14 research outputs found

    A Semantic Portal for the International Affairs Sector

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    The Royal Institute Elcano(dagger) (Real Instituto Elcano) in Spain is a prestigious independent political institute whose mission is to comment on the political situation in the world focusing on its relation to Spain. As part of its dissemination strategy it operates a public website. The online content can be accessed by navigating through categories or by a keyword-based, full text search engine. The work described in this paper aims at improving access to the content. We describe an approach, tools and techniques that allow building a semantic portal, where access is based on the meaning of concepts and relations of the International Affairs domain. The approach comprises an automatic ontology-based annotator, a semantic search engine with a natural language inter-face, a web publication tool allowing semantic navigation, and a 3D visualization component. The semantic portal is currently being tested by the Institute

    A Semantic Portal for Fund Finding in the EU: Semantic Upgrade, Integration and Publication of Heterogeneous Legacy Data

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    FundFinder is a Semantic Web portal that allows searching for and navigating through information about funding opportunities. This application has been created following a set of techniques and using a set of tools for the upgrade of legacy content to the Semantic Web, including databases and semi-structured documents. This process consists in extracting and populating knowledge from heterogeneous information sources and making it available on the Web

    A platform for the development of Semantic Web portals

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    A Semantic Web portal is a Web application that offers information and services related to a specific domain, and that has been developed with Semantic Web technology. For the time being, the main difference with respect to a traditional Web portal is based on technological aspects: traditional Web portals are based on standard Web technology (HTML, XML, servlets, JSPs, etc.); semantic portals are based on that technology plus the use of Semantic Web languages like RDF, RDF Schema and OWL. This paper describes a unifying architecture for both types of portals, based on the MVC paradigm, which is implemented in the ODESeW framework. ODESeW has been used successfully in the development of a set of portals for the management of European R&D projects and for the management of research group

    ODESeW for the creation of R&D projects’ Intranets and Extranets

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    In this paper, we describe how the ODESeW platform can be used for the generation of the internal and external Web sites of R&D projects. ODESeW is a platform for the development of Semantic Web applications, which has been successfully used in the creation of the semantic portals of the EU R&D projects Esperonto, Knowledge Web and OntoGrid

    Ontology translation approaches for interoperability: A case study with Protege-2000 and WebODE

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    We describe four ontology translation approaches that can be used to exchange ontologies between ontology tools and/or ontology languages. These approaches are analysed with regard to two main features: how they preserve the ontology semantics after the translation process (aka semantic or consequence preservation) and how they allow final users and ontology-based applications to understand the resulting ontology in the target format (aka pragmatic preservation). These approaches are illustrated with practical examples that show how they can be applied to achieve interoperability between the ontology tools Protege-2000 and WebODE

    An ActOn-based Semantic Information Service for EGEE

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    We describe a semantic information service that aggregates metadata from a large number of information sources of a large-scale Grid infrastructure. It uses an ontology-based information integration architecture (ActOn) suitable for the highly dynamic distributed information sources available in Grid systems, where information changes frequently and where the information of distributed sources has to be aggregated in order to solve complex queries. These two challenges are addressed by a Metadata Cache that works with an update-on-demand policy and by an information source selection module that selects the most suitable source at a given point in time. We have evaluated the quality of this information service, and compared it with other similar services from the EGEE production testbed, with promising results

    Exploiting the conceptual space in hybrid recommender systems: a semantic-based approach

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, octubre de 200

    Datos enlazados en la biblioteca virtual de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú : una aproximación

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    Máster Universitario en Investigación en Documentació