767 research outputs found

    Analysing BitTorrent's seeding strategies

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    BitTorrent is a typical peer-to-peer (P2P) file distribution application that has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. A considerable amount of research exists regarding BitTorrent’s choking algorithm, which has proved to be effective in preventing freeriders. However, the effect of the seeding strategy on the resistance to freeriders in BitTorrent has been largely overlooked. In addition to this, a category of selfish leechers (termed exploiters), who leave the overlay immediately after completion, has never been taken into account in the previous research. In this paper two popular seeding strategies, the Original Seeding Strategy (OSS) and the Time- based Seeding Strategy (TSS), are chosen and we study via mathematical models and simulation their effects on freeriders and exploiters in BitTorrent networks. The mathematical model is verified and we discover that both freeriders and exploiters impact on system performance, despite the seeding strategy that is employed. However, a selfish-leechers threshold is identified; once the threshold is exceeded, we find that TSS outperforms OSS – that is, TSS reduces the negative impact of selfish lechers more effectively than OSS. Based on these results we discuss the choice of seeding strategy and speculate as to how more effective BitTorrent-based file distribu- tion applications can be built

    Walkabout : an asynchronous messaging architecture for mobile devices

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    Modern mobile devices are prolific producers and consumers of digital data, and wireless networking capabilities enable them to transfer their data over the Internet while moving. Applications running on these devices may perform transfers to upload data for backup or distribution, or to download new content on demand. Unfortunately, the limited connectivity that mobile devices experience can make these transfers slow and impractical as the amount of data increases. This thesis argues that asynchronous messaging supported by local proxies can improve the transfer capabilities of mobile devices, making it practical for them to participate in large Internet transfers. The design of the Walkabout architecture follows this approach: proxies form store-and-forward overlay networks to deliver messages asynchronously across the Internet on behalf of devices. A mobile device uploads a message to a local proxy at rapid speed, and the overlay delivers it to one or more destination devices, caching the message until each one is able to retrieve it from a local proxy. A device is able to partially upload or download a message whenever it has network connectivity, and can resume this transfer at any proxy if interrupted through disconnection. Simulation results show that Walkabout provides better throughput for mobile devices than is possible under existing methods, for a range of movement patterns. Upload and end-to-end to transfer speeds are always high when the device sending the message is mobile. In the basic Walkabout model, a message sent to a mobile device that is repeatedly moving between a small selection of connection points experiences high download and end-to-end transfer speeds, but these speeds fall as the number of connection points grows. Pre-emptive message delivery extensions improve this situation, making fast end-to-end transfers and device downloads possible under any pattern of movement. This thesis describes the design and evaluation of Walkabout, with both practical implementation and extensive simulation under real-world scenarios

    Video-on-Demand over Internet: a survey of existing systems and solutions

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    Video-on-Demand is a service where movies are delivered to distributed users with low delay and free interactivity. The traditional client/server architecture experiences scalability issues to provide video streaming services, so there have been many proposals of systems, mostly based on a peer-to-peer or on a hybrid server/peer-to-peer solution, to solve this issue. This work presents a survey of the currently existing or proposed systems and solutions, based upon a subset of representative systems, and defines selection criteria allowing to classify these systems. These criteria are based on common questions such as, for example, is it video-on-demand or live streaming, is the architecture based on content delivery network, peer-to-peer or both, is the delivery overlay tree-based or mesh-based, is the system push-based or pull-based, single-stream or multi-streams, does it use data coding, and how do the clients choose their peers. Representative systems are briefly described to give a summarized overview of the proposed solutions, and four ones are analyzed in details. Finally, it is attempted to evaluate the most promising solutions for future experiments. Résumé La vidéo à la demande est un service où des films sont fournis à distance aux utilisateurs avec u

    Analysis of current middleware used in peer-to-peer and grid implementations for enhancement by catallactic mechanisms

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    This deliverable describes the work done in task 3.1, Middleware analysis: Analysis of current middleware used in peer-to-peer and grid implementations for enhancement by catallactic mechanisms from work package 3, Middleware Implementation. The document is divided in four parts: The introduction with application scenarios and middleware requirements, Catnets middleware architecture, evaluation of existing middleware toolkits, and conclusions. -- Die Arbeit definiert Anforderungen an Grid und Peer-to-Peer Middleware Architekturen und analysiert diese auf ihre Eignung fĂĽr die prototypische Umsetzung der Katallaxie. Eine Middleware-Architektur fĂĽr die Umsetzung der Katallaxie in Application Layer Netzwerken wird vorgestellt.Grid Computing

    Scientific High Performance Computing (HPC) Applications On The Azure Cloud Platform

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    Cloud computing is emerging as a promising platform for compute and data intensive scientific applications. Thanks to the on-demand elastic provisioning capabilities, cloud computing has instigated curiosity among researchers from a wide range of disciplines. However, even though many vendors have rolled out their commercial cloud infrastructures, the service offerings are usually only best-effort based without any performance guarantees. Utilization of these resources will be questionable if it can not meet the performance expectations of deployed applications. Additionally, the lack of the familiar development tools hamper the productivity of eScience developers to write robust scientific high performance computing (HPC) applications. There are no standard frameworks that are currently supported by any large set of vendors offering cloud computing services. Consequently, the application portability among different cloud platforms for scientific applications is hard. Among all clouds, the emerging Azure cloud from Microsoft in particular remains a challenge for HPC program development both due to lack of its support for traditional parallel programming support such as Message Passing Interface (MPI) and map-reduce and due to its evolving application programming interfaces (APIs). We have designed newer frameworks and runtime environments to help HPC application developers by providing them with easy to use tools similar to those known from traditional parallel and distributed computing environment set- ting, such as MPI, for scientific application development on the Azure cloud platform. It is challenging to create an efficient framework for any cloud platform, including the Windows Azure platform, as they are mostly offered to users as a black-box with a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) to access various service components. The primary contributions of this Ph.D. thesis are (i) creating a generic framework for bag-of-tasks HPC applications to serve as the basic building block for application development on the Azure cloud platform, (ii) creating a set of APIs for HPC application development over the Azure cloud platform, which is similar to message passing interface (MPI) from traditional parallel and distributed setting, and (iii) implementing Crayons using the proposed APIs as the first end-to-end parallel scientific application to parallelize the fundamental GIS operations

    Extending the Communication Capabilities of Agents

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    Agent technology is in principle well suited for realizing various kinds of distributed systems, but in practice agents are seldomly chosen for realizing real-world applications. One reason hindering agents being used in practice is their cumbersome communication mechanism focused on speech act based message exchange which makes them hard for practitioners used to work in an object oriented way. To broaden the application spectrum of agent technology in practice and make them more accessible for object-oriented developers, this paper presents additional communication means for agents. First, it will be shown how agents can interact using strongly typed service interfaces resorting to asynchronous future based methods. These allow keeping agents autonomous and further support several recurrent interaction patterns within one method call, i.e. without having to use complex message protocols. Second, an extension for binary data streaming via virtual connections will be presented. Its usage resembles established input and output streaming APIs and lets developers transfer data between agents in the same simple way as e.g. a file is written to hard disk. Furthermore, virtual connections allow failure tolerant transmission by multiplexing data across different physical connections. Usefulness of the extensions will be further explained with a real-word example application from the area of business intelligence workflows

    Novel Techniques for Large-Scale and Cost-Effective Video Services

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    Despite the advance of network technologies in the past decade, providing video services to a large number of users remains a major technical challenge. This is especially true when it comes to serving high-definition videos. This thesis makes two contributions towards providing large-scale and cost-effective video services. 1) We consider the problem of periodic broadcast of popular videos in client/server video systems and present two novel techniques. Our research advances the state of the art with a segmentation rule that can generate a series of broadcast designs, among which we can choose the one that results in the smallest broadcast latency. We show that this rule allows us to design the broadcast technique that is the fastest up to date. 2) We then look at the problem of service scheduling in fully distributed peer-to-peer video systems, where a large number of hosts collaborate for the purpose of video sharing. Our proposed technique allows a client to be served by a server that is beyond its own file look up scope and can dynamically adjust client and server matches as new video requests arrive in the system. Our performance evaluation shows that these features dramatically improve the system performance to a large extent in terms of reducing service latency under a range of simulation settings
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