539 research outputs found

    Wineries\u27 involvement in promoting tourism online: the case of Texas

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    Wine tourism has become an important driver of business for wineries in many regionsaround the world, while Texas wine regions are only starting to emerge as important tourism destinations.A study was conducted to investigate how effectively Texas wineries market tourism to their ownestablishments as well as in a regional context. A specific focus was placed on indications of collaborativewine tourism marketing practices on winery websites. The results indicate that wineries providebasic visitor information but are missing out on strategic opportunities to market wine tourism to theirareas

    Buying into a regional brand: The naming of Central Otago wineries

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the meanings and sources of winery names in the Central Otago wine region. In particular, two questions are addressed: To what extent are the elements of the Central Otago regional wine story apparent in the winery names of the region? Are there discernible differences in the elements emphasised in the more established wineries and those that have been launched more recently


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    Wine tourism has become an important driver of business for wineries in many regions around the world, while Texas wine regions are only starting to emerge as important tourism destinations. A study was conducted to investigate how effectively Texas wineries conduct online marketing of wine tourism through their own establishments as well as in a regional context. A specific focus was placed on indications of collaborative wine tourism marketing practices on winery websites. Additionally, Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVBs) websites were analyzed to investigate the online wine tourism promotion. The results indicate that wineries’ websites provide basic visitor information but are missing out on strategic opportunities to market wine tourism to their areas. The results show that very few CVB websites mention wineries on their homepage. Only two websites had a wine hyperlink on their homepage. Nearly half of the CVB websites provided descriptions or contact information about the wineries at least somewhere on the website, while the other half did not even mention wineries on their websites. To a large degree, many CVB websites have the potential to further contribute to the regional image of wine destinations in Texas

    Information Technology Applications in Hospitality and Tourism: A Review of Publications from 2005 to 2007

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    The tourism and hospitality industries have widely adopted information technology (IT) to reduce costs, enhance operational efficiency, and most importantly to improve service quality and customer experience. This article offers a comprehensive review of articles that were published in 57 tourism and hospitality research journals from 2005 to 2007. Grouping the findings into the categories of consumers, technologies, and suppliers, the article sheds light on the evolution of IT applications in the tourism and hospitality industries. The article demonstrates that IT is increasingly becoming critical for the competitive operations of the tourism and hospitality organizations as well as for managing the distribution and marketing of organizations on a global scale

    Are we China-ready? Chinese tourism in Western Australia

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    Chinese tourism to Australia has grown substantially since the start of the millennium, and this group of travellers is now the top international tourism spender. This report looks at the characteristics of Chinese visitors coming to Western Australia, their detailed travel experiences while here and whether WA is China-ready to take advantage of the boom. We use a range of data sources to capture information on Chinese visitor travel experiences, including Chinese travel websites, Tourism Research Association (TRA) surveys, intercept surveys at Perth International Airport, and industry workshops. The report finds that Chinese visitors are young, with money to spend – 75% of Chinese visitors to Western Australia are aged 20 to 40 years, and spend on average almost 500pernightwhentheystayinAustralia.ChinesevisitorsseeWAasadestinationtoenjoyanunpollutedenvironment,toseethedistinctivefloraandfauna,andtoexperiencethenaturalbeautyofthecoastandinlandregions.ThereportrecommendstripitinerariessuitableforChinesevisitorsandprovidesconsumerandmarketinsightsthatcouldbeusedtoinformtourismindustrymanagementandinfluencegovernmentpoliciesandstrategies.WhileWAmaynotbeChina−readyyet,thisreportsuggestspolicychangestheWAGovernmentcanmaketocapturethisgrowingmarket.Extendingtradinghoursto6.30pmonweeknightsandadditionalearliertradeonSundaysisonewaytheWAGovernmentcouldincreasethe500 per night when they stay in Australia. Chinese visitors see WA as a destination to enjoy an unpolluted environment, to see the distinctive flora and fauna, and to experience the natural beauty of the coast and inland regions. The report recommends trip itineraries suitable for Chinese visitors and provides consumer and market insights that could be used to inform tourism industry management and influence government policies and strategies. While WA may not be China-ready yet, this report suggests policy changes the WA Government can make to capture this growing market. Extending trading hours to 6.30pm on weeknights and additional earlier trade on Sundays is one way the WA Government could increase the 291 million already being spent in the State by Chinese visitors each year. The report also recommends tourism operators develop and market their products to appeal to this growing market. Of the 22 tourism providers surveyed, 78 per cent did not have any Asian language skills or training and 44 per cent had no training or experience in the Asian market. Participation by tourism providers in courses such as the ChinaReady¼ accreditation program, and informal online learning, could see an increase in Chinese visitor number. However, some government assistance will be required if we are to fully capitalise on the opportunities this market brings to the WA economy

    Wine tour design – global trends and local expressions

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    Purpose – The main objective of this paper is to identify global trends in wine tour design, and based on these findings, analyse the structure and spatial distribution of wine tours offered by tour operators in Bulgaria. Design/methodology/approach – The study combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, drawing data from the official websites of specialised travel agencies and tour operators. Firstly, content analysis was used to outline global trends and classify wine tours. Secondly, a quantitative study of 63 wine tours in Bulgaria was made, discussing selected features such as: average prices, additional activities, the number of wineries visited etc. Findings – Wine tours are becoming increasingly diverse on a global scale: the study has identified eleven different types of wine tours, catering to different segments of the wine tourism market. Wine tours offered in Bulgaria are focused on cultural attractions and the average number of wineries visited is small. Most of the itineraries are concentrated in only two of the five wine regions in country. Originality of the research – While scientific research on wine tourism is abundant, the products of niche tour operators/travel agencies in this sphere have not been sufficiently studied as yet

    Wine promotion on Facebook: a linguistic comparison of posts by producers from English-speaking countries

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    Facebook can be considered one of the main social marketing tools used by companies who decide to advertise their products online and who aim to keep in touch with customers quickly and effectively. Social media in general and Facebook in particular are characterised by a high level of interactivity, and visual, textual and linguistic features are strategically used to attract and involve potential customers and to get their feedback, thus enhancing the company’s visibility on the market as well as the company’s knowledge of the market. This paper analyses the language used to advertise wine and wine events through Facebook posts by producers from New Zealand, South Africa and the UK. Method-wise, this study applies the same analytical methods used by Manca (2021) in her analysis of the interactive and interactional strategies employed by Australian and US wine companies to advertise their products and activities on Facebook, and also some of the analytical methods used by Bianchi (2017a, 2017b) in her studies on Facebook posts written by travel agencies to advertise their destinations. Besides describing the metadiscursive features which are mostly used on Facebook by wineries (Hyland 2005), this paper aims to establish whether the forms of interaction and the positioning of the writers depend on cultural factors, on the medium used or on other variables


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    Websites are a tool for wineries to achieve their business objectives more easily. It is analysed whether the wineries use this tool and, if so, the role it plays in their marketing strategy is investigated, taking into account the guidelines established in the literature. There is a high rate of websites, but content analysis shows that the most basic orientation (providing information) is predominant; followed by interactive communication, with transactional orientation showing little presence.Las webs constituyen una herramienta para que las bodegas puedan alcanzar mås fåcilmente sus objetivos de negocio. Se analiza si las bodegas utilizan esta herramienta y, en caso afirmativo, se investiga el papel que desempeña en su estrategia de marketing teniendo en cuenta las orientaciones establecidas en la literatura. Se observa una alta tasa de existencia de webs, pero el anålisis de contenido muestra que la orientación mås båsica (proporcionar información) es la predominante; seguido de la comunicación interactiva, siendo la orientación transaccional la que muestra una escasa presencia

    Contribution to Sustainable Agriculture and Tourism

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Wine Routes develop inside the larger context of wine tourism (WT), which is increasingly important for rural communities. Italy is one of the most important countries in the world for wine production and tourism. Sicily is one of the leading regions in Italy for wine production and wine tourists. This study focuses on the Sicilian wine routes (SWRs) and gives an excursus of their development during the last ten years, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, the study wants to make an attempt to bridge the existing gap in the literature and highlight the nature and extent of the contribution of the SWR to the development of the WT ‘product’ from the perspective of the increasingly booming sustainable–rural tourism. Face-to-face interviews were conducted along the SWRs with 283 wine tourists, 65 wine enterprises, and eight expert stakeholders. The motivations for tourists to visit the first time and their intention to return were investigated by the explorative factor analysis. Moreover, the wine tourist profile was highlighted. Findings outline some specific features of the general experience economy model where visitors’ emotional involvement and local cooperation appear crucial for the integrated territorial development of the backward rural areas of wine regions in different parts of the world. Managerial implications of findings are discussed.publishersversionpublishe

    Value co-creation under the new emerging marketing paradigm of service-dominant logic. Analysis of the Tasmanian wine socio-cultual ecosystem = La co-creaciĂłn de valor en el nuevo paradigma dem marketing emergente de la service dominan logic. AnĂĄlisis del ecosistema socio-cultural vitivinĂ­cola tasmaniano

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    In this project we have proceeded to the theoretical analysis of the role of Marketing and its importance in an increasingly dynamic, globalized and competitive environment; according to the new emerging paradigm alternative to traditional Marketing, known as Service-Dominant Logic (Vargo & Lush, 2014), where the co-creation of value arises between actors and institutions through multiple exchanges in networks “Many-to-many Marketing” (Gummesson, 2008). Subsequently, this series of concepts are applied to a practical case in the world of wine industry. In this, the process of differentiation of the product is analyzed from different elements apart from the place of origin of the wine production, such as the grape varieties used, the offer of services that promote culture, gastronomy, tourism, and so on
