82 research outputs found

    On Fortification of Projection Games

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    A recent result of Moshkovitz \cite{Moshkovitz14} presented an ingenious method to provide a completely elementary proof of the Parallel Repetition Theorem for certain projection games via a construction called fortification. However, the construction used in \cite{Moshkovitz14} to fortify arbitrary label cover instances using an arbitrary extractor is insufficient to prove parallel repetition. In this paper, we provide a fix by using a stronger graph that we call fortifiers. Fortifiers are graphs that have both 1\ell_1 and 2\ell_2 guarantees on induced distributions from large subsets. We then show that an expander with sufficient spectral gap, or a bi-regular extractor with stronger parameters (the latter is also the construction used in an independent update \cite{Moshkovitz15} of \cite{Moshkovitz14} with an alternate argument), is a good fortifier. We also show that using a fortifier (in particular 2\ell_2 guarantees) is necessary for obtaining the robustness required for fortification.Comment: 19 page

    Strong Parallel Repetition for Unique Games on Small Set Expanders

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    Strong Parallel Repetition for Unique Games on Small Set Expanders The strong parallel repetition problem for unique games is to efficiently reduce the 1-delta vs. 1-C*delta gap problem of Boolean unique games (where C>1 is a sufficiently large constant) to the 1-epsilon vs. epsilon gap problem of unique games over large alphabet. Due to its importance to the Unique Games Conjecture, this problem garnered a great deal of interest from the research community. There are positive results for certain easy unique games (e.g., unique games on expanders), and an impossibility result for hard unique games. In this paper we show how to bypass the impossibility result by enlarging the alphabet sufficiently before repetition. We consider the case of unique games on small set expanders for two setups: (i) Strong small set expanders that yield easy unique games. (ii) Weaker small set expanders underlying possibly hard unique games as long as the game is mildly fortified. We show how to fortify unique games in both cases, i.e., how to transform the game so sufficiently large induced sub-games have bounded value. We then prove strong parallel repetition for the fortified games. Prior to this work fortification was known for projection games but seemed hopeless for unique games

    A No-Go Theorem for Derandomized Parallel Repetition: Beyond Feige-Kilian

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    In this work we show a barrier towards proving a randomness-efficient parallel repetition, a promising avenue for achieving many tight inapproximability results. Feige and Kilian (STOC'95) proved an impossibility result for randomness-efficient parallel repetition for two prover games with small degree, i.e., when each prover has only few possibilities for the question of the other prover. In recent years, there have been indications that randomness-efficient parallel repetition (also called derandomized parallel repetition) might be possible for games with large degree, circumventing the impossibility result of Feige and Kilian. In particular, Dinur and Meir (CCC'11) construct games with large degree whose repetition can be derandomized using a theorem of Impagliazzo, Kabanets and Wigderson (SICOMP'12). However, obtaining derandomized parallel repetition theorems that would yield optimal inapproximability results has remained elusive. This paper presents an explanation for the current impasse in progress, by proving a limitation on derandomized parallel repetition. We formalize two properties which we call "fortification-friendliness" and "yields robust embeddings." We show that any proof of derandomized parallel repetition achieving almost-linear blow-up cannot both (a) be fortification-friendly and (b) yield robust embeddings. Unlike Feige and Kilian, we do not require the small degree assumption. Given that virtually all existing proofs of parallel repetition, including the derandomized parallel repetition result of Dinur and Meir, share these two properties, our no-go theorem highlights a major barrier to achieving almost-linear derandomized parallel repetition

    Parallel repetition via fortification: analytic view and the quantum case

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    In a recent work, Moshkovitz [FOCS'14] presented a transformation n two-player games called "fortification", and gave an elementary proof of an (exponential decay) parallel repetition theorem for fortified two-player projection games. In this paper, we give an analytic reformulation of Moshkovitz's fortification framework, which was originally cast in combinatorial terms. This reformulation allows us to expand the scope of the fortification method to new settings. First, we show any game (not just projection games) can be fortified, and give a simple proof of parallel repetition for general fortified games. Then, we prove parallel repetition and fortification theorems for games with players sharing quantum entanglement, as well as games with more than two players. This gives a new gap amplification method for general games in the quantum and multiplayer settings, which has recently received much interest. An important component of our work is a variant of the fortification transformation, called "ordered fortification", that preserves the entangled value of a game. The original fortification of Moshkovitz does not in general preserve the entangled value of a game, and this was a barrier to extending the fortification framework to the quantum setting

    Gap Amplification for Small-Set Expansion via Random Walks

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    In this work, we achieve gap amplification for the Small-Set Expansion problem. Specifically, we show that an instance of the Small-Set Expansion Problem with completeness ϵ\epsilon and soundness 12\frac{1}{2} is at least as difficult as Small-Set Expansion with completeness ϵ\epsilon and soundness f(ϵ)f(\epsilon), for any function f(ϵ)f(\epsilon) which grows faster than ϵ\sqrt{\epsilon}. We achieve this amplification via random walks -- our gadget is the graph with adjacency matrix corresponding to a random walk on the original graph. An interesting feature of our reduction is that unlike gap amplification via parallel repetition, the size of the instances (number of vertices) produced by the reduction remains the same

    Rounding via Low Dimensional Embeddings

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    Parallel Repetition From Fortification

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    The Parallel Repetition Theorem upper-bounds the value of a repeated (tensored) two prover game in terms of the value of the base game and the number of repetitions. In this work we give a simple transformation on games – “fortification” – and show that for fortified games, the value of the repeated game decreases perfectly exponentially with the number of repetitions, up to an arbitrarily small additive error. Our proof is combinatorial and short. As corollaries, we obtain: (1) Starting from a PCP Theorem with soundness error bounded away from 1, we get a PCP with arbitrarily small constant soundness error. In particular, starting with the combinatorial PCP of Dinur, we get a combinatorial PCP with low error. The latter can be used for hardness of approximation as in the work of Hastad. (2) Starting from the work of the author and Raz, we get a projection PCP theorem with the smallest soundness error known today. The theorem yields nearly a quadratic improvement in the size compared to previous work. We then discuss the problem of derandomizing parallel repetition, and the limitations of the fortification idea in this setting. We point out a connection between the problem of derandomizing parallel repetition and the problem of composition. This connection could shed light on the so-called Projection Games Conjecture, which asks for projection PCP with minimal error.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 1218547

    The Quantum PCP Conjecture

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    The classical PCP theorem is arguably the most important achievement of classical complexity theory in the past quarter century. In recent years, researchers in quantum computational complexity have tried to identify approaches and develop tools that address the question: does a quantum version of the PCP theorem hold? The story of this study starts with classical complexity and takes unexpected turns providing fascinating vistas on the foundations of quantum mechanics, the global nature of entanglement and its topological properties, quantum error correction, information theory, and much more; it raises questions that touch upon some of the most fundamental issues at the heart of our understanding of quantum mechanics. At this point, the jury is still out as to whether or not such a theorem holds. This survey aims to provide a snapshot of the status in this ongoing story, tailored to a general theory-of-CS audience.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figures, an enhanced version of the SIGACT guest column from Volume 44 Issue 2, June 201

    Characterizing Direct Product Testing via Coboundary Expansion

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    A dd-dimensional simplicial complex XX is said to support a direct product tester if any locally consistent function defined on its kk-faces (where kdk\ll d) necessarily come from a function over its vertices. More precisely, a direct product tester has a distribution μ\mu over pairs of kk-faces (A,A)(A,A'), and given query access to F ⁣:X(k){0,1}kF\colon X(k)\to\{0,1\}^k it samples (A,A)μ(A,A')\sim \mu and checks that F[A]AA=F[A]AAF[A]|_{A\cap A'} = F[A']|_{A\cap A'}. The tester should have (1) the ``completeness property'', meaning that any assignment FF which is a direct product assignment passes the test with probability 11, and (2) the ``soundness property'', meaning that if FF passes the test with probability ss, then FF must be correlated with a direct product function. Dinur and Kaufman showed that a sufficiently good spectral expanding complex XX admits a direct product tester in the ``high soundness'' regime where ss is close to 11. They asked whether there are high dimensional expanders that support direct product tests in the ``low soundness'', when ss is close to 00. We give a characterization of high-dimensional expanders that support a direct product tester in the low soundness regime. We show that spectral expansion is insufficient, and the complex must additionally satisfy a variant of coboundary expansion, which we refer to as \emph{Unique-Games coboundary expanders}. Conversely, we show that this property is also sufficient to get direct product testers. This property can be seen as a high-dimensional generalization of the standard notion of coboundary expansion over non-Abelian groups for 2-dimensional complexes. It asserts that any locally consistent Unique-Games instance obtained using the low-level faces of the complex, must admit a good global solution