18,700 research outputs found

    A Stochastic Hybrid Framework for Driver Behavior Modeling Based on Hierarchical Dirichlet Process

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    Scalability is one of the major issues for real-world Vehicle-to-Vehicle network realization. To tackle this challenge, a stochastic hybrid modeling framework based on a non-parametric Bayesian inference method, i.e., hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP), is investigated in this paper. This framework is able to jointly model driver/vehicle behavior through forecasting the vehicle dynamical time-series. This modeling framework could be merged with the notion of model-based information networking, which is recently proposed in the vehicular literature, to overcome the scalability challenges in dense vehicular networks via broadcasting the behavioral models instead of raw information dissemination. This modeling approach has been applied on several scenarios from the realistic Safety Pilot Model Deployment (SPMD) driving data set and the results show a higher performance of this model in comparison with the zero-hold method as the baseline.Comment: This is the accepted version of the paper in 2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2018-Fall) (references added, title and abstract modified

    A Driver Behavior Modeling Structure Based on Non-parametric Bayesian Stochastic Hybrid Architecture

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    Heterogeneous nature of the vehicular networks, which results from the co-existence of human-driven, semi-automated, and fully autonomous vehicles, is a challenging phenomenon toward the realization of the intelligent transportation systems with an acceptable level of safety, comfort, and efficiency. Safety applications highly suffer from communication resource limitations, specifically in dense and congested vehicular networks. The idea of model-based communication (MBC) has been recently proposed to address this issue. In this work, we propose Gaussian Process-based Stochastic Hybrid System with Cumulative Relevant History (CRH-GP-SHS) framework, which is a hierarchical stochastic hybrid modeling structure, built upon a non-parametric Bayesian inference method, i.e. Gaussian processes. This framework is proposed in order to be employed within the MBC context to jointly model driver/vehicle behavior as a stochastic object. Non-parametric Bayesian methods relieve the limitations imposed by non-evolutionary model structures and enable the proposed framework to properly capture different stochastic behaviors. The performance of the proposed CRH-GP-SHS framework at the inter-mode level has been evaluated over a set of realistic lane change maneuvers from NGSIM-US101 dataset. The results show a noticeable performance improvement for GP in comparison to the baseline constant speed model, specifically in critical situations such as highly congested networks. Moreover, an augmented model has also been proposed which is a composition of GP and constant speed models and capable of capturing the driver behavior under various network reliability conditions.Comment: This work has been accepted in 2018 IEEE Connected and Automated Vehicles Symposium (CAVS 2018

    Scalable Map Information Dissemination for Connected and Automated Vehicle Systems

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    Situational awareness in connected and automated vehicle (CAV) systems becomes particularly challenging in the presence of non-line of sight objects and/or objects beyond the sensing range of local onboard sensors. Despite the fact that fully autonomous driving requires the use of multiple redundant sensor systems, primarily including camera, radar, and LiDAR, the non-line of sight object detection problem still persists due to the inherent limitations of those sensing techniques. To tackle this challenge, the inter-vehicle communication system is envisioned that allows vehicles to exchange self-status updates aiming to extend their effective field of view and thus compensate for the limitations of the vehicle tracking subsystem that relies substantially on onboard sensing devices. Tracking capability in such systems can be further improved through the cooperative sharing of locally created map data instead of transmitting only self-update messages containing core basic safety message (BSM) data. In the cooperative sharing of safety messages, it is imperative to have a scalable communication protocol to ensure optimal use of the communication channel. This dissertation contributes to the analysis of the scalability issue in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication and then addresses the range issue of situational awareness in CAV systems by proposing a content-adaptive V2X communication architecture. To that end, we first analyze the BSM scheduling protocol standardized in the SAE J2945/1 and present large-scale scalability results obtained from a high-fidelity simulation platform to demonstrate the protocol\u27s efficacy to address the scalability issues in V2X communication. By employing a distributed opportunistic approach, the SAE J2945/1 congestion control algorithm keeps the overall offered channel load within an optimal operating range, while meeting the minimum tracking requirements set forth by upper-layer applications. This scheduling protocol allows event-triggered and vehicle-dynamics driven message transmits that further the situational awareness in a cooperative V2X context. Presented validation results of the congestion control algorithm include position tracking errors as the performance measure, with the age of communicated information as the evaluation measure. In addition, we examine the optimality of the default settings of the congestion control parameters. Comprehensive analysis and trade-off study of the control parameters reveal some areas of improvement to further the algorithm\u27s efficacy. Motivated by the effectiveness of channel congestion control mechanism, we further investigate message content and length adaptations, together with transmit rate control. Reasonably, the content of the exchanged information has a significant impact on the map accuracy in cooperative driving systems. We investigate different content control schemes for a communication architecture aimed at map sharing and evaluate their performance in terms of position tracking error. This dissertation determines that message content should be concentrated to mapped objects that are located farther away from the sender to the edge of the local sensor range. This dissertation also finds that optimized combination of message length and transmit rate ensures the optimal channel utilization for cooperative vehicular communication, which in turn improves the situational awareness of the whole system

    Impact of Smart Phones’ Interaction Modality on Driving Performance for Conventional and Autonomous Vehicles

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    Distracted driving related to cell phone usage ranks among the top three causes of fatal crashes on the road. Although forty-eight of 50 U.S. states allow the use of personal devices if operated hands-free and secured in the vehicle, scientific studies have yet to quantify the safety improvement presumed to be introduced by voice-to-text interactions. Thus, this study investigated how different modes of interaction of drivers with a smart phone (i.e., manual texting vs. vocal input) affect drivers’ distraction and performance in both conventional and semi-autonomous vehicles. The study was executed in a full-car integrated simulator and tested a population of 32 drivers. The study considered two scenarios: (1) conventional manual driving in a suburban environment with intersection stops; and (2) control takeover from an engaged autonomous vehicle that reverted to manual driving at a highway exit. The quality of execution of maneuvers as well as timing and tracking of eye-gaze focus areas were assessed in both scenarios. Results demonstrated that while participants perceived an increased level of safety while using the hands-free interface, response times and drift did not significantly differ from those manually texting. Furthermore, even though participants perceived a greater effort in accomplishing the text reply through the manual interface, none of the measured quantities for driving performance or eye-gaze focus revealed statistical difference between the two interfaces, ultimately calling into question the assumption of greater safety implicit in the laws allowing hands-free devices

    Generation of Cooperative Perception Messages for Connected and Automated Vehicles

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    Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) utilize a variety of onboard sensors to sense their surrounding environment. CAVs can improve their perception capabilities if vehicles exchange information about what they sense using V2X communications. This is known as cooperative or collective perception (or sensing). A frequent transmission of collective perception messages could improve the perception capabilities of CAVs. However, this improvement can be compromised if vehicles generate too many messages and saturate the communications channel. An important aspect is then when vehicles should generate the perception messages. ETSI has proposed the first set of message generation rules for collective perception. These rules define when vehicles should generate collective perception messages and what should be their content. We show that the current rules generate a high number of collective perception messages with information about a small number of detected objects. This results in an inefficient use of the communication channel that reduces the effectiveness of collective perception. We address this challenge and propose an improved algorithm that modifies the generation of collective perception messages. We demonstrate that the proposed solution improves the reliability of V2X communication and the perception of CAVs

    MAVEN Deliverable 7.2: Impact Assessment - Technical Report

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    This deliverable focuses on an important topic within the MAVEN project - evaluation of the project impact. This is an important step that will allow us to say what the results and impact of the different technologies, functionalities as well as assumptions are. It covers different dimensions of the impact assessment as stated in the Deliverable D7.1 - Impact assessment plan [10]. The field tests proved that the technology in the vehicle works together with the infrastructure and the solution is technically feasible. This was demonstrated also during particular events and is reported in the attached test protocols. At the same time, the emulation and simulation in Dominion software proved the functionality, for example with respect to the cooperative perception or safety indicators. The tests also proved that the key performance indicator "minimum time to the collision" decreases when applying the cooperative sensing. Also, the number of human interventions needed was zero in all the tests. This deliverable also discussed selected results of a detailed user survey aiming at understanding the expected impacts and transition of automated vehicles. The overall number of respondents reached 209. The responses have revealed some interesting facts. For example, over 80% of the respondents believe that CAVs will decrease the number of traffic accidents. Similarly, about 70% of the respondents expect improvements in traffic congestions. Over 82% of respondents declared that they would accept some detour when driving if it helps the overall traffic situation. The literature review, however, indicated that autonomous vehicles will have either a positive or a negative effect on the environment, depending on the policies. For example, opening cars as a mode of transport to new user groups (seniors, children etc.) together with improvements of the traffic, flow parameters can increase the traffic volume on roads. Policy makers shall focus on the integration of the CAVs into a broader policy concept including car or ride-sharing, electromobility and others. In order to evaluate the transition, for example, the influence of different penetration rates of CAVs on the performance, a microscopic traffic simulation was performed. Here the particular MAVEN use cases, as well as their combination, was addressed. The results of the simulation are rather promising. The potential for improvements in traffic performance is clearly there. It was demonstrated that a proper integration of CAVs into city traffic management can, for example, help with respect to the environmental goals (Climate Action of the European Commission) and reduce CO2 emissions by up to 12 % (a combination of GLOSA and signal optimization). On corridors with a green wave, a capacity increase of up to 34% was achieved. The conclusions from this project can be used not only by other researchers but mainly by traffic managers and decision-makers in cities. The findings can get a better idea about the real impacts of particular use cases (such as green wave, GLOSA and others) in the cities. An important added value is also the focus on the transition phase. It was demonstrated that already for lower penetration rates (even 20% penetration of automated vehicles), there are significant improvements in traffic performance. For example, the platooning leads to a decrease of CO2 emissions of 2,6% or the impact indicator by 17,7%

    Strategic and Tactical Guidance for the Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Future

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    Autonomous vehicle (AV) and Connected vehicle (CV) technologies are rapidly maturing and the timeline for their wider deployment is currently uncertain. These technologies are expected to have a number of significant societal benefits: traffic safety, improved mobility, improved road efficiency, reduced cost of congestion, reduced energy use, and reduced fuel emissions. State and local transportation agencies need to understand what this means for them and what they need to do now and in the next few years to prepare for the AV/CV future. In this context, the objectives of this research are as follows: Synthesize the existing state of practice and how other state agencies are addressing the pending transition to AV/CV environment Estimate the impacts of AV/CV environment within the context of (a) traffic operations—impact of headway distribution and traffic signal coordination; (b) traffic control devices; (c) roadway safety in terms of intersection crashes Provide a strategic roadmap for INDOT in preparing for and responding to potential issues This research is divided into two parts. The first part is a synthesis study of existing state of practice in the AV/CV context by conducting an extensive literature review and interviews with other transportation agencies. Based on this, we develop a roadmap for INDOT and similar agencies clearly delineating how they should invest in AV/CV technologies in the short, medium, and long term. The second part assesses the impacts of AV/CVs on mobility and safety via modeling in microsimulation software Vissim

    Automated Accident Location Detection System (Extended)

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    Today, the human rely more on automobile road transportation compare to the other transportation medium. Therefore, the more road users on road will causes increasing number of accidents happened. This problem has increase the fatal rate of accidents. Although the Malaysian Emergency Response Services team (MERS 999) has implemented in Malaysia to provide support to accidents, but there are several inefficiency usage of resources in the organization. The scope of study will be based on the Malaysian drivers only. The author is extending the project from the previous final year student. He will be continuing to do the server gateway, website system and implementation of algorithm in Automated Accident Location Detection System. The project is rapidly tested and verify to ensure it is on the right track and to meet the deliverable deadline. Surveys were done to 120 respondents who are car drivers. The results show a positive result towards the objective of this project. The overall result recorded a 2.66 of ratings out of 5 on the efficiency level of MERS 999. Qualitative research is carried out on 3 of Malaysian driver and 1 staff from MERS 999. The functionalities of this system will enhance the current emergency response service by providing a platform for reporting an accident. The accident locator and website system will work together to redirect the real-time message to the nearest hospital using the modified Haversine algorithm. This will help to reduce the fatal rate as stated in the objective

    Advanced Sensing and Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles

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    Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) are a transformative technology that is expected to change and improve the safety and efficiency of mobility. As the main functional components of CAVs, advanced sensing technologies and control algorithms, which gather environmental information, process data, and control vehicle motion, are of great importance. The development of novel sensing technologies for CAVs has become a hotspot in recent years. Thanks to improved sensing technologies, CAVs are able to interpret sensory information to further detect obstacles, localize their positions, navigate themselves, and interact with other surrounding vehicles in the dynamic environment. Furthermore, leveraging computer vision and other sensing methods, in-cabin humans’ body activities, facial emotions, and even mental states can also be recognized. Therefore, the aim of this Special Issue has been to gather contributions that illustrate the interest in the sensing and control of CAVs

    Англійська мова для навчання і работи. Навчальний посібник з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням для студентів і фахівців галузі знань 0503 Розробка корисних копалин Т 1

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    A coursebook includes all the activities of students’ work at ESP course aimed at development of language behaviour necessary for effective communication of students in their study and specialism areas. The tasks and activities given in the coursebook are typicalfor students’ academic and professional domains and situations. The content is organized in modules that covers generic job-related language skills of engineers. The authentic texts taken from real life contain interesting up-to-date information about mining, peculiarities of study abroad, customs and traditions of English-speaking countries. Pack of self-study resources given in Part II contains Glossary of mining terms, tasks and activities aimed at developing a range of vocabulary necessary for mining, different functions and functional exponents to be used in academic and professional environment as well as tasks developing self-awareness, self-assessment and self-organisation skills. Testing points for different grammar structuresare given in Part III. Indices at the end of each part easify the use of the coursebook. The coursebook contains illustrations, various samples of visualizing technical information. The coursebook is designed for ESP students of non-linguistic universities. It can be used as teaching/learning materials for ESP Courses for Mining Engineers as well as for self-study of subject and specialist teachers, practicing mining engineers and researchers in Engineering.У посібнику представлені всі види діяльності студентів з вивчення англійської мови, спрямовані на розвиток мовної поведінки, необхідної для ефективного спілкування в академічному та професійному середовищах. Навчальний посібник містить завдання і вправи, типові для різноманітних академічних та професійних сфер і ситуацій. Структура організації змісту– модульна і охоплює загальні мовленнєві вміння інженерів. Зразки текстів– автентичні, взяті з реального життя, містять цікаву та актуальну інформацію про видобувничу промисловість, особливості навчання за кордоном, традиції та звичаї країн, мова яких вивчається. Ресурси для самостійної роботи(Том ІІ) містять глосарій термінів, завдання та вправи для розвитку словарного запасу та розширення діапазону функціональних зразків, необхідних для виконання певних функцій, та завдання, які спрямовані на розвиток навичок самооцінювання і організації свого навчання. Граматичні явища і вправи для їх засвоєння наводяться в томі ІІІ. Наприкінці кожної частини наведено алфавітно-предметні покажчики. Багато ілюстрацій та різних візуальних засобів подання інформації. Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів технічних університетів гірничого профілю. Може використовуватися для самостійного вивчення англійської мови викладачами, фахівцями і науковцями різних інженерних галузей