524 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Designs of Innovate Secure Hardware Devices against Machine Learning Attacks and Power Analysis Attacks

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    Hardware security is an innovate subject oriented from growing demands of cybersecurity and new information vulnerabilities from physical leakages on hardware devices. However, the mainstream of hardware manufacturing industry is still taking benefits of products and the performance of chips as priority, restricting the design of hardware secure countermeasures under a compromise to a finite expense of overheads. Consider the development trend of hardware industries and state-of-the-art researches of architecture designs, this dissertation proposes some new physical unclonable function (PUF) designs as countermeasures to side-channel attacks (SCA) and machine learning (ML) attacks simultaneously. Except for the joint consideration of hardware and software vulnerabilities, those designs also take efficiencies and overhead problems into consideration, making the new-style of PUF more possible to be merged into current chips as well as their design concepts. While the growth of artificial intelligence and machine-learning techniques dominate the researching trends of Internet of things (IoT) industry, some mainstream architectures of neural networks are implemented as hypothetical attacking model, whose results are used as references for further lifting the performance, the security level, and the efficiency in lateral studies. In addition, a study of implementation of neural networks on hardware designs is proposed, this realized the initial attempt to introduce AI techniques to the designs of voltage regulation (VR). All aforementioned works are demonstrated to be of robustness to threats with corresponding power attack tests or ML attack tests. Some conceptional models are proposed in the last of the dissertation as future plans so as to realize secure on-chip ML models and hardware countermeasures to hybrid threats

    Design, Fabrication, and Run-time Strategies for Hardware-Assisted Security

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    Today, electronic computing devices are critically involved in our daily lives, basic infrastructure, and national defense systems. With the growing number of threats against them, hardware-based security features offer the best chance for building secure and trustworthy cyber systems. In this dissertation, we investigate ways of making hardware-based security into a reality with primary focus on two areas: Hardware Trojan Detection and Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). Hardware Trojans are malicious modifications made to original IC designs or layouts that can jeopardize the integrity of hardware and software platforms. Since most modern systems critically depend on ICs, detection of hardware Trojans has garnered significant interest in academia, industry, as well as governmental agencies. The majority of existing detection schemes focus on test-time because of the limited hardware resources available at run-time. In this dissertation, we explore innovative run-time solutions that utilize on-chip thermal sensor measurements and fundamental estimation/detection theory to expose changes in IC power/thermal profile caused by Trojan activation. The proposed solutions are low overhead and also generalizable to many other sensing modalities and problem instances. Simulation results using state-of-the-art tools on publicly available Trojan benchmarks verify that our approaches can detect Trojans quickly and with few false positives. Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are circuits that rely on IC fabrication variations to generate unique signatures for various security applications such as IC authentication, anti-counterfeiting, cryptographic key generation, and tamper resistance. While the existence of variations has been well exploited in PUF design, knowledge of exactly how variations come into existence has largely been ignored. Yet, for several decades the Design-for-Manufacturability (DFM) community has actually investigated the fundamental sources of these variations. Furthermore, since manufacturing variations are often harmful to IC yield, the existing DFM tools have been geared towards suppressing them (counter-intuitive for PUFs). In this dissertation, we make several improvements over current state-of-the-art work in PUFs. First, our approaches exploit existing DFM models to improve PUFs at physical layout and mask generation levels. Second, our proposed algorithms reverse the role of standard DFM tools and extend them towards improving PUF quality without harming non-PUF portions of the IC. Finally, since our approaches occur after design and before fabrication, they are applicable to all types of PUFs and have little overhead in terms of area, power, etc. The innovative and unconventional techniques presented in this dissertation should act as important building blocks for future work in cyber security

    Analog hardware security and hardware authentication

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    Hardware security and hardware authentication have become more and more important concerns in the manufacture of trusted integrated circuits. In this dissertation, a detailed study of hardware Trojans in analog circuits characterized by the presence of extra operating points or modes is presented. In a related study, a counterfeit countermeasure method based upon PUF authentication circuits is proposed for addressing the growing proliferation of counterfeit integrated circuits in the supply chain. Most concerns about hardware Trojans in semiconductor devices are based upon an implicit assumption that attackers will focus on embedding Trojans in digital hardware by making malicious modifications to the Boolean operation of a circuit. In stark contrast, hardware Trojans can be easily embedded in some of the most basic analog circuits. In this work, a particularly insidious class of analog hardware Trojans that require no architectural modifications, no area or power overhead, and prior to triggering, that leave no signatures in any power domains or delay paths is introduced. The Power/Architecture/Area/Signature Transparent (PAAST) characteristics help the Trojan “hide” and make them very difficult to detect with existing hardware Trojan detection methods. Cleverly hidden PAAST Trojans are nearly impossible to detect with the best simulation and verification tools, even if a full and accurate disclosure of the circuit schematic and layout is available. Aside from the work of the author of this dissertation and her classmates, the literature is void of discussions of PAAST analog hardware Trojans. In this work, examples of circuits showing the existence of PAAST analog hardware Trojans are given, the PAAST characteristics of these types of hardware Trojans are discussed, and heuristic detection methods that can help to detect these analog hardware Trojans are proposed. Another major and growing problem in the modern IC supply chain is the proliferation of counterfeit chips that are often characterized by different or inferior performance characteristics and reduced reliability when compared with authentic parts. A counterfeit countermeasure method is proposed that should lower the entry barrier for major suppliers of commercial off the shelf (COTS) parts to offer authenticated components to the military and other customers that have high component reliability requirements. The countermeasure is based upon a PUF authentication circuit that requires no area, pin, or power overhead, and causes no degradation of performance of existing and future COTS components

    A review of cyber threats and defence approaches in emergency management

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    Emergency planners, first responders and relief workers increasingly rely on computational and communication systems that support all aspects of emergency management, from mitigation and preparedness to response and recovery. Failure of these systems, whether accidental or because of malicious action, can have severe implications for emergency management. Accidental failures have been extensively documented in the past and significant effort has been put into the development and introduction of more resilient technologies. At the same time researchers have been raising concerns about the potential of cyber attacks to cause physical disasters or to maximise the impact of one by intentionally impeding the work of the emergency services. Here, we provide a review of current research on the cyber threats to communication, sensing, information management and vehicular technologies used in emergency management. We emphasise on open issues for research, which are the cyber threats that have the potential to affect emergency management severely and for which solutions have not yet been proposed in the literature

    Securing Soft IPs against Hardware Trojan Insertion

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    Due to the increasing complexity of hardware designs, third-party hardware Intellectual Property (IP) blocks are often incorporated in order to alleviate the burden on hardware designers. However, the prevalence use of third-party IPs has raised security concerns such as Trojans inserted by attackers. Hardware Trojans in these soft IPs are extremely difficult to detect through functional testing and no single detection methodology has been able to completely address this issue. Based on a Register-Transfer Level (RTL) and gate-level soft IP analysis method named Structural Checking, this dissertation presents a hardware Trojan detection methodology and tool by detailing the implementation of a Golden Reference Library for matching an unknown IP to a functionally similar Golden Reference. The matching result is quantified in percentages so that two different IPs with similar functions have a high percentage match. A match of the unknown IP to a whitelisted IP advances it to be identified with a known functionality while a match to a blacklisted IP causes it to be detected with Trojan. Examples are given on how this methodology can successfully identify hardware Trojans inserted in unknown third-party IPs. In addition to soft IPs analysis, Structural Checking provides data flow tracking capability to help users discover vulnerable nodes of the soft IPs. Structural Checking is implemented with a graphical user interface, so it does not take users much time to use the tool