2,379 research outputs found

    Genetic algorithm optimization and control system design of flexible structures

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    This paper presents an investigation into the deployment of genetic algorithm (GA)-based controller design and optimization for vibration suppression in flexible structures. The potential of GA is explored in three case studies. In the first case study, the potential of GA is demonstrated in the development and optimization of a hybrid learning control scheme for vibration control of flexible manipulators. In the second case study, an active control mechanism for vibration suppression of flexible beam structures using GA optimization technique is proposed. The third case study presents the development of an effective adaptive command shaping control scheme for vibration control of a twin rotor system, where GA is employed to optimize the amplitudes and time locations of the impulses in the proposed control algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed control schemes is verified in both an experimental and a simulation environment, and their performances are assessed in both the time and frequency domains

    Distributed importance-based fuzzy logic controllers for flexible link manipulators

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    This research studies the design and tuning of the distributed importance-based fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs) for two dynamic systems: a single-link flexible manipulator and a two-link rigid-flexible manipulator. The importance analysis algorithm is introduced in the structure design of a FLC. The fuzzy rules for the former system are written based on observing the system behaviors. The fuzzy rules for the latter are selected to mimic the performance of the comparable linear controllers. A Modified Nelder and Mead Simplex Algorithm is used to tune the parameters of the membership functions in the distributed importance-based FLC. The tuned distributed importance-based FLC for the single-link flexible manipulator is compared with a linear quadratic regulator and the tuned distributed PD-like FLC. Similarly, the tuned distributed importance-based FLC for the two-link rigid-flexible manipulator is compared with the tuned importance-based linear controller and the tuned distributed PD-like FLC. The robustness of each tuned controller is tested under different conditions

    Review of Intelligent Control Systems with Robotics

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    Interactive between human and robot assumes a significant job in improving the productivity of the instrument in mechanical technology. Numerous intricate undertakings are cultivated continuously via self-sufficient versatile robots. Current automated control frameworks have upset the creation business, making them very adaptable and simple to utilize. This paper examines current and up and coming sorts of control frameworks and their execution in mechanical technology, and the job of AI in apply autonomy. It additionally expects to reveal insight into the different issues around the control frameworks and the various approaches to fix them. It additionally proposes the basics of apply autonomy control frameworks and various kinds of mechanical technology control frameworks. Each kind of control framework has its upsides and downsides which are talked about in this paper. Another kind of robot control framework that upgrades and difficulties the pursuit stage is man-made brainpower. A portion of the speculations utilized in man-made reasoning, for example, Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as fuzzy logic, neural network and genetic algorithm, are itemized in this paper. At long last, a portion of the joint efforts between mechanical autonomy, people, and innovation were referenced. Human coordinated effort, for example, Kinect signal acknowledgment utilized in games and versatile upper-arm-based robots utilized in the clinical field for individuals with inabilities. Later on, it is normal that the significance of different sensors will build, accordingly expanding the knowledge and activity of the robot in a modern domai

    Study of Motion Control of A Flexible Link

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    20th century has witnessed massive upsurge in the use of manipulators in several industries especially in space, defense, and medical industries. Among the types of manipulators used, single link manipulators are the most widely used. A single link robotic manipulator is nothing but a link controlled by an actuator to carry out a particular function such as placing a payload from point A to point B. For low power requirements single link manipulators are made up of light weight materials which require flexibility considerations.Flexibility makes the dynamics of the link heavily non-linear which induces vibrations and overshoot. In this project initially the dynamic model of rigid flexible manipulator is explained, then the state space model of the manipulator system is incorporated into MATLAB. The link flexibility is studied by a single beam FEmodel, where expressions for kinetic and potential energyare employed to derive the torqueequation.The 3 flexible link equations are coupled in terms of 3 variables, θ, Ø and v. The tip angle is finally given aslvfor flexible case whereas for the rigid manipulator the tip angle is same as the hub angle θ. Thereforeaccurate computation of v is very important. The joint flexibility is excluded from analysis.Several comparisons were made between the rigid and flexible link for torque requirement. The relation between the trajectory and hub angle is also plotted in a graph.Finally a PD controller taking the errors and its derivative is designed based on the rigid link dynamics

    GA-based neural fuzzy control of flexible-link manipulators

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    The limitations of conventional model-based control mechanisms for flexible manipulator systems have stimulated the development of intelligent control mechanisms incorporating fuzzy logic and neural networks. Problems have been encountered in applying the traditional PD-, PI-, and PID-type fuzzy controllers to flexible-link manipulators. A PD-PI-type fuzzy controller has been developed where the membership functions are adjusted by tuning the scaling factors using a neural network. Such a network needs a sufficient number of neurons in the hidden layer to approximate the nonlinearity of the system. A simple realisable network is desirable and hence a single neuron network with a nonlinear activation function is used. It has been demonstrated that the sigmoidal function and its shape can represent the nonlinearity of the system. A genetic algorithm is used to learn the weights, biases and shape of the sigmoidal function of the neural network


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    Endpoint residual vibrations and oscillations due to flexible and rigid body motions are big challenges in control of single link flexible manipulators, it makes positioning of payload difficult especially when using various payloads. This paper present output based input shaping with two different control algorithms for optimal control of single link flexible manipulators. Output based filter (OBF) is designed using the signal output of the system and then incorporated with both linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and PID separately for position and residual vibration control. The Robustness of these control algorithms are tested by changing the payloads from 0g to30g, 50g and 70g in each case. Based on MATLAB simulation results and time response analysis, LQR-OBF outperformed the PID-OBF in both tracking and vibration reduction

    Neural Network Learning Algorithms for High-Precision Position Control and Drift Attenuation in Robotic Manipulators

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    In this paper, different learning methods based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are examined to replace the default speed controller for high-precision position control and drift attenuation in robotic manipulators. ANN learning methods including Levenberg–Marquardt and Bayesian Regression are implemented and compared using a UR5 robot with six degrees of freedom to improve trajectory tracking and minimize position error. Extensive simulation and experimental tests on the identification and control of the robot by means of the neural network controllers yield comparable results with respect to the classical controller, showing the feasibility of the proposed approach