164 research outputs found

    Evaluating the impact of intracortical microstimulation on distant cortical brain regions for neuroprosthetic applications

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    Enhancing functional motor recovery after localized brain injury is a widely recognized priority in healthcare as disorders of the nervous system that cause motor impairment, such as stroke, are among the most common causes of adult-onset disability. Restoring physiological function in a dysfunctional brain to improve quality of life is a primary challenge in scientific and clinical research and could be driven by innovative therapeutic approaches. Recently, techniques using brain stimulation methodologies have been employed to promote post-injury neuroplasticity for the restitution of motor function. One type of closed-loop stimulation, i.e., activity-dependent stimulation (ADS), has been shown to modify existing functional connectivity within either healthy or injured cerebral cortices and used to increase behavioral recovery following cortical injury. The aim of this PhD thesis is to characterize the electrophysiological correlates of such behavioral recovery in both healthy and injured cortical networks using in vivo animal models. We tested the ability of two different intracortical micro-stimulation protocols, i.e., ADS and its randomized open-loop version (RS), to potentiate cortico-cortical connections between two distant cortical locations in both anaesthetized and awake behaving rats. Thus, this dissertation has the following three main goals: 1) to investigate the ability of ADS to induce changes in intra-cortical activity in healthy anesthetized rats, 2) to characterize the electrophysiological signs of brain injury and evaluate the capability of ADS to promote electrophysiological changes in the damaged network, and 3) to investigate the long-term effects of stimulation by repeating the treatment for 21 consecutive days in healthy awake behaving animals. The results of this study indicate that closed-loop activity-dependent stimulation induced greater changes than open-loop random stimulation, further strengthening the idea that Hebbian-inspired protocols might potentiate cortico-cortical connections between distant brain areas. The implications of these results have the potential to lead to novel treatments for various neurological diseases and disorders and inspire new neurorehabilitation therapies

    The need for calcium imaging in nonhuman primates: New motor neuroscience and brain-machine interfaces

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    A central goal of neuroscience is to understand how populations of neurons coordinate and cooperate in order to give rise to perception, cognition, and action. Nonhuman primates (NHPs) are an attractive model with which to understand these mechanisms in humans, primarily due to the strong homology of their brains and the cognitively sophisticated behaviors they can be trained to perform. Using electrode recordings, the activity of one to a few hundred individual neurons may be measured electrically, which has enabled many scientific findings and the development of brain-machine interfaces. Despite these successes, electrophysiology samples sparsely from neural populations and provides little information about the genetic identity and spatial micro-organization of recorded neurons. These limitations have spurred the development of all-optical methods for neural circuit interrogation. Fluorescent calcium signals serve as a reporter of neuronal responses, and when combined with post-mortem optical clearing techniques such as CLARITY, provide dense recordings of neuronal populations, spatially organized and annotated with genetic and anatomical information. Here, we advocate that this methodology, which has been of tremendous utility in smaller animal models, can and should be developed for use with NHPs. We review here several of the key opportunities and challenges for calcium-based optical imaging in NHPs. We focus on motor neuroscience and brain-machine interface design as representative domains of opportunity within the larger field of NHP neuroscience

    Central nervous system microstimulation: Towards selective micro-neuromodulation

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    Electrical stimulation technologies capable of modulating neural activity are well established for neuroscientific research and neurotherapeutics. Recent micro-neuromodulation experimental results continue to explain neural processing complexity and suggest the potential for assistive technologies capable of restoring or repairing of basic function. Nonetheless, performance is dependent upon the specificity of the stimulation. Increasingly specific stimulation is hypothesized to be achieved by progressively smaller interfaces. Miniaturization is a current focus of neural implants due to improvements in mitigation of the body's foreign body response. It is likely that these exciting technologies will offer the promise to provide large-scale micro-neuromodulation in the future. Here, we highlight recent successes of assistive technologies through bidirectional neuroprostheses currently being used to repair or restore basic brain functionality. Furthermore, we introduce recent neuromodulation technologies that might improve the effectiveness of these neuroprosthetic interfaces by increasing their chronic stability and microstimulation specificity. We suggest a vision where the natural progression of innovative technologies and scientific knowledge enables the ability to selectively micro-neuromodulate every neuron in the brain

    A role for sensory areas in coordinating active sensing motions

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    Active sensing, which incorporates closed-loop behavioral selection of information during sensory acquisition, is an important feature of many sensory modalities. We used the rodent whisker tactile system as a platform for studying the role cortical sensory areas play in coordinating active sensing motions. We examined head and whisker motions of freely moving mice performing a tactile search for a randomly located reward, and found that mice select from a diverse range of available active sensing strategies. In particular, mice selectively employed a strategy we term contact maintenance, where whisking is modulated to counteract head motion and sustain repeated contacts, but only when doing so is likely to be useful for obtaining reward. The context dependent selection of sensing strategies, along with the observation of whisker repositioning prior to head motion, suggests the possibility of higher level control, beyond simple reflexive mechanisms. In order to further investigate a possible role for primary somatosensory cortex (SI) in coordinating whisk-by-whisk motion, we delivered closed-loop optogenetic feedback to SI, time locked to whisker motions estimated through facial electromyography. We found that stimulation regularized whisking (increasing overall periodicity), and shifted whisking frequency, changes that emulate behaviors of rodents actively contacting objects. Importantly, we observed changes to whisk timing only for stimulation locked to whisker protractions, possibly encoding that natural contacts are more likely during forward motion of the whiskers. Simultaneous neural recordings from SI show cyclic changes in excitability, specifically that responses to excitatory stimulation locked to whisker retractions appeared suppressed in contrast to stimulation during protractions that resulted in changes to whisk timing. Both effects are evident within single whisks. These findings support a role for sensory cortex in guiding whisk-by-whisk motor outputs, but suggest a coupling that depends on behavioral context, occurring on multiple timescales. Elucidating a role for sensory cortex in motor outputs is important to understanding active sensing, and may further provide novel insights to guide the design of sensory neuroprostheses that exploit active sensing context

    Wireless Simultaneous Stimulation-and-Recording Device (SRD) to Train Cortical Circuits in Rat Somatosensory Cortex

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    The primary goal of this project is to develop a wireless system for simultaneous recording-and-stimulation (SRD) to deliver low amplitude current pulses to the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) of rats to activate and enhance an interhemispheric cortical pathway. Despite the existence of an interhemispheric connection between similar forelimb representations of SI cortices, forelimb cortical neurons respond only to input from the contralateral (opposite side) forelimb and not to input from the ipsilateral (same side) forelimb. Given the existence of this interhemispheric pathway we have been able to strengthen/enhance the pathway through chronic intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) in previous acute experiments of anesthetized rats. In these acute experiments strengthening the interhemispheric pathway also brings about functional reorganization whereby cortical neurons in forelimb cortex respond to new input from the ipsilateral forelimb. Having the ability to modify cortical circuitry will have important applications in stroke patients and could serve to rescue and/or enhance responsiveness in surviving cells around the stroke region. Also, the ability to induce functional reorganization within the deafferented cortical map, which follows limb amputation, will also provide a vehicle for modulating maladaptive cortical reorganization often associated with phantom limb pain leading to reduced pain. In order to increase our understanding of the observed functional reorganization and enhanced pathway, we need to be able to test these observations in awake and behaving animals and eventually study how these changes persist over a prolonged period of time. To accomplish this a system was needed to allow simultaneous recording and stimulation in awake rats. However, no such commercial or research system exists that meets all requirements for such an experiment. In this project we describe the (1) system design, (2) system testing, (3) system evaluation, and (4) system implementation of a wireless simultaneous stimulation-and-recording device (SRD) to be used to modulate cortical circuits in an awake rodent animal model

    A programmable closed-loop recording and stimulating wireless system for behaving small laboratory animals

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    A portable 16-channels microcontroller-based wireless system for a bi-directional interaction with the central nervous system is presented in this work. The device is designed to be used with freely behaving small laboratory animals and allows recording of spontaneous and evoked neural activity wirelessly transmitted and stored on a personal computer. Biphasic current stimuli with programmable duration, frequency and amplitude may be triggered in real-time on the basis of the recorded neural activity as well as by the animal behavior within a specifically designed experimental setup. An intuitive graphical user interface was developed to configure and to monitor the whole system. The system was successfully tested through bench tests and in vivo measurements on behaving rats chronically implanted with multi-channels microwire arrays

    Behavioral paradigm for the evaluation of stimulation-evoked somatosensory perception thresholds in rats

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    Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) of the somatosensory cortex via penetrating microelectrode arrays (MEAs) can evoke cutaneous and proprioceptive sensations for restoration of perception in individuals with spinal cord injuries. However, ICMS current amplitudes needed to evoke these sensory percepts tend to change over time following implantation. Animal models have been used to investigate the mechanisms by which these changes occur and aid in the development of new engineering strategies to mitigate such changes. Non-human primates are commonly the animal of choice for investigating ICMS, but ethical concerns exist regarding their use. Rodents are a preferred animal model due to their availability, affordability, and ease of handling, but there are limited choices of behavioral tasks for investigating ICMS. In this study, we investigated the application of an innovative behavioral go/no-go paradigm capable of estimating ICMS-evoked sensory perception thresholds in freely moving rats. We divided animals into two groups, one receiving ICMS and a control group receiving auditory tones. Then, we trained the animals to nose-poke – a well-established behavioral task for rats – following either a suprathreshold ICMS current-controlled pulse train or frequency-controlled auditory tone. Animals received a sugar pellet reward when nose-poking correctly. When nose-poking incorrectly, animals received a mild air puff. After animals became proficient in this task, as defined by accuracy, precision, and other performance metrics, they continued to the next phase for perception threshold detection, where we varied the ICMS amplitude using a modified staircase method. Finally, we used non-linear regression to estimate perception thresholds. Results indicated that our behavioral protocol could estimate ICMS perception thresholds based on ~95% accuracy of rat nose-poke responses to the conditioned stimulus. This behavioral paradigm provides a robust methodology for evaluating stimulation-evoked somatosensory percepts in rats comparable to the evaluation of auditory percepts. In future studies, this validated methodology can be used to study the performance of novel MEA device technologies on ICMS-evoked perception threshold stability using freely moving rats or to investigate information processing principles in neural circuits related to sensory perception discrimination

    A Low-Cost Multielectrode System for Data Acquisition Enabling Real-Time Closed-Loop Processing with Rapid Recovery from Stimulation Artifacts

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    Commercially available data acquisition systems for multielectrode recording from freely moving animals are expensive, often rely on proprietary software, and do not provide detailed, modifiable circuit schematics. When used in conjunction with electrical stimulation, they are prone to prolonged, saturating stimulation artifacts that prevent the recording of short-latency evoked responses. Yet electrical stimulation is integral to many experimental designs, and critical for emerging brain-computer interfacing and neuroprosthetic applications. To address these issues, we developed an easy-to-use, modifiable, and inexpensive system for multielectrode neural recording and stimulation. Setup costs are less than US$10,000 for 64 channels, an order of magnitude lower than comparable commercial systems. Unlike commercial equipment, the system recovers rapidly from stimulation and allows short-latency action potentials (<1 ms post-stimulus) to be detected, facilitating closed-loop applications and exposing neural activity that would otherwise remain hidden. To illustrate this capability, evoked activity from microstimulation of the rodent hippocampus is presented. System noise levels are similar to existing platforms, and extracellular action potentials and local field potentials can be recorded simultaneously. The system is modular, in banks of 16 channels, and flexible in usage: while primarily designed for in vivo use, it can be combined with commercial preamplifiers to record from in vitro multielectrode arrays. The system's open-source control software, NeuroRighter, is implemented in C#, with an easy-to-use graphical interface. As C# functions in a managed code environment, which may impact performance, analysis was conducted to ensure comparable speed to C++ for this application. Hardware schematics, layout files, and software are freely available. Since maintaining wired headstage connections with freely moving animals is difficult, we describe a new method of electrode-headstage coupling using neodymium magnets

    Neurostimulation of the Rat Motor System

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    Ce document fait la synthèse d'un ensemble de travaux concernant la nature de la plasticité neuronale et la manière dont la neurostimulation peut être utilisée pour améliorer la récupération motrice après une atteinte neurologique. Nous commençons par les principes fondamentaux généraux des neurosciences, la structure du système nerveux moteur chez l'homme et le rat, ainsi qu'une brève discussion sur les lésions neurologiques. Les sujets sont vastes et couverts avec la brièveté nécessaire, mais ils fournissent un contexte essentiel pour les chapitres suivants, présentés sous forme d'articles scientifiques. Dans le premier article, nous passons en revue le domaine de la neurostimulation sous ses aspects fondamental et clinique avec l'Accident Vasculaire Cerebral (AVC) en tant que maladie modèle pour les lésions neurologiques. Nous classifions les interventions de stimulation en trois modèles différents d'induction de la plasticité. Notre thèse centrale est qu'une meilleure compréhension des règles sous-jacentes de la plasticité, accompagnée de progrès dans une plus grande précision spatio-temporelle, est nécessaire pour faire avancer le domaine de la neurostimulation. Dans le deuxième article, nous décrivons, étape par étape, un nouveau protocole pour évaluer l'excitabilité corticospinale chez le rongeur éveillé pendant le comportement libre, ainsi que les plateformes matérielles et logicielles associées que notre équipe a développées à cette fin. L'une de ses principale caractéristique est la possibilité d'évaluer l'excitabilité corticomotrice en boucle fermée, en fonction de l'EMG, une nouvelle façon d'accroître l'uniformité des mesures sur des animaux en comportement. Cette plateforme de développement sera utile aux neuroscientifiques intéressés par l'évaluation de l'excitabilité du système nerveux chez les rongeurs éveillés par le biais d'une interrogation électrique ou optogénétique, un intermédiaire important avant les essais chez les primates non humains et éventuellement chez les humains. Dans le troisième article, nous avons utilisé cette plateforme prototype pour étudier la stimulation électrique associative appariée et le rôle de la plasticité dépendant de la synchronisation des potentiels d'action chez des rats implantés de façon chronique, sans l'influence de l'anesthésie. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur la variation systématique de l'intervalle entre la stimulation corticale et musculaire dans notre cohorte d'animaux afin de révéler l'effet de la synchronisation relative de l'activité aux niveaux cortical et spinal. Nous n'avons pas observé de potentialisation significative dans tous les intervalles de stimulation testés, mais plutôt des tendances vers des effets de type LTD dans la plupart des conditions de synchronisation. Nous discutons des raisons possibles pour lesquelles nous avons observé ces résultats. Dans le dernier article et dans le projet en cours, nous décrivons les premiers travaux prometteurs impliquant la neurostimulation optogénétique et électrique, ainsi que la réadaptation post-AVC comme tremplin pour des recherches futures. Nous concluons par une discussion générale et nous nous projetons dans l'avenir, tant à moyen qu'à long terme. La poursuite scientifique, tant sur le plan personnel que sur celui du domaine, se poursuivra, comme il se doit. Bien que ce travail soit conçu pour être lu dans un ordre séquentiel, chaque chapitre est indépendant. Collectivement, les travaux de cette thèse posent les bases et plaident en faveur d'une meilleure compréhension de la plasticité neuronale, du développement d'outils pour l'évaluer et de l'étude de ses applications pratiques pour parvenir à une meilleure récupération motrice après une lésion neurologique.This document synthesizes a body of work concerning the nature of neural plasticity and how neurostimulation may be used to improve motor recovery after neurological insult. We begin with general foundational principles in neuroscience, the structure of the nervous and motor systems in humans and rats, and a brief discussion of neurological injury. The topics are broad and covered with the necessary brevity, but provides critical context for the following chapters. In the first paper, we review the fields of neurostimulation across the clinical and basic science domains in the service of stroke as a model disease for neurological injury, framing the field in terms of three different models of plasticity induction. Our central thesis here is that enhanced understanding of the underlying rules of plasticity, accompanied with advances in greater spatiotemporal precision is necessary to move the field of neurostimulation forward. In the second paper we describe a stable, novel step-by-step protocol to assess corticospinal excitability in the awake, freely behaving rodent, and the associated hardware and software platforms that our team has developed for this purpose. A core feature enables corticomotor excitability assessment in a closed-loop, Electromyogram (EMG)-dependent manner, a novel way of increasing consistency during free behavior in untrained animals. This development platform will be of use to neuroscientists interested in assessing the excitability of the nervous system in awake, unrestrained rodents via electrical or optogenetic interrogation, an important intermediary before trials in non-human primates and eventually humans. In the third paper, we used this prototype platform to investigate electrical paired associative stimulation and the role of spike-timing-dependent plasticity in chronically implanted rats, without the influence of anaesthesia. Our focus was on systematically varying the Inter-Stimulus Interval (ISI) between cortical and muscle stimulation in our animal cohort in order to reveal the effect of relative activity timing at both the cortical and spinal levels. We did not observe significant potentiation across all of the stimulus intervals we tested, but instead observed trends towards Long-Term Depression (LTD)-like effects in the short term across most timing conditions. We discuss possible reasons why we observed these results. In the final paper and project currently in progress, we describe early promising work involving optogenetic and electrical neurostimulation, and stroke recovery as a launchpad for future investigations. We conclude with a general discussion and peer into the future, both in the medium term and the long term. The scientific pursuit, both personally and as a field will continue, as it should. Although this work is designed to be read in sequential order, each chapter stands alone. Collectively, the work in this thesis lays the groundwork and argues for a greater understanding of neural plasticity, development of tools to assess it, and study of its practical applications to achieve enhanced motor recovery after neurological injury

    Development and characterization of an intracortical closed-loop brain-computer interface

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    Intracortical brain-computer interfaces (BCI) have the potential to restore motor function to people with paralysis by extracting movement intent signals directly from motor cortex. While current technology has allowed individuals to perform simple object interactions with robotic arms, such demonstrations have depended exclusively on visual feedback. Additional forms of sensory feedback may lessen the dependence on vision and allow for more dexterous control. Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) has been proposed as a method of adding somatosensory feedback to BCI by directly stimulating somatosensory cortex to evoke tactile sensations referred to the hand. Our lab recently demonstrated that ICMS can elicit graded and focal tactile sensations in an individual with spinal cord injury (SCI). However, several challenges must be resolved to demonstrate the viability of ICMS as a technique for incorporating sensory feedback in a closed-loop BCI. First, microstimulation generates large voltage transients that appear as artifacts in the neural recordings used for BCI control. These artifacts can corrupt the recorded signal throughout the entire stimulus train, and must be eliminated to allow for continuous BCI decoding. Second, it is unknown whether the sensations elicited by ICMS can be perceived quickly enough for use as a feedback signal. Here, I present several aspects of the development of a closed-loop BCI system, including a method for artifact rejection and the characterization of simple reaction times to ICMS of human somatosensory cortex. A human participant with tetraplegia due to SCI was implanted with four microelectrode arrays in primary motor and somatosensory cortices. I implemented a robust method of artifact rejection that preserves neural data as soon as 750 microseconds after each stimulus pulse by applying signal blanking and an appropriate digital filter. I validated this method by comparing BCI performance with and without ICMS and found that performance was maintained with ICMS and artifact rejection. Next, I characterized simple reaction times to single-channel ICMS, and found that responses to ICMS were comparable, and often faster, than responses to electrical stimulation on the hand. These findings suggest that ICMS is a viable method to provide feedback in a closed-loop BCI