3,382 research outputs found

    Incremental LSTM-based Dialog State Tracker

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    A dialog state tracker is an important component in modern spoken dialog systems. We present an incremental dialog state tracker, based on LSTM networks. It directly uses automatic speech recognition hypotheses to track the state. We also present the key non-standard aspects of the model that bring its performance close to the state-of-the-art and experimentally analyze their contribution: including the ASR confidence scores, abstracting scarcely represented values, including transcriptions in the training data, and model averaging

    Vocal Access to a Newspaper Archive: Design Issues and Preliminary Investigation

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    This paper presents the design and the current prototype implementation of an interactive vocal Information Retrieval system that can be used to access articles of a large newspaper archive using a telephone. The results of preliminary investigation into the feasibility of such a system are also presented

    An automatic dialog simulation technique to develop and evaluate interactive conversational agents

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    During recent years, conversational agents have become a solution to provide straightforward and more natural ways of retrieving information in the digital domain. In this article, we present an agent-based dialog simulation technique for learning new dialog strategies and evaluating conversational agents. Using this technique, the effort necessary to acquire data required to train the dialog model and then explore new dialog strategies is considerably reduced. A set of measures has also been defined to evaluate the dialog strategy that is automatically learned and to compare different dialog corpora. We have applied this technique to explore the space of possible dialog strategies and evaluate the dialogs acquired for a conversational agent that collects monitored data from patients suffering from diabetes. The results of the comparison of these measures for an initial corpus and a corpus acquired using the dialog simulation technique show that the conversational agent reduces the time needed to complete the dialogs and improve their quality, thereby allowing the conversational agent to tackle new situations and generate new coherent answers for the situations already present in an initial model.This work was supported in part by Projects MINECO TEC2012-37832-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS S2009/TIC-1485Publicad

    An Agent-Based Dialog Simulation Technique to Develop and Evaluate Conversational Agents

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    Proceedings of: 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems (PAAMS 11). Salamanca, 6-8 April, 2011In this paper, we present an agent-based dialog simulation technique for learning new dialog strategies and evaluate conversational agents. Using this technique the effort necessary to acquire data required to train the dialog model and then explore new dialog strategies is considerably reduced. A set of measures has also been defined to evaluate the dialog strategy that is automatically learned and compare different dialog corpora. We have applied this technique to explore the space of possible dialog strategies and evaluate the dialogs acquired for a conversational agent that collects monitored data from patients suffering from diabetes.Funded by projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02- 02/TEC, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485), and DPS2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    Spoken dialog systems based on online generated stochastic finite-state transducers

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Speech Communication. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Speech Communication 83 (2016) 81–93. DOI 10.1016/j.specom.2016.07.011.In this paper, we present an approach for the development of spoken dialog systems based on the statistical modelization of the dialog manager. This work focuses on three points: the modelization of the dialog manager using Stochastic Finite-State Transducers, an unsupervised way to generate training corpora, and a mechanism to address the problem of coverage that is based on the online generation of synthetic dialogs. Our proposal has been developed and applied to a sport facilities booking task at the university. We present experimentation evaluating the system behavior on a set of dialogs that was acquired using the Wizard of Oz technique as well as experimentation with real users. The experimentation shows that the method proposed to increase the coverage of the Dialog System was useful to find new valid paths in the model to achieve the user goals, providing good results with real users. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work is partially supported by the project ASLP-MULAN: Audio, Speech and Language Processing for Multimedia Analytics (MINECO TIN2014-54288-C4-3-R).Hurtado Oliver, LF.; Planells Lerma, J.; Segarra Soriano, E.; Sanchís Arnal, E. (2016). Spoken dialog systems based on online generated stochastic finite-state transducers. Speech Communication. 83:81-93. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.specom.2016.07.011S81938

    Bringing together commercial and academic perspectives for the development of intelligent AmI interfaces

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    The users of Ambient Intelligence systems expect an intelligent behavior from their environment, receiving adapted and easily accessible services and functionality. This can only be possible if the communication between the user and the system is carried out through an interface that is simple (i.e. which does not have a steep learning curve), fluid (i.e. the communication takes place rapidly and effectively), and robust (i.e. the system understands the user correctly). Natural language interfaces such as dialog systems combine the previous three requisites, as they are based on a spoken conversation between the user and the system that resembles human communication. The current industrial development of commercial dialog systems deploys robust interfaces in strictly defined application domains. However, commercial systems have not yet adopted the new perspective proposed in the academic settings, which would allow straightforward adaptation of these interfaces to various application domains. This would be highly beneficial for their use in AmI settings as the same interface could be used in varying environments. In this paper, we propose a new approach to bridge the gap between the academic and industrial perspectives in order to develop dialog systems using an academic paradigm while employing the industrial standards, which makes it possible to obtain new generation interfaces without the need for changing the already existing commercial infrastructures. Our proposal has been evaluated with the successful development of a real dialog system that follows our proposed approach to manage dialog and generates code compliant with the industry-wide standard VoiceXML.Research funded by projects CICYT TIN2011-28620-C02-01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485), and DPS2008- 07029-C02-02.Publicad

    A Neural Network Approach to Context-Sensitive Generation of Conversational Responses

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    We present a novel response generation system that can be trained end to end on large quantities of unstructured Twitter conversations. A neural network architecture is used to address sparsity issues that arise when integrating contextual information into classic statistical models, allowing the system to take into account previous dialog utterances. Our dynamic-context generative models show consistent gains over both context-sensitive and non-context-sensitive Machine Translation and Information Retrieval baselines.Comment: A. Sordoni, M. Galley, M. Auli, C. Brockett, Y. Ji, M. Mitchell, J.-Y. Nie, J. Gao, B. Dolan. 2015. A Neural Network Approach to Context-Sensitive Generation of Conversational Responses. In Proc. of NAACL-HLT. Pages 196-20

    A Neural Network Approach to Intention Modeling forUser-Adapted Conversational Agents

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    Spoken dialogue systems have been proposed to enable a more natural and intuitive interaction with the environment andhuman-computer interfaces. In this contribution, we present a framework based on neural networks that allows modeling of theuser’s intention during the dialogue and uses this prediction todynamically adapt the dialoguemodel of the system taking intoconsideration the user’s needs and preferences. We have evaluated our proposal to develop a user-adapted spoken dialogue systemthat facilitates tourist information and services and provide a detailed discussion of the positive influence of our proposal in thesuccess of the interaction, the information and services provided, and the quality perceived by the users