7 research outputs found

    An Ultra Fast Semantic Segmentation Model for AMR’s Path Planning

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    Computer vision plays a significant role in mobile robot navigation due to the abundance of information extracted from digital images. On the basis of the captured images, mobile robots determine their location and proceed to the desired destination. Obstacle avoidance still requires a complex sensor system with a high computational efficiency requirement due to the complexity of the environment. This research provides a real-time solution to the issue of extracting corridor scenes from a single image. Using an ultra-fast semantic segmentation model to reduce the number of training parameters and the cost of computation. In addition, the mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) is 89%, and the high accuracy is 95%. To demonstrate the viability of the prosed method, the simulation results are contrasted to those of contemporary techniques. Finally, the authors employ the segmented image to construct the frontal view of the mobile robot in order to determine the available free areas for mobile robot path planning tasks

    More than the Sum of Its Parts: Ensembling Backbone Networks for Few-Shot Segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation is a key prerequisite to robust image understanding for applications in \acrlong{ai} and Robotics. \acrlong{fss}, in particular, concerns the extension and optimization of traditional segmentation methods in challenging conditions where limited training examples are available. A predominant approach in \acrlong{fss} is to rely on a single backbone for visual feature extraction. Choosing which backbone to leverage is a deciding factor contributing to the overall performance. In this work, we interrogate on whether fusing features from different backbones can improve the ability of \acrlong{fss} models to capture richer visual features. To tackle this question, we propose and compare two ensembling techniques-Independent Voting and Feature Fusion. Among the available \acrlong{fss} methods, we implement the proposed ensembling techniques on PANet. The module dedicated to predicting segmentation masks from the backbone embeddings in PANet avoids trainable parameters, creating a controlled `in vitro' setting for isolating the impact of different ensembling strategies. Leveraging the complementary strengths of different backbones, our approach outperforms the original single-backbone PANet across standard benchmarks even in challenging one-shot learning scenarios. Specifically, it achieved a performance improvement of +7.37\% on PASCAL-5\textsuperscript{i} and of +10.68\% on COCO-20\textsuperscript{i} in the top-performing scenario where three backbones are combined. These results, together with the qualitative inspection of the predicted subject masks, suggest that relying on multiple backbones in PANet leads to a more comprehensive feature representation, thus expediting the successful application of \acrlong{fss} methods in challenging, data-scarce environments

    Semantic Segmentation to Develop an Indoor Navigation System for an Autonomous Mobile Robot

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    In this study, a semantic segmentation network is presented to develop an indoor navigation system for a mobile robot. Semantic segmentation can be applied by adopting different techniques, such as a convolutional neural network (CNN). However, in the present work, a residual neural network is implemented by engaging in ResNet-18 transfer learning to distinguish between the floor, which is the navigation free space, and the walls, which are the obstacles. After the learning process, the semantic segmentation floor mask is used to implement indoor navigation and motion calculations for the autonomous mobile robot. This motion calculations are based on how much the estimated path differs from the center vertical line. The highest point is used to move the motors toward that direction. In this way, the robot can move in a real scenario by avoiding different obstacles. Finally, the results are collected by analyzing the motor duty cycle and the neural network execution time to review the robot’s performance. Moreover, a different net comparison is made to determine other architectures’ reaction times and accuracy values.This research was financed by the plant of Mercedes-Benz Vitoria through the PIF program to develop an intelligent production. Moreover, The Regional Development Agency of the Basque Country (SPRI) is gratefully acknowledged for their economic support through the research project “Motor de Accionamiento para Robot Guiado Automáticamente”, KK-2019/00099, Programa ELKARTEK

    Image-Based Rendering Of Real Environments For Virtual Reality

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