9 research outputs found

    Applying value stream mapping in measuring software team performance through task monitoring

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    Monitoring team performance is crucial in group work to ensure equal contribution among team members. However, measuring the efficiency of the team members in educational field is difficult because the existing measurement techniques are difficult to be applied. Thus, a practical mechanism to monitor the group members’ efficiency is highly needed. This study is intended to fill this gap by proposing a technique to measure the group efficiency using Value Stream Mapping (VSM).This technique was mainly used in industry because it is able to measure the efficiency of manufacturing process and visualize it. This study consists of four main phases, which are conceptual study, design Team Performance Task Monitoring (TPTM) Technique using Value Stream Mapping (VSM), evaluation of TPTM, and writing a report. A pilot study was carried out to assess the suitability of the applied technique. Finally, findings and recommendations for future research were discussed. It concluded that VSM technique is able to view the efficiency of team members in educational tasks. Thus, it can help students to improve their performance in their learning process. It also helps educators to review the level of difficulty in assigning assignment and prepare intervention plan to improve teaching method

    Case Study-Based Approach of Quantum Machine Learning in Cybersecurity: Quantum Support Vector Machine for Malware Classification and Protection

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    Quantum machine learning (QML) is an emerging field of research that leverages quantum computing to improve the classical machine learning approach to solve complex real world problems. QML has the potential to address cybersecurity related challenges. Considering the novelty and complex architecture of QML, resources are not yet explicitly available that can pave cybersecurity learners to instill efficient knowledge of this emerging technology. In this research, we design and develop QML-based ten learning modules covering various cybersecurity topics by adopting student centering case-study based learning approach. We apply one subtopic of QML on a cybersecurity topic comprised of pre-lab, lab, and post-lab activities towards providing learners with hands-on QML experiences in solving real-world security problems. In order to engage and motivate students in a learning environment that encourages all students to learn, pre-lab offers a brief introduction to both the QML subtopic and cybersecurity problem. In this paper, we utilize quantum support vector machine (QSVM) for malware classification and protection where we use open source Pennylane QML framework on the drebin215 dataset. We demonstrate our QSVM model and achieve an accuracy of 95% in malware classification and protection. We will develop all the modules and introduce them to the cybersecurity community in the coming days

    Using Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge (CyBOK) Case Studies to Enhance Student Learning

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    One of the central aspects of specialization in modern software engineering is security engineering. With contemporary systems being networked and entrusted with mission-critical functionality, cybersecurity is an essential quality that must be developed into the system from the first moment. This comprises issues such as privacy, authentication, robustness against vulnerabilities, and hardness against external attacks. To do so, software engineering specialists with appreciation for the detailed intricacies of security engineering as well as broad experience are required. The Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge (CyBOK, [1]) has been developed to serve, among other uses, as an instructional reference for educators to prepare the next generation of security engineers in this respect. While the CyBOK describes the intricacies of security engineering in plentiful detail, it remains up to the instructor to convey this curriculum in a way that fosters understanding and forms experience as well as competencies in the learner. To aid the instructors who use the CyBOK, we have devised a library of 18 case studies that are specifically designed to target CyBOK knowledge areas. The case studies are sufficiently detailed to allow adoption with minimal overhead on the instructor. In this paper, we describe the case study mapping to the CyBOK, and classroom results of one exemplary case study, demonstrating improved understanding by students

    Industry Projects in Requirements Engineering Education: Application in a University Course in the US and Comparison with Germany

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    Project-based learning has proven useful in software engineering education to increase student engagement and learning performance. In this paper, we contribute our experiences from applying industry projects in an undergraduate requirements engineering course in the United States. We furthermore discuss our experiences from courses conducted in Germany and the US course in light of difference in the educational systems. Results show that our course design is well received in both countries in terms of learning outcomes, student motivation, teamwork, attention to detail, and performance in the exam

    Hands-on activity to facilitate the teaching – learning process of Discrete Simulation topics.

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    This article presents a proposal of a hands-on activity to facilitate the teaching - learning process in thematic and computational instruments associated with Discrete Simulation. At first, the theoretical support of the pedagogical methodology used for its design is presented and basic notions of the themes that can be explored in the hands-on activity are presented. Subsequently it presents the development of the proposal and the resulting simulation model, which can be achieved by executing the pedagogical environment exposed. Finally, some conclusions and considerations are developed.This article presents a proposal of a hands-on activity to facilitate the teaching - learning process in thematic and computational instruments associated with Discrete Simulation. At first, the theoretical support of the pedagogical methodology used for its design is presented and basic notions of the themes that can be explored in the hands-on activity are presented. Subsequently it presents the development of the proposal and the resulting simulation model, which can be achieved by executing the pedagogical environment exposed. Finally, some conclusions and considerations are developed

    Hands-on activity to facilitate the teaching – learning process of Discrete Simulation topics.

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    This article presents a proposal of a hands-on activity to facilitate the teaching - learning process in thematic and computational instruments associated with Discrete Simulation. At first, the theoretical support of the pedagogical methodology used for its design is presented and basic notions of the themes that can be explored in the hands-on activity are presented. Subsequently it presents the development of the proposal and the resulting simulation model, which can be achieved by executing the pedagogical environment exposed. Finally, some conclusions and considerations are developed.This article presents a proposal of a hands-on activity to facilitate the teaching - learning process in thematic and computational instruments associated with Discrete Simulation. At first, the theoretical support of the pedagogical methodology used for its design is presented and basic notions of the themes that can be explored in the hands-on activity are presented. Subsequently it presents the development of the proposal and the resulting simulation model, which can be achieved by executing the pedagogical environment exposed. Finally, some conclusions and considerations are developed

    Hands-on activity to facilitate the teaching – learning process of Discrete Simulation topics.

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    This article presents a proposal of a hands-on activity to facilitate the teaching - learning process in thematic and computational instruments associated with Discrete Simulation. At first, the theoretical support of the pedagogical methodology used for its design is presented and basic notions of the themes that can be explored in the hands-on activity are presented. Subsequently it presents the development of the proposal and the resulting simulation model, which can be achieved by executing the pedagogical environment exposed. Finally, some conclusions and considerations are developed.This article presents a proposal of a hands-on activity to facilitate the teaching - learning process in thematic and computational instruments associated with Discrete Simulation. At first, the theoretical support of the pedagogical methodology used for its design is presented and basic notions of the themes that can be explored in the hands-on activity are presented. Subsequently it presents the development of the proposal and the resulting simulation model, which can be achieved by executing the pedagogical environment exposed. Finally, some conclusions and considerations are developed

    Propuesta de herramientas pedagógicas experienciales para la enseñanza de simulación discreta empleando la metodología aplicada por el Grupo GEIO

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    El siguiente trabajo presenta un estudio realizado desde el grupo GEIO adscrito a la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, donde se generó una propuesta que consiste en utilizar una serie de herramientas pedagógicas para la enseñanza de la simulación discreta mediante la metodología del grupo de investigación. Para el desarrollo del proyecto, primero, se identificaron diferentes herramientas planteadas en contextos universitarios, para la enseñanza de las temáticas de investigación de operaciones y estadística empleando elementos computacionales, luego se analizaron algunas unidades temáticas desarrolladas por centros educativos de la región; más adelante se identificaron cuáles de los experimentos pedagógicos y lúdicos desarrollados por el grupo GEIO podrían emplearse para facilitar el aprendizaje de temáticas de investigación de operaciones y estadística empleando herramientas computacionales, de esta forma, se adaptaron los mismo para que pudieran ser utilizados para apoyar el proceso de enseñanza de simulación discreta. El resultado final de la investigación fue la generación de una cartilla educativa donde se compilaron las herramientas lúdicas desarrolladas; de esta forma se creó una propuesta pedagógica que puede ser empleada por docentes y orientadores para la creación de entornos educativos caracterizados por la presencia de escenarios lúdicos de sistemas productivos, donde los participantes y/o estudiantes pueden reconocer y modificar variables del mismo sin incurrir en riesgos para ellos u otros, así recopilar todo el conocimiento vivenciado durante la exploración de la lúdica para desarrollar un modelo de simulación discreta del experimento ejecutado

    A Study of the Effectiveness of Case Study approach in Software Engineering Education

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    Software Engineering (SE) educators have been advocating the use of non-conventional approaches for SE education since long. In this context, we conducted action-research to compare the effectiveness of a case study approach with conventional lecture based approach. We designed and taught a first course in SE, that involved case study approach as well as the traditional lecture based approach. We recorded and analyzed student's perception of learning over using well defined parameters that reconciled with cognitive, skills and metacognitive goals of SE education. Results corroborated that case study approach is more effective and interesting for learning SE than the lecture based approach. These results indicate that academia and industry should further explore learning-by-doing paradigm, specially the case studies. Benefits of approach include bridging of the industry- academia gap and creation of professionals who are well versed with theory and practice and have experienced the intricacies of real software development even before entering the industry. This paper provides empirical data to support that case study approach is very effective in SE education and hence useful for curriculum designers. This work is useful for SE educators and researchers as it describes methodology for rigorous scientific educational research. 1