3,072 research outputs found

    Intelligent systems in manufacturing: current developments and future prospects

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    Global competition and rapidly changing customer requirements are demanding increasing changes in manufacturing environments. Enterprises are required to constantly redesign their products and continuously reconfigure their manufacturing systems. Traditional approaches to manufacturing systems do not fully satisfy this new situation. Many authors have proposed that artificial intelligence will bring the flexibility and efficiency needed by manufacturing systems. This paper is a review of artificial intelligence techniques used in manufacturing systems. The paper first defines the components of a simplified intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS), the different Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to be considered and then shows how these AI techniques are used for the components of IMS

    Energy-Aware Multi-Objective Job Shop Scheduling Optimization with Metaheuristics in Manufacturing Industries: A Critical Survey, Results, and Perspectives

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    In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence has been revolutionizing the manufacturing industry, becoming one of the key pillars of what has been called Industry 4.0. In this context, we focus on the job shop scheduling problem (JSP), which aims at productions orders to be carried out, but considering the reduction of energy consumption as a key objective to fulfill. Finding the best combination of machines and jobs to be performed is not a trivial problem and becomes even more involved when several objectives are taken into account. Among them, the improvement of energy savings may conflict with other objectives, such as the minimization of the makespan. In this paper, we provide an in-depth review of the existing literature on multi-objective job shop scheduling optimization with metaheuristics, in which one of the objectives is the minimization of energy consumption. We systematically reviewed and critically analyzed the most relevant features of both problem formulations and algorithms to solve them effectively. The manuscript also informs with empirical results the main findings of our bibliographic critique with a performance comparison among representative multi-objective evolutionary solvers applied to a diversity of synthetic test instances. The ultimate goal of this article is to carry out a critical analysis, finding good practices and opportunities for further improvement that stem from current knowledge in this vibrant research area.Javier Del Ser acknowledges funding support from the Basque Government (consolidated research group MATHMODE, Ref. IT1294-19). Antonio J. Nebro is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation via Grant PID2020-112540RB-C41 (AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Andalusian PAIDI program with Grant P18-RT-2799

    A framework for smart production-logistics systems based on CPS and industrial IoT

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    Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has received increasing attention from both academia and industry. However, several challenges including excessively long waiting time and a serious waste of energy still exist in the IIoT-based integration between production and logistics in job shops. To address these challenges, a framework depicting the mechanism and methodology of smart production-logistics systems is proposed to implement intelligent modeling of key manufacturing resources and investigate self-organizing configuration mechanisms. A data-driven model based on analytical target cascading is developed to implement the self-organizing configuration. A case study based on a Chinese engine manufacturer is presented to validate the feasibility and evaluate the performance of the proposed framework and the developed method. The results show that the manufacturing time and the energy consumption are reduced and the computing time is reasonable. This paper potentially enables manufacturers to deploy IIoT-based applications and improve the efficiency of production-logistics systems

    Holistic, data-driven, service and supply chain optimisation: linked optimisation.

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    The intensity of competition and technological advancements in the business environment has made companies collaborate and cooperate together as a means of survival. This creates a chain of companies and business components with unified business objectives. However, managing the decision-making process (like scheduling, ordering, delivering and allocating) at the various business components and maintaining a holistic objective is a huge business challenge, as these operations are complex and dynamic. This is because the overall chain of business processes is widely distributed across all the supply chain participants; therefore, no individual collaborator has a complete overview of the processes. Increasingly, such decisions are automated and are strongly supported by optimisation algorithms - manufacturing optimisation, B2B ordering, financial trading, transportation scheduling and allocation. However, most of these algorithms do not incorporate the complexity associated with interacting decision-making systems like supply chains. It is well-known that decisions made at one point in supply chains can have significant consequences that ripple through linked production and transportation systems. Recently, global shocks to supply chains (COVID-19, climate change, blockage of the Suez Canal) have demonstrated the importance of these interdependencies, and the need to create supply chains that are more resilient and have significantly reduced impact on the environment. Such interacting decision-making systems need to be considered through an optimisation process. However, the interactions between such decision-making systems are not modelled. We therefore believe that modelling such interactions is an opportunity to provide computational extensions to current optimisation paradigms. This research study aims to develop a general framework for formulating and solving holistic, data-driven optimisation problems in service and supply chains. This research achieved this aim and contributes to scholarship by firstly considering the complexities of supply chain problems from a linked problem perspective. This leads to developing a formalism for characterising linked optimisation problems as a model for supply chains. Secondly, the research adopts a method for creating a linked optimisation problem benchmark by linking existing classical benchmark sets. This involves using a mix of classical optimisation problems, typically relating to supply chain decision problems, to describe different modes of linkages in linked optimisation problems. Thirdly, several techniques for linking supply chain fragmented data have been proposed in the literature to identify data relationships. Therefore, this thesis explores some of these techniques and combines them in specific ways to improve the data discovery process. Lastly, many state-of-the-art algorithms have been explored in the literature and these algorithms have been used to tackle problems relating to supply chain problems. This research therefore investigates the resilient state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms presented in the literature, and then designs suitable algorithmic approaches inspired by the existing algorithms and the nature of problem linkages to address different problem linkages in supply chains. Considering research findings and future perspectives, the study demonstrates the suitability of algorithms to different linked structures involving two sub-problems, which suggests further investigations on issues like the suitability of algorithms on more complex structures, benchmark methodologies, holistic goals and evaluation, processmining, game theory and dependency analysis

    Artificial Intelligence to Solve Production Scheduling Problems in Real Industrial Settings: Systematic Literature Review

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    This literature review examines the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing systems, in line with the principles of Industry 4.0 and the growth of smart factories. AI is essential for managing the complexities in modern manufacturing, including machine failures, variable orders, and unpredictable work arrivals. This study, conducted using Scopus and Web of Science databases and bibliometric tools, has two main objectives. First, it identifies trends in AI-based scheduling solutions and the most common AI techniques. Second, it assesses the real impact of AI on production scheduling in real industrial settings. This study shows that particle swarm optimization, neural networks, and reinforcement learning are the most widely used techniques to solve scheduling problems. AI solutions have reduced production costs, increased energy efficiency, and improved scheduling in practical applications. AI is increasingly critical in addressing the evolving challenges in contemporary manufacturing environments

    Flow Shop Scheduling for Energy Efficient Manufacturing

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    A large number of new peaking power plants with their associated auxiliary equipment are installed to meet the growing peak demand every year. However, 10% utility capacity is used for only 1%~2% of the hours in a year. Thus, to meet the demand and supply balance through increasing the infrastructure investments only on the supply side is not economical. Alternatively, demand-side management might cut the cost of maintaining this balance via offering consumers incentives to manage their consumption in response to the price signals. Time-varying electricity rate is a demand-side management scheme. Under the time-varying electricity rate, the electricity price is high during the peak demand periods, while it is low during the off-peak times. Thus, consumers might get the cost benefits through shifting power usages from the high price periods to the low price periods, which leading to reduce the peak power of the grid. The current research works on the price-based demand-side management are primarily focusing on residential and commercial users through optimizing the “shiftable” appliance schedules. A few research works have been done focusing manufacturing facilities. However, residential, commercial and industrial sectors each occupies about one-third of the total electricity consumption. Thus, this thesis investigates the flow shop scheduling problems that reduce electricity costs under time-varying electricity rate. A time-indexed integer programming is proposed to identify the manufacturing schedules that minimize the electricity cost for a single factory with flow shops under time-of-use (TOU) rate. The result shows that a 6.9% of electricity cost reduction can be reached by shifting power usage from on-peak period to other periods. However, in the case when a group of factories served by one utility, each factory shifting power usage from on-peak period to off-peak hours independently, which might change the time of peak demand periods. Thus, a TOU pricing combined with inclining block rate (IBR) is proposed to avoid this issue. Two optimization problems are studied to demonstrate this approach. Each factory optimizes manufacturing schedule to minimize its electricity cost: (1) under TOU pricing, and (2) under TOU-IBR pricing. The results show that the electricity cost of each factory is minimized, but the total electricity cost at the 2nd hour is 6.25% beyond the threshold under TOU pricing. It also shows that factories collaborate with each other to minimize the electricity cost, and meanwhile, the power demand at each hour is not larger than the thresholds under TOU-IBR pricing. In contrast to TOU rate, the electricity price cannot be determined in ahead under real-time price (RTP), since it is dependent on the total energy consumption of the grid. Thus, the interactions between electricity market and the manufacturing schedules bring additional challenges. To address this issue, the time-indexed integer programming is developed to identify the manufacturing schedule that has the minimal electricity cost of a factory under the RTP. This approach is demonstrated using a manufacturing facility with flow shops operating during different time periods in a microgrid which also served residential and commercial buildings. The results show that electricity cost reduction can be achieved by 6.3%, 10.8%, and 24.8% for these three time periods, respectively. The total cost saving of manufacturing facility is 15.1% over this 24-hour period. The results also show that although residential and commercial users are under “business-as-usual” situation, their electricity costs can also be changed due to the power demand changing in the manufacturing facilities. Furthermore, multi-manufacturing factories served by one utility are investigated. The manufacturing schedules of a group of manufacturing facilities with flow shops subject to the RTP are optimized to minimize their electricity cost. This problem can be formulated as a centralized optimization problem. Alternatively, this optimization problem can be decomposed into several pieces. A heuristic approach is proposed to optimize the sub-optimization problems in parallel. The result shows that both the individual and total electricity cost of factories are minimized and meanwhile the computation time is reduced compared with the centralized algorithm

    The Distributed and Assembly Scheduling Problem

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Nowadays, manufacturing systems meet different new global challenges and the existence of a collaborative manufacturing environment is essential to face with. Distributed manufacturing and assembly systems are two manufacturing systems which allow industries to deal with some of these challenges. This thesis studies a production problem in which both distributed manufacturing and assembly systems are considered. Although distributed manufacturing systems and assembly systems are well-known problems and have been extensively studied in the literature, to the best of our knowledge, considering these two systems together as in this thesis is the first effort in the literature. Due to the importance of scheduling optimization on production performance, some different ways to optimize the scheduling of the considered problem are discussed in this thesis. The studied scheduling setting consists of two stages: A production and an assembly stage. Various production centers make the first stage. Each of these centers consists of several machines which are dedicated to manufacture jobs. A single assembly machine is considered for the second stage. The produced jobs are assembled on the assembly machine to form final products through a defined assembly program. In this thesis, two different problems regarding two different production configurations for the production centers of the first stage are considered. The first configuration is a flowshop that results in what we refer to as the Distributed Assembly Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem (DAPFSP). The second problem is referred to as the Distributed Parallel Machine and Assembly Scheduling Problem (DPMASP), where unrelated parallel machines configure the production centers. Makespan minimization of the product on the assembly machine located in the assembly stage is considered as the objective function for all considered problems. In this thesis some extensions are considered for the studied problems so as to bring them as close as possible to the reality of production shops. In the DAPFSP, sequence dependent setup times are added for machines in both production and assembly stages. Similarly, in the DPMASP, due to technological constraints, some defined jobs can be processed only in certain factories. Mathematical models are presented as an exact solution for some of the presented problems and two state-of-art solvers, CPLEX and GUROBI are used to solve them. Since these solvers are not able to solve large sized problems, we design and develop heuristic methods to solve the problems. In addition to heuristics, some metaheuristics are also designed and proposed to improve the solutions obtained by heuristics. Finally, for each proposed problem, the performance of the proposed solution methods is compared through extensive computational and comprehensive ANOVA statistical analysis.[ES] Los sistemas de producción se enfrentan a retos globales en los que el concepto de fabricación colaborativa es crucial para poder tener éxito en el entorno cambiante y complejo en el que nos encontramos. Una característica de los sistemas productivos que puede ayudar a lograr este objetivo consiste en disponer de una red de fabricación distribuida en la que los productos se fabriquen en localizaciones diferentes y se vayan ensamblando para obtener el producto final. En estos casos, disponer de modelos y herramientas para mejorar el rendimiento de sistemas de producción distribuidos con ensamblajes es una manera de asegurar la eficiencia de los mismos. En esta tesis doctoral se estudian los sistemas de fabricación distribuidos con operaciones de ensamblaje. Los sistemas distribuidos y los sistemas con operaciones de ensamblaje han sido estudiados por separado en la literatura. De hecho, no se han encontrado estudios de sistemas con ambas características consideradas de forma conjunta. Dada la complejidad de considerar conjuntamente ambos tipos de sistemas a la hora de realizar la programación de la producción en los mismos, se ha abordado su estudio considerando un modelo bietápico en la que en la primera etapa se consideran las operaciones de producción y en la segunda se plantean las operaciones de ensamblaje. Dependiendo de la configuración de la primera etapa se han estudiado dos variantes. En la primera variante se asume que la etapa de producción está compuesta por sendos sistemas tipo flowshop en los que se fabrican los componentes que se ensamblan en la segunda etapa (Distributed Assembly Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem o DAPFSP). En la segunda variante se considera un sistema de máquinas en paralelo no relacionadas (Distributed Parallel Machine and Assembly Scheduling Problem o DPMASP). En ambas variantes se optimiza la fecha de finalización del último trabajo secuenciado (Cmax) y se contempla la posibilidad que existan tiempos de cambio (setup) dependientes de la secuencia de trabajos fabricada. También, en el caso DPMASP se estudia la posibilidad de prohibir o no el uso de determinadas máquinas de la etapa de producción. Se han desarrollado modelos matemáticos para resolver algunas de las variantes anteriores. Estos modelos se han resuelto mediante los programas CPLEX y GUROBI en aquellos casos que ha sido posible. Para las instancias en los que el modelo matemático no ofrecía una solución al problema se han desarrollado heurísticas y metaheurísticas para ello. Todos los procedimientos anteriores han sido estudiados para determinar el rendimiento de los diferentes algoritmos planteados. Para ello se ha realizado un exhaustivo estudio computacional en el que se han aplicado técnicas ANOVA. Los resultados obtenidos en la tesis permiten avanzar en la comprensión del comportamiento de los sistemas productivos distribuidos con ensamblajes, definiendo algoritmos que permiten obtener buenas soluciones a este tipo de problemas tan complejos que aparecen tantas veces en la realidad industrial.[CA] Els sistemes de producció s'enfronten a reptes globals en què el concepte de fabricació col.laborativa és crucial per a poder tindre èxit en l'entorn canviant i complex en què ens trobem. Una característica dels sistemes productius que pot ajudar a aconseguir este objectiu consistix a disposar d'una xarxa de fabricació distribuïda en la que els productes es fabriquen en localitzacions diferents i es vagen acoblant per a obtindre el producte final. En estos casos, disposar de models i ferramentes per a millorar el rendiment de sistemes de producció distribuïts amb acoblaments és una manera d'assegurar l'eficiència dels mateixos. En esta tesi doctoral s'estudien els sistemes de fabricació distribuïts amb operacions d'acoblament. Els sistemes distribuïts i els sistemes amb operacions d'acoblament han sigut estudiats per separat en la literatura però, en allò que es coneix, no s'han trobat estudis de sistemes amb ambdós característiques conjuntament. Donada la complexitat de considerar conjuntament ambdós tipus de sistemes a l'hora de realitzar la programació de la producció en els mateixos, s'ha abordat el seu estudi considerant un model bietàpic en la que en la primera etapa es consideren les operacions de producció i en la segona es plantegen les operacions d'acoblament. Depenent de la configuració de la primera etapa s'han estudiat dos variants. En la primera variant s'assumix que l'etapa de producció està composta per sengles sistemes tipus flowshop en els que es fabriquen els components que s'acoblen en la segona etapa (Distributed Assembly Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem o DAPFSP). En la segona variant es considera un sistema de màquines en paral.lel no relacionades (Distributed Parallel Machine and Assembly Scheduling Problem o DPMASP). En ambdós variants s'optimitza la data de finalització de l'últim treball seqüenciat (Cmax) i es contempla la possibilitat que existisquen temps de canvi (setup) dependents de la seqüència de treballs fabricada. També, en el cas DPMASP s'estudia la possibilitat de prohibir o no l'ús de determinades màquines de l'etapa de producció. S'han desenvolupat models matemàtics per a resoldre algunes de les variants anteriors. Estos models s'han resolt per mitjà dels programes CPLEX i GUROBI en aquells casos que ha sigut possible. Per a les instàncies en què el model matemàtic no oferia una solució al problema s'han desenrotllat heurístiques i metaheurísticas per a això. Tots els procediments anteriors han sigut estudiats per a determinar el rendiment dels diferents algoritmes plantejats. Per a això s'ha realitzat un exhaustiu estudi computacional en què s'han aplicat tècniques ANOVA. Els resultats obtinguts en la tesi permeten avançar en la comprensió del comportament dels sistemes productius distribuïts amb acoblaments, definint algoritmes que permeten obtindre bones solucions a este tipus de problemes tan complexos que apareixen tantes vegades en la realitat industrial.Hatami, S. (2016). The Distributed and Assembly Scheduling Problem [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/64072TESISCompendi