1,597 research outputs found

    A Survey of Signal Processing Problems and Tools in Holographic Three-Dimensional Television

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Diffraction and holography are fertile areas for application of signal theory and processing. Recent work on 3DTV displays has posed particularly challenging signal processing problems. Various procedures to compute Rayleigh-Sommerfeld, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction exist in the literature. Diffraction between parallel planes and tilted planes can be efficiently computed. Discretization and quantization of diffraction fields yield interesting theoretical and practical results, and allow efficient schemes compared to commonly used Nyquist sampling. The literature on computer-generated holography provides a good resource for holographic 3DTV related issues. Fast algorithms to compute Fourier, Walsh-Hadamard, fractional Fourier, linear canonical, Fresnel, and wavelet transforms, as well as optimization-based techniques such as best orthogonal basis, matching pursuit, basis pursuit etc., are especially relevant signal processing techniques for wave propagation, diffraction, holography, and related problems. Atomic decompositions, multiresolution techniques, Gabor functions, and Wigner distributions are among the signal processing techniques which have or may be applied to problems in optics. Research aimed at solving such problems at the intersection of wave optics and signal processing promises not only to facilitate the development of 3DTV systems, but also to contribute to fundamental advances in optics and signal processing theory. © 2007 IEEE

    NDE: An effective approach to improved reliability and safety. A technology survey

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    Technical abstracts are presented for about 100 significant documents relating to nondestructive testing of aircraft structures or related structural testing and the reliability of the more commonly used evaluation methods. Particular attention is directed toward acoustic emission; liquid penetrant; magnetic particle; ultrasonics; eddy current; and radiography. The introduction of the report includes an overview of the state-of-the-art represented in the documents that have been abstracted

    Toward commercial realisation of whole field interferometric analysis

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    The objective of this work was to produce an instrument which could undertake wholefield inspection and displacement measurement utilising a non-contacting technology. The instrument has been designed to permit operation by engineers not necessarily familiar with the underlying technology and produce results in a meaningful form. Of the possible techniques considered Holographic Interferometry was originally identified as meeting these objectives. Experimental work undertaken 'provides' data which confirms the potential of the technique for solving problems but also highlights some difficulties. In order to perform a complete three dimensional displacement analysis a number of holographic views must be recorded. Considerable effort is required to extract quantitative data from the holograms. Error analysis of the experimental arrangement has highlighted a number of practical restrictions which lead to data uncertainties. Qualitative analysis of engineering components using Holographic Interferometry has been successfully undertaken and results in useful analytical data which is used in three different engineering design programmes. Unfortunately, attempts to quantify the data to provide strain values relies upon double differentiation of the fringe field, a process that is highly sensitive to fringe position errors. In spite of this, these experiments provided the confidence that optical interferometry is able to produce data of suitable displacement sensitivity, with results acceptable to other engineers.....

    Digital Holographic Three-Dimensional Video Displays

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Holography aims to record and regenerate volume filling light fields to reproduce ghost-like 3-D images that are optically indistinguishable from their physical 3-D originals. Digital holographic video displays are pixelated devices on which digital holograms can be written at video rates. Spatial light modulators (SLMs) are used for such purposes in practice; even though it is desirable to have SLMs that can modulate both the phase and amplitude of the incident light at each pixel, usually amplitude-only or phase-only SLMs are available. Many laboratories have reported working prototypes using different designs. Size and resolution of the SLMs are quite demanding for satisfactory 3-D reconstructions. Space–bandwidth product (SBP) seems like a good metric for quality analysis. Even though moderate SBP is satisfactory for a stationary observer with no lateral or rotational motion, the required SBP quickly increases when such motion is allowed. Multi-SLM designs, especially over curved surfaces, relieve high bandwidth requirements, and therefore, are strong candidates for futuristic holographic video displays. Holograms are quite robust to noise and quantization. It is demonstrated that either laser or light-emitting diode (LED) illumination is feasible. Current research momentum is increasing with many exciting and encouraging results

    Holographic 3DTV research within the european 3DTV project

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    A European project on 3DTV has been functional since September 2004. Holographic displays for 3DTV and signal processing issues associated with diffraction and holography are among research interests. The research has already generated interesting results. © 2008 Optical Society of America

    Research trends in holographic 3DTV displays

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    Holographic 3DTV and especially displays are attracting more attention. There are SLM based laboratory prototypes. Current images can be viewed from a very narrow angle. Satisfactory holographic displays can be expected within a decade. © 2009 IEEE

    An Historical Survey on Light Technologies

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    Following the celebration of the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies in 2015, this paper presents a survey of the exploitation of light throughout our history. Human beings started using light far into the Stone Age, in order to meet immediate needs, and widened its used when ancient civilizations developed. Other practical uses were conceived during the Middle Ages, some of which had a deep impact on social life. Nevertheless, it was after the Scientific Revolution and, to a wider extent, with the Industrial Revolution, that more devices were developed. The advancement of chemistry and electricity provided the ground and the tools for inventing a number of light-related devices, from photography to chemical and electrical lighting technologies. The deeper and broader scientific advancements of the twentieth century, throughout wave and quanta paradigms and the research on the interactions with matter at the sub-atomic level, have provided the knowledge for a much broader exploitation of light in several different fields, leading to the present technological domains of optoelectronics and photoelectronics, including cinema, image processing, lasers, photovoltaic cells, and optical discs. The recent success of fiber optics, white LEDs, and holography, evidence how vastly and deeply the interaction between light and man is still growing

    Overview of 3D Video: Coding Algorithms, Implementations and Standardization

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb Linköping Institute of TechnologyEnglish: 3D technologies have aroused a great interest over the world in the last years. Television, cinema and videogames are introducing, little by little, 3D technologies into the mass market. This comes as a result of the research done in the 3D field, solving many of its limitations such as quality, contents creation or 3D displays. This thesis focus on 3D video, considering concepts that concerns the coding issues and the video formats. The aim is to provide an overview of the current state of 3D video, including the standardization and some interesting implementations and alternatives that exist. In the report necessary background information is presented in order to understand the concepts developed: compression techniques, the different video formats, their standardization and some advances or alternatives to the processes previously explained. Finally, a comparison between the different concepts is presented to complete the overview, ending with some conclusions and proposed ideas for future works.Castellano: Las tecnologías 3D han despertado un gran interés en todo el mundo en los últimos años. Televisión, cine y videojuegos están introduciendo, poco a poco, ésta tecnología en el mercado. Esto es resultado de la investigación realizada en el campo de las 3D, solucionando muchas de sus limitaciones, como la calidad, la creación de contenidos o las pantallas 3D. Este proyecto se centra en el video 3D, considerando los conceptos relacionados con la codificación y los formatos de vídeo. El objetivo es proporcionar una visión del estado actual del vídeo 3D, incluyendo los estándares y algunas de las implementaciones más interesantes que existen. En la memoria, se presenta información adicional para facilitar el seguimiento de los conceptos desarrollados: técnicas de compresión, formatos de vídeo, su estandarización y algunos avances o alternativas a los procesos explicados. Finalmente, se presentan diferentes comparaciones entre los conceptos tratados, acabando el documento con las conclusiones obtenidas e ideas propuestas para futuros trabajos.Català: Les tecnologies 3D han despertat un gran interès a tot el món en els últims anys. Televisió, cinema i videojocs estan introduint, lentament, aquesta tecnologia en el mercat. Això és resultat de la investigació portada a terme en el camp de les 3D, solucionant moltes de les seves limitacions, com la qualitat, la creació de continguts o les pantalles 3D. Aquest proyecte es centra en el video 3D, considerant els conceptes relacionats amb la codificació i els formats de video. L'objectiu és proporcionar una visió de l'estat actual del video 3D, incloent-hi els estandàrds i algunes de les implementacions més interessants que existeixen. A la memòria, es presenta informació adicional per facilitar el seguiment dels conceptes desenvolupats: tècniques de compressió, formats de video, la seva estandardització i alguns avenços o alternatives als procesos explicats. Finalment, es presenten diferents comparacions entre els conceptes tractats i les conclusions obtingudes, juntament amb propostes per a futurs treballs

    NASA SBIR abstracts of 1991 phase 1 projects

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    The objectives of 301 projects placed under contract by the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are described. These projects were selected competitively from among proposals submitted to NASA in response to the 1991 SBIR Program Solicitation. The basic document consists of edited, non-proprietary abstracts of the winning proposals submitted by small businesses. The abstracts are presented under the 15 technical topics within which Phase 1 proposals were solicited. Each project was assigned a sequential identifying number from 001 to 301, in order of its appearance in the body of the report. Appendixes to provide additional information about the SBIR program and permit cross-reference of the 1991 Phase 1 projects by company name, location by state, principal investigator, NASA Field Center responsible for management of each project, and NASA contract number are included