9 research outputs found

    Towards Student-Centred Learning: Factors Contributing to the Adoption of E-Learn@USM

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    In 2009, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) launched E-Learn@USM, an electronic system for delivering and sharing learning materials as well as engaging lecturers and students in online discussions. Rather than replacing the traditional face-to-face classroom method, the role of E-Learn@USM is to foster student-centred learning, which is lauded for its effectiveness in the educational setting. The current study aims to examine factors contributing to the adoption of E-Learn@USM among USM students. The factors are categorised into individual factors (personal innovativeness, self-efficacy and attitude), organisational factors (university, administrator and instructor supports), and technological factors (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability). These factors were selected based on the Diffusion of Innovations Theory and on previous studies on adoption within the innovation-diffusion framework. Using multistage cluster sampling, a survey was conducted on a total of 495 students sampled from a large population of undergraduate students at USM. The results of the hypothesis testing revealed significant relationships between all factors (except for complexity) and the adoption of E-Learn@USM. Five significant predictors – attitude, university support, trialability, relative advantage and self-efficacy – were identified

    User adoption of an online learning environment

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    Många nya teknologier erbjuder nya sätt att stöda lärare i deras undervisning. Trots detta ligger utnyttjandet av ny teknologi inom undervisning efter. Att förstå vad som inverkar då man tar i bruk en ny teknologi, och att kunna dra nytta av denna information, kan bidra till en snabbare implementering och en bredare användning av nya teknologier. I detta diplomarbete undersöktes ibruktagande av en ny webbaserad undervisningsmiljö. Undersökandet av ibruktagandet av den nya virtuella undervisningsmiljön gjordes med hjälp av en fallstudie. Informationen samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer, observationer från ett marknadsföringsevenemang och med hjälp av testföretagets egna användbarhets tester. Totalt gjordes fjorton kvalitativa intervjuer. Därefter transkriberades och kodades intervjuerna. Koderna kategoriserades tillsammans med observationerna som gjorts under marknadsföringsevenemanget med hjälp av the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) och Rogers implementerings process för innovationer. Resultaten indikerar att lärarna är intresserade av att använda digitalt material i sin undervisning. Skolmiljön uppmuntrar även till att använda digitalt material. Trots att den nya webbaserade undervisningsmiljön uppfattas som underlättande och som att den effektiverar användarens jobb hade lärarna utmaningar med den. Att registrera sig till den virtuella undervisningsmiljön var problematiskt på grund av användargränssnittet. Användarna utnyttjade inte heller alla funktioner i den virtuella undervisningsmiljön utan använde enbart de funktioner de kände till från tidigare. Information var knapp under hela inkörningsprocessen och vissa koncept ansågs oklara. Författaren rekommenderar att information för användningen av det nya systemet skall finnas lättillgängligt för användarna. Flera av problemen med den nya undervisningsmiljön uppstod enbart på grund av bristan på information. Registreringsprocessen måste också testas mer ingående innan ett nytt system tas i bruk. Författaren menar att registrering kunde vara den första fasen i enlighet med West m.fl. implementeringsprocess. Ett förslag på en ny process för ibruktagandet av den nya teknologin kunde vara enligt följande: registrering, experimenterande, tekniska utmaningar, integration, ökad trygghetskänsla och anpassning.New emerging technologies provide teachers with new tools to support teaching. However, the use of new technologies in education is lagging behind. To understand what influences the adoption of new technologies and be able to use this information can contribute to a faster implementation and wider use of new technologies. User adoption of a new online learning environment is studied in this thesis. The user adoption of the new online learning environment is researched through a case-study. The data was gathered with qualitative interviews, an observation of a marketing event and results from the case company's own usability tests. In total fourteen qualitative interviews were conducted. The interviews with the users were transcribed and coded. The codes were categorized together with the observation of the marketing event according to the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Rogers' innovation decision process. Results indicate that teachers are keen to use digital material in teaching. The facilitating conditions encourage the user to use digital material. The online learning environment is perceived to improve the effectiveness of the user's job. However, the case company has an opportunity to improve the adoption process of the new online learning environment. The registration to the new online learning environment was problematic because of the user interface. The experimentation of the online learning environment was self-directed and limited to those applications the user knew about. There was a constant lack of information through the whole adoption process and some of the concepts were perceived as unclear. The author recommends that information about the use and the concepts of a new system should be easily available for users. Many of the challenges with the new online learning environment occurred because of lack of information. Some users had problems with the registration and the author suggests that access would be the first phase in West et al.'s implementation process. The new suggested implementation process would be in the respective order: Access, Experimentation, Technical Challenges, Integration Challenges, Increased Comfort Level, and Adaptation

    Investigating the impact of using an integrated approach to the teaching of writing skills amongst secondary students of English as a foreign language in Saudi Arabia

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    This research investigates the impact of the use of an integrated approach to the teaching of writing on Saudi EFL students in secondary education. Specifically, it examines its impact on the development of metacognitive strategies, students’ behaviour and levels of motivation and performance.The approach combines genre, process and content approaches and integrates them with meta-cognitive strategies in the teaching of three selected writing styles: academic, argumentative and creative. It also considers teacher training and the strategy development of EFL students.The research follows a mixed-method approach. Quantitative data collection was directed through pre questionnaire and –post 1 and 2 questionnaires and analysis of pre- and post-tests marks. Qualitative data included material from the students’ and a purpose-trained teacher’s interview, analysis of students’ essays, class observations and a teachers’ questionnaire.The results of this study show a positive impact of this integrated approach, which was manifested in improved writing performance, motivation, attitude towards writing in English and awareness of meta-cognitive strategies, as well as the sustained use of these strategies.While the study confirms and expands on previous work in the field of language learning strategies (Abdul-Rahman, 2011; Al-Otaibi, 2004; Cohen, 1998; Cohen & Weaver, 2006; Macaro, 2001; Oxford, 1990; Ehrman & Oxford, 1990), it also stresses the need for further research into EFL writing strategies and the impact of meta-cognitive strategies on students and teachers in the Saudi Arabian education context (Alhaisoni 2012; Aljuaid 2010; Mehrdad et al., 2012). Moreover, it identifies insufficient teacher training and curricular design as factors which fail to promote autonomous learning, and calls for further studies to improve integrated and sustainable teaching approaches

    Implementation, use and analysis of open source learning management system “Moodle” and e-learning for the deaf in Jordan

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    When learning mathematics, deaf children of primary school age experience difficulties due to their disability. In Jordan, little research has been undertaken to understand the problems facing deaf children and their teachers. Frequently, children are educated in special schools for the deaf; the majority of deaf children tend not to be integrated into mainstream education although efforts are made to incorporate them into the system. Teachers in the main stream education system rarely have knowledge and experience to enable deaf students to reach their full potential. The methodological approach used in this research is a mixed one consisting of action research and Human Computer interaction (HCI) research. The target group was deaf children aged nine years (at the third grade) and their teachers in Jordanian schools. Mathematics was chosen as the main focus of this study because it is a universal subject with its own concepts and rules and at this level the teachers in the school have sufficient knowledge and experience to teach mathematics topics competently. In order to obtain a better understanding of the problems faced by teachers and the deaf children in learning mathematics, semi-structured interviews were undertaken and questionnaires distributed to teachers. The main aim at that stage of research was to explore the current use and status of the e-learning environment and LMS within the Jordanian schools for the deaf in Jordan. In later stages of this research, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires were used again to ascertain the effectiveness, usability and readiness of the adopted e-learning environment “Moodle. Finally pre-tests and post-tests used to assess the effectiveness of the e-learning environment and LMS. It is important to note that it was not intended to work with the children directly but were used as test subjects. Based on the requirements and recommendations of the teachers of the deaf, a key requirements scheme was developed. Four open source e-learning environments and LMS evaluated against the developed key requirements. The evaluation was based on a software engineering approache. The outcome of that evaluation was the adoption of an open source e-learning environment and LMS called “Moodle”. Moodle was presented to the teachers for the purpose of testing it. It was found it is the most suitable e-learning environment and LMS to be adapted for use by deaf children in Jordan based on the teachers requirements. Then Moodle was presented to the deaf children’s to use during this research. After use, the activities of the deaf and their teachers were used and analysed in terms of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) analysis. The analysis includes the readiness, usability, user satisfaction, ease of use, learnability, outcome/future use, content, collaboration & communication tools and functionality

    Modelo de formación y adiestramiento en seguridad laboral con modalidad blended learning Compañía OilSERV, área de registro de pozos.

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    This work aims to propose a Model of Occupational Safety Training, which is supported on the Blended Learning strategy. The model methodology includes four stages, which are: Qualitative Analysis (interview, documents collection and analysis, observation); Evaluative Analysis (survey); Project Management (planning); and Instructional Design (Instructional System Design). The model was applied in an oilfield service company, operating in the Kurdistan region at the northern of Iraq, with the following results: a) the model allowed to integrate the company training needs, customer training requirements, and the required by the worker according to their job position; b) the program generated the interest, involvement and commitment of the company, their directors and their workers; and, c) the model allowed the inclusion of learning resources of both environments On Site and On Line. With the model implementation we can conclude pointing that the proposal is valid and applicable, training is part of a planned, systematic and multidisciplinary work; where the effectiveness is based on two pillars: a Management System and Commitment of the organization. Finally it is recommended an additional study, which evaluates the training program results for medium and long term, and performs the monitoring to the effect and impact indicators of the program.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer un Modelo de Formación y Adiestramiento en Seguridad Laboral que se apoye en la estrategia del Blended Learning. Este modelo incluye en su metodología cuatro etapas que son: Análisis Cualitativo (entrevista, recopilación y análisis de documentos, observación); Análisis Evaluativo (encuesta); Gestión de Proyecto (planificación); y Diseño Instruccional (Instructional System Design). El modelo fue aplicado en una compañía de servicios petroleros que opera en la región de Kurdistán al norte de Irak, obteniéndose los siguientes resultados: a) el modelo permitió integrar las necesidades formativas de la compañía, las exigencias formativas de los clientes, y las requeridas por el trabajador de acuerdo a su puesto de trabajo; b) el programa generó el interés, involucramiento y compromiso de la compañía, de sus directivos y de sus trabajadores; y, c) el modelo permitió la inclusión de recursos de aprendizaje tanto del entorno On Site como del entorno On Line. Con la implementación del modelo podemos concluir señalando que la propuesta es válida y aplicable; que la formación y adiestramiento son parte de un trabajo planificado, sistemático y multidisciplinario; donde su efectividad se fundamenta en dos pilares que son: un Sistema de Gestión y el Compromiso de la organización. Finalmente se recomienda un estudio complementario en el que se evalúen los resultados del programa de formación y adiestramiento a mediano y largo plazo, y se realice el seguimiento de los indicadores de efecto e impacto del programa

    Interacción didáctica y construcción social del conocimiento en Blended Learning: Perú como estudio de caso

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    Desde la perspectiva de investigación asumida se busca comprender la naturaleza del BL en el Perú a partir de tres estudios. En las dos primeras, se recurrió a la revisión sistemática de 35 informes de tesis defendidas en las universidades peruanas, a fin de reconocer la evolución de la producción científica y las orientaciones metodológicas. Como resultados, se evidencian campos de conocimiento dirigidos al análisis del ejercicio de la docencia universitaria, y con mayor centralidad en la formación de posgrado y énfasis en las universidades de la capital del país. Se revela una mayor preponderancia hacia el desarrollo de capacidades disciplinares y de carácter cognitivo, por sobre las capacidades transversales y socio-emocionales. Entre las orientaciones metodológicas preferidas en los estudios analizados se privilegia el enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño experimental y una variedad de sujetos de estudio, desde estudiantes de educación básica hasta superior, como también de docentes de ambos niveles educativos. En el tercer estudio, de carácter empírico, se analiza la práctica educativa de un curso formativo basado en el BL, recreado para reconocer el cómo se hace, qué se hace y quién lo hace; es decir, que patrones de interacción didáctica favorecen la construcción del conocimiento. En ese sentido, la investigación revela tendencias de avance hacia una secuencia interactiva que se moviliza de lo presencial a lo virtual

    Investigating the implementation of blended provisions for an introductory computer module

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    This thesis describes a qualitative single exploratory case study whose purpose was to explore the potential transition of an introductory computer module of College X to a blended learning mode; this was implemented by investigating the perceptions of instructors and students regarding this potential transition, analysing these perceptions using thematic analysis, and framing these within the conceptual framework suggested by Passey (2019). In this respect, integrating ‘new’ ways of teaching and learning for implementing blended learning provision for higher education followed the steps suggested by Passey (2019). The process involved: (1) identifying the elements of the module under investigation that need to remain on-site; (2) associate the remaining elements to suitable ‘new’ ways of learning; (3) associate these elements to appropriate forms of interaction; (4) match these elements to relevant educator modes; and (5) identify the appropriate technology resources to support these elements. This process produced a set of tools that may serve as conceptual frameworks related to the relationships between online elements, educator modes, ‘new’ ways of learning, and interaction forms. Finally, the study’s findings include identified benefits and challenges related to blended learning provisions, as perceived by this study’s participants, aligned with evidence from the prevailing literature. The findings will be used to inform the eventual implementation of a blended learning provision for the said module

    Interacción didáctica y construcción social del conocimiento en Blended Learning: Perú como estudio de caso

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    [ES]Las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación orientan la renovación de los escenarios educativos, como efecto de los cambios sociales, económicos, etc., incidiendo en la emergencia de nuevos entornos formativos. En este contexto, el Blended Learning (BL) se posesiona como una modalidad normalizada y dado su impacto, se torna en objeto de estudio. Desde la perspectiva de investigación asumida se busca comprender la naturaleza del BL en Perú, a partir de tres estudios. En las dos primeras, se recurrió a la revisión sistemática de 35 informes de tesis defendidas en las universidades peruanas, a fin de reconocer la evolución de la producción científica y las orientaciones metodológicas. Como resultados, se evidencian campos de conocimiento dirigidos al análisis del ejercicio de la docencia universitaria, y con mayor centralidad en la formación de posgrado y énfasis en las universidades de la capital del país. Asimismo, se revela una mayor preponderancia hacia el desarrollo de capacidades disciplinares y de carácter cognitivo, por sobre las capacidades transversales y socio-emocionales. De otro lado, entre las orientaciones metodológicas preferidas en los estudios analizados se privilegia el enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño experimental y una variedad de sujetos de estudio, desde estudiantes de educación básica hasta superior, como también, de docentes de ambos niveles educativos. También, se reconoce como resultados, que los modelos implementados en torno al BL son de carácter combinatorio, muy distantes de los que tienden a la integración. Tales evidencias muestran la distribución diferenciada del conocimiento sobre el BL, de una concentración en ciertas universidades y de rezago en otras, así como de las prioridades formativas. Finalmente, en el tercer estudio, de carácter empírico, se analiza la práctica educativa de un curso formativo basado en el BL, recreado para reconocer el cómo se hace, qué se hace y quién lo hace; es decir, que patrones de interacción didáctica favorecen la construcción del conocimiento. En ese sentido, la investigación revela tendencias de avance hacia una secuencia interactiva que se moviliza de lo presencial a lo virtual. Una apropiación progresiva del aprendizaje y orientación hacia la autonomía. Las transiciones evidencian la elaboración de contenidos de alto significado, más en la virtualidad que en la presencialidad, lo que reflejaría que a mayor interacción en espacios virtuales se intensifica el aprendizaje, con una menor dependencia del docente. En esencia, el análisis de la práctica educativa del BL configura un escenario que alienta la autonomía de aprendizaje, conduciendo a logros significativos, con un incremento de la participación e interacción social, dada la intensificación de las colaboraciones entre pares. El sentido integrador de los resultados de los estudios evidencia que en Perú, las experiencias analizadas de BL presentan rasgos singulares, si bien, mayoritariamente, recurren a tecnologías y procesos desfasados, avanzan lentamente hacia modelos más innovadores