13 research outputs found

    Розробка інтелектуальної системи інформаційного та когнітивного супроводу функціонування національної рамки кваліфікацій

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    Анотація. Впровадження Національної рамки кваліфікацій (НРК) України як одного з інструментів європейської інтеграції і мобільності студентів і випускників актуалізує проблему її використання в умовах компетентнісного підходу. У статті проаналізовано інструментальні засоби для роботи з європейськими рамками кваліфікацій, здійснено аналіз і вибір програмного забезпечення для розробки інтелектуальної системи. Описано концепцію інтелектуальної системи інформаційного і когнітивного супроводу функціонування Національної рамки кваліфікацій (ІСІКС) як інструментарію для органів виконавчої влади, установ та організацій, що реалізують державну політику у сфері освіти, навчальних закладів, студентів з метою розроблення, ідентифікації, співвіднесення, визнання, планування та розвитку кваліфікацій. Ключові слова: національна рамка кваліфікацій; інтелектуальні системи; інформаційні системи; концепція інтелектуальної системи


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    The purposes of the research study were to implement the intelligence web for curriculum management on Cloud technology and to study the efficiency of curriculum specifications management according to Thai Qualification Framework for higher education using the intelligence web. The samples were 15 instructors from five curriculums of four universities. Three instructors from each curriculum were voluntary selected. The research tool were the Intelligence Web and a questionnaire. The statistics used in the analysis were arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The resulted found that efficiency of the curriculum management using intelligence web was at the highest level. The intelligence web helped the curriculum administrators and course management to work more rapidly, reduced working time lightened the human working load since this system helped to recommend various information about teaching and assessment strategies automatically. The user could access, search and report all involving information from database more easily and accurately. Besides, it helped reducing paper job usage as well. The system could analyze the data and create the curriculum mapping automatically. It also could link standard information (TQF1) to create the curriculum (TQF2) easily and conveniently. The system help the curriculum more completely according to the standard of each subject fixed. Nowadays, the higher education institutes throughout the country could register to use the intelligence web since the system was ran on cloud technology in order that it could serve unlimited users as well


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    This research objectives were: 1) To study about quality of outcome-based learning of Information System Curriculum before implement Intelligence Web 2) To study about quality of outcome-based learning of Information System Curriculum after implemented Intelligence Web and 3) To compare scores of internal qualities assurance of Information System curriculum before and after used Intelligence Web technology. The sample group were scores of internal qualities assurance of Information System curriculum of Rajamangala University Tawan-ok Chakrabongse Bhuvanarth Campus tree years including 2014-2016. The data was analyzed by using F-test (One-way ANOVA). The results found that: 1) Internal quality assurance in 2014 report showed mean score 2.42 that was medium quality, TQF documents had been missing error and teachers could not selected teaching and assessment accordance learning outcome expected 2) Internal quality assurance in 2016 report showed mean score 3.70 that was good quality, curriculum management after implemented Intelligence Web that easy, conveniently, accuracy, agile, and support designing outcome-based learning. And 3) result of comparison before and after used Intelligence Web found that score of internal quality assurance in 2016 highest than score of internal quality assurance in 2014 significant at level .05


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    The objective of this research study were (1) to develop web service to support instructional design according to Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, (2) to validate the efficiency of the web service. All teachers must consisted of design teaching and learning and assessment activities for creating Course Specifications or TQF. 3 before the beginning of the semester. Course Specifications were seven categories including General Information, Goals and Objectives, Course Management, Development of Student’s Learning Outcome, Teaching and Evaluation Plans, Teaching Materials and Resources, and Evaluation and Improvement of Course Management. The system employs vector space model of information retrieval. Related to teaching and evaluation strategy of education experts. Web was developed by PHP programming and MySQL database. The findings efficiency from five experts were that the 4.60, the Functional Test was mean score 4.71, the Usability Test was mean score 4.63 and the Security Test was mean score 3.80 All parts this system were mean score 4.43 meaning higher efficiencies. Teachers can design teaching and learning (TQF. 3 document) according with learning outcome in curriculum mapping of TQF. 2. Students access information online anywhere and anytime


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    การประยุกต์ใช้ไอซีทีเพื่อจัดการกรอบมาตรฐานคุณวุฒิระดับอุดมศึกษามณีรัตน์ ภารนันท์................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 6

    Neuro-network technologies as a mean for creating individualization conditions for students learning

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    The study is devoted to the analysis of the current level of use of neural network tools to create conditions for individualization of student learning. The author presents the results of the analysis of scientific developments of scientists in the questions of the use of neural network approaches in the educational process, presents a range of basic modern directions of research and development, in particular: adaptive tests, individualization of learning, improvement of the level of distance education and others. The author emphasizes that modernity is characterized by an active increase in the number of students who choose for themselves individual and distance forms of education, which leads to the need for the development of modern technological systems of distance learning. For this purpose, the scientist conducts a comparative analysis of distance learning tools, their features and capabilities in terms of implementation of an automated intellectual system of individualization of the educational process

    Uma análise do uso de avaliações por pares e rubricas na promoção de interação entre alunos em uma disciplina de graduação em engenharia de computação

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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise sobre o uso da combinação das técnicas deavaliação por pares e de rubricas na promoção de interação entre alunos em práticas de ensino baseadas em problemas numa disciplina de graduação em Engenharia de Computação. A metodologia de ensino adotada na disciplina se estrutura no preenchimento de fichas de avaliação pelos alunos de acordo com rubricas previamente disponibilizadas pelo instrutor. Essa metodologia foi aplicada para uma turma de 25 alunos, tendo sido analisados os comentários produzidos nas fichas de avaliação e os trabalhos desenvolvidos ao longo do semestre. Como resultado, conclui-se que o emprego dessas técnicas tem mostrado a efetivação de um ambiente educacional favorável à interação, verificando-se, inclusive, a implementação de itens não obrigatórios nos trabalhos desenvolvidos pelos alunos

    Monitoring, Awareness and Reflection in Blended Technology Enhanced Learning: a Systematic Review

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    Education is experiencing a paradigm shift towards blended learning models in technology-enhanced learning (TEL). Despite the potential benefits of blended learning, it also entails additional complexity in terms of monitoring, awareness and reflection, as learning happens across different spaces and modalities. In recent years, literature on Learning Analytics (LA) and Educational Data Mining (EDM) has gained momentum and started to address the issue. To provide a clear picture of the current state of the research on the topic and to outline open research gaps, this paper presents a systematic literature review of the state-of-the-art of research in LA and EDM on monitoring, awareness and reflection in blended TEL scenarios. The search included six main academic databases in TEL that were enriched with the proceedings of the workshop on ’Awareness and Reflection in TEL’ (ARTEL), resulting in 1089 papers out of which 40 papers were included in the final analysis

    Monitoring, Awareness and Reflection in Blended Technology Enhanced Learning: a Systematic Review

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    Education is experiencing a paradigm shift towards blended learning models in technology-enhanced learning (TEL). Despite the potential benefits of blended learning, it also entails additional complexity in terms of monitoring, awareness and reflection, as learning happens across different spaces and modalities. In recent years, literature on Learning Analytics (LA) and Educational Data Mining (EDM) has gained momentum and started to address the issue. To provide a clear picture of the current state of the research on the topic and to outline open research gaps, this paper presents a systematic literature review of the state-of-the-art of research in LA and EDM on monitoring, awareness and reflection in blended TEL scenarios. The search included six main academic databases in TEL that were enriched with the proceedings of the workshop on ’Awareness and Reflection in TEL’ (ARTEL), resulting in 1089 papers out of which 40 papers were included in the final analysis