has changed. We also identify areas where there have been few user studies, and opportunities for future research. This poster describes the methodology of the review and the classifications of AR research that have emerged

    Measuring the Effects of Multi-Sensory Stimuli in the Mixed Reality Environment for Tourism Value Creation

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    This thesis explores the impact of technology-enhanced multisensory stimuli on visitors' value judgments and behavioural intentions at tourist attractions. The study is based on the Tourism Value Framework (Smith and Colgate, 2007), which examines the influence of tourism environment and experience cues on tourist behaviour. To achieve the objective, four key areas were critically reviewed: 1) value creation in attraction-based tourism, 2) multisensory experience literature including experiencescape research, 3) immersion, and 4) mixed-reality technology (Objective 1). Primary data collection involved two research phases. The first phase included ten semistructured focus group interviews with visitors at two multisensory mixed-reality tourism locations in Finland (Objective 2). These interviews provided insights into visitors' perspectives on value formation, immersive experiences, and mixed-reality technologies. Thematic analysis of the data revealed five themes and seventeen subthemes, including context-specific subthemes, which contributed to understanding the multisensory tourism experience and technology-enhanced experience. Based on ten hypotheses, a qualitative S-I-V-A value creation framework was developed for technology-enhanced multisensory mixed reality tourism environments. The second phase aimed to examine and validate the proposed model by collecting survey responses from 317 visitors to a multisensory mixed reality tourist environment. Covariance-based Structural Equation Modelling (CB-SEM) was used for data analysis (Objective 3). The research's significant achievement is the creation of the S-I-V-A value creation framework for technology-enhanced multisensory mixed reality tourist environments, derived from the study's discoveries (Objective 4). The thesis concludes by summarizing the theoretical contributions of this research and offering recommendations to developers and designers in the tourism and mixed-reality sectors. It acknowledges the study's limitations and suggests potential directions for future research