40 research outputs found

    A stream virtual element formulation of the Stokes problem on polygonal meshes

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    In this paper we propose and analyze a novel stream formulation of the virtual element method (VEM) for the solution of the Stokes problem. The new formulation hinges upon the introduction of a suitable stream function space (characterizing the divergence free subspace of discrete velocities) and it is equivalent to the velocity-pressure (inf-sup stable) mimetic scheme presented in [L. Beir\ue3o da Veiga et al., J. Comput. Phys., 228(2009), pp. 7215-7232] (up to a suitable reformulation into the VEM framework). Both schemes are thus stable and linearly convergent but the new method results to be more desirable as it employs much less degrees of freedom and it is based on a positive definite algebraic problem. Several numerical experiments assess the convergence properties of the new method and show its computational advantages with respect to the mimetic one

    Dual virtual element method in presence of an inclusion

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    We consider a Darcy problem for saturated porous media written in dual formulation in presence of a fully immersed inclusion. The lowest order virtual element method is employ to derive the discrete approximation. In the present work we study the effect of cells with cuts on the numerical solution, able to geometrically handle in a more natural way the inclusion tips. The numerical results show the validity of the proposed approach

    On the Virtual Element Method for Topology Optimization on polygonal meshes: a numerical study

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    It is well known that the solution of topology optimization problems may be affected both by the geometric properties of the computational mesh, which can steer the minimization process towards local (and non-physical) minima, and by the accuracy of the method employed to discretize the underlying differential problem, which may not be able to correctly capture the physics of the problem. In light of the above remarks, in this paper we consider polygonal meshes and employ the virtual element method (VEM) to solve two classes of paradigmatic topology optimization problems, one governed by nearly-incompressible and compressible linear elasticity and the other by Stokes equations. Several numerical results show the virtues of our polygonal VEM based approach with respect to more standard methods

    Virtual Element Methods for hyperbolic problems on polygonal meshes

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    In the present paper we develop the Virtual Element Method for hyperbolic problems on polygonal meshes, considering the linear wave equations as our model problem. After presenting the semi-discrete scheme, we derive the convergence estimates in H^1 semi-norm and L^2 norm. Moreover we develop a theoretical analysis on the stability for the fully discrete problem by comparing the Newmark method and the Bathe method. Finally we show the practical behaviour of the proposed method through a large array of numerical tests

    A virtual element method for the vibration problem of Kirchhoff plates

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    The aim of this paper is to develop a virtual element method (VEM) for the vibration problem of thin plates on polygonal meshes. We consider a variational formulation relying only on the transverse displacement of the plate and propose an H2(Ω)H^2(\Omega) conforming discretization by means of the VEM which is simple in terms of degrees of freedom and coding aspects. Under standard assumptions on the computational domain, we establish that the resulting schemeprovides a correct approximation of the spectrum and prove optimal order error estimates for the eigenfunctions and a double order for the eigenvalues. The analysis restricts to simply connected polygonal clamped plates, not necessarily convex. Finally, we report several numerical experiments illustrating the behaviour of the proposed scheme and confirming our theoretical results on different families of meshes. Additional examples of cases not covered by our theory are also presented