348 research outputs found

    Robust density modelling using the student's t-distribution for human action recognition

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    The extraction of human features from videos is often inaccurate and prone to outliers. Such outliers can severely affect density modelling when the Gaussian distribution is used as the model since it is highly sensitive to outliers. The Gaussian distribution is also often used as base component of graphical models for recognising human actions in the videos (hidden Markov model and others) and the presence of outliers can significantly affect the recognition accuracy. In contrast, the Student's t-distribution is more robust to outliers and can be exploited to improve the recognition rate in the presence of abnormal data. In this paper, we present an HMM which uses mixtures of t-distributions as observation probabilities and show how experiments over two well-known datasets (Weizmann, MuHAVi) reported a remarkable improvement in classification accuracy. © 2011 IEEE


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    Dental caries are one of the most prevalent chronic diseases. Worldwide 60 to 90 percent of school children and nearly 100 percent of adults experienced dental caries. The management of dental caries demands detection of carious lesions at early stages. The research of designing diagnostic tools in caries has been at peak for the last decade. This research aims to design an automated system to detect and score dental caries according to the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) guidelines using the optical images of the occlusal tooth surface. There have been numerous works that address the problem of caries detection by using new imaging technologies or advanced measurements. However, no such study has been done to detect and score caries with the use of optical images of the tooth surface. The aim of this dissertation is to develop image processing and machine learning algorithms to address the problem of detection and scoring the caries by the use of optical image of the tooth surface

    Novel Texture-based Probabilistic Object Recognition and Tracking Techniques for Food Intake Analysis and Traffic Monitoring

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    More complex image understanding algorithms are increasingly practical in a host of emerging applications. Object tracking has value in surveillance and data farming; and object recognition has applications in surveillance, data management, and industrial automation. In this work we introduce an object recognition application in automated nutritional intake analysis and a tracking application intended for surveillance in low quality videos. Automated food recognition is useful for personal health applications as well as nutritional studies used to improve public health or inform lawmakers. We introduce a complete, end-to-end system for automated food intake measurement. Images taken by a digital camera are analyzed, plates and food are located, food type is determined by neural network, distance and angle of food is determined and 3D volume estimated, the results are cross referenced with a nutritional database, and before and after meal photos are compared to determine nutritional intake. We compare against contemporary systems and provide detailed experimental results of our system\u27s performance. Our tracking systems consider the problem of car and human tracking on potentially very low quality surveillance videos, from fixed camera or high flying \acrfull{uav}. Our agile framework switches among different simple trackers to find the most applicable tracker based on the object and video properties. Our MAPTrack is an evolution of the agile tracker that uses soft switching to optimize between multiple pertinent trackers, and tracks objects based on motion, appearance, and positional data. In both cases we provide comparisons against trackers intended for similar applications i.e., trackers that stress robustness in bad conditions, with competitive results

    Object Recognition

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    Vision-based object recognition tasks are very familiar in our everyday activities, such as driving our car in the correct lane. We do these tasks effortlessly in real-time. In the last decades, with the advancement of computer technology, researchers and application developers are trying to mimic the human's capability of visually recognising. Such capability will allow machine to free human from boring or dangerous jobs

    Analytical fusion of multimodal magnetic resonance imaging to identify pathological states in genetically selected Marchigian Sardinian alcohol-preferring (msP) rats

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    [EN] Alcohol abuse is one of the most alarming issues for the health authorities. It is estimated that at least 23 million of European citizens are affected by alcoholism causing a cost around 270 million euros. Excessive alcohol consumption is related with physical harm and, although it damages the most of body organs, liver, pancreas, and brain are more severally affected. Not only physical harm is associated to alcohol-related disorders, but also other psychiatric disorders such as depression are often comorbiding. As well, alcohol is present in many of violent behaviors and traffic injures. Altogether reflects the high complexity of alcohol-related disorders suggesting the involvement of multiple brain systems. With the emergence of non-invasive diagnosis techniques such as neuroimaging or EEG, many neurobiological factors have been evidenced to be fundamental in the acquisition and maintenance of addictive behaviors, relapsing risk, and validity of available treatment alternatives. Alterations in brain structure and function reflected in non-invasive imaging studies have been repeatedly investigated. However, the extent to which imaging measures may precisely characterize and differentiate pathological stages of the disease often accompanied by other pathologies is not clear. The use of animal models has elucidated the role of neurobiological mechanisms paralleling alcohol misuses. Thus, combining animal research with non-invasive neuroimaging studies is a key tool in the advance of the disorder understanding. As the volume of data from very diverse nature available in clinical and research settings increases, an integration of data sets and methodologies is required to explore multidimensional aspects of psychiatric disorders. Complementing conventional mass-variate statistics, interests in predictive power of statistical machine learning to neuroimaging data is currently growing among scientific community. This doctoral thesis has covered most of the aspects mentioned above. Starting from a well-established animal model in alcohol research, Marchigian Sardinian rats, we have performed multimodal neuroimaging studies at several stages of alcohol-experimental design including the etiological mechanisms modulating high alcohol consumption (in comparison to Wistar control rats), alcohol consumption, and treatment with the opioid antagonist Naltrexone, a well-established drug in clinics but with heterogeneous response. Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging acquisition included Diffusion Tensor Imaging, structural imaging, and the calculation of magnetic-derived relaxometry maps. We have designed an analytical framework based on widely used algorithms in neuroimaging field, Random Forest and Support Vector Machine, combined in a wrapping fashion. Designed approach was applied on the same dataset with two different aims: exploring the validity of the approach to discriminate experimental stages running at subject-level and establishing predictive models at voxel-level to identify key anatomical regions modified during the experiment course. As expected, combination of multiple magnetic resonance imaging modalities resulted in an enhanced predictive power (between 3 and 16%) with heterogeneous modality contribution. Surprisingly, we have identified some inborn alterations correlating high alcohol preference and thalamic neuroadaptations related to Naltrexone efficacy. As well, reproducible contribution of DTI and relaxometry -related biomarkers has been repeatedly identified guiding further studies in alcohol research. In summary, along this research we demonstrate the feasibility of incorporating multimodal neuroimaging, machine learning algorithms, and animal research in the advance of the understanding alcohol-related disorders.[ES] El abuso de alcohol es una de las mayores preocupaciones de las autoridades sanitarias en la Unión Europea. El consumo de alcohol en exceso afecta en mayor o menor medida la totalidad del organismo siendo el páncreas e hígado los más severamente afectados. Además de estos, el sistema nervioso central sufre deterioros relacionados con el alcohol y con frecuencia se presenta en paralelo con otras patologías psiquiátricas como la depresión u otras adicciones como la ludopatía. La presencia de estas comorbidades demuestra la complejidad de la patología en la que multitud de sistemas neuronales interaccionan entre sí. El uso imágenes de resonancia magnética (RM) han ayudado en el estudio de enfermedades psiquiátricas facilitando el descubrimiento de mecanismos neurológicos fundamentales en el desarrollo y mantenimiento de la adicción al alcohol, recaídas y el efecto de los tratamientos disponibles. A pesar de los avances, todavía se necesita investigar más para identificar las bases biológicas que contribuyen a la enfermedad. En este sentido, los modelos animales sirven, por lo tanto, a discriminar aquellos factores únicamente relacionados con el alcohol controlando otros factores que facilitan el desarrollo del alcoholismo. Estudios de resonancia magnética en animales de laboratorio y su posterior evaluación en humanos juegan un papel fundamental en el entendimiento de las patologías psiquatricas como la addicción al alcohol. La imagen por resonancia magnética se ha integrado en entornos clínicos como prueba diagnósticas no invasivas. A medida que el volumen de datos se va incrementando, se necesitan herramientas y metodologías capaces de fusionar información de muy distinta naturaleza y así establecer criterios diagnósticos cada vez más exactos. El poder predictivo de herramientas derivadas de la inteligencia artificial como el aprendizaje automático sirven de complemento a tradicionales métodos estadísticos. En este trabajo se han abordado la mayoría de estos aspectos. Se han obtenido datos multimodales de resonancia magnética de un modelo validado en la investigación de patologías derivadas del consumo del alcohol, las ratas Marchigian-Sardinian desarrolladas en la Universidad de Camerino (Italia) y con consumos de alcohol comparables a los humanos. Para cada animal se han adquirido datos antes y después del consumo de alcohol y bajo dos condiciones de abstinencia (con y sin tratamiento de Naltrexona, una medicaciones anti-recaídas usada como farmacoterapia en el alcoholismo). Los datos de resonancia magnética multimodal consistentes en imágenes de difusión, de relaxometría y estructurales se han fusionado en un esquema analítico multivariable incorporando dos herramientas generalmente usadas en datos derivados de neuroimagen, Random Forest y Support Vector Machine. Nuestro esquema fue aplicado con dos objetivos diferenciados. Por un lado, determinar en qué fase experimental se encuentra el sujeto a partir de biomarcadores y por el otro, identificar sistemas cerebrales susceptibles de alterarse debido a una importante ingesta de alcohol y su evolución durante la abstinencia. Nuestros resultados demostraron que cuando biomarcadores derivados de múltiples modalidades de neuroimagen se fusionan en un único análisis producen diagnósticos más exactos que los derivados de una única modalidad (hasta un 16% de mejora). Biomarcadores derivados de imágenes de difusión y relaxometría discriminan estados experimentales. También se han identificado algunos aspectos innatos que están relacionados con posteriores comportamientos con el consumo de alcohol o la relación entre la respuesta al tratamiento y los datos de resonancia magnética. Resumiendo, a lo largo de esta tesis, se demuestra que el uso de datos de resonancia magnética multimodales en modelos animales combinados en esquemas analíticos multivariados es una herramienta válida en el entendimiento de patologías[CAT] L'abús de alcohol es una de les majors preocupacions per part de les autoritats sanitàries de la Unió Europea. Malgrat la dificultat de establir xifres exactes, se estima que uns 23 milions de europeus actualment sofreixen de malalties derivades del alcoholisme amb un cost que supera els 150.000 milions de euros per a la societat. Un consum de alcohol en excés afecta en major o menor mesura el cos humà sent el pàncreas i el fetge el més afectats. A més, el cervell sofreix de deterioraments produïts per l'alcohol i amb freqüència coexisteixen amb altres patologies com depressió o altres addiccions com la ludopatia. Tot aquest demostra la complexitat de la malaltia en la que múltiple sistemes neuronals interactuen entre si. Tècniques no invasives com el encefalograma (EEG) o imatges de ressonància magnètica (RM) han ajudat en l'estudi de malalties psiquiàtriques facilitant el descobriment de mecanismes neurològics fonamentals en el desenvolupament i manteniment de la addició, recaiguda i la efectivitat dels tractaments disponibles. Tot i els avanços, encara es necessiten més investigacions per identificar les bases biològiques que contribueixen a la malaltia. En aquesta direcció, el models animals serveixen per a identificar únicament dependents del abús del alcohol. Estudis de ressonància magnètica en animals de laboratori i posterior avaluació en humans jugarien un paper fonamental en l' enteniment de l'ús del alcohol. L'ús de probes diagnostiques no invasives en entorns clínics has sigut integrades. A mesura que el volum de dades es incrementa, eines i metodologies per a la fusió d' informació de molt distinta natura i per tant, establir criteris diagnòstics cada vegada més exactes. La predictibilitat de eines desenvolupades en el camp de la intel·ligència artificial com la aprenentatge automàtic serveixen de complement a mètodes estadístics tradicionals. En aquesta investigació se han abordat tots aquestes aspectes. Dades multimodals de ressonància magnètica se han obtingut de un model animal validat en l'estudi de patologies relacionades amb el consum d'alcohol, les rates Marchigian-Sardinian desenvolupades en la Universitat de Camerino (Italià) i amb consums d'alcohol comparables als humans. Per a cada animal es van adquirir dades previs i després al consum de alcohol i dos condicions diferents de abstinència (amb i sense tractament anti-recaiguda). Dades de ressonància magnètica multimodal constituides per imatges de difusió, de relaxometria magnètica i estructurals van ser fusionades en esquemes analítics multivariats incorporant dues metodologies validades en el camp de neuroimatge, Random Forest i Support Vector Machine. Nostre esquema ha sigut aplicat amb dos objectius diferenciats. El primer objectiu es determinar en quina fase experimental es troba el subjecte a partir de biomarcadors obtinguts per neuroimatge. Per l'altra banda, el segon objectiu es identificar el sistemes cerebrals susceptibles de ser alterats durant una important ingesta de alcohol i la seua evolució durant la fase del tractament. El nostres resultats demostraren que l'ús de biomarcadors derivats de varies modalitats de neuroimatge fusionades en un anàlisis multivariat produeixen diagnòstics més exactes que els derivats de una única modalitat (fins un 16% de millora). Biomarcadors derivats de imatges de difusió i relaxometria van contribuir de distints estats experimentals. També s'han identificat aspectes innats que estan relacionades amb posterior preferències d'alcohol o la relació entre la resposta al tractament anti-recaiguda i les dades de ressonància magnètica. En resum, al llarg de aquest treball, es demostra que l'ús de dades de ressonància magnètica multimodal en models animals combinats en esquemes analítics multivariats són una eina molt valida en l'enteniment i avanç de patologies psiquiàtriques com l'alcoholisme.Cosa Liñán, A. (2017). Analytical fusion of multimodal magnetic resonance imaging to identify pathological states in genetically selected Marchigian Sardinian alcohol-preferring (msP) rats [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90523TESI

    Understanding Learning Progressions via Automatic Scoring of Visual Models

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    The modern reliance on technological advances has spurred a focus on improving scientific education. Fueled by this interest, novel methods of testing students’ understanding of scientific concepts have been developed. One of these is visual modeling, an assessment method which allows for non-textual evaluation that incorporates previously difficult factors to test,such as complexity and creativity. Although visual models have been shown to effectively measure conceptual understanding, there has been a logistical barrier of scaling due to the infeasibility of grading large amounts of them by hand. This thesis proposes a system that can solve this issue by automatically grading visual models. A host of unsupervised and supervised computer vision techniques are utilized in order to classify shapes in visual models, extract relevant features, and, ultimately, assign a Learning Progression score to each model. Examples of the techniques used are a novel way to determine the orientation of Arrows and a Cascaded Voting System for shape classification. The results of the automatic grading system proposed in this thesis outperform previous methods and lay the foundation for future improvements. The resulting findings show great promise for directly solving the scaling issue, thereby making visual model assessments a practical tool for widespread use.Master of ScienceData Science, College of Engineering and Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154796/1/Ari Sagherian Final Thesis.pdfDescription of Ari Sagherian Final Thesis.pdf : Thesi

    A comparison-based approach to mispronunciation detection

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 89-92).This thesis focuses on the problem of detecting word-level mispronunciations in nonnative speech. Conventional automatic speech recognition-based mispronunciation detection systems have the disadvantage of requiring a large amount of language-specific, annotated training data. Some systems even require a speech recognizer in the target language and another one in the students' native language. To reduce human labeling effort and for generalization across all languages, we propose a comparison-based framework which only requires word-level timing information from the native training data. With the assumption that the student is trying to enunciate the given script, dynamic time warping (DTW) is carried out between a student's utterance (nonnative speech) and a teacher's utterance (native speech), and we focus on detecting mis-alignment in the warping path and the distance matrix. The first stage of the system locates word boundaries in the nonnative utterance. To handle the problem that nonnative speech often contains intra-word pauses, we run DTW with a silence model which can align the two utterances, detect and remove silences at the same time. In order to segment each word into smaller, acoustically similar, units for a finer-grained analysis, we develop a phoneme-like unit segmentor which works by segmenting the selfsimilarity matrix into low-distance regions along the diagonal. Both phone-level and wordlevel features that describe the degree of mis-alignment between the two utterances are extracted, and the problem is formulated as a classification task. SVM classifiers are trained, and three voting schemes are considered for the cases where there are more than one matching reference utterance. The system is evaluated on the Chinese University Chinese Learners of English (CUCHLOE) corpus, and the TIMIT corpus is used as the native corpus. Experimental results have shown 1) the effectiveness of the silence model in guiding DTW to capture the word boundaries in nonnative speech more accurately, 2) the complimentary performance of the word-level and the phone-level features, and 3) the stable performance of the system with or without phonetic units labeling.by Ann Lee.S.M

    A Multiple Instance Learning Approach to Electrophysiological Muscle Classification for Diagnosing Neuromuscular Disorders Using Quantitative EMG

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    Neuromuscular disorder is a broad term that refers to diseases that impair muscle functionality either by affecting any part of the nerve or muscle. Electrodiagnosis of most neuromuscular disorders is based on the electrophysiological classification of involved muscles which in turn, is performed by inferring the structure and function of the muscles by analyzing electromyographic (EMG) signals recorded during low to moderate levels of contraction. The functional unit of muscle contraction is called a motor unit (MU). The morphology and physiology of the MUs of an examined muscle are inferred by extracting motor unit potentials (MUPs) from the EMG signals detected from the muscle. As such, electrophysiological muscle classification is performed by first characterizing extracted MUPs and then aggregating these characterizations. The task of classifying muscles can be represented as an instance of a multiple instance learning (MIL) problem. In the MIL paradigm, a bag of instances shares a label and the instance labels are hidden, contrary to standard supervised learning, where each training instance is labeled. In MIL-based muscle classification, the instances are the MUPs extracted from the EMG signals of the analyzed muscle and the bag is the muscle. Detecting and counting the MUPs indicating a specific category of a neuromuscular disorder can result in accurately classifying the examined muscle. As such, three major issues usually arise: how to infer MUP labels without full supervision; how the cardinality relationships between MUP labels contribute to predict the muscle label; and how the muscle as a whole entity is classified. In this thesis, these three challenges are addressed. To this end, an MIL-based muscle classification system is proposed that has five major steps: 1) MUPs are represented using morphological, stability, and novel near fiber parameters as well as spectral features extracted from wavelet coefficients. This representation helps to analyze MUPs from a variety of aspects. 2) MUP feature selection using unsupervised similarity preserving Laplacian score which is independent of any learning algorithm. Hence, the features selected in this work can be used in other electrophysiological muscle classification systems. 3) MUP clustering using a novel clustering algorithm called Neighbourhood Distance Entropy Consistency (NDEC) which contributes to solve the traditional problem of finding representations of MUP normality and abnormality and provides a dynamic number of MUP characterization classes which will be used instead of the conventional three classes (i.e. normal, myopathic, and neurogenic). This clustering was performed to highlight the effects of disease on both fiber spatial distributions and fiber diameter distributions, which lead to a continuity of MUP characteristics. These clusters can potentially represent several concepts of MUP normality and abnormality. 4) Muscle representation by embedding its MUP cluster associations in a feature vector, and 5) Muscle classification using support vector machines or random forests. Quantitative results obtained by applying the proposed method to four electrophysiologically different groups of muscles including proximal arm, proximal leg, distal arm, and distal leg show the superior and stable performance of the proposed muscle classification system compared to previous works. Additionally, modelling electrophysiological muscle classification as an instance of the MIL can solve the traditional problem of characterizing MUPs without full supervision. The proposed clustering algorithm in this work, can be used as an effective technique in other pattern recognition and medical diagnostic systems in which discovering natural clusters within data is a necessity


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    Biometrics-Unique and Diverse Applications in Nature, Science, and Technology provides a unique sampling of the diverse ways in which biometrics is integrated into our lives and our technology. From time immemorial, we as humans have been intrigued by, perplexed by, and entertained by observing and analyzing ourselves and the natural world around us. Science and technology have evolved to a point where we can empirically record a measure of a biological or behavioral feature and use it for recognizing patterns, trends, and or discrete phenomena, such as individuals' and this is what biometrics is all about. Understanding some of the ways in which we use biometrics and for what specific purposes is what this book is all about
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