4 research outputs found

    A primordial, mathematical, logical and computable, demonstration (proof) of the family of conjectures known as Goldbach´s

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    licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.In this document, by means of a novel system model and first order topological, algebraic and geometrical free-­‐context formal language (NT-­‐FS&L), first, we describe a new signature for a set of the natural numbers that is rooted in an intensional inductive de-­‐embedding process of both, the tensorial identities of the known as “natural numbers”, and the abstract framework of theirs locus-­‐positional based symbolic representations. Additionally, we describe that NT-­‐FS&L is able to: i.-­‐ Embed the De Morgan´s Laws and the FOL-­‐Peano´s Arithmetic Axiomatic. ii.-­‐ Provide new points of view and perspectives about the succession, precede and addition operations and of their abstract, topological, algebraic, analytic geometrical, computational and cognitive, formal representations. Second, by means of the inductive apparatus of NT-­‐FS&L, we proof that the family of conjectures known as Glodbach’s holds entailment and truth when the reasoning starts from the consistent and finitary axiomatic system herein describedWe wish to thank the Organic Chemistry Institute of the Spanish National Research Council (IQOG/CSIC) for its operative and technical support to the Pedro Noheda Research Group (PNRG). We also thank the Institute for Physical and Information Technologies (ITETI/CSIC) of the Spanish National Research Council for their hospitality. We also thank for their long years of dedicated and kind support Dr. Juan Martínez Armesto (VATC/CSIC), Belén Cabrero Suárez (IQOG/CSIC, Administration), Mar Caso Neira (IQOG/CENQUIOR/CSIC, Library) and David Herrero Ruíz (PNRG/IQOG/CSIC). We wish to thank to Bernabé-­‐Pajares´s brothers (Dr. Manuel Bernabé-­‐Pajares, IQOG/CSIC Structural Chemistry & Biochemistry; Magnetic Nuclear Resonance and Dr. Alberto Bernabé Pajares (Greek Philology and Indo-­‐European Linguistics/UCM), for their kind attention during numerous and kind discussions about space, time, imaging and representation of knowledge, language, transcription mistakes, myths and humans always holding us familiar illusion and passion for knowledge and intellectual progress. We wish to thank Dr. Carlos Cativiela Marín (ISQCH/UNIZAR) for his encouragement and for kind listening and attention. We wish to thank Miguel Lorca Melton for his encouragement and professional point of view as Patent Attorney. Last but not least, our gratitude to Nati, María and Jaime for the time borrowed from a loving husband and father. Finally, we apologize to many who have not been mentioned today, but to whom we are grateful. Finally, let us point out that we specially apologize to many who have been mentioned herein for any possible misunderstanding regarding the sense and intension of their philosophic, scientific and/or technical hard work and milestone ideas; we hope that at least Goldbach, Euler and Feymann do not belong to this last human´s collectivity.Peer reviewe

    Investigation, Development, and Evaluation of Performance Proving for Fault-tolerant Computers

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    A number of methodologies for verifying systems and computer based tools that assist users in verifying their systems were developed. These tools were applied to verify in part the SIFT ultrareliable aircraft computer. Topics covered included: STP theorem prover; design verification of SIFT; high level language code verification; assembly language level verification; numerical algorithm verification; verification of flight control programs; and verification of hardware logic