10 research outputs found

    A four-legs matrix converter ground power unit with repetitive voltage control

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    In this paper, a four-leg matrix converter is proposed as the power conversion core for aircraft ground power unit (GPU) applications. This structure allows easy management of unbalanced and nonlinear loads with minimal disruption of the power supply operation. A hybrid repetitive-traditional control system is proposed to regulate the output voltage of the GPU. This solution reduces the steady-state tracking error, maintaining fast dynamic characteristics, and increases the stability of the converter compared to conventional approaches. Simulations and experimental results from a 7.5-KW converter prototype are presented to verify the operation of the proposed configuration and to prove the effectiveness of the solution

    Research of matrix drive operating in voltage sags compensation mode

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    Matrix frequency converter is a new type of frequency converters that does not have reactive elements which traditional converters have in a DC stage. Matrix converter is made with 9 bipolar electronical switches that lets connect any input phase with any output phase. This is one of the main advantage of these converters but lack of reactive elements means that any disturbance in input voltage is directly seen in output voltage. According to statistics from literature, four main types of voltage sags of input voltage are set. In this work modification of matrix converter algorithm is proposed. Algorithm is modified by shifting sector of voltage vector and spreading sector that lets using of least disturbed voltage phases. Modified algorithm is tested by MATLAB Simulnk model that consists of power, control and motor models. Modeling shows that algorithm modification has positive influence for effective voltage value and total harmonics distortion when sag is in one phase. Algorithm modification has negative influence for effective voltage value and total harmonics distortion when sag is in two or three phases. Adequacy of model is tested by physical model of matrix converter. By measuring total harmonics distortion and effective voltage value I got that model is adequate

    A current control approach for an abnormal grid supplied ultra sparse Z-Source matrix converter with a particle swarm optimization proportional-integral induction motor drive controller

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    A rotational d-q current control scheme based on a Particle Swarm Optimization-Proportional-Integral (PSO-PI) controller, is used to drive an induction motor (IM) through an Ultra Sparse Z-source Matrix Converter (USZSMC). To minimize the overall size of the system, the lowest feasible values of Z-source elements are calculated by considering the both timing and aspects of the circuit. A meta-heuristic method is integrated to the control system in order to find optimal coefficient values in a single multimodal problem. Henceforth, the effect of all coefficients in minimizing the total harmonic distortion (THD) and balancing the stator current are considered simultaneously. Through changing the reference point of magnitude or frequency, the modulation index can be automatically adjusted and respond to changes without heavy computational cost. The focus of this research is on a reliable and lightweight system with low computational resources. The proposed scheme is validated through both simulation and experimental results

    Contributions to the design of power modules for electric and hybrid vehicles: trends, design aspects and simulation techniques

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    314 p.En la última década, la protección del medio ambiente y el uso alternativo de energías renovables están tomando mayor relevancia tanto en el ámbito social y político, como científico. El sector del transporte es uno de los principales causantes de los gases de efecto invernadero y la polución existente, contribuyendo con hasta el 27 % de las emisiones a nivel global. En este contexto desfavorable, la electrificación de los vehículos de carretera se convierte en un factor crucial. Para ello, la transición de la actual flota de vehículos de carretera debe ser progresiva forzando la investigación y desarrollo de nuevos conceptos a la hora de producir vehículos eléctricos (EV) y vehículos eléctricos híbridos (HEV) más eficientes, fiables, seguros y de menor coste. En consecuencia, para el desarrollo y mejora de los convertidores de potencia de los HEV/EV, este trabajo abarca los siguientes aspectos tecnológicos: - Arquitecturas de la etapa de conversión de potencia. Las principales topologías que pueden ser implementadas en el tren de potencia para HEV/EV son descritas y analizadas, teniendo en cuenta las alternativas que mejor se adaptan a los requisitos técnicos que demandan este tipo de aplicaciones. De dicha exposición se identifican los elementos constituyentes fundamentales de los convertidores de potencia que forman parte del tren de tracción para automoción.- Nuevos dispositivos semiconductores de potencia. Los nuevos objetivos y retos tecnológicos solo pueden lograrse mediante el uso de nuevos materiales. Los semiconductores Wide bandgap (WBG), especialmente los dispositivos electrónicos de potencia basados en nitruro de galio (GaN) y carburo de silicio (SiC), son las alternativas más prometedoras al silicio (Si) debido a las mejores prestaciones que poseen dichos materiales, lo que permite mejorar la conductividad térmica, aumentar las frecuencias de conmutación y reducir las pérdidas.- Análisis de técnicas de rutado, conexionado y ensamblado de módulos de potencia. Los módulos de potencia fabricados con dies en lugar de dispositivos discretos son la opción preferida por los fabricantes para lograr las especificaciones indicadas por la industria de la automoción. Teniendo en cuenta los estrictos requisitos de eficiencia, fiabilidad y coste es necesario revisar y plantear nuevos layouts de las etapas de conversión de potencia, así como esquemas y técnicas de paralelización de los circuitos, centrándose en las tecnologías disponibles.Teniendo en cuenta dichos aspectos, la presente investigación evalúa las alternativas de semiconductores de potencia que pueden ser implementadas en aplicaciones HEV/EV, así como su conexionado para la obtención de las densidades de potencia requeridas, centrándose en la técnica de paralelización de semiconductores. Debido a la falta de información tanto científica como comercial e industrial sobre dicha técnica, una de las principales contribuciones del presente trabajo ha sido la propuesta y verificación de una serie de criterios de diseño para el diseño de módulos de potencia. Finalmente, los resultados que se han extraído de los circuitos de potencia propuestos demuestran la utilidad de dichos criterios de diseño, obteniendo circuitos con bajas impedancias parásitas y equilibrados eléctrica y térmicamente. A nivel industrial, el conocimiento expuesto en la presente tesis permite reducir los tiempos de diseño a la hora de obtener prototipos de ciertas garantías, permitiendo comenzar la fase de prototipado habiéndose realizado comprobaciones eléctricas y térmicas

    Design control and implementation of a four-leg matrix converter for ground power supply application

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    The technology of direct AC/AC power conversion (Matrix Converters) is gaining increasing interest in the scientific community, particularly for aerospace applications. The aim of this research project is to investigate the use of direct AC/AC three phase four-leg Matrix Converter as ground power unit to supply aircraft with power during stopover or maintenance in airports. The converter fourth leg is used to provide a path for the zero sequence components when feeding unbalanced or non-linear loads. A high bandwidth controller is required to regulate the output voltage of Matrix Converter with a 400Hz output frequency. However, the controller bandwidth is limited due to the reduced ratio between the converter switching frequency and the fundamental frequency. In this case undesirable, periodic errors and distortion will exist in the output voltage above all in the presence of a non-linear or unbalanced load. Digital repetitive control system is proposed to regulate the output voltage of a four-leg Matrix Converter in an ABC reference frame. The proposed control structure introduces a high gain at the fundamental and its integer multiple frequencies. Using the proposed repetitive controller will reduce the tracking error between the output and the reference voltage, as well as increasing the stability of the converter under balanced and unbalanced load conditions. Simulation studies using SABER and MATLAB software packages show that the proposed controller is able to regulate the output voltage during balanced and unbalanced load conditions and during the presence of non-linear load. In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed controller, an experimental prototype of a 7.5KW has been implemented in PEMC laboratory using DSP/FPGA platform to control the converter prototype. The steady state and the dynamic performance of the proposed control strategy are investigated in details, and extensive experimental tests have showed that the proposed controller was able to offer high tracking accuracy, fast transient response and able to regulate the output voltage during balanced, unbalanced and non-linear loading

    Design control and implementation of a four-leg matrix converter for ground power supply application

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    The technology of direct AC/AC power conversion (Matrix Converters) is gaining increasing interest in the scientific community, particularly for aerospace applications. The aim of this research project is to investigate the use of direct AC/AC three phase four-leg Matrix Converter as ground power unit to supply aircraft with power during stopover or maintenance in airports. The converter fourth leg is used to provide a path for the zero sequence components when feeding unbalanced or non-linear loads. A high bandwidth controller is required to regulate the output voltage of Matrix Converter with a 400Hz output frequency. However, the controller bandwidth is limited due to the reduced ratio between the converter switching frequency and the fundamental frequency. In this case undesirable, periodic errors and distortion will exist in the output voltage above all in the presence of a non-linear or unbalanced load. Digital repetitive control system is proposed to regulate the output voltage of a four-leg Matrix Converter in an ABC reference frame. The proposed control structure introduces a high gain at the fundamental and its integer multiple frequencies. Using the proposed repetitive controller will reduce the tracking error between the output and the reference voltage, as well as increasing the stability of the converter under balanced and unbalanced load conditions. Simulation studies using SABER and MATLAB software packages show that the proposed controller is able to regulate the output voltage during balanced and unbalanced load conditions and during the presence of non-linear load. In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed controller, an experimental prototype of a 7.5KW has been implemented in PEMC laboratory using DSP/FPGA platform to control the converter prototype. The steady state and the dynamic performance of the proposed control strategy are investigated in details, and extensive experimental tests have showed that the proposed controller was able to offer high tracking accuracy, fast transient response and able to regulate the output voltage during balanced, unbalanced and non-linear loading

    Impact of silicon carbide device technologies on matrix converter design and performance

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    The development of high power density power converters has become an important topic in power electronics because of increasing demand in transportation applications including marine, aviation and vehicle system. The possibility for greater power densities due to absence of a DC link is made matrix converter topologies more attractive for these applications. Additionally, with the emerging SiC device technology, the operating switching frequency and temperature of the converter can be potentially increased. The extended switching frequency and temperature range provide opportunities to further improve the power density of the power converters. The aim of this thesis is to understand how SiC devices are different from the conventional Si devices and the effect these differences have on the design and performance of a matrix converter. Specific gate drive circuits are designed and implemented to fully utilize the high speed switching capabilities of these emerging semiconductor devices. A method to evaluate the conduction and switching losses and performance of Si and SiC power devices in the matrix converter circuit is developed. The developed method is used to compare power losses of matrix converters designed with different Si and SiC devices for a range of operating temperatures and switching frequencies. A design procedure for matrix converter input filters is proposed to fulfil power quality standard requirements and maximize the filter power density. The impact of the switching frequency on the input filter volume has also been considered in this work. The output waveform distortion due to commutation time in high switching frequency SiC matrix converters is also investigated and a three-step current commutation strategy is used to minimize the problem. Finally the influence of parasitic inductance on the behaviour of SiC power MOSFET matrix converters is investigated to highlight the challenges of high speed power devices

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 2

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    Impact of silicon carbide device technologies on matrix converter design and performance

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    The development of high power density power converters has become an important topic in power electronics because of increasing demand in transportation applications including marine, aviation and vehicle system. The possibility for greater power densities due to absence of a DC link is made matrix converter topologies more attractive for these applications. Additionally, with the emerging SiC device technology, the operating switching frequency and temperature of the converter can be potentially increased. The extended switching frequency and temperature range provide opportunities to further improve the power density of the power converters. The aim of this thesis is to understand how SiC devices are different from the conventional Si devices and the effect these differences have on the design and performance of a matrix converter. Specific gate drive circuits are designed and implemented to fully utilize the high speed switching capabilities of these emerging semiconductor devices. A method to evaluate the conduction and switching losses and performance of Si and SiC power devices in the matrix converter circuit is developed. The developed method is used to compare power losses of matrix converters designed with different Si and SiC devices for a range of operating temperatures and switching frequencies. A design procedure for matrix converter input filters is proposed to fulfil power quality standard requirements and maximize the filter power density. The impact of the switching frequency on the input filter volume has also been considered in this work. The output waveform distortion due to commutation time in high switching frequency SiC matrix converters is also investigated and a three-step current commutation strategy is used to minimize the problem. Finally the influence of parasitic inductance on the behaviour of SiC power MOSFET matrix converters is investigated to highlight the challenges of high speed power devices


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