900 research outputs found

    Understanding the brain through its spatial structure

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    The spatial location of cells in neural tissue can be easily extracted from many imaging modalities, but the information contained in spatial relationships between cells is seldom utilized. This is because of a lack of recognition of the importance of spatial relationships to some aspects of brain function, and the reflection in spatial statistics of other types of information. The mathematical tools necessary to describe spatial relationships are also unknown to many neuroscientists, and biologists in general. We analyze two cases, and show that spatial relationships can be used to understand the role of a particular type of cell, the astrocyte, in Alzheimer's disease, and that the geometry of axons in the brain's white matter sheds light on the process of establishing connectivity between areas of the brain. Astrocytes provide nutrients for neuronal metabolism, and regulate the chemical environment of the brain, activities that require manipulation of spatial distributions (of neurotransmitters, for example). We first show, through the use of a correlation function, that inter-astrocyte forces determine the size of independent regulatory domains in the cortex. By examining the spatial distribution of astrocytes in a mouse model of Alzheimer's Disease, we determine that astrocytes are not actively transported to fight the disease, as was previously thought. The paths axons take through the white matter determine which parts of the brain are connected, and how quickly signals are transmitted. The rules that determine these paths (i.e. shortest distance) are currently unknown. By measurement of axon orientation distributions using three-point correlation functions and the statistics of axon turning and branching, we reveal that axons are restricted to growth in three directions, like a taxicab traversing city blocks, albeit in three-dimensions. We show how geometric restrictions at the small scale are related to large-scale trajectories. Finally we discuss the implications of this finding for experimental and theoretical connectomics

    Modelo de arborización dendrítica basado en reconstrucciones de motoneuronas frénicas en ratas adultas

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    El área superficial de las dendritas en motoneuronas frénicas (PhrMNs) ha sido estimada anteriormente mediante técnicas estereológicas basadas en suposiciones geométricas, y medida en tres dimensiones (3D) utilizando microscopía confocal. Dado que el 97% del área receptora de una motoneurona corresponde a sus dendritas, la ramificación y extensión dendrítica son fisiológicamente importantes para determinar la salida de sus campos receptivos. Sin embargo, limitaciones inherentes a las estimaciones basadas en morfología neuronal y la tinción incompleta de los árboles dendríticos mediante técnicas retrógradas han dificultado los estudios sistemáticos de la morfología dendrítica en PhrMNs. En este estudio, se utilizó una nueva técnica que mejora la tinción dendrítica de las PhrMNs en preparaciones fijadas ligeramente. La reconstrucción dendrítica en 3D se logró con gran precisión utilizando microscopía confocal en PhrMNs de ratas adultas. Luego de una etapa de pre-procesamiento, la segmentación de los árboles dendríticos se realizó semi-automáticamente en 3D y usando mediciones directas del área superficial, se derivó un modelo cuadrático para estimar dicha área partiendo del diámetro de la dendrita primaria (r2 = 0.932; p<0.0001). Este método podría mejorar la evaluación de la plasticidad neuronal en respuesta a trauma u otras enfermedades permitiendo la estimación de la arborización dendrítica en PhrMNs, ya que el diámetro de la dendrita primaria puede obtenerse confiablemente de numerosas técnicas de tinción retrógrada.Stereological techniques that rely on morphological assumptions and direct three-dimensional (3D) confocal measurements have been previously used to estimate the dendritic surface areas of phrenic motoneurons (PhrMNs). Given that 97% of a motoneuron’s receptive area is provided by dendrites, dendritic branching and overall extension are physiologically important in determining the output of their synaptic receptive fields. However, limitations intrinsic to shape-based estimations and incomplete labeling of dendritic trees by retrograde techniques have hindered systematic approaches to examine dendritic morphology of PhrMNs. In this study, a novel method that improves dendritic filling of PhrMNs in lightly-fixed samples was used. Confocal microscopy allowed accurate 3D reconstruction of dendritic arbors from adult rat PhrMNs. Following pre-processing, segmentation was semi-automatically performed in 3D, and direct measurements of dendritic surface area were obtained. A quadratic model for estimating dendritic tree surface area based on measurements of primary dendrite diameter was derived (r2 = 0.932; p<0.0001). This method may enhance interpretation of motoneuron plasticity in response to injury or disease by permitting estimations of dendritic arborization of PhrMNs since measurements of primary dendrite diameter can be reliably obtained from a number of retrograde labeling techniques

    Computational geometry analysis of dendritic spines by structured illumination microscopy

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    We are currently short of methods that can extract objective parameters of dendritic spines useful for their categorization. Authors present in this study an automatic analytical pipeline for spine geometry using 3D-structured illumination microscopy, which can effectively extract many geometrical parameters of dendritic spines without bias and automatically categorize spine population based on their morphological feature

    3D orbital tracking microscopy: from cells to organisms

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    Optimal precision and accuracy in 4Pi-STORM using dynamic spline PSF models

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    Coherent fluorescence imaging with two objective lenses (4Pi detection) enables single-molecule localization microscopy with sub-10 nm spatial resolution in three dimensions. Despite its outstanding sensitivity, wider application of this technique has been hindered by complex instrumentation and the challenging nature of the data analysis. Here we report the development of a 4Pi-STORM microscope, which obtains optimal resolution and accuracy by modeling the 4Pi point spread function (PSF) dynamically while also using a simpler optical design. Dynamic spline PSF models incorporate fluctuations in the modulation phase of the experimentally determined PSF, capturing the temporal evolution of the optical system. Our method reaches the theoretical limits for precision and minimizes phase-wrapping artifacts by making full use of the information content of the data. 4Pi-STORM achieves a near-isotropic three-dimensional localization precision of 2–3 nm, and we demonstrate its capa-bilities by investigating protein and nucleic acid organization in primary neurons and mammalian mitochondria

    Label-free polarisation-resolved optical imaging of biological samples

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    Myelin is a biological structure present in all the gnathostomata. It is a highly- ordered structure, in which many lipid-enriched and densely compacted phospho- lipid bilayers are rolled up in a cylindrical symmetry around a subgroup of axons. The myelin sheath increases the electrical transverse resistance and reduces the ca- pacitance making the saltatory conduction of action potentials possible and therefore leading to a critically improved performance in terms of nervous impulse conduc- tion speeds and travel lengths. Myelin pathologies are a large group of neurological diseases that often result in death or disability. In order to investigate the main causes of myelin damage and its temporal progression many microscopy techniques are currently employed, such as electron microscopy and histochemistry or fluorescence imaging. However, electron microscopy and histochemistry imaging require complex sample prepara- tion and are therefore unsuitable for live imaging. Fluorescence imaging, as well as its derivatives, confocal and two-photon imaging, relies on the use of fluorescent probes to generate the image contrast but fluorophores and the associated sample processing, when applicable to living specimens, might nonetheless modify the bi- ological properties of the target molecule and perturb the whole biological process under investigation; moreover, fluorescent immunostaining still requires the fixation of the cells. Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) microscopy, on the other hand, is a powerful and innovative imaging modality that permits the study of liv- ing specimens with excellent chemical contrast and spatial resolution and without the confounding and often tedious use of chemical or biological probes. This is par- ticularly important in clinical settings, where the patient biopsy must be explanted in order to stain the tissue. In these cases it may be useful to resort to a set of label-free microscopy techniques. Among these, CARS microscopy is an ideal tool to investigate myelin morphology and structure, thanks to its abundance of CH2 bonds. The chemical selectivity of CARS microscopy is based on the properties of the contrast-generating CARS process. This is a nonlinear process in which the energy difference of a pair of incoming photons (\u201cpump\u201d and \u201cStokes\u201d) matches the energy of one of the vibrational modes of a molecular bond of interest. This vibrational excited state is coherently probed by a third photon (\u201cprobe\u201d) and anti-Stokes radi- ation is emitted. In this thesis I shall discuss the development of a multimodal nonlinear opti- cal setup implementing CARS microscopy together with general Four-Wave Mix- ing, Second Harmonic Generation and Sum Frequency Generation microscopies. Moreover, I shall present a novel polarisation-resolved imaging scheme based on the CARS process, which I named Rotating-Polarisation (RP) CARS microscopy and implemented in the same setup. This technique, using a freely-rotating pump-and- probe-beam-polarisation plane, exploits the CARS polarisation-dependent rules in order to probe the degree of anisotropy of the chemical-bond spatial orientations inside the excitation point-spread function and their average orientation, allowing at the same time the acquisition of large-field-of-view images with minimal polarisa- tion distortions. I shall show that RP-CARS is an ideal tool to investigate the highly- ordered structure of myelinated nervous fibres thanks to the strong anisotropy and symmetry properties of the myelin molecular architecture. I shall also demonstrate that this technique allows the fully label-free assessment of the myelin health status both in a chemical model of myelin damage (lysophos- phatidylcholine-exposed mouse nerve) and in a genetic model (twitcher mouse) of a human leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease) while giving useful insights into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying the demyelination process. I shall also discuss the promises of this technique for applications in optical tractography of the nerve fibres in the central nervous system and for the investigation of the effects of ageing on the peripheral nervous system. Moreover, I shall demonstrate by means of numer- ical simulations that RP-CARS microscopy is extremely robust against the presence of scatterers (such as lipid vesicles, commonly found in the peripheral nervous sys- tem). Finally, I shall discuss the results of the exploitation of my multimodal setup in a different area at the boundary of biophysics and nanomedicine: the observation of the internalization of different kinds of nanoparticles (boron-nitride nanotubes, barium-titanate nanoparticles and barium-titanate-core/gold-shell nanoparticles) by cultured cells and the demonstration of the nanopatterned nature of a structure built with two-photon lithography

    Developing new optical imaging techniques for single particle and molecule tracking in live cells

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    Differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy is a far-field as well as wide-field optical imaging technique. Since it is non-invasive and requires no sample staining, DIC microscopy is suitable for tracking the motion of target molecules in live cells without interfering their functions. In addition, high numerical aperture objectives and condensers can be used in DIC microscopy. The depth of focus of DIC is shallow, which gives DIC much better optical sectioning ability than those of phase contrast and dark field microscopies. In this work, DIC was utilized to study dynamic biological processes including endocytosis and intracellular transport in live cells. The suitability of DIC microscopy for single particle tracking in live cells was first demonstrated by using DIC to monitor the entire endocytosis process of one mesoporous silica nanoparticle (MSN) into a live mammalian cell. By taking advantage of the optical sectioning ability of DIC, we recorded the depth profile of the MSN during the endocytosis process. The shape change around the nanoparticle due to the formation of a vesicle was also captured. DIC microscopy was further modified that the sample can be illuminated and imaged at two wavelengths simultaneously. By using the new technique, noble metal nanoparticles with different shapes and sizes were selectively imaged. Among all the examined metal nanoparticles, gold nanoparticles in rod shapes were found to be especially useful. Due to their anisotropic optical properties, gold nanorods showed as diffraction-limited spots with disproportionate bright and dark parts that are strongly dependent on their orientation in the 3D space. Gold nanorods were developed as orientation nanoprobes and were successfully used to report the self-rotation of gliding microtubules on kinesin coated substrates. Gold nanorods were further used to study the rotational motions of cargoes during the endocytosis and intracellular transport processes in live mammalian cells. New rotational information was obtained: (1) during endocytosis, cargoes lost their rotation freedom at the late stage of internalization; (2) cargoes performed train-like motion when they were transported along the microtubule network by motor proteins inside live cells; (3) During the pause stage of fast axonal transport, cargoes were still bound to the microtubule tracks by motor proteins. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) is another non-invasive and far-field optical imaging technique. Because of its near-field illumination mechanism, TIRFM has better axial resolution than epi-fluorescence microscopy and confocal microscopy. In this work, an auto-calibrated, prism type, angle-scanning TIRFM instrument was built. The incident angle can range from subcritical angles to nearly 90y, with an angle interval less than 0.2y. The angle precision of the new instrument was demonstrated through the finding of the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) angle of metal film coated glass slide. The new instrument improved significantly the precision in determining the axial position. As a result, the best obtained axial resolution was ~ 8 nm, which is better than current existing instruments similar in function. The instrument was further modified to function as a pseudo TIRF microscope. The illumination depth can be controlled by changing the incident angle of the excitation laser beam or adjusting the horizontal position of the illumination laser spot on the prism top surface. With the new technique, i.e., variable-illumination-depth pseudo TIRF microscopy, the whole cell body from bottom to top was scanned

    살아있는 뉴런과 동물에서 mRNA 관찰에 대한 연구

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 자연과학대학 물리·천문학부(물리학전공), 2021.8. 이병훈.mRNA는 유전자 발현의 첫번째 산물이면서, 리보솜과 함께 단백질을 합성한다. 특히 뉴런에서, 몇몇 RNA들은 자극에 의해 만들어지고, 뉴런의 특정 부분으로 수송되어 국소적으로 단백질 양을 조절할 수 있게 한다. 최근 mRNA 표지 기술의 발전으로 살아있는 세포에서 단일 mRNA를 관찰하는 것이 가능해졌다. 이 연구에서, 우리는 RNA 이미징 기술을 이용해, 기억 형성과 상기할 때 활성화된 뉴런의 집합을 찾는 것 뿐 아니라, 뉴런의 축삭돌기에서 mRNA가 어떻게 수송되는지를 관찰했다. 이 논문의 첫 부분에서 우리는 신경 자극에 반응해서 만들어지는 것으로 알려진, Arc 유전자의 전사를 관찰하였다. 기억은 engram 혹은 기억 흔적 (memory trace)라고 불리는 뉴런들의 집합에 저장되어 있다고 생각된다. 그러나, 시간에 따라서 이런 기억 흔적세포들의 집합이 어떻게 변하고, 변화하면서도 어떻게 정보를 유지할 수 있는지 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 또한, 살아있는 동물에서, 기억 흔적세포를 긴 시간 동안 여러 번 찾아내는 것은 어려운 일이었다. 이 연구에서는 genetically-encoded RNA indicator (GERI) 기술을 사용해, 기억 흔적세포의 표식으로 널리 사용되는 Arc mRNA의 전사과정을 살아있는 쥐에서 관찰하였다. GERI를 이용함으로써, 기존 방법들의 한계점이었던 시간 제약 없이, 실시간으로 Arc를 발현하는 뉴런들을 찾아낼 수 있었다. 쥐에게 공간 공포 기억을 주고 나서 여러 번 기억을 상기시키는 행동실험 후에 Arc를 발현하는 세포를 식별했을 때, CA1에서는 Arc를 발현하는 세포가 이틀 후에는 더 이상 활성화되지 않았으나, RSC의 경우 4퍼센트의 뉴런들이 계속해서 활성화하는 것을 관찰했다. 신경활동과 유전자 발현을 같이 조사하기 위해, 쥐가 가상 환경을 탐험하고 있을 때 GERI와 칼슘 이미징을 동시에 진행하였다. 그 결과, 기억을 형성할 때와 상기시킬 때 Arc를 발현했던 뉴런들이 기억을 표상하는 것을 알아낼 수 있었다. 이처럼 GERI 기술을 이용해 살아있는 동물에서 유전자 발현된 세포를 찾아내는 방식은 다양한 학습 및 기억 과정에서 기억 흔적세포의 dynamics에 대해 알아낼 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 이 논문의 두번째 부분에서, 우리는 세포 골격의 기본 구성 단위가 되는 β-actin의 mRNA를 축삭돌기에서 관찰하였다. mRNA의 국소화 (localization)를 통한 국소 단백질 합성은 축삭돌기 (axon)의 성장과 재생에 중요한 역할이 있다고 알려져 있다. 하지만, 아직 mRNA의 국소화가 축삭돌기에서 어떻게 조절되고 있는지 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해서, 우리는 모든 β-actin mRNA가 형광으로 표지된 유전자 변형 쥐를 이용해, 살아있는 축삭돌기에서 β-actin mRNA를 관찰하였다. 이 쥐의 뉴런을 축삭을 구분해 줄 수 있는 미세유체 장치 (microfluidic device)에 배양한 뒤에, β-actin mRNA를 관찰하고 추적을 진행했다. 축삭은 세포 몸통으로부터 길게 자라기 때문에 mRNA가 먼 거리를 수송되어야 함에도 불구하고, 대부분의 mRNA가 수상돌기에 비해 덜 움직이고 작은 영역에서 움직이는 것을 보았다. 우리는 β-actin mRNA가 주로 축삭돌기의 가지가 될 수 있는 filopodia 근처와, 시냅스가 만들어지는 bouton 근처에 국소화되는 것을 관찰했다. Filopodia와 bouton이 actin이 풍부한 부분으로 알려져 있기 때문에, 우리는 액틴 필라멘트와 β-actin mRNA의 움직임간에 연관성을 조사했다. 흥미롭게도, 우리는 β-actin mRNA가 액틴 필라멘트와 같이 국소화 되고, β-actin mRNA가 액틴 필라멘트 안에서 sub-diffusive한 움직임을 보였으며, 먼 거리를 움직이던 mRNA도 액틴 필라멘트에 고정되는 모습도 확인할 수 있었다. 축삭에서 β-actin mRNA 움직임을 본 이번 관찰은 mRNA 수송 및 국소화에 대한 생물물리학 적 메커니즘의 기반이 될 수 있을 것이다.mRNA is the first product of the gene expression and facilitates the protein synthesis. Especially in neurons, some RNAs are transcribed in response to stimuli and transported to the specific region, altering local proteome for neurons to function normally. Recent advances of mRNA labeling techniques allowed us to observe the single mRNAs in live cells. In this thesis, we applied RNA imaging technique not only to identify the neuronal ensemble that activated during memory formation and retrieval, but also to traffic mRNAs transported to the axon. In the first part of the thesis, we observed the transcription site of Arc gene, one of the immediate-early gene, which is rapidly transcribed upon the neural stimuli. Because of the characteristic of expressing in response to stimuli, Arc is widely used as a marker for memory trace cells thought to store memories. However, little is known about the ensemble dynamics of these cells because it has been challenging to observe them repeatedly over long periods of time in vivo. To overcome this limitation, we present a genetically-encoded RNA indicator (GERI) technique for intravital chronic imaging of endogenous Arc mRNA. We used our GERI to identify Arc-positive neurons in real time without the time lag associated with reporter protein expression in conventional approaches. We found that Arc-positive neuronal populations rapidly turned over within two days in CA1, whereas ~4% of neurons in the retrosplenial cortex consistently expressed Arc upon contextual fear conditioning and repeated memory retrievals. Dual imaging of GERI and calcium indicator in CA1 of mice navigating a virtual reality environment revealed that only the overlapping population of neurons expressing Arc during encoding and retrieval exhibited relatively high calcium activity in a context-specific manner. This in vivo RNA imaging approach has potential to unravel the dynamics of engram cells underlying various learning and memory processes. In the second part of this thesis, we imaged β-actin mRNAs, which can generate a cytoskeletal protein, β-actin, through translation. Local protein synthesis has a critical role in axonal guidance and regeneration. Yet it is not clearly understood how the mRNA localization is regulated in axons. To address these questions, we investigated mRNA motion in live axons using a transgenic mouse that expresses fluorescently labeled endogenous β-actin mRNA. By culturing hippocampal neurons in a microfluidic device that allows separation of axons from dendrites, we performed single particle tracking of β-actin mRNA selectively in axons. Although axonal mRNAs need to travel a long distance, we observed that most axonal mRNAs show much less directed motion than dendritic mRNAs. We found that β-actin mRNAs frequently localize at the neck of filopodia which can grow as axon collateral branches and at varicosities where synapses typically occur. Since both filopodia and varicosities are known as actin-rich areas, we investigated the dynamics of actin filaments and β-actin mRNAs simultaneously by using high-speed dual-color imaging. We found that axonal mRNAs colocalize with actin filaments and show sub-diffusive motion within the actin-rich regions. The novel findings on the dynamics of β-actin mRNA will shed important light on the biophysical mechanisms of mRNA transport and localization in axons.1. INTRODUCTION, 1 1.1. Neuronal ensemble, 1 1.2. Immediate-early Gene (IEG), 3 1.3. Methods for IEG-positive neurons, 3 1.4. Two-photon microscope, 5 1.5. References, 7 2. IMAGING ARC mRNA TRANSCRIPTION SITES IN LIVE MICE, 9 2.1. Introduction, 9 2.2. Materials and Methods, 10 2.3. Results and Discussion, 18 2.4. References, 26 3. NEURONS EXPRESSING ARC mRNA DURING REPEATED MEMORY RETRIEVALS, 28 3.1. Introduction, 28 3.2. Results and Discussion, 28 3.3. References, 35 4. NEURAL ACTIVITIES OF ARC+ NEURONS, 36 4.1. Introduction, 36 4.2. Materials and Methods, 37 4.3. Results and Discussion, 38 4.4. References, 52 5. AXONAL mRNA DYNAMICS IN LIVE NEURONS, 54 5.1. Introduction, 54 5.2. Materials and Methods, 55 5.3. Results and Discussion, 59 5.4. References, 70 6. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK, 72 ABSTRACT IN KOREAN (국문초록), 76박