432 research outputs found

    Identifying Opportunities for Augmented Cognition During Live Flight Scenario: An Analysis of Pilot Mental Workload Using EEG

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    Augmented cognition is a form of human-systems interaction in which physiological sensing of a user’s cognitive state is used to precisely invoke system automations when needed. The present study monitored the in-flight physiological state of the pilot to determine the optimal combination of EEG indices to predict variations in workload, or opportunities for augmented cognition.The [sic] participants were 10 collegiate aviation students with FAA commercial pilot certificates and current medical certificates. Each participant performed a uniform flight scenario that included procedures that varied in workload demands. All maneuvers were performed while simultaneously acquiring EEG data in flight. The EEG data were divided into periods of high and low workload. Power spectral density values were computed and subjected to several machine learning methods to distinguish high and low workload periods. The results indicate excellent classification accuracy for distinguishing low and high workload. The present results further demonstrate the potential of augmented cognition

    Feature selection model based on EEG signals for assessing the cognitive workload in drivers

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    In recent years, research has focused on generating mechanisms to assess the levels of subjects’ cognitive workload when performing various activities that demand high concentration levels, such as driving a vehicle. These mechanisms have implemented several tools for analyzing the cognitive workload, and electroencephalographic (EEG) signals have been most frequently used due to their high precision. However, one of the main challenges in implementing the EEG signals is finding appropriate information for identifying cognitive states. Here, we present a new feature selection model for pattern recognition using information from EEG signals based on machine learning techniques called GALoRIS. GALoRIS combines Genetic Algorithms and Logistic Regression to create a new fitness function that identifies and selects the critical EEG features that contribute to recognizing high and low cognitive workloads and structures a new dataset capable of optimizing the model’s predictive process. We found that GALoRIS identifies data related to high and low cognitive workloads of subjects while driving a vehicle using information extracted from multiple EEG signals, reducing the original dataset by more than 50% and maximizing the model’s predictive capacity, achieving a precision rate greater than 90%.This work has been funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain under grant number TRA2016-77012-RPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Using electroencephalography to analyse drivers’ different cognitive workload characteristics based on on-road experiment

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    Driver’s cognitive workload has an important impact on driving safety. This paper carries out an on-road experiment to analyse the impact from three innovative aspects: significance analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) under different cognitive workloads, distribution of EEG maps with different frequency signals and influence of different cognitive workloads on driving safety based on EEG. First, the EEG signals are processed and four frequencies of delta, theta, alpha and beta are obtained. Then, the time–frequency transform and power spectral density calculation are carried out by short-time Fourier to study the correlation of each frequency signal of different workload states, as well as the distribution pattern of the EEG topographic map. Finally, the time and space energy and phase changes in each cognitive task event are studied through event-related spectral perturbation and inter-trial coherence. Results show the difference between left and right brains, as well as the resource occupancy trends of the monitor, perception, visual and auditory channels in different driving conditions. Results also demonstrate that the increase in cognitive workloads will directly affect driving safety. Changes in cognitive workload have different effects on brain signals, and this paper can provide a theoretical basis for improving driving safety under different cognitive workloads. Mastering the EEG characteristics of signals can provide more targeted supervision and safety warnings for the driver

    Classification of a Driver's cognitive workload levels using artificial neural network on ECG signals

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    An artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed in the present study to classify the level of a driver's cognitive workload based on electrocardiography (ECG). ECG signals were measured on 15 male participants while they performed a simulated driving task as a primary task with/without an N-back task as a secondary task. Three time-domain ECG measures (mean inter-beat interval (IBI), standard deviation of IBIs, and root mean squared difference of adjacent IBIs) and three frequencydomain ECG measures (power in low frequency, power in high frequency, and ratio of power in low and high frequencies) were calculated. To compensate for individual differences in heart response during the driving tasks, a three-step data processing procedure was performed to ECG signals of each participant: (1) selection of two most sensitive ECG measures, (2) definition of three (low, medium, and high) cognitive workload levels, and (3) normalization of the selected ECG measures. An ANN model was constructed using a feed-forward network and scaled conjugate gradient as a back-propagation learning rule. The accuracy of the ANN classification model was found satisfactory for learning data (95%) and testing data (82%). ? 2016 Elsevier Ltd115Nsciessciscopu

    Differentiating Active And Passive Fatigue States With The Use Of Electroencephalography

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    With advances in automation technology, it is becoming essential to understand how automation affects human operators. A concern for the implementation of automation technology is the interactive effects it has with operator cognitive fatigue. Desmond and Hancock (2001) proposed that two types of fatigue can arise depending on the nature of the task: active and passive. Active fatigue results when operators must make constant perceptual-motor adjustments during high task demands, while passive fatigue results from operators executing little or no perceptual-motor adjustments during low task demands, similar to when automation is employed. The purpose of this study was to use electroencephalographic (EEG) indices of workload, engagement, and a candidate marker of strain under fatigue in conjunction with performance and subjective measures to differentiate active and passive fatigue states. Participants (N = 84) performed a generalized flight simulator for 62 min either under active, passive, or control conditions. Passive fatigue was characterized by reduced EEG engagement and initially elevated and stable ratios of Fz theta to POz alpha power compared to active fatigue. Subjective measure results indicated that passive fatigue was characterized by reduced ratings of alertness and workload compared to active fatigue. No performance differences were observed between fatigue conditions; however, an overall speed-accuracy trade-off was observed from pre to post fatigue induction. This study demonstrated that different fatigue states produce different effects on EEG indices. These results have potential applications for developing augmented cognition technologies that deliver appropriate fatigue countermeasures in automated operational environments

    A Study of Nonlinear Dynamics of EEG Responses to Simulated Unmanned Vehicle Tasks

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    In the contemporary world, mental workload becomes higher as technology evolves and task demand becomes overwhelming. The operators of a system are usually required to complete tasks with higher complicity within a shorter period of time. Continuous operation under a high level of mental workload can be a major source of risk and human error, thus put the operator in a hazardous working environment. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and assess mental workload. In this study, an unmanned vehicle operation with visual detection tasks was investigated by means of nonlinear analysis of EEG time series. Nonlinear analysis is considered more advantageous compared with traditional power spectrum analysis of EEG. Besides, nonlinear analysis is more capable to capture the nature of EEG data and human performance, which is a process that subjects to constant changes. By examining the nonlinear dynamics of EEG, it is more likely to obtain a deeper understanding of brain activity. The objective of this study is to investigate the mental workload under different task levels through the examination of brain activity via nonlinear dynamics of EEG time series in simulated unmanned ground vehicle visual detection tasks. The experiment was conducted by the team lead by Dr. Lauren Reinerman Jones at Institute for Simulation & Training, University of Central Florida. One hundred and fifty subjects participated the experiment to complete four visual detection task scenarios (1) change detection, (2) threat detection task, (3) dual task with different change detection task rates, and (4) dual task with different threat detection task rates. Their EEG was recorded during performing the tasks at nine EEG channels. This study develops a massive data processing program to calculate the largest Lyapunov exponent, correlation dimension of the EEG data. This study also develops the program for performing 0-1 test on the EEG data in Python language environment. The result of this study verifies the existence of chaotic dynamics in EEG time series, reveals the change in brain activity as the effect of changing task demand in more detailed level, and obtains new insights from the psychophysiological mental workload measurement used in the preliminary study. The results of this study verified the existence of the chaotic dynamics in the EEG time series. This study also supported the hypothesis that EEG data exhibits change in the level of nonlinearity corresponding to differed task levels. The nonlinear analysis of EEG time series data is able to discriminate the change in brain activity derived from the changes in task load. All nonlinear dynamics analysis techniques used in this study is able to find the difference of nonlinearity in EEG among task levels, as well as between single task scenario and dual task scenario

    Detecting Flow Experiences in Cognitive Tasks - A Neurophysiological Approach

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    Das Flow-Erlebnis beschreibt einen Zustand vollstĂ€ndiger Aufgabenvertiefung und mĂŒhelosen Handelns, der mit Höchstleistungen, persönlichem Wachstum, sowie allgemeinem Wohlbefinden verbunden ist. FĂŒr Unternehmen stellen hĂ€ufigere Flow-Erlebnisse der ArbeitnehmerInnen daher auch eine produktivitĂ€ts- und zufriedenheitsfördernde Basis dar. Vor allem da sich aktuell globale PhĂ€nomene wie die steigende Nachfrage nach Wissensarbeit und das niedrige Arbeitsengagement zuspitzen, können Unternehmen von einer Förderung von Flow profitieren. Die UnterstĂŒtzung von Flow stellt allerdings aufgrund der Vielfalt von Arbeitnehmerfertigkeiten, -aufgaben, und -arbeitsplĂ€tzen eine komplexe Herausforderung dar. WissensarbeiterInnen stehen dynamischen Aufgaben gegenĂŒber, die diverse Kompetenzen und die Kooperation mit anderen erfordern. ArbeitsplĂ€tze werden vielseitiger, indem die Grenzen zwischen ko-prĂ€senten und virtuellen Interaktionen verschwinden. Diese Vielfalt bedeutet, dass eine solide Flow-Förderung nur durch personen-, aufgaben- und situationsunabhĂ€ngige AnsĂ€tze erfolgen kann. Aus diesem Grund werden zunehmend die neurophysiologischen Grundlagen des Flow-Erlebens untersucht. Auf deren Basis könnten adaptive Neuro-Informationssysteme entwickelt werden, die mittels tragbarer Sensorik Flow kontinuierlich erkennen und fördern können. Diese Wissensbasis ist bislang jedoch nur spĂ€rlich und in stark fragmentierter Form vorhanden. FĂŒr das Individuum existieren lediglich konkurrierende VorschlĂ€ge, die noch nicht durch situations- und sensorĂŒbergreifende Studien konsolidiert wurden. FĂŒr Gruppen existiert noch fast keine Forschung zu neurophysiologischen Flow-Korrelaten, insbesondere keine im Kontext digital-mediierter Interaktionen. In dieser Dissertation werden genau diese ForschungslĂŒcken durch die situationsĂŒbergreifende Beobachtung von Flow mit tragbaren EKG und EEG Sensoren adressiert. Dabei werden zentrale Grenzen der experimentellen Flow-Forschung berĂŒcksichtigt, vor allem die Defizite etablierter Paradigmen zum kontrollierten Hervorrufen von Flow. Indem Erlebnisse in zwei kognitiven Aufgaben und mehreren Manipulationen (von Schwierigkeit, NatĂŒrlichkeit, Autonomie und sozialer Interaktion) variiert werden, wird untersucht, wie Flow intensiver hervorgerufen und wie das Erlebnis stabiler ĂŒber Situationen hinweg beobachtet werden kann. Die Studienergebnisse deuten dabei insgesamt auf ein Flow-Muster von moderater physiologischer Aktivierung und mentaler Arbeitslast, von erhöhter, aufgabenorientierter Aufmerksamkeit und von affektiver NeutralitĂ€t hin. Vor allem die EEG Daten zeigen ein diagnostisches Potenzial, schwĂ€chere von stĂ€rkeren Flow-ZustĂ€nden unterscheiden zu können, indem optimale und nicht-optimale Aufgabenschwierigkeiten (fĂŒr Individuen und Gruppen) erkannt werden. Um das Flow-Erleben weiter zu fördern, werden geeignete Wege fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Forschung abschließend diskutiert

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 141)

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    This special bibliography lists 267 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in April 1975
