9 research outputs found

    Pan-Arctic lead detection from MODIS thermal infrared imagery

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    Polynyas and leads are key elements of the wintertime Arctic sea-ice cover. They play a crucial role in surface heat loss, potential ice formation and consequently in the seasonal sea-ice budget. While polynyas are generally sufficiently large to be observed with passive microwave satellite sensors, the monitoring of narrow leads requires the use of data at a higher spatial resolution. We apply and evaluate different lead segmentation techniques based on sea-ice surface temperatures as measured by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Daily lead composite maps indicate the presence of cloud artifacts that arise from ambiguities in the segmentation process and shortcomings in the MODIS cloud mask. A fuzzy cloud artifact filter is hence implemented to mitigate these effects and the associated potential misclassification of leads. The filter is adjusted with reference data from thermal infrared image sequences, and applied to daily MODIS data from January to April 2008. The daily lead product can be used to deduct the structure and dynamics of wintertime sea-ice leads and to assess seasonal divergence patterns of the Arctic Ocean

    Object-based detection of linear kinematic features in sea ice

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    Source at: https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9050493 Inhomogenities in the sea ice motion field cause deformation zones, such as leads, cracks and pressure ridges. Due to their long and often narrow shape, those structures are referred to as Linear Kinematic Features (LKFs). In this paper we specifically address the identification and characterization of variations and discontinuities in the spatial distribution of the total deformation, which appear as LKFs. The distribution of LKFs in the ice cover of the polar oceans is an important factor influencing the exchange of heat and matter at the ocean-atmosphere interface. Current analyses of the sea ice deformation field often ignore the spatial/geographical context of individual structures, e.g., their orientation relative to adjacent deformation zones. In this study, we adapt image processing techniques to develop a method for LKF detection which is able to resolve individual features. The data are vectorized to obtain results on an object-based level. We then apply a semantic postprocessing step to determine the angle of junctions and between crossing structures. The proposed object detection method is carefully validated. We found a localization uncertainty of 0.75 pixel and a length error of 12% in the identified LKFs. The detected features can be individually traced to their geographical position. Thus, a wide variety of new metrics for ice deformation can be easily derived, including spatial parameters as well as the temporal stability of individual features

    Sea-Ice Wintertime Lead Frequencies and Regional Characteristics in the Arctic, 2003–2015

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    The presence of sea-ice leads represents a key feature of the Arctic sea ice cover. Leads promote the flux of sensible and latent heat from the ocean to the cold winter atmosphere and are thereby crucial for air-sea-ice-ocean interactions. We here apply a binary segmentation procedure to identify leads from MODIS thermal infrared imagery on a daily time scale. The method separates identified leads into two uncertainty categories, with the high uncertainty being attributed to artifacts that arise from warm signatures of unrecognized clouds. Based on the obtained lead detections, we compute quasi-daily pan-Arctic lead maps for the months of January to April, 2003–2015. Our results highlight the marginal ice zone in the Fram Strait and Barents Sea as the primary region for lead activity. The spatial distribution of the average pan-Arctic lead frequencies reveals, moreover, distinct patterns of predominant fracture zones in the Beaufort Sea and along the shelf-breaks, mainly in the Siberian sector of the Arctic Ocean as well as the well-known polynya and fast-ice locations. Additionally, a substantial inter-annual variability of lead occurrences in the Arctic is indicated

    Pan-Arctic lead detection from MODIS thermal infrared imagery

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    Monitoring and Characterization of Arctic Sea Ice using Radar Altimetry

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    Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering (Environmental Science and Engineering)Launching CryoSat-2, which is a current radar altimeter mission for the monitoring of polar region enables to produce monthly based sea ice thickness since April 2010. The Sea ice thickness cannot be measured directly by satellite. Sea ice freeboard that is an elevation above sea level can be converted in to sea ice thickness by assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. Sea ice leads (e.g., linear cracks in sea ices) are regarded as sea surface tie points for the estimation of sea ice freeboard. Identifying the sea ice leads is one of the core factors to retrieve sea ice thickness. The surface elevation is estimated by the use of Threshold First maxima Retracker Algorithm (TFMRA) for a 40% threshold using CryoSat-2 L1b data and the leads are detected by machine learning approaches such as decision trees and random forest. The machine learning produces better accuracy for the sea ice thickness than previous simple thresholding approach, validating EM-31, airborne sea ice thickness observations. A novel method to overcome previous threshold based lead detection methods for identifying leads is developed, which is waveform mixture algorithm that linear mixture analysis is applied in terms of waveforms. The waveform mixture algorithm can distinguish leads without beam behavior parameters and backscatter sigma-0 but just use waveforms, which is less affected by updating baseline for CryoSat-2. In addition to the development of the algorithms, a scientific research is carried out. Causes for sea ice anomaly phenomenon in November 2016 is investigated. Eventually, sea ice the volume derived by thickness is used for the analysis of sea ice extent minimum in November 2016 and suggest a new insight of sea ice minimum phenomenon. Unlike sea ice extent, the sea ice volume is not a minimum in November 2016. However, since the base period for sea ice volume is short, it is hard to mention climatology of sea ice volume.ope

    Morphological approaches to understanding Antarctic Sea ice thickness

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Oceanographic Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 2020.Sea ice thickness has long been an under-measured quantity, even in the satellite era. The snow surface elevation, which is far easier to measure, cannot be directly converted into sea ice thickness estimates without knowledge or assumption of what proportion of the snow surface consists of snow and ice. We do not fully understand how snow is distributed upon sea ice, in particular around areas with surface deformation. Here, we show that deep learning methods can be used to directly predict snow depth, as well as sea ice thickness, from measurements of surface topography obtained from laser altimetry. We also show that snow surfaces can be texturally distinguished, and that texturally-similar segments have similar snow depths. This can be used to predict snow depth at both local (sub-kilometer) and satellite (25 km) scales with much lower error and bias, and with greater ability to distinguish inter-annual and regional variability than current methods using linear regressions. We find that sea ice thickness can be estimated to ∼20% error at the kilometer scale. The success of deep learning methods to predict snow depth and sea ice thickness suggests that such methods may be also applied to temporally/spatially larger datasets like ICESat-2.This research was funded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration grant numbers NNX15AC69G and 80NSSC20K0972, the US National Science Foundation grant numbers ANT-1341513, ANT-1341606, ANT-1142075 and ANT-1341717, and the WHOI Academic Programs Office

    High Resolution Remote Sensing Observations of Summer Sea Ice

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    During the Arctic summer melt season, the sea ice transitions from a consolidated ice pack with a highly reflective snow-covered surface to a disintegrating unconsolidated pack with melt ponds spotting the ice surface. The albedo of the Arctic decreases by up to 50%, resulting in increased absorption of solar radiation, triggering the positive sea ice albedo feedback that further enhances melting. Summer melt processes occur at a small scale and are required for melt pond parameterization in models and quantifying albedo change. Arctic-wide observations of melt features were however not available until recently. In this work we develop original techniques for the analysis of high-resolution remote sensing observations of summer sea ice. By applying novel algorithms to data acquired from airborne and satellite sensors onboard IceBridge, Sentinel-2, WorldView and ICESat-2, we derive a set of parameters that describe melt conditions on Arctic sea ice in summer. We present a new, pixel-based classification scheme to identify melt features in high-resolution summer imagery. We apply the classification algorithm to IceBridge Digital Mapping System data and find a greater melt pond fraction (25%) on sea ice in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, a region consisting of predominantly first year ice, compared to the Central Arctic, where the melt pond fraction is 14% on predominantly multiyear ice. Expanding the study to observations acquired by the Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument, we track the variability in melt pond fraction and sea ice concentration with time, focusing on the anomalously warm summer of 2020. So as to obtain a three-dimensional view of the evolution of summer melt we also exploit ICESat-2 surface elevation measurements. We develop and apply the Melt Pond Algorithm to track ponds in ICESat-2 photon cloud data and derive their depth. Pond depth measurements in conjunction with melt pond fraction and sea ice concentration provide insights into the regional patterns and temporal evolution of melt on summer sea ice. We found mean melt pond fraction increased rapidly in the beginning of the melt season, peaking at 16% on 24 June 2020, while median pond depths increased steadily from 0.4 m at the beginning of the melt season, to peaking at 0.97 m on 16 July, even as melt pond fraction had begun to decrease. Our findings may be used to improve parameterization of melt processes in models, quantify freshwater storage, and study the partitioning of under ice light