5,726 research outputs found

    CSI-Otter: Isogeny-based (Partially) Blind Signatures from the Class Group Action with a Twist

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    In this paper, we construct the first provably-secure isogeny-based (partially) blind signature scheme. While at a high level the scheme resembles the Schnorr blind signature, our work does not directly follow from that construction, since isogenies do not offer as rich an algebraic structure. Specifically, our protocol does not fit into the linear identification protocol abstraction introduced by Hauck, Kiltz, and Loss (EUROCYRPT\u2719), which was used to generically construct Schnorr-like blind signatures based on modules such as classical groups and lattices. Consequently, our scheme is provably-secure in the poly-logarithmic (in the number of security parameter) concurrent execution and does not seem susceptible to the recent efficient ROS attack exploiting the linear nature of the underlying mathematical tool. In more detail, our blind signature exploits the quadratic twist of an elliptic curve in an essential way to endow isogenies with a strictly richer structure than abstract group actions (but still more restrictive than modules). The basic scheme has public key size 128128~B and signature size 88~KB under the CSIDH-512 parameter sets---these are the smallest among all provably secure post-quantum secure blind signatures. Relying on a new ring variant of the group action inverse problem rGAIP, we can halve the signature size to 4~KB while increasing the public key size to 512~B. We provide preliminary cryptanalysis of rGAIP and show that for certain parameter settings, it is essentially as secure as the standard GAIP. Finally, we show a novel way to turn our blind signature into a partially blind signature, where we deviate from prior methods since they require hashing into the set of public keys while hiding the corresponding secret key---constructing such a hash function in the isogeny setting remains an open problem

    Secure and privacy-aware proxy mobile IPv6 protocol for vehicle-to-grid networks

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    Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) networks have emerged as a new communication paradigm between Electric Vehicles (EVs) and the Smart Grid (SG). In order to ensure seamless communications between mobile EVs and the electric vehicle supply equipment, the support of ubiquitous and transparent mobile IP communications is essential in V2G networks. However, enabling mobile IP communications raises real concerns about the possibility of tracking the locations of connected EVs through their mobile IP addresses. In this paper, we employ certificate-less public key cryptography in synergy with the restrictive partially blind signature technique to construct a secure and privacy-aware proxy mobile IPv6 (SP-PMIPv6) protocol for V2G networks. SP-PMIPv6 achieves low authentication latency while protecting the identity and location privacy of the mobile EV. We evaluate the SP-PMIPv6 protocol in terms of its authentication overhead and the information-theoretic uncertainty derived by the mutual information metric to show the high level of achieved anonymity

    A Novel Identity Based Blind Signature Scheme using DLP for E-Commerce

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    Abstract— Blind signatures are used in the most of the application where confidentiality and authenticity are the main issue. Blind signature scheme deals with concept where requester sends the request that the signer should sign on a blind message without looking at the content. Many ID based blind signature are proposed using bilinear pairings and elliptic curve. But the relative computation cost of the pairing in bilinear pairings and ID map into an elliptic curve are huge. In order to save the running time and the size of the signature, this paper proposed a scheme having the property of both concepts identity based blind signature that is based on Discrete Logarithm Problem, so as we know that DLP is a computational hard problem and hence the proposed scheme achieves all essential and secondary security prematurity. With the help of the proposed scheme, this paper implemented an E-commerce system in a secure way. E-commerce is one of the most concern applications of ID based blind signature scheme. E-commerce consisting selling and buying of products or services over the internet and open network. ID based blind signature scheme basically has been used enormously as a part of today’s focussed business. Our proposed scheme can be also be used in E-business, E-voting and E-cashing anywhere without any restriction DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15060

    A novel blind signature scheme and its variations based on DLP

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    Blind Signature is an addendum of Digital Signature.It is a two party protocol,in which a requester sends a message to a signer to get the signature without revealing the contents of the message to the signer. The signer puts the signature using his/her private keys and the generated signature can be verified by anyone using signer’s public keys.Blind signature has a major property called as untraceability or unlinkability i.e after the generation of the signature the signer cannot link the message-signature pair. This is known as blindness property. We have proposed blind signature scheme and its variation based on discrete logarithm problem(DLP),in which major emphasis is given on the untraceability property. We have cryptanalyzed Carmenisch et al.’s blind signature scheme and Lee et al.’s blind signature scheme and proposed an improvement over it. It is found that, the proposed scheme has less computational complexity and they can withstand active attacks. Blind signature has wide applications in real life scenarios, such as, e-cash, e-voting and e-commerece applications. i

    Secure and privacy-aware proxy mobile IPv6 protocol for vehicle-to-grid networks

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    Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) networks have emerged as a new communication paradigm between Electric Vehicles (EVs) and the Smart Grid (SG). In order to ensure seamless communications between mobile EVs and the electric vehicle supply equipment, the support of ubiquitous and transparent mobile IP communications is essential in V2G networks. However, enabling mobile IP communications raises real concerns about the possibility of tracking the locations of connected EVs through their mobile IP addresses. In this paper, we employ certificate-less public key cryptography in synergy with the restrictive partially blind signature technique to construct a secure and privacy-aware proxy mobile IPv6 (SP-PMIPv6) protocol for V2G networks. SP-PMIPv6 achieves low authentication latency while protecting the identity and location privacy of the mobile EV. We evaluate the SP-PMIPv6 protocol in terms of its authentication overhead and the information-theoretic uncertainty derived by the mutual information metric to show the high level of achieved anonymity

    Practical Certificateless Aggregate Signatures From Bilinear Maps

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    Aggregate signature is a digital signature with a striking property that anyone can aggregate n individual signatures on n different messages which are signed by n distinct signers, into a single compact signature to reduce computational and storage costs. In this work, two practical certificateless aggregate signature schemes are proposed from bilinear maps. The first scheme CAS-1 reduces the costs of communication and signer-side computation but trades off the storage, while CAS-2 minimizes the storage but sacrifices the communication costs. One can choose either of the schemes by consideration of the application requirement. Compare with ID-based schemes, our schemes do not entail public key certificates as well and achieve the trust level 3, which imply the frauds of the authority are detectable. Both of the schemes are proven secure in the random oracle model by assuming the intractability of the computational Diffie-Hellman problem over the groups with bilinear maps, where the forking lemma technique is avoided

    Certificateless Blind Signature Based on DLP

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    The most widely used digital signature in the real word application such as e cash e-voting etc. is blind signature. Previously the proposed blind signature follow the foot steps of public key cryptography(PKC) but conventional public key cryptography uses an affirmation of a relationship between public key and identity for the holder of the corresponding private key to the user, so certificate management is very difficult. To overcome this problem Identity based cryptography is introduced. But Identity based cryptography is inherited with key escrow problem. Blind signature with certificateless PKC(CLBS) used widely because it eliminate the problem related to certificate management of cryptography and the key escrow problem of ID based PKC. Because of large requirement of CLBS scheme in different applications many CLBS scheme is proposed, but they were based on bilinear pairing. However, the CLBS scheme based on bilinear pairing is not very satisfiable because bilinear pairing operations are very complicated. In our proposed scheme, we designed a certificateless blind signature scheme based on the discrete logarithmic problem. The proposed scheme fulfills all the security requirements of blind signature as well as certificateless signature. We analyzed security properties such as blindness, unforgeability and unlinkability. The proposed scheme has less computational cost. The hardness of discrete logarithmic problem (DLP) is used to prove the security of the proposed scheme

    Secure and Privacy-Aware Proxy Mobile IPv6 Protocol for Vehicle-to-Grid Networks

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    Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) networks have emerged as a new communication paradigm between Electric Vehicles (EVs) and the Smart Grid (SG). In order to ensure seamless communications between mobile EVs and the electric vehicle supply equipment, the support of ubiquitous and transparent mobile IP communications is essential in V2G networks. However, enabling mobile IP communications raises real concerns about the possibility of tracking the locations of connected EVs through their mobile IP addresses. In this paper, we employ certificate-less public key cryptography in synergy with the restrictive partially blind signature technique to construct a secure and privacy-aware proxy mobile IPv6 (SP-PMIPv6) protocol for V2G networks. SP-PMIPv6 achieves low authentication latency while protecting the identity and location privacy of the mobile EV. We evaluate the SP-PMIPv6 protocol in terms of its authentication overhead and the information-theoretic uncertainty derived by the mutual information metric to show the high level of achieved anonymity

    On the Forgeability of Wang-Tang-Li\u27s ID-Based Restrictive Partially Blind Signature

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    Restrictive partially blind signature (RPBS) plays an important role in designing secure electronic cash system. Very recently, Wang, Tang and Li proposed a new ID-based restrictive partially blind signature (ID-RPBS) and gave the security proof. In this paper, we present a cryptanalysis of the scheme and show that the signature scheme does not satisfy the property of {\bf unforgeability} as claimed. More precisely, a user can forge a valid message-signature pair (ID,msg,info2˘7,σ2˘7)(ID, msg, {\bf info\u27}, \sigma\u27) instead of the original one (ID,msg,info,σ)(ID, msg, {\bf info}, \sigma), where {\bf info} is the original common agreed information and info2˘7info{\bf info}\u27\neq {\bf info}. Therefore, it will be much dangerous if Wang-Tang-Li\u27s ID-RPBS scheme is applied to the off-line electronic cash system. For example, a bank is supposed to issue an electronic coin (or bill) of \$100 to a user, while the user can change the denomination of the coin (bill) to any value, say \$100, 000, 000, at his will