14 research outputs found

    Testing Consumer Rationality using Perfect Graphs and Oriented Discs

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    Given a consumer data-set, the axioms of revealed preference proffer a binary test for rational behaviour. A natural (non-binary) measure of the degree of rationality exhibited by the consumer is the minimum number of data points whose removal induces a rationalisable data-set.We study the computational complexity of the resultant consumer rationality problem in this paper. This problem is, in the worst case, equivalent (in terms of approximation) to the directed feedback vertex set problem. Our main result is to obtain an exact threshold on the number of commodities that separates easy cases and hard cases. Specifically, for two-commodity markets the consumer rationality problem is polynomial time solvable; we prove this via a reduction to the vertex cover problem on perfect graphs. For three-commodity markets, however, the problem is NP-complete; we prove thisusing a reduction from planar 3-SAT that is based upon oriented-disc drawings

    Syntactic Separation of Subset Satisfiability Problems

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    Variants of the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) have been used to derive lower bounds on the time complexity for certain problems, so that the hardness results match long-standing algorithmic results. In this paper, we consider a syntactically defined class of problems, and give conditions for when problems in this class require strongly exponential time to approximate to within a factor of (1-epsilon) for some constant epsilon > 0, assuming the Gap Exponential Time Hypothesis (Gap-ETH), versus when they admit a PTAS. Our class includes a rich set of problems from additive combinatorics, computational geometry, and graph theory. Our hardness results also match the best known algorithmic results for these problems

    Diversity Maximization in Doubling Metrics

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    Diversity maximization is an important geometric optimization problem with many applications in recommender systems, machine learning or search engines among others. A typical diversification problem is as follows: Given a finite metric space (X,d) and a parameter k in N, find a subset of k elements of X that has maximum diversity. There are many functions that measure diversity. One of the most popular measures, called remote-clique, is the sum of the pairwise distances of the chosen elements. In this paper, we present novel results on three widely used diversity measures: Remote-clique, remote-star and remote-bipartition. Our main result are polynomial time approximation schemes for these three diversification problems under the assumption that the metric space is doubling. This setting has been discussed in the recent literature. The existence of such a PTAS however was left open. Our results also hold in the setting where the distances are raised to a fixed power q >= 1, giving rise to more variants of diversity functions, similar in spirit to the variations of clustering problems depending on the power applied to the pairwise distances. Finally, we provide a proof of NP-hardness for remote-clique with squared distances in doubling metric spaces

    Dispersing Points on Intervals

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    We consider a problem of dispersing points on disjoint intervals on a line. Given n pairwise disjoint intervals sorted on a line, we want to find a point in each interval such that the minimum pairwise distance of these points is maximized. Based on a greedy strategy, we present a linear time algorithm for the problem. Further, we also solve in linear time the cycle version of the problem where the intervals are given on a cycle

    Finding, Hitting and Packing Cycles in Subexponential Time on Unit Disk Graphs

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    We give algorithms with running time 2^{O({sqrt{k}log{k}})} n^{O(1)} for the following problems. Given an n-vertex unit disk graph G and an integer k, decide whether G contains (i) a path on exactly/at least k vertices, (ii) a cycle on exactly k vertices, (iii) a cycle on at least k vertices, (iv) a feedback vertex set of size at most k, and (v) a set of k pairwise vertex disjoint cycles. For the first three problems, no subexponential time parameterized algorithms were previously known. For the remaining two problems, our algorithms significantly outperform the previously best known parameterized algorithms that run in time 2^{O(k^{0.75}log{k})} n^{O(1)}. Our algorithms are based on a new kind of tree decompositions of unit disk graphs where the separators can have size up to k^{O(1)} and there exists a solution that crosses every separator at most O(sqrt{k}) times. The running times of our algorithms are optimal up to the log{k} factor in the exponent, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis

    ETH-Tight Algorithms for Long Path and Cycle on Unit Disk Graphs

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    We present an algorithm for the extensively studied Long Path and Long Cycle problems on unit disk graphs that runs in time 2^{?(?k)}(n+m). Under the Exponential Time Hypothesis, Long Path and Long Cycle on unit disk graphs cannot be solved in time 2^{o(?k)}(n+m)^?(1) [de Berg et al., STOC 2018], hence our algorithm is optimal. Besides the 2^{?(?k)}(n+m)^?(1)-time algorithm for the (arguably) much simpler Vertex Cover problem by de Berg et al. [STOC 2018] (which easily follows from the existence of a 2k-vertex kernel for the problem), this is the only known ETH-optimal fixed-parameter tractable algorithm on UDGs. Previously, Long Path and Long Cycle on unit disk graphs were only known to be solvable in time 2^{?(?klog k)}(n+m). This algorithm involved the introduction of a new type of a tree decomposition, entailing the design of a very tedious dynamic programming procedure. Our algorithm is substantially simpler: we completely avoid the use of this new type of tree decomposition. Instead, we use a marking procedure to reduce the problem to (a weighted version of) itself on a standard tree decomposition of width ?(?k)

    Polynomial algorithms for p-dispersion problems in a 2d Pareto Front

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    Having many best compromise solutions for bi-objective optimization problems, this paper studies p-dispersion problems to select p2p\geqslant 2 representative points in the Pareto Front(PF). Four standard variants of p-dispersion are considered. A novel variant, denoted Max-Sum-Neighbor p-dispersion, is introduced for the specific case of a 2d PF. Firstly, it is proven that 22-dispersion and 33-dispersion problems are solvable in O(n)O(n) time in a 2d PF. Secondly, dynamic programming algorithms are designed for three p-dispersion variants, proving polynomial complexities in a 2d PF. The Max-Min p-dispersion problem is proven solvable in O(pnlogn)O(pn\log n) time and O(n)O(n) memory space. The Max-Sum-Min p-dispersion problem is proven solvable in O(pn3)O(pn^3) time and O(pn2)O(pn^2) space. The Max-Sum-Neighbor p-dispersion problem is proven solvable in O(pn2)O(pn^2) time and O(pn)O(pn) space. Complexity results and parallelization issues are discussed in regards to practical implementation

    Parameterized Study of Steiner Tree on Unit Disk Graphs

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    We study the Steiner Tree problem on unit disk graphs. Given a n vertex unit disk graph G, a subset R? V(G) of t vertices and a positive integer k, the objective is to decide if there exists a tree T in G that spans over all vertices of R and uses at most k vertices from V? R. The vertices of R are referred to as terminals and the vertices of V(G)? R as Steiner vertices. First, we show that the problem is NP-hard. Next, we prove that the Steiner Tree problem on unit disk graphs can be solved in n^{O(?{t+k})} time. We also show that the Steiner Tree problem on unit disk graphs parameterized by k has an FPT algorithm with running time 2^{O(k)}n^{O(1)}. In fact, the algorithms are designed for a more general class of graphs, called clique-grid graphs [Fomin et al., 2019]. We mention that the algorithmic results can be made to work for Steiner Tree on disk graphs with bounded aspect ratio. Finally, we prove that Steiner Tree on disk graphs parameterized by k is W[1]-hard