25 research outputs found

    Self-stabilizing distributed algorithms for acyclic graphs

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    A self-stabilizing distributed system is a network of processors, which when started from an arbitrary and possibly illegal state, always returns to a legal state in a finite number of steps. Two self-stabilizing protocols for distributed systems are presented in this thesis. The first protocol topologically sorts the processors in a distributed system of directed acyclic graph (DAG) topology and uses this information to build a shortest path routing table in each node in the system to all accessible nodes from that node. The second protocol determines the rank of the individual processors in a distributed tree network based on the values possessed by them. Due to the self-stabilizing nature of these protocols the system can withstand transient errors and recover automatically from them

    Almost optimal asynchronous rendezvous in infinite multidimensional grids

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    Two anonymous mobile agents (robots) moving in an asynchronous manner have to meet in an infinite grid of dimension δ> 0, starting from two arbitrary positions at distance at most d. Since the problem is clearly infeasible in such general setting, we assume that the grid is embedded in a δ-dimensional Euclidean space and that each agent knows the Cartesian coordinates of its own initial position (but not the one of the other agent). We design an algorithm permitting the agents to meet after traversing a trajectory of length O(d δ polylog d). This bound for the case of 2d-grids subsumes the main result of [12]. The algorithm is almost optimal, since the Ω(d δ) lower bound is straightforward. Further, we apply our rendezvous method to the following network design problem. The ports of the δ-dimensional grid have to be set such that two anonymous agents starting at distance at most d from each other will always meet, moving in an asynchronous manner, after traversing a O(d δ polylog d) length trajectory. We can also apply our method to a version of the geometric rendezvous problem. Two anonymous agents move asynchronously in the δ-dimensional Euclidean space. The agents have the radii of visibility of r1 and r2, respectively. Each agent knows only its own initial position and its own radius of visibility. The agents meet when one agent is visible to the other one. We propose an algorithm designing the trajectory of each agent, so that they always meet after traveling a total distance of O( ( d)), where r = min(r1, r2) and for r ≥ 1. r)δpolylog ( d r

    Mending Partial Solutions with Few Changes

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    In this paper, we study the notion of mending: given a partial solution to a graph problem, how much effort is needed to take one step towards a proper solution? For example, if we have a partial coloring of a graph, how hard is it to properly color one more node? In prior work (SIROCCO 2022), this question was formalized and studied from the perspective of mending radius: if there is a hole that we need to patch, how far do we need to modify the solution? In this work, we investigate a complementary notion of mending volume: how many nodes need to be modified to patch a hole? We focus on the case of locally checkable labeling problems (LCLs) in trees, and show that already in this setting there are two infinite hierarchies of problems: for infinitely many values 0 < ? ? 1, there is an LCL problem with mending volume ?(n^?), and for infinitely many values k ? 1, there is an LCL problem with mending volume ?(log^k n). Hence the mendability of LCL problems on trees is a much more fine-grained question than what one would expect based on the mending radius alone

    Deciding and verifying network properties locally with few output bits

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    International audienceGiven a boolean predicate on labeled networks (e.g., the network is acyclic, or the network is properly colored, etc.), deciding in a distributed manner whether a given labeled network satisfies that predicate typically consists, in the standard setting, of every node inspecting its close neighborhood, and outputting a boolean verdict, such that the network satisfies the predicate if and only if all nodes output true. In this paper, we investigate a more general notion of distributed decision in which every node is allowed to output a constant number b≥1b\geq 1 of bits, which are gathered by a central authority emitting a global boolean verdict based on these outputs, such that the network satisfies the predicate if and only if this global verdict equals true. We analyze the power and limitations of this extended notion of distributed decision

    Improved Cardinality Bounds for Rectangle Packing Representations

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    Axis-aligned rectangle packings can be characterized by the set of spatial relations that hold for pairs of rectangles (west, south, east, north). A representation of a packing consists of one satisfied spatial relation for each pair. We call a set of representations complete for n ∈ ℕ if it contains a representation of every packing of any n rectangles. Both in theory and practice, fastest known algorithms for a large class of rectangle packing problems enumerate a complete set R of representations. The running time of these algorithms is dominated by the (exponential) size of R. In this thesis, we improve the best known lower and upper bounds on the minimum cardinality of complete sets of representations. The new upper bound implies theoretically faster algorithms for many rectangle packing problems, for example in chip design, while the new lower bound imposes a limit on the running time that can be achieved by any algorithm following this approach. The proofs of both results are based on pattern-avoiding permutations. Finally, we empirically compute the minimum cardinality of complete sets of representations for small n. Our computations directly suggest two conjectures, connecting well-known Baxter permutations with the set of permutations avoiding an apparently new pattern, which in turn seem to generate complete sets of representations of minimum cardinality

    Analysis and implementation of distributed algorithms for multi-robot systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 159-166).Distributed algorithms for multi-robot systems rely on network communications to share information. However, the motion of the robots changes the network topology, which affects the information presented to the algorithm. For an algorithm to produce accurate output, robots need to communicate rapidly enough to keep the network topology correlated to their physical configuration. Infrequent communications will cause most multirobot distributed algorithms to produce less accurate results, and cause some algorithms to stop working altogether. The central theme of this work is that algorithm accuracy, communications bandwidth, and physical robot speed are related. This thesis has three main contributions: First, I develop a prototypical multi-robot application and computational model, propose a set of complexity metrics to evaluate distributed algorithm performance on multi-robot systems, and introduce the idea of the robot speed ratio, a dimensionless measure of robot speed relative to message speed in networks that rely on multi-hop communication. The robot speed ratio captures key relationships between communications bandwidth, mobility, and algorithm accuracy, and can be used at design time to trade off between them. I use this speed ratio to evaluate the performance of existing distributed algorithms for multi-hop communication and navigation. Second, I present a definition of boundaries in multi-robot systems, and develop new distributed algorithms to detect and characterize them. Finally, I define the problem of dynamic task assignment, and present four distributed algorithms that solve this problem, each representing a different trade-off between accuracy, running time, and communication resources. All the algorithms presented in this work are provably correct under ideal conditions and produce verifiable real-world performance.(cont.) They are self-stabilizing and robust to communications failures, population changes, and other errors. All the algorithms were tested on a swarm of 112 robots.by James Dwight McLurkin, IV.Ph.D

    Model Checking Finite-Horizon Markov Chains with Probabilistic Inference

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    We revisit the symbolic verification of Markov chains with respect to finite horizon reachability properties. The prevalent approach iteratively computes step-bounded state reachability probabilities. By contrast, recent advances in probabilistic inference suggest symbolically representing all horizon-length paths through the Markov chain. We ask whether this perspective advances the state-of-the-art in probabilistic model checking. First, we formally describe both approaches in order to highlight their key differences. Then, using these insights we develop Rubicon, a tool that transpiles Prism models to the probabilistic inference tool Dice. Finally, we demonstrate better scalability compared to probabilistic model checkers on selected benchmarks. All together, our results suggest that probabilistic inference is a valuable addition to the probabilistic model checking portfolio -- with Rubicon as a first step towards integrating both perspectives.Comment: Technical Report. Accepted at CAV 202

    Neuro-RAM Unit with Applications to Similarity Testing and Compression in Spiking Neural Networks

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    We study distributed algorithms implemented in a simplified biologically inspired model for stochastic spiking neural networks. We focus on tradeoffs between computation time and network complexity, along with the role of noise and randomness in efficient neural computation. It is widely accepted that neural spike responses, and neural computation in general, is inherently stochastic. In recent work, we explored how this stochasticity could be leveraged to solve the \u27winner-take-all\u27 leader election task. Here, we focus on using randomness in neural algorithms for similarity testing and compression. In the most basic setting, given two n-length patterns of firing neurons, we wish to distinguish if the patterns are equal or epsilon-far from equal. Randomization allows us to solve this task with a very compact network, using O((sqrt(n) log n)/epsilon) auxiliary neurons, which is sublinear in the input size. At the heart of our solution is the design of a t-round neural random access memory, or indexing network, which we call a neuro-RAM. This module can be implemented with O(n/t) auxiliary neurons and is useful in many applications beyond similarity testing - e.g., we discuss its application to compression via random projection. Using a VC dimension-based argument, we show that the tradeoff between runtime and network size in our neuro-RAM is nearly optimal. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to apply these techniques to stochastic spiking networks. Our result has several implications - since our neuro-RAM can be implemented with deterministic threshold gates, it demonstrates that, in contrast to similarity testing, randomness does not provide significant computational advantages for this problem. It also establishes a separation between our networks, which spike with a sigmoidal probability function, and well-studied deterministic sigmoidal networks, whose gates output real number values, and which can implement a neuro-RAM much more efficiently

    Declarative symbolic pure-logic model checking

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 173-181).Model checking, a technique for findings errors in systems, involves building a formal model that describes possible system behaviors and correctness conditions, and using a tool to search for model behaviors violating correctness properties. Existing model checkers are well-suited for analyzing control-intensive algorithms (e.g. network protocols with simple node state). Many important analyses, however, fall outside the capabilities of existing model checkers. Examples include checking algorithms with complex state, distributed algorithms over all network topologies, and highly declarative models. This thesis addresses the problem of building an efficient model checker that overcomes these limitations. The work builds on Alloy, a relational modeling language. Previous work has defined the language and shown that it can be analyzed by translation to SAT. The primary contributions of this thesis include: a modeling paradigm for describing complex structures in Alloy; significant improvements in scalability of the analyzer; and improvements in usability of the analyzer via addition of a debugger for over constraints. Together, these changes make model-checking practical for important new classes of analyses. While the work was done in the context of Alloy, some techniques generalize to other verification tools.by Ilya A. Shlyakhter.S.M

    The Canonical Amoebot Model: Algorithms and Concurrency Control

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    The amoebot model abstracts active programmable matter as a collection of simple computational elements called amoebots that interact locally to collectively achieve tasks of coordination and movement. Since its introduction at SPAA 2014, a growing body of literature has adapted its assumptions for a variety of problems; however, without a standardized hierarchy of assumptions, precise systematic comparison of results under the amoebot model is difficult. We propose the canonical amoebot model, an updated formalization that distinguishes between core model features and families of assumption variants. A key improvement addressed by the canonical amoebot model is concurrency. Much of the existing literature implicitly assumes amoebot actions are isolated and reliable, reducing analysis to the sequential setting where at most one amoebot is active at a time. However, real programmable matter systems are concurrent. The canonical amoebot model formalizes all amoebot communication as message passing, leveraging adversarial activation models of concurrent executions. Under this granular treatment of time, we take two complementary approaches to concurrent algorithm design. We first establish a set of sufficient conditions for algorithm correctness under any concurrent execution, embedding concurrency control directly in algorithm design. We then present a concurrency control framework that uses locks to convert amoebot algorithms that terminate in the sequential setting and satisfy certain conventions into algorithms that exhibit equivalent behavior in the concurrent setting. As a case study, we demonstrate both approaches using a simple algorithm for hexagon formation. Together, the canonical amoebot model and these complementary approaches to concurrent algorithm design open new directions for distributed computing research on programmable matter.Comment: 48 pages, 7 figures, 2 table