24 research outputs found

    A short proof of the planarity characterization of Colin de Verdière

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    AbstractColin de Verdière introduced an interesting new invariant μ(G) for graphs G, based on algebraic and analytic properties of matrices associated with G. He showed that the invariant is monotone under taking miners and moreover, that μ(G) ≤ 3 if only if G is planar. In this paper we give a short proof of Colin de Verdière′s result that μ(G) ≤ 3 if G is planar

    On the graph complement conjecture for minimum rank

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    AbstractThe minimum rank of a graph has been an interesting and well studied parameter investigated by many researchers over the past decade or so. One of the many unresolved questions on this topic is the so-called graph complement conjecture, which grew out of a workshop in 2006. This conjecture asks for an upper bound on the sum of the minimum rank of a graph and the minimum rank of its complement, and may be classified as a Nordhaus–Gaddum type problem involving the graph parameter minimum rank. The conjectured bound is the order of the graph plus two. Other variants of the graph complement conjecture are introduced here for the minimum semidefinite rank and the Colin de Verdière type parameter ν. We show that if the ν-graph complement conjecture is true for two graphs then it is true for the join of these graphs. Related results for the graph complement conjecture (and the positive semidefinite version) for joins of graphs are also established. We also report on the use of recent results on partial k-trees to establish the graph complement conjecture for graphs of low minimum rank

    Strong Hanani-Tutte for the Torus

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    If a graph can be drawn on the torus so that every two independent edges cross an even number of times, then the graph can be embedded on the torus

    Survey of two-dimensional acute triangulations

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    AbstractWe give a brief introduction to the topic of two-dimensional acute triangulations, mention results on related areas, survey existing achievements–with emphasis on recent activity–and list related open problems, both concrete and conceptual

    Lower Bounds for Electrical Reduction on Surfaces

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    We strengthen the connections between electrical transformations and homotopy from the planar setting - observed and studied since Steinitz - to arbitrary surfaces with punctures. As a result, we improve our earlier lower bound on the number of electrical transformations required to reduce an n-vertex graph on surface in the worst case [SOCG 2016] in two different directions. Our previous Omega(n^{3/2}) lower bound applies only to facial electrical transformations on plane graphs with no terminals. First we provide a stronger Omega(n^2) lower bound when the planar graph has two or more terminals, which follows from a quadratic lower bound on the number of homotopy moves in the annulus. Our second result extends our earlier Omega(n^{3/2}) lower bound to the wider class of planar electrical transformations, which preserve the planarity of the graph but may delete cycles that are not faces of the given embedding. This new lower bound follow from the observation that the defect of the medial graph of a planar graph is the same for all its planar embeddings