344 research outputs found

    Efficient data mining algorithms for time series and complex medical data

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    Radar signal processing for sensing in assisted living: the challenges associated with real-time implementation of emerging algorithms

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    This article covers radar signal processing for sensing in the context of assisted living (AL). This is presented through three example applications: human activity recognition (HAR) for activities of daily living (ADL), respiratory disorders, and sleep stages (SSs) classification. The common challenge of classification is discussed within a framework of measurements/preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification algorithms for supervised learning. Then, the specific challenges of the three applications from a signal processing standpoint are detailed in their specific data processing and ad hoc classification strategies. Here, the focus is on recent trends in the field of activity recognition (multidomain, multimodal, and fusion), health-care applications based on vital signs (superresolution techniques), and comments related to outstanding challenges. Finally, this article explores challenges associated with the real-time implementation of signal processing/classification algorithms

    A Radial Basis Function Neural Network using biologically plausible activation functions

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    Este proyecto se centra en el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación de Redes Neuronales de Función de Base Radial (RBFNN), comparando el modelo gaussiano con una nueva versión que utiliza la función de activación Ricker. La forma de esta función ha sido observada en las señales de neuronas de distintas partes del cerebro humano, a menudo produciendo una señal negativa (inhibitoria) conocida como inhibición lateral. Se han desarrollado dos modelos de RBFNN, incorporando técnicas de Machine Learning (ML) y estadística como la regularización L2 y el algoritmo sigest para mejorar su rendimiento. También se implementan técnicas adicionales, como la estimación de un parámetro k sobredimensionado y la AIC backward selection, para mejorar la eficiencia. En este estudio, los modelos desarrollados se prueban con conjuntos de datos de diferente naturaleza, evaluando su rendimiento con datos sintéticos y realistas, y midiendo sus resultados con problemas de varios niveles de ruido y dificultad. Además, también se realiza una comparación de los modelos para observar qué RBFNN funciona mejor en determinadas condiciones, así como para analizar la diferencia en el número de neuronas y el parámetro de suavizado estimado. La evaluación experimental confirma la eficacia de los modelos RBFNN, proporcionando estimaciones precisas y demostrando su adaptabilidad con problemas de dificultad variable. El análisis comparativo revela que el modelo Ricker tiende a exhibir un rendimiento superior en presencia de altos niveles de ruido, mientras que ambos modelos tienen un rendimiento similar en condiciones de bajo ruido. Estos resultados sugieren la potencial influencia de la inhibición lateral, que podría ser explorada en más profundidad en futuros estudios.This project focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN), comparing the gaussian model with a new version using the Ricker Wavelet activation function. The shape of this wavelet has been observed in the signals of neurons from different parts of the human brain, often producing a negative (inhibitory) signal known as lateral inhibition. Two RBFNN models have been developed, incorporating Machine Learning (ML) and statistical techniques such as L2 regularization and the sigest algorithm for improved performance. Additional techniques, such as estimating an oversized k parameter and using AIC backward selection, are implemented to enhance efficiency. In this study, the developed models are tested with datasets of different nature, evaluating their performance with synthetic and realistic data and measuring their results with problems of various levels of noise and difficulty. Furthermore, a comparison of the models is also made in order to observe which RBFNN performs better on certain conditions, as well as to analyze the difference in the number of neurons and the estimated smoothing parameter. The experimental evaluation confirms the effectiveness of the RBFNN models, yielding accurate estimations and demonstrating their adaptability to problems of varying difficulty. Comparative analysis reveals that the Ricker model tends to exhibit superior performance in the presence of high levels of noise, while both models perform similarly under low noise conditions. These results suggest the potential influence of lateral inhibition, which could be explored further in future studies

    Designing the next generation intelligent transportation sensor system using big data driven machine learning techniques

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    Accurate traffic data collection is essential for supporting advanced traffic management system operations. This study investigated a large-scale data-driven sequential traffic sensor health monitoring (TSHM) module that can be used to monitor sensor health conditions over large traffic networks. Our proposed module consists of three sequential steps for detecting different types of abnormal sensor issues. The first step detects sensors with abnormally high missing data rates, while the second step uses clustering anomaly detection to detect sensors reporting abnormal records. The final step introduces a novel Bayesian changepoint modeling technique to detect sensors reporting abnormal traffic data fluctuations by assuming a constant vehicle length distribution based on average effective vehicle length (AEVL). Our proposed method is then compared with two benchmark algorithms to show its efficacy. Results obtained by applying our method to the statewide traffic sensor data of Iowa show it can successfully detect different classes of sensor issues. This demonstrates that sequential TSHM modules can help transportation agencies determine traffic sensors’ exact problems, thereby enabling them to take the required corrective steps. The second research objective will focus on the traffic data imputation after we discard the anomaly/missing data collected from failure traffic sensors. Sufficient high-quality traffic data are a crucial component of various Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications and research related to congestion prediction, speed prediction, incident detection, and other traffic operation tasks. Nonetheless, missing traffic data are a common issue in sensor data which is inevitable due to several reasons, such as malfunctioning, poor maintenance or calibration, and intermittent communications. Such missing data issues often make data analysis and decision-making complicated and challenging. In this study, we have developed a generative adversarial network (GAN) based traffic sensor data imputation framework (TSDIGAN) to efficiently reconstruct the missing data by generating realistic synthetic data. In recent years, GANs have shown impressive success in image data generation. However, generating traffic data by taking advantage of GAN based modeling is a challenging task, since traffic data have strong time dependency. To address this problem, we propose a novel time-dependent encoding method called the Gramian Angular Summation Field (GASF) that converts the problem of traffic time-series data generation into that of image generation. We have evaluated and tested our proposed model using the benchmark dataset provided by Caltrans Performance Management Systems (PeMS). This study shows that the proposed model can significantly improve the traffic data imputation accuracy in terms of Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) compared to state-of-the-art models on the benchmark dataset. Further, the model achieves reasonably high accuracy in imputation tasks even under a very high missing data rate (\u3e50%), which shows the robustness and efficiency of the proposed model. Besides the loop and radar sensors, traffic cameras have shown great ability to provide insightful traffic information using the image and video processing techniques. Therefore, the third and final part of this work aimed to introduce an end to end real-time cloud-enabled traffic video analysis (IVA) framework to support the development of the future smart city. As Artificial intelligence (AI) growing rapidly, Computer vision (CV) techniques are expected to significantly improve the development of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), which are anticipated to be a key component of future Smart City (SC) frameworks. Powered by computer vision techniques, the converting of existing traffic cameras into connected ``smart sensors called intelligent video analysis (IVA) systems has shown the great capability of producing insightful data to support ITS applications. However, developing such IVA systems for large-scale, real-time application deserves further study, as the current research efforts are focused more on model effectiveness instead of model efficiency. Therefore, we have introduced a real-time, large-scale, cloud-enabled traffic video analysis framework using NVIDIA DeepStream, which is a streaming analysis toolkit for AI-based video and image analysis. In this study, we have evaluated the technical and economic feasibility of our proposed framework to help traffic agency to build IVA systems more efficiently. Our study shows that the daily operating cost for our proposed framework on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is less than $0.14 per camera, and that, compared with manual inspections, our framework achieves an average vehicle-counting accuracy of 83.7% on sunny days

    Model-enhanced Vector Index

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    Embedding-based retrieval methods construct vector indices to search for document representations that are most similar to the query representations. They are widely used in document retrieval due to low latency and decent recall performance. Recent research indicates that deep retrieval solutions offer better model quality, but are hindered by unacceptable serving latency and the inability to support document updates. In this paper, we aim to enhance the vector index with end-to-end deep generative models, leveraging the differentiable advantages of deep retrieval models while maintaining desirable serving efficiency. We propose Model-enhanced Vector Index (MEVI), a differentiable model-enhanced index empowered by a twin-tower representation model. MEVI leverages a Residual Quantization (RQ) codebook to bridge the sequence-to-sequence deep retrieval and embedding-based models. To substantially reduce the inference time, instead of decoding the unique document ids in long sequential steps, we first generate some semantic virtual cluster ids of candidate documents in a small number of steps, and then leverage the well-adapted embedding vectors to further perform a fine-grained search for the relevant documents in the candidate virtual clusters. We empirically show that our model achieves better performance on the commonly used academic benchmarks MSMARCO Passage and Natural Questions, with comparable serving latency to dense retrieval solutions

    Searching Genome-wide Disease Association Through SNP Data

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    Taking the advantage of the high-throughput Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) genotyping technology, Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWASs) are regarded holding promise for unravelling complex relationships between genotype and phenotype. GWASs aim to identify genetic variants associated with disease by assaying and analyzing hundreds of thousands of SNPs. Traditional single-locus-based and two-locus-based methods have been standardized and led to many interesting findings. Recently, a substantial number of GWASs indicate that, for most disorders, joint genetic effects (epistatic interaction) across the whole genome are broadly existing in complex traits. At present, identifying high-order epistatic interactions from GWASs is computationally and methodologically challenging. My dissertation research focuses on the problem of searching genome-wide association with considering three frequently encountered scenarios, i.e. one case one control, multi-cases multi-controls, and Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) block structure. For the first scenario, we present a simple and fast method, named DCHE, using dynamic clustering. Also, we design two methods, a Bayesian inference based method and a heuristic method, to detect genome-wide multi-locus epistatic interactions on multiple diseases. For the last scenario, we propose a block-based Bayesian approach to model the LD and conditional disease association simultaneously. Experimental results on both synthetic and real GWAS datasets show that the proposed methods improve the detection accuracy of disease-specific associations and lessen the computational cost compared with current popular methods

    3D Segmentation & Measurement of Macular Holes

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    Macular holes are blinding conditions where a hole develops in the central part of retina, resulting in reduced central vision. The prognosis and treatment options are related to a number of variables including the macular hole size and shape. In this work we introduce a method to segment and measure macular holes in three-dimensional (3D) data. High-resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) allows precise imaging of the macular hole geometry in three dimensions, but the measurement of these by human observers is time consuming and prone to high inter- and intra-observer variability, being characteristically measured in 2D rather than 3D. This work introduces several novel techniques to automatically retrieve accurate 3D measurements of the macular hole, including surface area, base area, base diameter, top area, top diameter, height, and minimum diameter. Specifically, it is introducing a multi-scale 3D level set segmentation approach based on a state-of-the-art level set method, and introducing novel curvature-based cutting and 3D measurement procedures. The algorithm is fully automatic, and we validate the extracted measurements both qualitatively and quantitatively, where the results show the method to be robust across a variety of scenarios. A segmentation software package is presented for targeting medical and biological applications, with a high level of visual feedback and several usability enhancements over existing packages. Specifically, it is providing a substantially faster graphics processing unit (GPU) implementation of the local Gaussian distribution fitting (LGDF) energy model, which can segment inhomogeneous objects with poorly defined boundaries as often encountered in biomedical images. It also provides interactive brushes to guide the segmentation process in a semi-automated framework. The speed of implementation allows us to visualise the active surface in real-time with a built-in ray tracer, where users may halt evolution at any timestep to correct implausible segmentation by painting new blocking regions or new seeds. Quantitative and qualitative validation is presented, demonstrating the practical efficacy of the interactive elements for a variety of real-world datasets. The size of macular holes is known to be one of the strongest predictors of surgical success both anatomically and functionally. Furthermore, it is used to guide the choice of treatment, the optimum surgical approach and to predict outcome. Our automated 3D image segmentation algorithm has extracted 3D shape-based macular hole measurements and described the dimensions and morphology. Our approach is able to robustly and accurately measure macular hole dimensions. This thesis is considered as a significant contribution for clinical applications particularly in the field of macular hole segmentation and shape analysis

    Latency and accuracy optimized mobile face detection

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    Abstract. Face detection is a preprocessing step in many computer vision applications. Important factors are accuracy, inference duration, and energy efficiency of the detection framework. Computationally light detectors that execute in real-time are a requirement for many application areas, such as face tracking and recognition. Typical operating platforms in everyday use are smartphones and embedded devices, which have limited computation capacity. The capability of face detectors is comparable to the ability of a human in easy detection tasks. When the conditions change, the challenges become different. Current challenges in face detection include atypically posed and tiny faces. Partially occluded faces and dim or bright environments pose challenges for detection systems. State-of-the-art performance in face detection research employs deep learning methods called neural networks, which loosely imitate the mammalian brain system. The most relevant technologies are convolutional neural networks, which are designed for local feature description. In this thesis, the main computational optimization approach is neural network quantization. The network models were delegated to digital signal processors and graphics processing units. Quantization was shown to reduce the latency of computation substantially. The most energy-efficient inference was achieved through digital signal processor delegation. Multithreading was used for inference acceleration. It reduced the amount of energy consumption per algorithm run.Latenssi- ja tarkkuusoptimoitu kasvontunnistus mobiililaitteilla. Tiivistelmä. Kasvojen ilmaisu on esikäsittelyvaihe monelle konenäön sovellukselle. Tärkeitä kasvoilmaisimen ominaisuuksia ovat tarkkuus, energiatehokkuus ja suoritusnopeus. Monet sovellukset vaativat laskennallisesti kevyitä ilmaisimia, jotka toimivat reaaliajassa. Esimerkkejä sovelluksista ovat kasvojen seuranta- ja tunnistusjärjestelmät. Yleisiä käyttöalustoja ovat älypuhelimet ja sulautetut järjestelmät, joiden laskentakapasiteetti on rajallinen. Kasvonilmaisimien tarkkuus vastaa ihmisen kykyä helpoissa ilmaisuissa. Nykyiset ongelmat kasvojen ilmaisussa liittyvät epätyypillisiin asentoihin ja erityisen pieniin kasvokokoihin. Myös kasvojen osittainen peittyminen, ja pimeät ja kirkkaat ympäristöt, vaikeuttavat ilmaisua. Neuroverkkoja käytetään tekoälyjärjestelmissä, joiden lähtökohtana on ollut mallintaa nisäkkäiden aivojen toimintaa. Konvoluutiopohjaiset neuroverkot ovat erikoistuneet paikallisten piirteiden analysointiin. Tässä opinnäytetyössä käytetty laskennallisen optimoinnin menetelmä on neuroverkkojen kvantisointi. Neuroverkkojen ajo delegoitiin digitaalisille signaalinkäsittely- ja grafiikkasuorittimille. Kvantisoinnin osoitettiin vähentävän laskenta-aikaa huomattavasti ja suurin energiatehokkuus saavutettiin digitaalisen signaaliprosessorin avulla. Suoritusnopeutta lisättiin monisäikeistyksellä, jonka havaittiin vähentävän energiankulutusta

    Automatic Image Classification for Planetary Exploration

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    Autonomous techniques in the context of planetary exploration can maximize scientific return and reduce the need for human involvement. This thesis work studies two main problems in planetary exploration: rock image classification and hyperspectral image classification. Since rock textural images are usually inhomogeneous and manually hand-crafting features is not always reliable, we propose an unsupervised feature learning method to autonomously learn the feature representation for rock images. The proposed feature method is flexible and can outperform manually selected features. In order to take advantage of the unlabelled rock images, we also propose self-taught learning technique to learn the feature representation from unlabelled rock images and then apply the features for the classification of the subclass of rock images. Since combining spatial information with spectral information for classifying hyperspectral images (HSI) can dramatically improve the performance, we first propose an innovative framework to automatically generate spatial-spectral features for HSI. Two unsupervised learning methods, K-means and PCA, are utilized to learn the spatial feature bases in each decorrelated spectral band. Then spatial-spectral features are generated by concatenating the spatial feature representations in all/principal spectral bands. In the second work for HSI classification, we propose to stack the spectral patches to reduce the spectral dimensionality and generate 2-D spectral quilts. Such quilts retain all the spectral information and can result in less convolutional parameters in neural networks. Two light convolutional neural networks are then designed to classify the spectral quilts. As the third work for HSI classification, we propose a combinational fully convolutional network. The network can not only take advantage of the inherent computational efficiency of convolution at prediction time, but also perform as a collection of many paths and has an ensemble-like behavior which guarantees the robust performance