1,070 research outputs found

    Formal Verification of Security Protocol Implementations: A Survey

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    Automated formal verification of security protocols has been mostly focused on analyzing high-level abstract models which, however, are significantly different from real protocol implementations written in programming languages. Recently, some researchers have started investigating techniques that bring automated formal proofs closer to real implementations. This paper surveys these attempts, focusing on approaches that target the application code that implements protocol logic, rather than the libraries that implement cryptography. According to these approaches, libraries are assumed to correctly implement some models. The aim is to derive formal proofs that, under this assumption, give assurance about the application code that implements the protocol logic. The two main approaches of model extraction and code generation are presented, along with the main techniques adopted for each approac

    Tests for Establishing Security Properties

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    Ensuring strong security properties in some cases requires participants to carry out tests during the execution of a protocol. A classical example is electronic voting: participants are required to verify the presence of their ballots on a bulletin board, and to verify the computation of the election outcome. The notion of certificate transparency is another example, in which participants in the protocol are required to perform tests to verify the integrity of a certificate log. We present a framework for modelling systems with such `testable properties', using the applied pi calculus. We model the tests that are made by participants in order to obtain the security properties. Underlying our work is an attacker model called ``malicious but cautious'', which lies in between the Dolev-Yao model and the ``honest but curious'' model. The malicious-but-cautious model is appropriate for cloud computing providers that are potentially malicious but are assumed to be cautious about launching attacks that might cause user tests to fail

    Reversibility in session-based concurrency: A fresh look

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    Much research has studied foundations for correct and reliable communication-centric software systems. A salient approach to correctness uses verification based on session types to enforce structured communications; a recent approach to reliability uses reversible actions as a way of reacting to unanticipated events or failures. In this paper, we develop a simple observation: the semantic machinery required to define asynchronous (queue-based), monitored communications can also support reversible protocols. We propose a framework of session communication in which monitors support reversibility of (untyped) processes. Main novelty in our approach are session types with present and past, which allow us to streamline the semantics of reversible actions. We prove that reversibility in our framework is causally consistent, and define ways of using monitors to control reversible actions. Keyword

    Data Minimisation in Communication Protocols: A Formal Analysis Framework and Application to Identity Management

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    With the growing amount of personal information exchanged over the Internet, privacy is becoming more and more a concern for users. One of the key principles in protecting privacy is data minimisation. This principle requires that only the minimum amount of information necessary to accomplish a certain goal is collected and processed. "Privacy-enhancing" communication protocols have been proposed to guarantee data minimisation in a wide range of applications. However, currently there is no satisfactory way to assess and compare the privacy they offer in a precise way: existing analyses are either too informal and high-level, or specific for one particular system. In this work, we propose a general formal framework to analyse and compare communication protocols with respect to privacy by data minimisation. Privacy requirements are formalised independent of a particular protocol in terms of the knowledge of (coalitions of) actors in a three-layer model of personal information. These requirements are then verified automatically for particular protocols by computing this knowledge from a description of their communication. We validate our framework in an identity management (IdM) case study. As IdM systems are used more and more to satisfy the increasing need for reliable on-line identification and authentication, privacy is becoming an increasingly critical issue. We use our framework to analyse and compare four identity management systems. Finally, we discuss the completeness and (re)usability of the proposed framework

    Automated Verification of Exam, Cash, aa Reputation, and Routing Protocols

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    Security is a crucial requirement in the applications based on information and communication technology, especially when an open network such as the Internet is used.To ensure security in such applications cryptographic protocols have been used.However, the design of security protocols is notoriously difficult and error-prone.Several flaws have been found on protocols that are claimed secure.Hence, cryptographic protocols must be verified before they are used.One approach to verify cryptographic protocols is the use of formal methods, which have achieved many results in recent years.Formal methods concern on analysis of protocol specifications modeled using, e.g., dedicated logics, or process algebras.Formal methods can find flaws or prove that a protocol is secure under ``perfect cryptographic assumption" with respect to given security properties. However, they abstract away from implementation errors and side-channel attacks.In order to detect such errors and attacks runtime verification can be used to analyze systems or protocols executions.Moreover, runtime verification can help in the cases where formal procedures have exponential time or suffer from termination problems.In this thesis we contribute to cryptographic protocols verification with an emphasis on formal verification and automation.Firstly, we study exam protocols. We propose formal definitions for several authentication and privacy propertiesin the Applied Pi-Calculus. We also provide an abstract definitions of verifiability properties.We analyze all these properties automatically using ProVerif on multiple case studies, and identify several flaws.Moreover, we propose several monitors to check exam requirements at runtime. These monitors are validated by analyzing a real exam executions using MARQ Java based tool.Secondly, we propose a formal framework to verify the security properties of non-transferable electronic cash protocols.We define client privacy and forgery related properties.Again, we illustrate our model by analyzing three case studies using ProVerif, and confirm several known attacks.Thirdly, we propose formal definitions of authentication, privacy, and verifiability properties of electronic reputation protocols. We discuss the proposed definitions, with the help of ProVerif, on a simple reputation protocol.Finally, we obtain a reduction result to verify route validity of ad-hoc routing protocols in presence of multiple independent attackers that do not share their knowledge.La sécurité est une exigence cruciale dans les applications basées sur l'information et la technologie de communication, surtout quand un réseau ouvert tel que l'Internet est utilisé. Pour assurer la sécurité dans ces applications des protocoles cryptographiques ont été développé. Cependant, la conception de protocoles de sécurité est notoirement difficile et source d'erreurs. Plusieurs failles ont été trouvées sur des protocoles qui se sont prétendus sécurisés. Par conséquent, les protocoles cryptographiques doivent être vérifiés avant d'être utilisés. Une approche pour vérifier les protocoles cryptographiques est l'utilisation des méthodes formelles, qui ont obtenu de nombreux résultats au cours des dernières années.Méthodes formelles portent sur l'analyse des spécifications des protocoles modélisées en utilisant, par exemple, les logiques dédiés, ou algèbres de processus. Les méthodes formelles peuvent trouver des failles ou permettent de prouver qu'un protocole est sécurisé sous certaines hypothèses par rapport aux propriétés de sécurité données. Toutefois, elles abstraient des erreurs de mise en ouvre et les attaques side-channel.Afin de détecter ces erreurs et la vérification des attaques d'exécution peut être utilisée pour analyser les systèmes ou protocoles exécutions. En outre, la vérification de l'exécution peut aider dans les cas où les procédures formelles mettent un temps exponentielle ou souffrent de problèmes de terminaison. Dans cette thèse, nous contribuons à la vérification des protocoles cryptographiques avec un accent sur la vérification formelle et l'automatisation. Tout d'abord, nous étudions les protocoles d'examen. Nous proposons des définitions formelles pour plusieurs propriétés d'authentification et de confidentialité dans le Pi-calcul Appliqué.Nous fournissons également une des définitions abstraites de propriétés de vérifiabilité. Nous analysons toutes ces propriétés en utilisant automatiquement ProVerif sur plusieurs études de cas, et avons identifié plusieurs failles. En outre, nous proposons plusieurs moniteurs de vérifier les exigences d'examen à l'exécution. Ces moniteurs sont validés par l'analyse d'un exécutions d'examen réel en utilisant l'outil MARQ Java.Deuxièmement, nous proposons un cadre formel pour vérifier les propriétés de sécurité de protocoles de monnaie électronique non transférable. Nous définissons la notion de vie privée du client et les propriétés de la falsification. Encore une fois, nous illustrons notre modèle en analysant trois études de cas à l'aide ProVerif, et confirmons plusieurs attaques connues.Troisièmement, nous proposons des définitions formelles de l'authentification, la confidentialité et les propriétés de vérifiabilité de protocoles de réputation électroniques. Nous discutons les définitions proposées, avec l'aide de ProVerif, sur un protocole de réputation simple. Enfin, nous obtenons un résultat sur la réduction de la vérification de la validité d'une route dans les protocoles de routage ad-hoc, en présence de plusieurs attaquants indépendants qui ne partagent pas leurs connaissances

    Towards Applying Cryptographic Security Models to Real-World Systems

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    The cryptographic methodology of formal security analysis usually works in three steps: choosing a security model, describing a system and its intended security properties, and creating a formal proof of security. For basic cryptographic primitives and simple protocols this is a well understood process and is performed regularly. For more complex systems, as they are in use in real-world settings it is rarely applied, however. In practice, this often leads to missing or incomplete descriptions of the security properties and requirements of such systems, which in turn can lead to insecure implementations and consequent security breaches. One of the main reasons for the lack of application of formal models in practice is that they are particularly difficult to use and to adapt to new use cases. With this work, we therefore aim to investigate how cryptographic security models can be used to argue about the security of real-world systems. To this end, we perform case studies of three important types of real-world systems: data outsourcing, computer networks and electronic payment. First, we give a unified framework to express and analyze the security of data outsourcing schemes. Within this framework, we define three privacy objectives: \emph{data privacy}, \emph{query privacy}, and \emph{result privacy}. We show that data privacy and query privacy are independent concepts, while result privacy is consequential to them. We then extend our framework to allow the modeling of \emph{integrity} for the specific use case of file systems. To validate our model, we show that existing security notions can be expressed within our framework and we prove the security of CryFS---a cryptographic cloud file system. Second, we introduce a model, based on the Universal Composability (UC) framework, in which computer networks and their security properties can be described We extend it to incorporate time, which cannot be expressed in the basic UC framework, and give formal tools to facilitate its application. For validation, we use this model to argue about the security of architectures of multiple firewalls in the presence of an active adversary. We show that a parallel composition of firewalls exhibits strictly better security properties than other variants. Finally, we introduce a formal model for the security of electronic payment protocols within the UC framework. Using this model, we prove a set of necessary requirements for secure electronic payment. Based on these findings, we discuss the security of current payment protocols and find that most are insecure. We then give a simple payment protocol inspired by chipTAN and photoTAN and prove its security within our model. We conclude that cryptographic security models can indeed be used to describe the security of real-world systems. They are, however, difficult to apply and always need to be adapted to the specific use case

    Model checking GSM-based multi-agent systems

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    Business artifacts are a growing topic in service oriented computing. Artifact systems include both data and process descriptions at interface level thereby providing more sophisticated and powerful service inter-operation capabilities. The Guard-Stage-Milestone (GSM) language provides a novel framework for specifying artifact systems that features declarative descriptions of the intended behaviour without requiring an explicit specification of the control flow. While much of the research is focused on the design, deployment and maintenance of GSM programs, the verification of this formalism has received less attention. This thesis aims to contribute to the topic. We put forward a holistic methodology for the practical verification of GSM-based multi-agent systems via model checking. The formal verification faces several challenges: the declarative nature of GSM programs; the mechanisms for data hiding and access control; and the infinite state spaces inherent in the underlying data. We address them in stages. First, we develop a symbolic representation of GSM programs, which makes them amenable to model checking. We then extend GSM to multi-agent systems and map it into a variant of artifact-centric multi-agent systems (AC-MAS), a paradigm based on interpreted systems. This allows us to reason about the knowledge the agents have about the artifact system. Lastly, we investigate predicate abstraction as a key technique to overcome the difficulty of verifying infinite state spaces. We present a technique that lifts 3-valued abstraction to epistemic logic and makes GSM programs amenable to model checking against specifications written in a quantified version of temporal-epistemic logic. The theory serves as a basis for developing a symbolic model checker that implements SMT-based, 3-valued abstraction for GSM-based multi-agent systems. The feasibility of the implementation is demonstrated by verifying GSM programs for concrete applications from the service community.Open Acces

    Contingent payments on a public ledger: models and reductions for automated verification

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    International audienceWe study protocols that rely on a public ledger infrastructure, concentrating on protocols for zero-knowledge contingent payment, whose security properties combine diverse notions of fairness and privacy. We argue that rigorous models are required for capturing the ledger semantics, the protocol-ledger interaction, the cryptographic primitives and, ultimately, the security properties one would like to achieve.Our focus is on a particular level of abstraction, where network messages are represented by a term algebra, protocol execution by state transition systems (e.g. multiset rewrite rules) and where the properties of interest can be analyzed with automated verification tools. We propose models for: (1) the rules guiding the ledger execution, taking the coin functionality of public ledgers such as Bitcoin as an example; (2) the security properties expected from ledger-based zero-knowledge contingent payment protocols; (3) two different security protocols that aim at achieving these properties relying on different ledger infrastructures; (4) reductions that allow simpler term algebras for homomorphic cryptographic schemes.Altogether, these models allow us to derive a first automated verification for ledger-based zero-knowledge contingent payment using the Tamarin prover. Furthermore , our models help in clarifying certain underlying assumptions, security and efficiency tradeoffs that should be taken into account when deploying protocols on the blockchain

    Ledger Design Language: Designing and Deploying Formally Verified Public Ledgers

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    International audienceCryptocurrencies have popularized public ledgers, known colloquially as "blockchains". While the Bitcoin blockchain is relatively simple to reason about as, effectively, a hash chain, more complex public ledgers are largely designed without any formalization of desired cryptographic properties such as authentication or integrity. These designs are then implemented without assurances against real-world bugs leading to little assurance with regards to practical, real-world security. Ledger Design Language (LDL) is a modeling language for describing public ledgers. The LDL compiler produces two outputs. The first output is a an applied-pi calculus symbolic model representing the public ledger as a protocol. Using ProVerif, the protocol can be played against an active attacker, whereupon we can query for block integrity, authenticity and other properties. The second output is a formally verified read/write API for interacting with the public ledger in the real world, written in the F ⋆ programming language. F ⋆ features such as dependent types allow us to validate a block on the public ledger, for example, by type-checking it so that its signing public key be a point on a curve. Using LDL's outputs, public ledger designers obtain automated assurances on the theoretical coherence and the real-world security of their designs with a single framework based on a single modeling language
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