37 research outputs found

    A Study of the efficacy of project-based learning integrated with computerbased simulation - STELLA

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    Incorporating computer-simulation modelling into project-based learning may be effective but requires careful planning and implementation. Teachers, especially, need pedagogical content knowledge which refers to knowledge about how students learn from materials infused with technology. This study suggests that students learn best by actively constructing knowledge from a combination of experience, interpretation and structured interactions with peers and teachers when using technology. Simulations do not work on their own, there needs to be some structuring of the students' interactions with the simulation to increase effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of project-based learning in a technology-rich environment. A science project, Land-use in Watershed, that takes advantage of Internet facilities was developed and integrated with a simulation software package, Structural Thinking and Experiential Learning Laboratory, with Animation, (STELLA) developed to promote deeper understanding of Land-use by students. The Participants in the study were 72 students in a quasi-experimental research design. Statistical analyses showed that students who participated in the manipulation of the experimental model of the watershed experiment and the STELLA simulation performed best on understanding the watershed concept. © International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS)

    Implementasi Praktikum Berbasis Proyek Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Materi Hidrolisis Garam Kelas XI Sman I Unggul Darul Imarah

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    Rendahnya motivasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik pada materi hidrolisis garam disebabkan oleh sulitnya peserta didik dalam memahami materi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan motivasi belajar, hasil belajar, dan memperoleh gambaran tanggapan peserta didik terhadap penerapan praktikum berbasis proyek. Instrumen penelitian divalidasi oleh para pakar dan diuji cobakan pada peserta didik. Penelitian dilakukan di SMAN 1 Unggul Darul Imarah dengan menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen semu dan desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini nonquivalent control group design. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pretes, postes, angket motivasi dan angket tanggapan peserta didik. Hasil uji normalitas dan homogenitas menunjukkan bahwa data berdistribusi normal dan homogen. Hasil ujit N-gain hasil belajar diperoleh thitung>ttabel (3,7 >2,074) yang artinya terjadi perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Motivasi belajar peserta didik juga menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara kedua kelas yaitu berdasarkan perolehan hasil uji t N-gain motivasi belajar, dimana thitung>ttabel (4,39 > 2,074). Peserta didik juga memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap penerapan praktikum berbasis proyek, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan penerapan praktikum berbasis proyek dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dan motivasi belajar peserta didik


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    Indonesian EFL learners are still unconvinced to communicate by using English because being able to communicate requires the students to integrate self-confidence, and producing the meaningful idea at the same time. Fortunately, digital stuffs completely brings a new concept in ELT context since the use of digital in ELT clasroom can improve EFL learners’ communication skill. This research aims to reveal Indonesian EFL learners’ communication skill by integrating Project-based learning and digital media to siginificantly affect on students’ self-confidence on communication skill. To achieve the objective of the research, quantitative research method with factorial design 2X2 is applied. Then, the intruments used are interview with Likert scale and students’ communication achievement that have been distributed both normally and homogenously, thus, all the data are processed by using multivariate anova with sig 0,000 < 0,05. Based on the finding of the research, it is found that the using of Project-based Learning integrated with Telegram as media digital to share video absolutely affects on students’ communication skill because the students are able to think deeply in creating video project and feel comfortable to share with others on Telegram twice a week, it indicates that familiarity with their interlocutors and the community existed on Telegram group  leads them to prefectly communicate with other in the real classroom context, and allows them to improve the ability to produce a meaningful idea to deliver.        &nbsp

    Implementasi Model Project Based Learning (Pjbl) Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Dan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Pada Materi Fluida Statis Di SMA Inshafuddin

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar dan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi fluida statis setelah belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran project based learning. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif. Penelitian ini memberi perlakuan kepada kelompok eksperimen dan dibandingkan dengan kelompok control. desain eksperimen yang digunakan adalah “Nonrandominzed control group Pretest-Posttest design. Pengelompokan sampel penelitian terdiri atas dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes hasil belajar, tes berpikir kritis serta angket siswa. Hasil olahan data yang digunakan dengan N-gain hasil belajar siswa diperoleh persentase rata-rata kelas eksperimen sebesar 79,9% dengan kategori tinggi dan kelas kontrol sebesar 57,5% kategori . Hasil penelitian N-gain persentase rata-rata berpikir kritis diperoleh 73,4% untuk kelas eksperimen dengan kategori tinggi sedangakan kelas kontrol 61,9% dengan kategori sedang. Model pembelajaran Project Based Learning pada materi fluida statis dapat memberikan respon atau tanggapan yang baik pada siswa, karena dapat membantu siswa dalam berpikir kritis, aktif dalam diskusi tentang hipotesis-hipotesis , tanya jawab serta menarik kesimpulan dari fluida statis tersebut


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    Students have ability to analyze data if they practiced to solved problems/projects that are related to analyzed and made conclusion from research data. The aim of this research was to develop the students worksheets of data analysis based on the problems and projects that can help students to have ability analysis research data. The development of the students worksheets used Plomps stages. Results of students workshets implementation showed that those can help: students to have meaningful understanding, like the analysis data lecture, have motivated individually to learned concepts of data analysis and solved the problems and projects in students worksheets, actived in learning process, and had ability to analyzed data by Minitab and Microsoft Excel.   Mahasiswa dapat memiliki kemampuan menganalisis data jika mahasiswa berlatih menyelesaikan masalah dan proyek yang berkaitan dengan cara menganalisis dan menarik kesimpulan dari data penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa. Analisis Data berbasis masalah dan proyek yang dapat membantu mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan dalam menganalisis data penelitian. Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa ini menggunakan tahap-tahap Plomp. Subjek penelitiannya adalah 24 mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Palangka Raya. Hasil implementasi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa dapat mendorong mahasiswa untuk: memiliki pengetahuan bermakna, (b) menyenangi matakuliah Analisis Data dan metode belajar yang digunakannya, termotivasi untuk belajar dan menyelesaikan masalah dan proyek dalam Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa secara mandiri, aktif selama perkuliahan, dan memiliki kemampuan dalam menganalisis data menggunakan Minitab dan Microsoft Excel

    Structural Model of Simulation – Social Constructionist Perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to establish a viable structural model of simulation in learning from the social constructionist perspective. The study is based on one of my empirical studies about knowledge construction in learning community and also the researches on simulation from the interdisciplinary fields. The findings indicate that simulation is a process of designing and practicing a model generated from the representational structure of the real world and modifying the model according to the specific contexts. Simulation is useful for gaining analogous knowledge, knowledge that has similar or relevant structures between the simulatee and simulator

    The Analysis of Implementation Project-Based Learning Model of Teaching Integrated with Computer Programming in Improving Computational Thinking Skills in a Classical Mechanics Course

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    This research aims to explore student computational thinking skills in implementing a project-based learning model of teaching integrated with computer programming in classical mechanics course in projectile motion topic. The research design uses one group pretest and post-test design. The computational thinking skills have five indicators: abstraction, generalization, decomposition, algorithm, and debugging. The computational thinking indicator was analyzed from the result of Pretest and post-test scores and a comparison between manual solution and numerical solution from computer programming. The instruments used in this study were tasks, rubrics, and questionnaires.  The result shows the average score of the Pretest is 53.05, and the post-test score is 80.22. The student computational thinking skills in algorithm and debugging in Pretest are 29.70% and 24.30% and 59.00%, and 54.00% in the post-test stage. This result indicates the implementation of PBL model of Teaching integrated with computer programming has a significant impact on student computational thinking skill

    Analysis of Relevancy of Local Culture Wisdom in Salt Production with Analytical Chemistry Subject in Order to Develop Instruments for Integrated Etnochemistry Lecture

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    Characteristic of Chemistry learning which is integrated with etnochemistry is the existing of local culture wisdom aspects as a learning media, as a learning source, or as a learning method to comprehend chemistry concepts. This descriptive research aims to analyse the relevance of local culture wisdom with Analytical Chemistry subject which is integrated with etnochemistry in production of salt in order to develop learning instruments based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning method. The objects of the research are local culture wisdom in production of table salt (in Pijot village, Sub-district of Keruak, Distric of East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia) and Analytical Chemistry subject. Data is collected from documents and interview and then being analysed descriptively. The results showed that (1) There is a relevancy of local culture wisdom element in production of salt with any topic in Analytical Chemistry subject, (2) Lecture instruments of Analytical Chemistry subject which is integrated with etnochemistry could be developed by including sea water, salt, and bittern water as learning media in class lecture and in practical work in laboratory, and salt crystallization process as learning source, (3) Lecture instruments of Analytical Chemistry subject which is integrated with etnochemistry based on PBL method could be developed by including real problem in society as a way to improve quality of salt so it appropriate with SNI standard. (SNI = Standar Nasional Indonesia: Indonesia National Standard)

    Using Technology to Facilitate Modeling-Based Science Education: Lessons Learned from a Meta-analysis of Empirical Research

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    This study focused on the integration of technologies in regular science teaching within the pedagogical framework of modeling-based instruction (MBI), a well-established instructional method in science education, and aimed to identify new trends of technology integration in MBI, explore the particular features (Interactivity, Collaboration, and Scaffolding) and affordances of new technologies, and examine the effect of technology-supported MBI on students learning outcomes. By analyzing empirical MBI studies from 2000 to 2010 through a meta-analysis and qualitatively reviewing studies from 2011-2016, this study shared three major findings: (1) computer-based software was the most commonly used technology in MBI, with Internet and mobile technologies rarely used, thus indicating an alarming gap between technology advancement and its integration in education; (2) the majority of technologies used in MBI were considered highly-interactive, but collaborative and scaffolding features of MBI technologies were rarely discussed in MBI literature; (3) technology-supported MBI had an overall much higher effect size on students’ science learning performance. Implications and suggestions for future research were also discussed

    Project Based Learning: Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding using Android Application at an Indian University in Gujarat

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    Students in a project-based learning environment get experience with actual, hands-on projects. In this article, we present the experience obtained in a Mobile Application Development course. In addition, available multi-country criteria of this research enable us to investigate probable cross-cultural variances. The purpose of this project was to design and create apps (or simply app) for Android-based devices. The chosen methodology, based on Project-Based Learning, boosted both cooperation and rivalry among students. This research offers the outcomes from a heuristic assessment by students at Indian university in Gujarat for the students of three nations. Total 120 students are recruited for this research from a university in Gujarat. "It was established that a project-based learning approach is an effective and engaging way for translation students to experiment with their translation skills and different translation theories, achieve linguistic and cross-cultural understanding of different cultures while participating actively in various organised learning activities.'' More significantly, they have elevated their intercultural awareness and strengthened their intercultural communication ability. As students engage in this kind of project-based, introspective, and exploratory learning, they grow in their confidence as communicators (both verbally and in writing), their willingness to take intellectual risks, and their awareness of cultural variety. Its educational ramifications are examined