Distributed importance-based fuzzy logic controllers for flexible link manipulators


This research studies the design and tuning of the distributed importance-based fuzzy logic controllers (FLCs) for two dynamic systems: a single-link flexible manipulator and a two-link rigid-flexible manipulator. The importance analysis algorithm is introduced in the structure design of a FLC. The fuzzy rules for the former system are written based on observing the system behaviors. The fuzzy rules for the latter are selected to mimic the performance of the comparable linear controllers. A Modified Nelder and Mead Simplex Algorithm is used to tune the parameters of the membership functions in the distributed importance-based FLC. The tuned distributed importance-based FLC for the single-link flexible manipulator is compared with a linear quadratic regulator and the tuned distributed PD-like FLC. Similarly, the tuned distributed importance-based FLC for the two-link rigid-flexible manipulator is compared with the tuned importance-based linear controller and the tuned distributed PD-like FLC. The robustness of each tuned controller is tested under different conditions

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