22 research outputs found

    A Simulative Evaluation of V2V Algorithms for Road Safety and In-Car Entertainment

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    Abstract-The specific features of inter-vehicular communications are allowing the deployment of a broad gamut of possible applications including traffic control, road safety and in-car entertainment. At the basis of all this lies the improvement of VANET-based transmission techniques that are becoming technologically mature. Within this context, in this paper we provide an experimental comparison between two of the most effectual algorithms whose aim is that of quickly broadcasting messages throughout a given platoon of vehicles. The most prominent characteristic of both the algorithms under investigation is that they were designed for wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, with in mind only realistic transmission conditions (that is, asymmetric and variable vehicles transmission ranges). Even if both algorithms were conceived based on the idea to span application messages as far as possible, while minimizing the number of relaying vehicles, our extensive analysis demonstrates that one of the two outperforms the other

    Distributed Algorithms for Location Based Services

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    Real-time localization services are some of the most challenging and interesting mobile broadband applications in the Location Based Services (LBS) world. They are gaining more and more importance for a broad range of applications, such as road/highway monitoring, emergency management, social networking, and advertising. This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the problem of defining a new category of decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) algorithms for LBS. We aim at defining a P2P overlay where each participant can efficiently retrieve node and resource information (data or services) located near any chosen geographic position. The idea is that the responsibility and the required resources for maintaining information about position of active users are properly distributed among nodes, for which a change in the set of participants causes only a minimal amount of disruption without reducing the quality of provided services. In this thesis we will assess the validity of the proposed model through a formal analysis of the routing protocol and a detailed simulative investigation of the designed overlay. We will depict a complete picture of involved parameters, how they affect the performance and how they can be configured to adapt the protocol to the requirements of several location based applications. Furthermore we will present two application scenarios (a smartphone based Traffic Information System and a large information management system for a SmartCity) where the designed protocol has been simulated and evaluated, as well as the first prototype of a real implementation of the overlay using both traditional PC nodes and Android mobile devices

    Interference in vehicle-to-vehicle communication networks - analysis, modeling, simulation and assessment

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    In wireless vehicular communication networks the periodic transmission of status updates by all vehicles represents a basic service primitive, in particular for safety related applications. Due to the limited communication resources the question raises how much data each node may provide such that the quality of service required by applications can still be guaranteed under realistic interference conditions. Local broadcasts capacity is introduced and analyzed to tackle this open question

    Inter-vehicle Communication: Quo Vadis. Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 13392

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    "Inter-Vehicular Communication - Quo Vadis?". With this question in mind, leading experts in the field of vehicular networking met in Dagstuhl to discuss the current state of the art and, most importantly, the open challenges in R&D from both an scientific and an industry point of view. After more than a decade of research on vehicular networks, the experts very seriously asked the question whether all of the initial research issues had been solved so far. It turned out that the perspective changed in the last few years, mainly thanks to the ongoing field operational tests in Europe and the U.S. The results point to new research directions and new challenges that need to be solved for a second generation of vehicular networking applications and protocols. In four working groups, the experts studied these new challenges and derived recommendations that are also very helpful for the respective funding organizations

    Performance Evaluation Of Voice Chat In Vechicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Inter vehicle communication has emerged as an important area of research. With a rapid evolution of social networks, people are constantly looking for social interactions in all types of mobile environment. In this Thesis, we propose a voice chat model for Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication that mimics a real-world group talk scenario, and measure its performance using Flood and Scalable broadcast (SBA) protocols. To evaluate the performance of the voice chat, we use different parameters such as group size, network density, transmission range and hop counts to show that our voice chat application is highly feasible in VANET environment. Furthermore, we perform a thorough comparison of Flood and SBA broadcast protocols throughout our simulation. Contrary to the performance of SBA in low speed ad-hoc networks, we show that the Flood broadcast algorithm has better content delivery than SBA in all scenarios that we tested. We implement our model using the NS2 network simulator using a realistic vehicular trace that depicts the movement of vehicles in the I-75S freeway from Detroit to Toledo

    Minimization of IEEE 802.11p Packet Collision Interference through Transmission Time Shifting

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    V2I communications are characterized by the presence of network nodes in vehicles and in the infrastructures that these vehicles use, as well as by the wireless interactions among them. Safety-related applications demand stringent requirements in terms of latency and packet delivery probability, especially when safety messages have to be delivered to vehicles by the infrastructure. Interference issues stem from the typical characteristics of wireless communications, i.e., the noise of the wireless medium, the limited communication range of the wireless entities, and the receiver passivity of all the conventional wireless transceivers during transmissions. This paper presents a synchronization mechanism to artificially replicate at a host premises destructive interference due to hidden terminals, together with an application-level technique to minimize that interference by shifting the packet transmission time, similarly to the MAC TDMA channel access method. As both have been field-tested, the paper also analyzes the results of these tests, all performed with real hardware on IEEE 802.11p over different frequencies and transmission powers, and with repeatability in mind. The resulting figures attest that interference effects due to hidden terminals may indeed take place on real IEEE 802.11p networks, and that carefully designed time-shifting mechanisms can actively mitigate them

    Mobility Management for Cellular Networks:From LTE Towards 5G

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    Investigation of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication for Autonomous Control of Connected Vehicles

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    Autonomous Driving Vehicles (ADVs) has received considerable attention in recent years by academia and industry, bringing about a paradigm shift in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), where vehicles operate in close proximity through wireless communication. It is envisioned as a promising technology for realising efficient and intelligent transportation systems, with potential applications for civilian and military purposes. Vehicular network management for ADVs is challenging as it demands mobility, location awareness, high reliability, and low latency data traffic. This research aims to develop and implement vehicular communication in conjunction with a driving algorithm for ADVs feedback control system with a specific focus on the safe displacement of vehicle platoon while sensing the surrounding environment, such as detecting road signs and communicate with other road users such as pedestrian, motorbikes, non-motorised vehicles and infrastructure. However, in order to do so, one must investigate crucial aspects related to the available technology, such as driving behaviour, low latency communication requirement, communication standards, and the reliability of such a mechanism to decrease the number of traffic accidents and casualties significantly. To understand the behaviour of wireless communication compared to the theoretical data rates, throughput, and roaming behaviour in a congested indoor line-of-sight heterogeneous environment, we first carried out an experimental study for IEEE 802.11a, 802.11n and 802.11ac standards in a 5 GHz frequency spectrum. We validated the results with an analytical path loss model as it is essential to understand how the client device roams or decides to roam from one Access Point to another and vice-versa. We observed seamless roaming between the tested protocols irrespective of their operational environment (indoor or outdoor); their throughput efficiency and data rate were also improved by 8-12% when configured with Short Guard Interval (SGI) of 400ns compared to the theoretical specification of the tested protocols. Moreover, we also investigated the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) for vehicular communication and compared it with the traditional network, which is generally incorporated vertically where control and data planes are bundled collectively. The SDN helped gain more flexibility to support multiple core networks for vehicular communication and tackle the potential challenges of network scalability for vehicular applications raised by the ADVs. In particular, we demonstrate that the SDN improves throughput efficiency by 4% compared to the traditional network while ensuring efficient bandwidth and resource management. Finally, we proposed a novel data-driven coordination model which incorporates Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication and Intelligent Driver Model (IDM), together called V2X Enabled Intelligent Driver Model (VX-IDM). Our model incorporates a Car-Following Model (CFM), i.e., IDM, to model a vehicle platoon in an urban and highway traffic scenario while ensuring the vehicle platoon's safety with the integration of IEEE 802.11p Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication scheme. The model integrates the 802.11p V2I communication channel with the IDM in MATLAB using ODE‐45 and utilises the 802.11p simulation toolbox for configuring vehicular channels. To demonstrate model functionality in urban and highway traffic environments, we developed six case studies. We also addressed the heterogeneity issue of wireless networks to improve the overall network reliability and efficiency by estimating the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) parameters for the platoon vehicle's displacement and location on the road from Road-Side-Units (RSUs). The simulation results showed that inter-vehicle spacing could be steadily maintained at a minimum safe value at all the time. Moreover, the model has a fault-tolerant mechanism that works even when communication with infrastructure is interrupted or unavailable, making the VX-IDM model collision-free