13 research outputs found

    A Spatiotemporal Pattern Detector

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    A spatiotemporal pattern detector design is presented which can identify three fundamental spatiotemporal patterns consisting of two spikes (from different neurons or from the same neuron). These fundamental cases provide the building blocks for construction of more complicated arbitrary spatiotemporal patterns. The overall design consists of three primary subcircuits, and the operation of each is described. The detection of the three cases of spatiotemporal patterns, and the detection of a more complicated pattern by a network of Spatiotemporal Pattern Detectors, is then demonstrated through simulation using the Cadence Virtuoso platform

    Wide learning: Using an ensemble of biologically-plausible spiking neural networks for unsupervised parallel classification of spatio-temporal patterns

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    Spiking neural networks have been previously used to perform tasks such as object recognition without supervision. One of the concerns relating to the spiking neural networks is their speed of operation and the number of iterations necessary to train and use the network. Here, we propose a biologically plausible model of a spiking neural network which is used in multiple, separately trained copies to process subsets of data in parallel. This ensemble of networks is tested by applying it to the task of unsupervised classification of spatio-temporal patterns. Results show that despite different starting weights and independent training, the networks produce highly similar spiking patterns in response to the same class of inputs, enabling classification with fast training time

    SPANNER: A Self-Repairing Spiking Neural Network Hardware Architecture

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    A Highly Effective and Robust Membrane Potential-Driven Supervised Learning Method for Spiking Neurons

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    Spiking neurons are becoming increasingly popular owing to their biological plausibility and promising computational properties. Unlike traditional rate-based neural models, spiking neurons encode information in the temporal patterns of the transmitted spike trains, which makes them more suitable for processing spatiotemporal information. One of the fundamental computations of spiking neurons is to transform streams of input spike trains into precisely timed firing activity. However, the existing learning methods, used to realize such computation, often result in relatively low accuracy performance and poor robustness to noise. In order to address these limitations, we propose a novel highly effective and robust membrane potential-driven supervised learning (MemPo-Learn) method, which enables the trained neurons to generate desired spike trains with higher precision, higher efficiency, and better noise robustness than the current state-of-the-art spiking neuron learning methods. While the traditional spike-driven learning methods use an error function based on the difference between the actual and desired output spike trains, the proposed MemPo-Learn method employs an error function based on the difference between the output neuron membrane potential and its firing threshold. The efficiency of the proposed learning method is further improved through the introduction of an adaptive strategy, called skip scan training strategy, that selectively identifies the time steps when to apply weight adjustment. The proposed strategy enables the MemPo-Learn method to effectively and efficiently learn the desired output spike train even when much smaller time steps are used. In addition, the learning rule of MemPo-Learn is improved further to help mitigate the impact of the input noise on the timing accuracy and reliability of the neuron firing dynamics. The proposed learning method is thoroughly evaluated on synthetic data and is further demonstrated on real-world classification tasks. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve high learning accuracy with a significant improvement in learning time and better robustness to different types of noise

    Temporal Coding and Learning in Spiking Neural Networks

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    Algorithm/Architecture Co-Design for Low-Power Neuromorphic Computing

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    The development of computing systems based on the conventional von Neumann architecture has slowed down in the past decade as complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology scaling becomes more and more difficult. To satisfy the ever-increasing demands in computing power, neuromorphic computing has emerged as an attractive alternative. This dissertation focuses on developing learning algorithm, hardware architecture, circuit components, and design methodologies for low-power neuromorphic computing that can be employed in various energy-constrained applications. A top-down approach is adopted in this research. Starting from the algorithm-architecture co-design, a hardware-friendly learning algorithm is developed for spiking neural networks (SNNs). The possibility of estimating gradients from spike timings is explored. The learning algorithm is developed for the ease of hardware implementation, as well as the compatibility with many well-established learning techniques developed for classic artificial neural networks (ANNs). An SNN hardware equipped with the proposed on-chip learning algorithm is implemented in CMOS technology. In this design, two unique features of SNNs, the event-driven computation and the inferring with a progressive precision, are leveraged to reduce the energy consumption. In addition to low-power SNN hardware, accelerators for ANNs are also presented to accelerate the adaptive dynamic programing algorithm. An efficient and flexible single-instruction-multiple-data architecture is proposed to exploit the inherent data-level parallelism in the inference and learning of ANNs. In addition, the accelerator is augmented with a virtual update technique, which helps improve the throughput and energy efficiency remarkably. Lastly, two techniques in the architecture-circuit level are introduced to mitigate the degraded reliability of the memory system in a neuromorphic hardware owing to the aggressively-scaled supply voltage and integration density. The first method uses on-chip feedback to compensate for the process variation and the second technique improves the throughput and energy efficiency of a conventional error-correction method.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144149/1/zhengn_1.pd

    Binaural sound source localization using machine learning with spiking neural networks features extraction

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    Human and animal binaural hearing systems are able take advantage of a variety of cues to localise sound-sources in a 3D space using only two sensors. This work presents a bionic system that utilises aspects of binaural hearing in an automated source localisation task. A head and torso emulator (KEMAR) are used to acquire binaural signals and a spiking neural network is used to compare signals from the two sensors. The firing rates of coincidence-neurons in the spiking neural network model provide information as to the location of a sound source. Previous methods have used a winner-takesall approach, where the location of the coincidence-neuron with the maximum firing rate is used to indicate the likely azimuth and elevation. This was shown to be accurate for single sources, but when multiple sources are present the accuracy significantly reduces. To improve the robustness of the methodology, an alternative approach is developed where the spiking neural network is used as a feature pre-processor. The firing rates of all coincidence-neurons are then used as inputs to a Machine Learning model which is trained to predict source location for both single and multiple sources. A novel approach that applied spiking neural networks as a binaural feature extraction method was presented. These features were processed using deep neural networks to localise multisource sound signals that were emitted from different locations. Results show that the proposed bionic binaural emulator can accurately localise sources including multiple and complex sources to 99% correctly predicted angles from single-source localization model and 91% from multi-source localization model. The impact of background noise on localisation performance has also been investigated and shows significant degradation of performance. The multisource localization model was trained with multi-condition background noise at SNRs of 10dB, 0dB, and -10dB and tested at controlled SNRs. The findings demonstrate an enhancement in the model performance in compared with noise free training data