6 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Monitor-Oriented Compensation Programming

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    Compensation programming is typically used in the programming of web service compositions whose correct implementation is crucial due to their handling of security-critical activities such as financial transactions. While traditional exception handling depends on the state of the system at the moment of failure, compensation programming is significantly more challenging and dynamic because it is dependent on the runtime execution flow - with the history of behaviour of the system at the moment of failure affecting how to apply compensation. To address this dynamic element, we propose the use of runtime monitors to facilitate compensation programming, with monitors enabling the modeller to be able to implicitly reason in terms of the runtime control flow, thus separating the concerns of system building and compensation modelling. Our approach is instantiated into an architecture and shown to be applicable to a case study.Comment: In Proceedings FESCA 2014, arXiv:1404.043


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    An exciting trend in enterprise computing lies in the integration of applications across an organisation and even between organisations. This allows the provision of services by automated business processes that coordinate business activity among several collaborating organisations. The best successes in this type of integrated distributed system come through use of Web Services and Service-based Architecture, which allow interoperation between applications through open standards based on XML and SOAP. But still, there are unresolved issues when developers seek to build a reliable and robust system. An important goal for the designers of a loosely coupled distributed system is to maintain consistency for each long running business process in the presence of failures and concurrent activities. Our approach to assist the developers in this domain is to guide the developers with the key principles they must consider, and to provide programming models and protocols, which make it easier to detect and avoid consistency faults in service-based system. We start by defining a realistic e-procurement scenario to illustrate the common problems faced by the developers which prevent them from building a reliable and robust system. These problems make it hard to maintain the consistency of the data and state during the execution of a business process in the occurrence of failures and interference from concurrent activities. Through the analysis of the common problems, we identify key principles the developers must consider to avoid producing the common problems. Then based on the key principles, we provide a framework called GAT in the orchestration infrastructure. GAT allows developers to express all the necessary processing to handle deviations including those due to failures and concurrent activities. We discuss the GAT framework in detail with its structure and key features. Using an example taken from part of the e-procurement case study, we illustrate how developers can use the framework to design their business requirements. We also discuss how key features of the new framework help the developers to avoid producing consistency faults. We illustrate how systems based on our framework can be built using today’s proven technology. Finally, we provide a unified isolation mechanism called Promises that is not only applicable to our GAT framework, but also to any applications that run in the service-based world. We discuss the concept, how it works, and how it defines a protocol. We also provide a list of potential implementation techniques. Using some of the implementation techniques we mention, we provide a proof-of-concept prototype system

    Coordination fiable de services de données à base de politiques actives

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    We propose an approach for adding non-functional properties (exception handling, atomicity, security, persistence) to services' coordinations. The approach is based on an Active Policy Model (AP Model) for representing services' coordinations with non-functional properties as a collection of types. In our model, a services' coordination is represented as a workflow composed of an ordered set of activities, each activity in charge of implementing a call to a service' operation. We use the type Activity for representing a workflow and its components (i.e., the workflow' activities and the order among them). A non-functional property is represented as one or several Active Policy types, each policy composed of a set of event-condition-action rules in charge of implementing an aspect of the property. Instances of active policy and activity types are considered in the model as entities that can be executed. We use the Execution Unit type for representing them as entities that go through a series of states at runtime. When an active policy is associated to one or several execution units, its rules verify whether each unit respects the implemented non-functional property by evaluating their conditions over their execution unit state, and when the property is not verified, the rules execute their actions for enforcing the property at runtime. We also proposed a proof of concept Active Policy Execution Engine for executing an active policy oriented workflow modelled using our AP Model. The engine implements an execution model that determines how AP, Rule and Activity instances interact among each other for adding non-functional properties (NFPs) to a workflow at execution time. We validated the AP Model and the Active Policy Execution Engine by defining active policy types for addressing exception handling, atomicity, state management, persistency and authentication properties. These active policy types were used for implementing reliable service oriented applications, and mashups for integrating data from services.Nous proposons une approche pour ajouter des propriétés non-fonctionnelles (traitement d'exceptions, atomicité, sécurité, persistance) à des coordinations de services. L'approche est basée sur un Modèle de Politiques Actives (AP Model) pour représenter les coordinations de services avec des propriétés non-fonctionnelles comme une collection de types. Dans notre modèle, une coordination de services est représentée comme un workflow compose d'un ensemble ordonné d'activité. Chaque activité est en charge d'implante un appel à l'opération d'un service. Nous utilisons le type Activité pour représenter le workflow et ses composants (c-à-d, les activités du workflow et l'ordre entre eux). Une propriété non-fonctionnelle est représentée comme un ou plusieurs types de politiques actives, chaque politique est compose d'un ensemble de règles événement-condition-action qui implantent un aspect d'un propriété. Les instances des entités du modèle, politique active et activité peuvent être exécutées. Nous utilisons le type unité d'exécution pour les représenter comme des entités dont l'exécution passe par des différents états d'exécution en exécution. Lorsqu'une politique active est associée à une ou plusieurs unités d'exécution, les règles vérifient si l'unité d'exécution respecte la propriété non-fonctionnelle implantée en évaluant leurs conditions sur leurs états d'exécution. Lorsqu'une propriété n'est pas vérifiée, les règles exécutant leurs actions pour renforcer les propriétés en cours d'exécution. Nous avons aussi proposé un Moteur d'exécution de politiques actives pour exécuter un workflow orientés politiques actives modélisé en utilisant notre AP Model. Le moteur implante un modèle d'exécution qui détermine comment les instances d'une AP, une règle et une activité interagissent entre elles pour ajouter des propriétés non-fonctionnelles (NFP) à un workflow en cours d'exécution. Nous avons validé le modèle AP et le moteur d'exécution de politiques actives en définissant des types de politiques actives pour adresser le traitement d'exceptions, l'atomicité, le traitement d'état, la persistance et l'authentification. Ces types de politiques actives ont été utilisés pour implanter des applications à base de services fiables, et pour intégrer les données fournies par des services à travers des mashups

    A Service-oriented Workflow Language for Robust Interacting Applications

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    Abstract. In a service-oriented world, a long-running business process can be implemented as a set of stateful services that represent the individual but coordinated steps that make up the overall business activity. These service-based business processes can then be combined to form loosely-coupled distributed applications where the participants interact by calling on each other’s services. A key concern is to ensure that these interacting service-based processes work correctly in all cases, including maintaining consistency of both their stored data and the status of the joint activities. We propose a new model and notation for expressing such business processes which helps the designer avoid many common sources of errors, including inconsistency. Unlike most existing orchestration or workflow languages used for expressing business processes, we do not separate the normal case from exceptional activity, nor do we treat exceptional activity as a form of failure that requires compensation. Our model has been demonstrated by developing prototype systems.

    Supporting effective unexpected exception handling in workflow management systems within organizaional contexts

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    Tese de doutoramento em Informática (Engenharia Informática), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2008Workflow Management Systems (WfMS) support the execution of organizational processes within organizations. Processes are modelled using high level languages specifying the sequence of tasks the organization has to perform. However, organizational processes do not have always a smooth flow conforming to any possible designed model and exceptions to the rule happen often. Organizations require flexibility to react to situations not predicted in the model. The required flexibility should be complemented with robustness to guarantee system reliability even in extreme situations. In our work, we have introduced the concept of WfMS resilience that comprises these two facets: robustness and flexibility. The main objective of our work is to increase resilience in WfMSs. From the events demanding for WfMS resilience, we focused on ad hoc effective unexpected exceptions as those for which no previous knowledge exist is the organization to derive the handling procedure and no plan can be a priori established. These exceptions usually require human intervention and problem solving activities, since the concrete situation may not be entirely understood before humans start reacting to the event. After discussing existing approaches to increase WfMS resilience, we have identified five levels of conformity. The fifth level, being the most demanding one, requires unrestricted humanistic interventions to workflow execution. In this thesis, we propose a system to support unrestricted users' interventions to the WfMS and we characterize the interventions as unstructured activities. The system has two modes of operation: it usually works under model control and changes to unstructured activities support when an exception is detected. The exception handling activities are carried out until the system is placed back into a coherent mode, where work may proceed undermodel execution control