818,735 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the validity, effectiveness and practicality of the product development of picture book media based on local wisdom. The type of research is development research (R&D) with the type of ADDIE research model. Product trials were conducted using limited and extended trials. The research subjects were on a small scale in the fourth grade of SDN Mrican 1, which amounted to 10 students, while the subjects of the large-scale trial were conducted on the fourth grade students of SDN Mrican 2, which amounted to 43 students. The feasibility analysis test of the product developed was determined through the results of material validation, media validation, and the practice of trial use by students and teachers using descriptive analysis. Test the effectiveness and practicality using a t-test using a questionnaire. The results of the study show (1) product validity scores 92 very valid categories, while material validation scores 89 very valid categories. (2) Product effectiveness gets an average score of 88 in the effective category. (3) The practicality of the product received a score of 92 very practical categories. It can be concluded that the development of picture book media based on local wisdom is very feasible to use in the learning process and can improve learning outcomes for students in learning material


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    This research is an experimental study where the variables in this study are divided into three categories, independent, dependent, and confounding variables. From this research, qualitative data and quantitative data were obtained. The qualitative data includes the results of the phytochemical screening test. The quantitative data includes pH test, bioinsecticide effectiveness test, and preservative effectiveness test. Based on the results of the phytochemical analysis, it shows that ketapang and brotowali leaf extracts contain secondary metabolites in the form of saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and tannins. The bioinsecticide with the best formulation is the bioinsecticide with a formula of 15% extract because it has an LC50 value that is close to the LC50 value of the probit regression, which is 13.05%. Based on the results, it shows that the bioinsecticide of ketapang leaves and brotowali stems for all formulas has met the quality qualifications according to the requirements in SNI 06-0475-1996

    Development of Computer Based Diagnostic Test for Student Misconception on Material Temperature and Heat

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    Misconception diagnostic tests are rarely carried out by lecturers in lectures because of the length of time needed to make test instruments and data analysis to be able to provide immediate feedback. The purpose of this study was to produce a Computer Based Diagnostic Test Misconception program for students in physics on temperature and heat. The research design used was the modified Borg and Gall Research and Development (R & D). This research was conducted at Tulungagung IAIN by involving 10 students of educations Physics The instrument for data collection is in the form of a validator questionnaire, and a product development trial questionnaire. The research data includes quantitative data in the form of evaluating validators and questionnaires from the trial results, as well as qualitative data in the form of comments and suggestions given by validators and students. The results show that the development program is feasible to use based on expert validation with very feasible categories and supported by student responses / comments in good categories. The computer based diagnostic test misception program produced has four main parts, namely diagnostic tests, diagnostic test results, discussion of questions, and remedial in the form of remedial material. The results of the analysis of effectiveness tests can be concluded that computer based diagnostic test misconseption programs can improve students' conceptual understanding and be able to reduce student misconceptions in temperature and heat material

    Circuit Learning Model Based "Akidah" In Modified Volleyball For Elementary School Students

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    This development research resulted in a circuit learning model based on AKIDAH in modified volleyball games in elementary schools. This model is packaged in circuit form. The purpose of this research is to develop a learning model in accordance with the characteristics of elementary school students.  The samples in this study were students of SD Muhammadiyah Special Program Baturan, Griyan Baturan Colomadu with a sample of research is grade 4 and 5 students numbering 40 people using pruposive sampling technique. The method used was the development research of Borg and Gall. The data collection instruments used were questionnarires, and mini volleyball game test instruments, while data analysis used qualitative and quantitative descriptions. The stages of this research are (1) needs analysis; (2) development; (3) small group trials; (4) The product effectiveness test uses the skills of playing modified volleyball with the results obtained using the skills of serving, passing, and smash. The results showed that the expert validation of the learning model was 75.5% very valid. 76.2% material expert analysis very valid categories. The test results are moderate in 35 categories. Overall the analysis of the 82.6 model with the category deserves a good predicate


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    The aim of this study was describe development about microsoft sway-based media and test its effectiveness on student achievement in informatics in class X SMA Negeri 1 Pagar Alam. This study used development research, with research subjects 10 students of class X IPS 2 for a limited scale, X IPS 4 for the Experiment Class and X IPS 1 for the control class. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews, validation sheets and test questions. Data analysis using t-test and the average validation value of IT and media experts. After carrying out the development process, the product is validated with the results of material validation 3.46 and 3.81 categories of IT experts are very feasible to be tested and make revisions based on suggestions. After conducting a limited trial in class X IPS 2 with the results of t-count analysis 12.829 and t-table 1.734, there was a significant influence in the use of sway-based media and made revisions based on input from students. The results of the broad-scale Ciba test in the experimental and control class t-count 20.600 while the t-table is 1.669. This means that if the t-count is greater than the t-table, it means that the use of sway-based media in the experimental class has a significant effect on student achievemen


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    Pattern recognition (PR) is the central in a variety of engineering applications. For this reason, it is indeed vital to develop efficient pattern recognition systems that facilitate decision making automatically and reliably. In this study, the implementation of PR system based on computational intelligence approach namely artificial neural network (ANN) is performed subsequent to selection of the best feature vectors. A framework to determine the best eigenvectors which we named as ‘eigenpostures’ of four main human postures specifically, standing, squatting/sitting, bending and lying based on the rules of thumb of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been developed. Accordingly, all three rules of PCA namely the KG-rule, Cumulative Variance and the Scree test suggest retaining only 35 main principal component or ‘eigenpostures’. Next, these ‘eigenpostures’ are statistically analyzed via Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) prior to classification. Thus, the most relevant component of the selected eigenpostures can be determined. Both categories of ‘eigenpostures’ prior to ANOVA as well as after ANOVA served as inputs to the ANN classifier to verify the effectiveness of feature selection based on statistical analysis. Results attained confirmed that the statistical analysis has enabled us to perform effectively the selection of eigenpostures for classification of four types of human postures

    Keterampilan Proses Fisika Siswa melalui LKS Berbasis Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) pada Materi Pokok Suhu dan Kalor di SMAN 2 XIII Koto Kampar”.

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the results of the physics students learn the skills and know the difference between the skills students learn physics processes using worksheets based natural learnig (JAS) with students who learn using worksheets conventional. The research was conducted from February 2015 through June 2015 with a population of class X IPA and sample class X IPA 25 students and XIPA 2, 24 students. The design of this research is a form of pre-experimental design intact-group comparison. Instruments used test results of students' learning skills physics process which comprises 12 multiple choice questions. Data collection techniques in research is the provision of test results of physical processes of learning skills of students. Technical analysis of data used descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis of the average absorption of 80% class experiment with both categories while the control group was 74% in both categories. Based on the absorption of students it can be said the effectiveness of learning in the experimental class and control class is effective. Classical mastery learning students in the experimental class is 84% ​​complete and 62.5% control class is declared incomplete. Classical completeness indicators of process skills in the experimental class that is 100% complete and incomplete control class is 75%. Inferential analysis through statistical calculation t test SPSS 16. tcount = 2.1667 and ttable = 2.012. Based on the criteria of hypothesis testing tcount> ttable so that there is a significant difference against worksheets skills through a process physics-based Natural base learning Around with worksheets conventional level of 95%


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    Critical thinking skills are important competencies that need to be developed in chemistry learning. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the guided discovery-based thermochemistry module in developing critical thinking skills based on gender differences. The subject of this research was 76 females and 20 males of class XI Mathematics and Nature Science from three high schools in Ponorogo, Indonesia. This study used one school for each category, namely high, medium, and low. The research method used a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest. The data analysis technique used T-test with SPSS 21 software. The result showed that the average increase in student scores or normality gain score (n-gain) was 0.5050 to 0.6362, which means students' critical thinking skills improved after the implementation of guided discovery-based thermochemistry modules. T-test result in high category schools obtained T count > T table (2.142> 2.032), which showed that there are significant differences between the critical thinking skills of female and male students. Meanwhile, T count and T table in medium category school were 1.353 and 2.034, respectively. T count and T table in low category school respectively 1.106 and 2.068. Analysis of T-test results in medium and low school categories can be written -T table < T count < T table, is means there is no significant differences between the critical thinking skills of female and male students. Thus, guided discovery-based thermochemistry modules are effectively applied to high, medium and low school categories

    Development of Physical Education Textbook Based on Direct Instructions for Children with Special Needs

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    Special children who are called children with special needs (ABK), their privileges become the background of the problems in this study, where there is still a lack of variety in physical education learning for children with special needs, and there is no textbook that specifically presents physical education learning according to the characteristics of ABK. Based on the problems and needs analysis, the researchers developed textbooks as a solution to solving problems in the field. Physical education textbooks based on direct instruction for ABK, aim to facilitate teachers in providing physical education learning in accordance with the characteristics of ABK that are valid, practical and effective. This research was researched using the Research and Development (R&amp;D) 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, Dessiminate). The subjects of the research trial were students of SLBN 1 Pulau Punjung, SLB Koto Agung, and SLB Attallah Dharmasraya at the elementary school (SD) level. The data collection instruments used were validation sheets, practicalization sheets, effectiveness sheets from the test results for the characteristics of physical education subjects. Based on the research that has been carried out, the results of the validity test have an average value of 82.12% with a very valid category, for the practicality test an average of 80% is obtained with the practical category and the effectiveness test, an average of 75% with the medium category. Therefore, it can be concluded that direct instruction-based physical education textbooks for children with special needs can be used in physical education subjects with valid, practical and effective categories

    The 6+1 Trait Writing Model to Build Up Students’ Writing

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    This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of the 6+1 trait writing model and its impacts on students' writing achievement. It is focused on the students' improvement based on the five processes of writing which connected with analytic rubrics six-trait. Writing is the activity that requires students to systematically follow step by step to get professional results. Systematically compiled writing can help the reader to understand what the writer wants to convey. Writing requires an assessment to determine whether the writing is good or not. Writing appraisals can be categorized based on the assessment rubric that used. Analytic rubric six-trait is able to provide a detailed assessment and covers all aspects of the writing phase. To get the aim of the study, this study implemented experiment research by quantitative methods. The study was conducted on students’ of PondokPesantren DDI At-TaqwaJampuePinrang by using written tests. Based on the analysis, it is found that the students' writing was improved in four categories out of six categories. It can be seen by looking at the t-test which is higher than the t-table value for each category. The analytic rubric six trait may be a tool to measure the students' writing improvement based on the six categories in the writing element.&nbsp
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