2,311 research outputs found

    Activity Recognition based on a Magnitude-Orientation Stream Network

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    The temporal component of videos provides an important clue for activity recognition, as a number of activities can be reliably recognized based on the motion information. In view of that, this work proposes a novel temporal stream for two-stream convolutional networks based on images computed from the optical flow magnitude and orientation, named Magnitude-Orientation Stream (MOS), to learn the motion in a better and richer manner. Our method applies simple nonlinear transformations on the vertical and horizontal components of the optical flow to generate input images for the temporal stream. Experimental results, carried on two well-known datasets (HMDB51 and UCF101), demonstrate that using our proposed temporal stream as input to existing neural network architectures can improve their performance for activity recognition. Results demonstrate that our temporal stream provides complementary information able to improve the classical two-stream methods, indicating the suitability of our approach to be used as a temporal video representation.Comment: 8 pages, SIBGRAPI 201

    Deep Learning for Detecting Multiple Space-Time Action Tubes in Videos

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    In this work, we propose an approach to the spatiotemporal localisation (detection) and classification of multiple concurrent actions within temporally untrimmed videos. Our framework is composed of three stages. In stage 1, appearance and motion detection networks are employed to localise and score actions from colour images and optical flow. In stage 2, the appearance network detections are boosted by combining them with the motion detection scores, in proportion to their respective spatial overlap. In stage 3, sequences of detection boxes most likely to be associated with a single action instance, called action tubes, are constructed by solving two energy maximisation problems via dynamic programming. While in the first pass, action paths spanning the whole video are built by linking detection boxes over time using their class-specific scores and their spatial overlap, in the second pass, temporal trimming is performed by ensuring label consistency for all constituting detection boxes. We demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on the challenging UCF101, J-HMDB-21 and LIRIS-HARL datasets, achieving new state-of-the-art results across the board and significantly increasing detection speed at test time. We achieve a huge leap forward in action detection performance and report a 20% and 11% gain in mAP (mean average precision) on UCF-101 and J-HMDB-21 datasets respectively when compared to the state-of-the-art.Comment: Accepted by British Machine Vision Conference 201

    Spatial and Temporal Mutual Promotion for Video-based Person Re-identification

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    Video-based person re-identification is a crucial task of matching video sequences of a person across multiple camera views. Generally, features directly extracted from a single frame suffer from occlusion, blur, illumination and posture changes. This leads to false activation or missing activation in some regions, which corrupts the appearance and motion representation. How to explore the abundant spatial-temporal information in video sequences is the key to solve this problem. To this end, we propose a Refining Recurrent Unit (RRU) that recovers the missing parts and suppresses noisy parts of the current frame's features by referring historical frames. With RRU, the quality of each frame's appearance representation is improved. Then we use the Spatial-Temporal clues Integration Module (STIM) to mine the spatial-temporal information from those upgraded features. Meanwhile, the multi-level training objective is used to enhance the capability of RRU and STIM. Through the cooperation of those modules, the spatial and temporal features mutually promote each other and the final spatial-temporal feature representation is more discriminative and robust. Extensive experiments are conducted on three challenging datasets, i.e., iLIDS-VID, PRID-2011 and MARS. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods of video-based person re-identification on iLIDS-VID and MARS and achieves favorable results on PRID-2011.Comment: Accepted by AAAI19 as spotligh

    Deep temporal motion descriptor (DTMD) for human action recognition

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    Spatiotemporal features have significant importance in human action recognition, as they provide the actor's shape and motion characteristics specific to each action class. This paper presents a new deep spatiotemporal human action representation, \Deep Temporal Motion Descriptor (DTMD)", which shares the attributes of holistic and deep learned features. To generate the DTMD descriptor, the actor's silhouettes are gathered into single motion templates through applying motion history images. These motion templates capture the spatiotemporal movements of the actor and compactly represents the human actions using a single 2D template. Then, deep convolutional neural networks are used to compute discriminative deep features from motion history templates to produce DTMD. Later, DTMD is used for learn a model to recognise human actions using a softmax classifier. The advantage of DTMD comes from (i) DTMD is automatically learned from videos and contains higher dimensional discriminative spatiotemporal representation as compared to handcrafted features; (ii) DTMD reduces the computational complexity of human activity recognition as all the video frames are compactly represented as a single motion template; (iii) DTMD works e ectively for single and multiview action recognition. We conducted experiments on three challenging datasets: MuHAVI-Uncut, iXMAS, and IAVID-1. The experimental findings reveal that DTMD outperforms previous methods and achieves the highest action prediction rate on the MuHAVI-Uncut datase

    VIOLA - A multi-purpose and web-based visualization tool for neuronal-network simulation output

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    Neuronal network models and corresponding computer simulations are invaluable tools to aid the interpretation of the relationship between neuron properties, connectivity and measured activity in cortical tissue. Spatiotemporal patterns of activity propagating across the cortical surface as observed experimentally can for example be described by neuronal network models with layered geometry and distance-dependent connectivity. The interpretation of the resulting stream of multi-modal and multi-dimensional simulation data calls for integrating interactive visualization steps into existing simulation-analysis workflows. Here, we present a set of interactive visualization concepts called views for the visual analysis of activity data in topological network models, and a corresponding reference implementation VIOLA (VIsualization Of Layer Activity). The software is a lightweight, open-source, web-based and platform-independent application combining and adapting modern interactive visualization paradigms, such as coordinated multiple views, for massively parallel neurophysiological data. For a use-case demonstration we consider spiking activity data of a two-population, layered point-neuron network model subject to a spatially confined excitation originating from an external population. With the multiple coordinated views, an explorative and qualitative assessment of the spatiotemporal features of neuronal activity can be performed upfront of a detailed quantitative data analysis of specific aspects of the data. Furthermore, ongoing efforts including the European Human Brain Project aim at providing online user portals for integrated model development, simulation, analysis and provenance tracking, wherein interactive visual analysis tools are one component. Browser-compatible, web-technology based solutions are therefore required. Within this scope, with VIOLA we provide a first prototype.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, 3 table
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