17 research outputs found

    Creating Structured PDF Files Using XML Templates

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    This paper describes a tool for recombining the logical structure from an XML document with the typeset appearance of the corresponding PDF document. The tool uses the XML representation as a template for the insertion of the logical structure into the existing PDF document, thereby creating a Structured/Tagged PDF. The addition of logical structure adds value to the PDF in three ways: the accessibility is improved (PDF screen readers for visually impaired users perform better), media options are enhanced (the ability to reflow PDF documents, using structure as a guide, makes PDF viable for use on hand-held devices) and the re-usability of the PDF documents benefits greatly from the presence of an XML-like structure tree to guide the process of text retrieval in reading order (e.g. when interfacing to XML applications and databases)

    An overview of selected information storage and retrieval issues in computerized document processing

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    The rapid development of computerized information storage and retrieval techniques has introduced the possibility of extending the word processing concept to document processing. A major advantage of computerized document processing is the relief of the tedious task of manual editing and composition usually encountered by traditional publishers through the immense speed and storage capacity of computers. Furthermore, computerized document processing provides an author with centralized control, the lack of which is a handicap of the traditional publishing operation. A survey of some computerized document processing techniques is presented with emphasis on related information storage and retrieval issues. String matching algorithms are considered central to document information storage and retrieval and are also discussed

    In-house Preparation of Examination Papers using troff, tbl, and eqn.

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    Starting in December 1982 the University of Nottingham decided to phototypeset almost all of its examination papers `in house' using the troff, tbl and eqn programs running under UNIX. This tutorial lecture highlights the features of the three programs with particular reference to their strengths and weaknesses in a production environment. The following issues are particularly addressed: Standards -- all three software packages require the embedding of commands and the invocation of pre-written macros, rather than `what you see is what you get'. This can help to enforce standards, in the absence of traditional compositor skills. Hardware and Software -- the requirements are analysed for an inexpensive preview facility and a low-level interface to the phototypesetter. Mathematical and Technical papers -- the fine-tuning of eqn to impose a standard house style. Staff skills and training -- systems of this kind do not require the operators to have had previous experience of phototypesetting. Of much greater importance is willingness and flexibility in learning how to use computer systems

    Creating Structured PDF Files Using XML Templates

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    This paper describes a tool for recombining the logical structure from an XML document with the typeset appearance of the corresponding PDF document. The tool uses the XML representation as a template for the insertion of the logical structure into the existing PDF document, thereby creating a Structured/Tagged PDF. The addition of logical structure adds value to the PDF in three ways: the accessibility is improved (PDF screen readers for visually impaired users perform better), media options are enhanced (the ability to reflow PDF documents, using structure as a guide, makes PDF viable for use on hand-held devices) and the re-usability of the PDF documents benefits greatly from the presence of an XML-like structure tree to guide the process of text retrieval in reading order (e.g. when interfacing to XML applications and databases)

    Creating structured PDF files using XML templates

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    Solving computational problems in real algebra/geometry

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    Mathematical Notation is generally though of as universal and constant. This is not as true as the layman thinks, and Notation is in fact an evolving, subject-specific, collection of sub-notations, where the same symbol can mean different things in different parts of the same sentence. This paper surveys the various ways computers process, and help humans to process, the varieties of notation. Keywords: Mathematical Notation, MathML, OpenMat


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    Enumeration of small triangle free Ramsey Graphs

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    In 1930, a paper by Frank Plumpton Ramsey entitled On a Problem of Formal Logic appeared in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Although the impetus of this paper was one of mathematical logic, a far reaching combinatorial result was needed by Ramsey to achieve his objective. This combinatorial result became known as Ram \sey\u27s Theorem. One of the combinatorial structures which was developed during the study of Ramsey\u27s Theorem is that of a Ramsey graph. A Ramsey graph, denoted (k,l,n,e), is defined as an undirected graph that contains no cliques of size k, no independent sets of size I, with order n, and size e. Knowledge of Ramsey graphs is useful in the improvement of bounds and sometimes the calculation of exact values for various Ramsey number parameter situations. Straightforward enumeration of (k, I, n, e) Ramsey graphs for larger values of n is intractable with the current computing technology available. In order to produce such graphs, specialized algorithms need to be implemented. This thesis provides the theoretical background developed by Graver and Yackel [GRA68a], expanded upon by Grinstead and Roberts [GRl82a], and generalized by Radziszowski and Kreher [RAD88a, RAD88b] for the implementation of algorithms utilized for the enumeration of various Ram sey graphs. An object oriented graph manipulation package, including the above mentioned Ramsey graph enumeration algorithms, is implemented and documented. This package is utilized for the enumeration of all (3,3), (3,4), (3,5) and (3, 6) graphs. Some (3, 7) and (3, 8) also are calculated. These results duplicate and verify Ramsey graphs previously enumerated during other investigations. [RAD88a, RAD88b] In addition to these results, some newly enumerated (3,8) critical graphs, as well as some newly enumerated (3,9) graphs, including a minimum (3, 9, 26, 52) -graph are presented