9 research outputs found

    Multi-party Quantum Byzantine Agreement Without Entanglement

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    In this paper we propose a protocol of quantum communication to achieve Byzantine agreement among multiple parties. The striking feature of our proposal in comparison to the existing protocols is that we do not use entanglement to achieve the agreement. There are two stages in our protocol. In the first stage, a list of numbers that satisfies some special properties is distributed to every participant by a group of semi-honest list distributors via quantum secure communication. Then, in the second stage those participants exchange some information to reach agreement.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Revisión sistemática del estado del arte de la criptográfica cuántica, sus usos y aplicaciones

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    Anexo 1. formato rae, Anexo 2. documento tipo paperEl uso de métodos de encriptación a la hora de compartir información sensible es indispensable en la actualidad, estos métodos usados han sido basados en esquemas de cifrado por tecnología de computación matemática los cuales en alguna medida han presentado ciertas vulnerabilidades a ser descifrados, es por esto que surge la idea de la criptografía cuántica, la cual funciona aplicando las leyes de la mecánica cuántica y puede ser usada sin restricciones para comunicaciones de datos confiables que en teoría superan los inconvenientes que ha presentado la criptografía tradicional En la presente monografía se realiza un levantamiento y revisión de la literatura científica relevante que ha estudiado la criptografía cuántica en los últimos 5 años, consolidando su descripción detallada, leyes que la fundamentan, usos, propiedades, nivel de seguridad e integridad de la información que proporciona, vulnerabilidades, como ha sido concebida en forma hipotética y como se pone en práctica, además de su visión a futuro como el campo criptográfico más prometedor y los desafíos que supone pasar a este método de encriptación no tradicional.The use of encryption methods when sharing sensitive information is indispensable today, these methods used have been based on encryption schemes by mathematical computing technology, which to some extent have presented certain vulnerabilities to be decrypted, which is why the idea of quantum cryptography arises, which works by applying the laws of quantum mechanics and can be used without restrictions for reliable data communications, which in theory overcomes the drawbacks that traditional cryptography has presented. In this monograph a survey and review of the relevant scientific literature that has studied quantum cryptography in the last 5 years is carried out, consolidating its detailed description, laws that underlie it, uses, properties, level of security and integrity of the information it provides, vulnerabilities, how it has been conceived hypothetically and how it is put into practice, as well as its future vision as the most promising cryptographic field and the challenges of switching to this non-traditional encryption method

    Towards Practical Hybrid Quantum / Classical Computing

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    Quantum computing is in a critical phase where theoretical schemes and protocols are now being implemented in the real world for the first time. Experimental implementations can help us solidify ideas, and can also complicate them. In the case of quantum communication protocols, we present the first experimental implementations of two entanglement-based schemes using IBM’s superconducting transmon qubit based technology. We find that the schemes are experimentally feasible with current technology, and give an idea of how much room for improvement there is before quantum technology can meet the highest theoretical expectations. These communication schemes may be fundamental components of the future quantum internet. We also present an overview of the emerging field of quantum blockchain protocols that could form a part of the quantum / classical communication structures of the future. Interaction between classical and quantum technologies can impair purely quantum designs, but can also be harnessed to enhance hybrid quantum / classical approaches. Finally, we suggest a path towards the hybridization of arbitrary code execution and verification in the hybrid quantum / classical networks of the future

    Comparing the Performance of Initial Coin Offerings to Crowdfunded Equity Ventures

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    Uncertainty in markets increases the likelihood of market failure due to volatility and suboptimal functioning. While initial coin offerings (ICOs) and crowdfunded equity (CFE) offerings may improve functioning in growing markets, there is a lack of knowledge and understanding pertaining to the relative efficiency and behavior of ICO markets compared to CFE markets, potentially perpetuating and thwarting the various communities they are intended to serve. The purpose of this correlational study was to compare a group of ICOs with a group of CFE offerings to identify predictive factors of funding outcomes related to both capital offering types. Efficient market hypothesis was the study’s theoretical foundation, and analysis of variance was used to answer the research question, which examined whether capital offering type predicted the amount of funds raised while controlling for access to the offering companies’ secondary control factors: historical financial data, pro forma financial projections, detailed product descriptions, video of product demonstrations, company website, company history, company leadership, and company investors. Relying on a random sample of 115 campaigns (84 ICOs and 31 CFE) from websites ICOdrops.com, localstake.com, fundable.com, and mainvest.com, results showed differences in mean funds raised between CFEs and ICOs (346,075comparedto346,075 compared to 4,756,464, respectively). ANOVA results showed no single secondary control factors and only one two-factor interaction (company leadership and company investors) influenced mean funds raised. This study may contribute to positive social change by informing best practices among market participants including entrepreneurs, regulators, scholars, and investors

    Comparing the Performance of Initial Coin Offerings to Crowdfunded Equity Ventures

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    Uncertainty in markets increases the likelihood of market failure due to volatility and suboptimal functioning. While initial coin offerings (ICOs) and crowdfunded equity (CFE) offerings may improve functioning in growing markets, there is a lack of knowledge and understanding pertaining to the relative efficiency and behavior of ICO markets compared to CFE markets, potentially perpetuating and thwarting the various communities they are intended to serve. The purpose of this correlational study was to compare a group of ICOs with a group of CFE offerings to identify predictive factors of funding outcomes related to both capital offering types. Efficient market hypothesis was the study’s theoretical foundation, and analysis of variance was used to answer the research question, which examined whether capital offering type predicted the amount of funds raised while controlling for access to the offering companies’ secondary control factors: historical financial data, pro forma financial projections, detailed product descriptions, video of product demonstrations, company website, company history, company leadership, and company investors. Relying on a random sample of 115 campaigns (84 ICOs and 31 CFE) from websites ICOdrops.com, localstake.com, fundable.com, and mainvest.com, results showed differences in mean funds raised between CFEs and ICOs (346,075comparedto346,075 compared to 4,756,464, respectively). ANOVA results showed no single secondary control factors and only one two-factor interaction (company leadership and company investors) influenced mean funds raised. This study may contribute to positive social change by informing best practices among market participants including entrepreneurs, regulators, scholars, and investors

    Comparing the Performance of Initial Coin Offerings to Crowdfunded Equity Ventures

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    Uncertainty in markets increases the likelihood of market failure due to volatility and suboptimal functioning. While initial coin offerings (ICOs) and crowdfunded equity (CFE) offerings may improve functioning in growing markets, there is a lack of knowledge and understanding pertaining to the relative efficiency and behavior of ICO markets compared to CFE markets, potentially perpetuating and thwarting the various communities they are intended to serve. The purpose of this correlational study was to compare a group of ICOs with a group of CFE offerings to identify predictive factors of funding outcomes related to both capital offering types. Efficient market hypothesis was the study’s theoretical foundation, and analysis of variance was used to answer the research question, which examined whether capital offering type predicted the amount of funds raised while controlling for access to the offering companies’ secondary control factors: historical financial data, pro forma financial projections, detailed product descriptions, video of product demonstrations, company website, company history, company leadership, and company investors. Relying on a random sample of 115 campaigns (84 ICOs and 31 CFE) from websites ICOdrops.com, localstake.com, fundable.com, and mainvest.com, results showed differences in mean funds raised between CFEs and ICOs (346,075comparedto346,075 compared to 4,756,464, respectively). ANOVA results showed no single secondary control factors and only one two-factor interaction (company leadership and company investors) influenced mean funds raised. This study may contribute to positive social change by informing best practices among market participants including entrepreneurs, regulators, scholars, and investors