2,737 research outputs found

    A Local-Dominance Theory of Voting Equilibria

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    It is well known that no reasonable voting rule is strategyproof. Moreover, the common Plurality rule is particularly prone to strategic behavior of the voters and empirical studies show that people often vote strategically in practice. Multiple game-theoretic models have been proposed to better understand and predict such behavior and the outcomes it induces. However, these models often make unrealistic assumptions regarding voters' behavior and the information on which they base their vote. We suggest a new model for strategic voting that takes into account voters' bounded rationality, as well as their limited access to reliable information. We introduce a simple behavioral heuristic based on \emph{local dominance}, where each voter considers a set of possible world states without assigning probabilities to them. This set is constructed based on prospective candidates' scores (e.g., available from an inaccurate poll). In a \emph{voting equilibrium}, all voters vote for candidates not dominated within the set of possible states. We prove that these voting equilibria exist in the Plurality rule for a broad class of local dominance relations (that is, different ways to decide which states are possible). Furthermore, we show that in an iterative setting where voters may repeatedly change their vote, local dominance-based dynamics quickly converge to an equilibrium if voters start from the truthful state. Weaker convergence guarantees in more general settings are also provided. Using extensive simulations of strategic voting on generated and real preference profiles, we show that convergence is fast and robust, that emerging equilibria are consistent across various starting conditions, and that they replicate widely known patterns of human voting behavior such as Duverger's law. Further, strategic voting generally improves the quality of the winner compared to truthful voting

    Efficient Black-box Checking of Snapshot Isolation in Databases

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    Snapshot isolation (SI) is a prevalent weak isolation level that avoids the performance penalty imposed by serializability and simultaneously prevents various undesired data anomalies. Nevertheless, SI anomalies have recently been found in production cloud databases that claim to provide the SI guarantee. Given the complex and often unavailable internals of such databases, a black-box SI checker is highly desirable. In this paper we present PolySI, a novel black-box checker that efficiently checks SI and provides understandable counterexamples upon detecting violations. PolySI builds on a novel characterization of SI using generalized polygraphs (GPs), for which we establish its soundness and completeness. PolySI employs an SMT solver and also accelerates SMT solving by utilizing the compact constraint encoding of GPs and domain-specific optimizations for pruning constraints. As demonstrated by our extensive assessment, PolySI successfully reproduces all of 2477 known SI anomalies, detects novel SI violations in three production cloud databases, identifies their causes, outperforms the state-of-the-art black-box checkers under a wide range of workloads, and can scale up to large-sized workloads.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, accepted by PVLD

    The Value of Exact Analysis in Requirements Selection

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    Uncertainty is characterised by incomplete understanding. It is inevitable in the early phase of requirements engineering, and can lead to unsound requirement decisions. Inappropriate requirement choices may result in products that fail to satisfy stakeholders' needs, and might cause loss of revenue. To overcome uncertainty, requirements engineering decision support needs uncertainty management. In this research, we develop a decision support framework METRO for the Next Release Problem (NRP) to manage algorithmic uncertainty and requirements uncertainty. An exact NRP solver (NSGDP) lies at the heart of METRO. NSGDP's exactness eliminates interference caused by approximate existing NRP solvers. We apply NSGDP to three NRP instances, derived from a real world NRP instance, RALIC, and compare with NSGA-II, a widely-used approximate (inexact) technique. We find the randomness of NSGA-II results in decision makers missing up to 99.95% of the optimal solutions and obtaining up to 36:48% inexact requirement selection decisions. The chance of getting an inexact decision using existing approximate approaches is negatively correlated with the implementation cost of a requirement (Spearman ρ up to -0.72). Compared to the inexact existing approach, NSGDP saves 15.21% lost revenue, on average, for the RALIC dataset


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    This qualitative study examined the everyday mathematical experiences and understandings of three, 4-year-old, African-American children from working-class backgrounds. The study drew on Street, Baker, and Tomlin's (2005) broad, ideological model of mathematics as "social" and their analytic concepts of mathematical events (units of analysis consisting of occurrences of mathematical activity) and mathematical practices (patterned uses, meanings, and ways of engaging in mathematics). Mathematical events were examined through four interrelated dimensions that were adapted for this study, constituting the mathematics (content) in and the social aspects (purpose and setting, values and beliefs, and social relations) situating the children's mathematical activities. Characteristics of mathematical events were determined through an analysis across the children's mathematical events. Adapted naturalistic observation methods were used to yield data specifying children's everyday mathematical events within their homes, informal day care setting, and other familiar contexts. An iterative analytic process using inductive analytic procedures was employed to examine and interpret children's mathematical events and to determine characteristics of these events. The three children each engaged in distinct, spontaneous mathematical experiences and understandings that reflected their unique family lives, individual predispositions, and knowledge development. For example, the values of one mother gave rise to many contexts fostering her daughter's nominal, ordinal, and numeric meanings for number. Findings indicated mathematical understandings that are not typically recognized in early childhood mathematics education research and practice and portrayed conditions that fostered children's meaningful engagement in and learning of mathematics. The children's everyday mathematical events tended to: emerge from their intrinsic motivation, involve their pursuit of goal-directed activities or interest in mathematics for its own sake, and promote their purpose-oriented verbal interactions with others. Recognizing the unique, interrelated, and complex social aspects that underlie and support young children's everyday mathematical experiences and understandings, broadening what counts as evidence of mathematical thinking in early childhood, and creating conditions in formal settings that reflect characteristics of children's everyday mathematical events can foster children's continued meaningful engagement in and development of mathematical thinking in early childhood learning environments

    Towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions : models and algorithms for ridesharing and carbon capture and storage

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    Avec la ratification de l'Accord de Paris, les pays se sont engagés à limiter le réchauffement climatique bien en dessous de 2, de préférence à 1,5 degrés Celsius, par rapport aux niveaux préindustriels. À cette fin, les émissions anthropiques de gaz à effet de serre (GES, tels que CO2) doivent être réduites pour atteindre des émissions nettes de carbone nulles d'ici 2050. Cet objectif ambitieux peut être atteint grâce à différentes stratégies d'atténuation des GES, telles que l'électrification, les changements de comportement des consommateurs, l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique des procédés, l'utilisation de substituts aux combustibles fossiles (tels que la bioénergie ou l'hydrogène), le captage et le stockage du carbone (CSC), entre autres. Cette thèse vise à contribuer à deux de ces stratégies : le covoiturage (qui appartient à la catégorie des changements de comportement du consommateur) et la capture et le stockage du carbone. Cette thèse fournit des modèles mathématiques et d'optimisation et des algorithmes pour la planification opérationnelle et tactique des systèmes de covoiturage, et des heuristiques pour la planification stratégique d'un réseau de captage et de stockage du carbone. Dans le covoiturage, les émissions sont réduites lorsque les individus voyagent ensemble au lieu de conduire seuls. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse fournit de nouveaux modèles mathématiques pour représenter les systèmes de covoiturage, allant des problèmes d'affectation stochastique à deux étapes aux problèmes d'empaquetage d'ensembles stochastiques à deux étapes qui peuvent représenter un large éventail de systèmes de covoiturage. Ces modèles aident les décideurs dans leur planification opérationnelle des covoiturages, où les conducteurs et les passagers doivent être jumelés pour le covoiturage à court terme. De plus, cette thèse explore la planification tactique des systèmes de covoiturage en comparant différents modes de fonctionnement du covoiturage et les paramètres de la plateforme (par exemple, le partage des revenus et les pénalités). De nouvelles caractéristiques de problèmes sont étudiées, telles que l'incertitude du conducteur et du passager, la flexibilité de réappariement et la réservation de l'offre de conducteur via les frais de réservation et les pénalités. En particulier, la flexibilité de réappariement peut augmenter l'efficacité d'une plateforme de covoiturage, et la réservation de l'offre de conducteurs via les frais de réservation et les pénalités peut augmenter la satisfaction des utilisateurs grâce à une compensation garantie si un covoiturage n'est pas fourni. Des expériences computationnelles détaillées sont menées et des informations managériales sont fournies. Malgré la possibilité de réduction des émissions grâce au covoiturage et à d'autres stratégies d'atténuation, des études macroéconomiques mondiales montrent que même si plusieurs stratégies d'atténuation des GES sont utilisées simultanément, il ne sera probablement pas possible d'atteindre des émissions nettes nulles d'ici 2050 sans le CSC. Ici, le CO2 est capturé à partir des sites émetteurs et transporté vers des réservoirs géologiques, où il est injecté pour un stockage à long terme. Cette thèse considère un problème de planification stratégique multipériode pour l'optimisation d'une chaîne de valeur CSC. Ce problème est un problème combiné de localisation des installations et de conception du réseau où une infrastructure CSC est prévue pour les prochaines décennies. En raison des défis informatiques associés à ce problème, une heuristique est introduite, qui est capable de trouver de meilleures solutions qu'un solveur commercial de programmation mathématique, pour une fraction du temps de calcul. Cette heuristique comporte des phases d'intensification et de diversification, une génération améliorée de solutions réalisables par programmation dynamique, et une étape finale de raffinement basée sur un modèle restreint. Dans l'ensemble, les contributions de cette thèse sur le covoiturage et le CSC fournissent des modèles de programmation mathématique, des algorithmes et des informations managériales qui peuvent aider les praticiens et les parties prenantes à planifier des émissions nettes nulles.With the ratification of the Paris Agreement, countries committed to limiting global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. To this end, anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (such as CO2) must be reduced to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This ambitious target may be met by means of different GHG mitigation strategies, such as electrification, changes in consumer behavior, improving the energy efficiency of processes, using substitutes for fossil fuels (such as bioenergy or hydrogen), and carbon capture and storage (CCS). This thesis aims at contributing to two of these strategies: ridesharing (which belongs to the category of changes in consumer behavior) and carbon capture and storage. This thesis provides mathematical and optimization models and algorithms for the operational and tactical planning of ridesharing systems, and heuristics for the strategic planning of a carbon capture and storage network. In ridesharing, emissions are reduced when individuals travel together instead of driving alone. In this context, this thesis provides novel mathematical models to represent ridesharing systems, ranging from two-stage stochastic assignment problems to two-stage stochastic set packing problems that can represent a wide variety of ridesharing systems. These models aid decision makers in their operational planning of rideshares, where drivers and riders have to be matched for ridesharing on the short-term. Additionally, this thesis explores the tactical planning of ridesharing systems by comparing different modes of ridesharing operation and platform parameters (e.g., revenue share and penalties). Novel problem characteristics are studied, such as driver and rider uncertainty, rematching flexibility, and reservation of driver supply through booking fees and penalties. In particular, rematching flexibility may increase the efficiency of a ridesharing platform, and the reservation of driver supply through booking fees and penalties may increase user satisfaction through guaranteed compensation if a rideshare is not provided. Extensive computational experiments are conducted and managerial insights are given. Despite the opportunity to reduce emissions through ridesharing and other mitigation strategies, global macroeconomic studies show that even if several GHG mitigation strategies are used simultaneously, achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will likely not be possible without CCS. Here, CO2 is captured from emitter sites and transported to geological reservoirs, where it is injected for long-term storage. This thesis considers a multiperiod strategic planning problem for the optimization of a CCS value chain. This problem is a combined facility location and network design problem where a CCS infrastructure is planned for the next decades. Due to the computational challenges associated with that problem, a slope scaling heuristic is introduced, which is capable of finding better solutions than a state-of-the-art general-purpose mathematical programming solver, at a fraction of the computational time. This heuristic has intensification and diversification phases, improved generation of feasible solutions through dynamic programming, and a final refining step based on a restricted model. Overall, the contributions of this thesis on ridesharing and CCS provide mathematical programming models, algorithms, and managerial insights that may help practitioners and stakeholders plan for net-zero emissions

    Efficient Indexing for Structured and Unstructured Data

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    The collection of digital data is growing at an exponential rate. Data originates from wide range of data sources such as text feeds, biological sequencers, internet traffic over routers, through sensors and many other sources. To mine intelligent information from these sources, users have to query the data. Indexing techniques aim to reduce the query time by preprocessing the data. Diversity of data sources in real world makes it imperative to develop application specific indexing solutions based on the data to be queried. Data can be structured i.e., relational tables or unstructured i.e., free text. Moreover, increasingly many applications need to seamlessly analyze both kinds of data making data integration a central issue. Integrating text with structured data needs to account for missing values, errors in the data etc. Probabilistic models have been proposed recently for this purpose. These models are also useful for applications where uncertainty is inherent in data e.g. sensor networks. This dissertation aims to propose efficient indexing solutions for several problems that lie at the intersection of database and information retrieval such as joining ranked inputs, full-text documents searching etc. Other well-known problems of ranked retrieval and pattern matching are also studied under probabilistic settings. For each problem, the worst-case theoretical bounds of the proposed solutions are established and/or their practicality is demonstrated by thorough experimentation