328 research outputs found

    On the Relations Between Diffie-Hellman and ID-Based Key Agreement from Pairings

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    This paper studies the relationships between the traditional Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol and the identity-based (ID-based) key agreement protocol from pairings. For the Sakai-Ohgishi-Kasahara (SOK) ID-based key construction, we show that identical to the Diffie-Hellman protocol, the SOK key agreement protocol also has three variants, namely \emph{ephemeral}, \emph{semi-static} and \emph{static} versions. Upon this, we build solid relations between authenticated Diffie-Hellman (Auth-DH) protocols and ID-based authenticated key agreement (IB-AK) protocols, whereby we present two \emph{substitution rules} for this two types of protocols. The rules enable a conversion between the two types of protocols. In particular, we obtain the \emph{real} ID-based version of the well-known MQV (and HMQV) protocol. Similarly, for the Sakai-Kasahara (SK) key construction, we show that the key transport protocol underlining the SK ID-based encryption scheme (which we call the "SK protocol") has its non-ID counterpart, namely the Hughes protocol. Based on this observation, we establish relations between corresponding ID-based and non-ID-based protocols. In particular, we propose a highly enhanced version of the McCullagh-Barreto protocol

    Secure pairing-free two-party certificateless authenticated key agreement protocol with minimal computational complexity

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    Key agreement protocols play a vital role in maintaining security in many critical applications due to the importance of the secret key. Bilinear pairing was commonly used in designing secure protocols for the last several years; however, high computational complexity of this operation has been the main obstacle towards its practicality. Therefore, implementation of Elliptic-curve based operations, instead of bilinear pairings, has become popular recently, and pairing-free key agreement protocols have been explored in many studies. A considerable amount of literatures has been published on pairing-free key agreement protocols in the context of Public Key Cryptography (PKC). Simpler key management and non-existence of key escrow problem make certificateless PKC more appealing in practice. However, achieving certificateless pairing-free two-party authenticated key agreement protocols (CL-AKA) that provide high level of security with low computational complexity, remains a challenge in the research area. This research presents a secure and lightweight pairingfree CL-AKA protocol named CL2AKA (CertificateLess 2-party Authenticated Key Agreement). The properties of CL2AKA protocol is that, it is computationally lightweight while communication overhead remains the same as existing protocols of related works. The results indicate that CL2AKA protocol is 21% computationally less complex than the most efficient pairing-free CL-AKA protocol (KKC-13) and 53% less in comparison with the pairing-free CL-AKA protocol with highest level of security guarantee (SWZ-13). Security of CL2AKA protocol is evaluated based on provable security evaluation method under the strong eCK model. It is also proven that the CL2AKA supports all of the security requirements which are necessary for authenticated key agreement protocols. Besides the CL2AKA as the main finding of this research work, there are six pairing-free CL-AKA protocols presented as CL2AKA basic version protocols, which were the outcomes of several attempts in designing the CL2AKA

    Trustee: Full Privacy Preserving Vickrey Auction on top of Ethereum

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    The wide deployment of tokens for digital assets on top of Ethereum implies the need for powerful trading platforms. Vickrey auctions have been known to determine the real market price of items as bidders are motivated to submit their own monetary valuations without leaking their information to the competitors. Recent constructions have utilized various cryptographic protocols such as ZKP and MPC, however, these approaches either are partially privacy-preserving or require complex computations with several rounds. In this paper, we overcome these limits by presenting Trustee as a Vickrey auction on Ethereum which fully preserves bids' privacy at relatively much lower fees. Trustee consists of three components: a front-end smart contract deployed on Ethereum, an Intel SGX enclave, and a relay to redirect messages between them. Initially, the enclave generates an Ethereum account and ECDH key-pair. Subsequently, the relay publishes the account's address and ECDH public key on the smart contract. As a prerequisite, bidders are encouraged to verify the authenticity and security of Trustee by using the SGX remote attestation service. To participate in the auction, bidders utilize the ECDH public key to encrypt their bids and submit them to the smart contract. Once the bidding interval is closed, the relay retrieves the encrypted bids and feeds them to the enclave that autonomously generates a signed transaction indicating the auction winner. Finally, the relay submits the transaction to the smart contract which verifies the transaction's authenticity and the parameters' consistency before accepting the claimed auction winner. As part of our contributions, we have made a prototype for Trustee available on Github for the community to review and inspect it. Additionally, we analyze the security features of Trustee and report on the transactions' gas cost incurred on Trustee smart contract.Comment: Presented at Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2019, 3rd Workshop on Trusted Smart Contract

    Overview of Key Agreement Protocols

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    The emphasis of this paper is to focus on key agreement. To this aim, we address a self-contained, up-to-date presentation of key agreement protocols at high level. We have attempted to provide a brief but fairly complete survey of all these schemes

    An Efficient Two-Party Identity-Based Key Exchange Protocol based on ECDLP

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    This paper presents an efficient identity-based key exchange protocol based on the difficulty of computing a Elliptic Curve Discrete Lgarithm Problem. As compared with the previously proposed protocols, it has better performance in terms of the computational cost and the communication steps. Key exchange protocols allow two parties communicating over a public network to establish a common secret key called session key to encrypt the communication data. Due to their significance by in building a secure communication channel, a number of key exchange protocols have been suggested over the years for a variety of settings.The proposed key exchange protocol provides implicit key authentication as well as the desired security attributes of an authenticated key exchange protocol

    Security in Key Agreement: Two-Party Certificateless Schemes

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    The main goal of cryptography is to enable secure communication over a public channel; often a secret shared among the communicating parties is used to achieve this. The process by which these parties agree on such a shared secret is called key agreement. In this thesis, we focus on two-party key agreement protocols in the public-key setting and study the various methods used to establish and validate public keys. We pay particular attention to certificateless key agreement schemes and attempt to formalize a relevant notion of security. To that end, we give a possible extension of the existing extended Canetti-Krawzcyk security model applicable to the certificateless setting. We observe that none of the certificateless protocols we have seen in the literature are secure in this model; it is an open question whether such schemes exist. We analyze several published certificateless key agreement protocols, demonstrating the existence of key compromise impersonation attacks and even a man-in-the-middle attack in one case, contrary to the claims of the authors. We also briefly describe weaknesses exhibited by these protocols in the context of our suggested security model

    On the Application of Identity-Based Cryptography in Grid Security

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    This thesis examines the application of identity-based cryptography (IBC) in designing security infrastructures for grid applications. In this thesis, we propose a fully identity-based key infrastructure for grid (IKIG). Our proposal exploits some interesting properties of hierarchical identity-based cryptography (HIBC) to replicate security services provided by the grid security infrastructure (GSI) in the Globus Toolkit. The GSI is based on public key infrastructure (PKI) that supports standard X.509 certificates and proxy certificates. Since our proposal is certificate-free and has small key sizes, it offers a more lightweight approach to key management than the GSI. We also develop a one-pass delegation protocol that makes use of HIBC properties. This combination of lightweight key management and efficient delegation protocol has better scalability than the existing PKI-based approach to grid security. Despite the advantages that IKIG offers, key escrow remains an issue which may not be desirable for certain grid applications. Therefore, we present an alternative identity-based approach called dynamic key infrastructure for grid (DKIG). Our DKIG proposal combines both identity-based techniques and the conventional PKI approach. In this hybrid setting, each user publishes a fixed parameter set through a standard X.509 certificate. Although X.509 certificates are involved in DKIG, it is still more lightweight than the GSI as it enables the derivation of both long-term and proxy credentials on-the-fly based only on a fixed certificate. We also revisit the notion of secret public keys which was originally used as a cryptographic technique for designing secure password-based authenticated key establishment protocols. We introduce new password-based protocols using identity-based secret public keys. Our identity-based techniques can be integrated naturally with the standard TLS handshake protocol. We then discuss how this TLS-like identity-based secret public key protocol can be applied to securing interactions between users and credential storage systems, such as MyProxy, within grid environments

    IBAKE: Identity-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol

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    The past decade has witnessed a surge in exploration of cryptographic concepts based on pairings over Elliptic Curves. In particular, identity-based cryptographic protocols have received a lot of attention, motivated mainly by the desire to eliminate the need for large-scale public key infrastructure. We follow this trend in this work, by introducing a new Identity-Based Authenticated Key Exchange (IBAKE) protocol, and providing its formal proof of security. IBAKE provides mutually-authenticated Key Exchange (AKE) using identities as public credentials. One identity-based AKE subtlety that we address in this work is the resilience to the man-in-the-middle attacks by the Key Management Service. For efficiency, we employ two Elliptic Curves with differing properties. Specifically, we use a combination of a super-singular and non-super-singular curves, where the super-singular curve is used as an identity-based encryption ``wrapper\u27\u27 to achieve mutual authentication, and the resulting session key is based on a Diffie-Hellman key exchange in the non-super-singular curve. We provide a detailed proof of security of the resulting protocol with respect to (our own natural adaptation and simplification of) the AKE definitions of Kolesnikov and Rackoff

    Cryptographic Schemes based on Elliptic Curve Pairings

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    This thesis introduces the concept of certificateless public key cryptography (CLPKC). Elliptic curve pairings are then used to make concrete CL-PKC schemes and are also used to make other efficient key agreement protocols. CL-PKC can be viewed as a model for the use of public key cryptography that is intermediate between traditional certificated PKC and ID-PKC. This is because, in contrast to traditional public key cryptographic systems, CL-PKC does not require the use of certificates to guarantee the authenticity of public keys. It does rely on the use of a trusted authority (TA) who is in possession of a master key. In this respect, CL-PKC is similar to identity-based public key cryptography (ID-PKC). On the other hand, CL-PKC does not suffer from the key escrow property that is inherent in ID-PKC. Applications for the new infrastructure are discussed. We exemplify how CL-PKC schemes can be constructed by constructing several certificateless public key encryption schemes and modifying other existing ID based schemes. The lack of certificates and the desire to prove the schemes secure in the presence of an adversary who has access to the master key or has the ability to replace public keys, requires the careful development of new security models. We prove that some of our schemes are secure, provided that the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Problem is hard. We then examine Joux’s protocol, which is a one round, tripartite key agreement protocol that is more bandwidth-efficient than any previous three-party key agreement protocol, however, Joux’s protocol is insecure, suffering from a simple man-in-the-middle attack. We show how to make Joux’s protocol secure, presenting several tripartite, authenticated key agreement protocols that still require only one round of communication. The security properties of the new protocols are studied. Applications for the protocols are also discussed
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